10 research outputs found

    La Enfermedad Cel铆aca

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    La Enfermedad Cel铆aca (EC) es la intolerancia alimentaria de orden gen茅tico m谩s frecuente de la especie humana. En nuestro Servicio de Gastroenterolog铆a hemos diagnosticado m谩s de 1900 casos en los 煤ltimos 34 a帽os, y 92 y 73 nuevos casos en los a帽os 2004 y 2005, respectivamente. La EC es el resultado de la interacci贸n entre factores gen茅ticos (constante absoluta) expresados en la mucosa intestinal y la respuesta inmune (constante relativa) por una parte, y factores ambientales y culturales (variable absoluta), como el consumo de trigo en cantidades impensables para la especie humana hace no m谩s de 5.000 a帽os. La hip贸tesis etiopatog茅nica m谩s aceptada y extendida de la EC es que resultar铆a de una respuesta inmune peculiar de la mucosa intestinal al gluten del TACC. En esta revisi贸n analizamos los aspectos hist贸ricos de la enfermedad as铆 como informaci贸n sobre la patogenia y la forma actual de reconocer las caracter铆sticas cl铆nicas, de laboratorio, histopatol贸gicas y de tratamiento de la misma. Tambi茅n se analizan la fisiopatolog铆a y la experiencia de nuestro grupo, haciendo especial 茅nfasis en el espectro de las enfermedades asociadas.Celiac disease (CD) is the most frequent human genetic food intolerance. In our Gastroenterology Unit we have diagnosed more than 1900 cases in the last 34 years, 92 and 73 new cases in years 2004 and 2005, respectively. CD results from the interaction of genetic factors expressed in the bowel mucosa and immune response on one side and cultural and environmental factors such as the use of extremely large amounts of wheat as food by human beings in the last 5,000 years. The most widely accepted etiopathegenetic hypothesis is that CD results form a peculiar immune response of bowel mucosa to the gluten of wheat ant related grains. In this review we analyze historical data as well as information regarding pathogenesis, up-to-date clinical, laboratory, and histopathological features and treatment modalities of CD. We also present data about the fisiopathology of CD and our experience emphasizing particularly the range of associated diseases

    Evaluaci贸n de un suplemento probi贸tico en la recuperaci贸n nutricional de pacientes cel铆acos sometidos a una dieta SIN TACC

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    Se presentan los resultados del progreso de peso de 45 pacientes cel铆acos de reciente diagn贸stico bajo dieta SIN TACC (sin trigo, avena, cebada y centeno), a 23 de los cuales se les agreg贸 un suplemento probi贸tico; 22 sirvieron de grupo control. Se analizaron tambi茅n aspectos ambientales y culturales. Si bien el mayor incremento de peso se observ贸 en el grupo que recibi贸 suplemento en la etapa de la recuperaci贸n nutricional, este progreso no mostr贸 diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas. Creemos que el probi贸tico, la dosis diaria indicada y el tiempo de administraci贸n deben ser variables a estudiar en un futuro pr贸ximo. Los grupos fueron similares para otras variables potencialmente confundentes.We are presenting the results of adding probiotics to a group of 23 out of 45 recently diagnosed, previously untreated, celiac patients. All were under gluten-free diet. All the patients were investigated upon their socio-cultural habitat as to not to attribute the success of failure of the therapy to that conditions. Although the group receiving the supplementary probiotic diet showed more weight gain, the difference with the other group was not statistically significant. We speculate that the type of probiotic, the daily doses, and the length of time if its administration as variables which should be studied in future trials

    Evaluaci贸n ponderal de tres alternativas terap茅uticas en ni帽os con diarrea cr贸nica y desnutrici贸n: dieta, hidrolizados y probi贸ticos

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    Se presenta la evoluci贸n cl铆nica de tres grupos de pacientes desnutridos con diarrea cr贸nica en los que se descartaron entidades espec铆ficas y que fueron sometidos tres alternativas terap茅uticas: dieta hipofermentativa, hidrolizados de leche de vaca y probi贸tico de uso farmacol贸gico, con un control ponderal durante tres meses. Si bien no hubo diferencias significativas en cuanto al progreso de peso, s铆 las hubo en cuanto a costos. Palabras clave: alergia a la leche de vaca, desnutrici贸n, diarrea cr贸nica, hidrolizado, probi贸tico.We are reporting the clinical evolution pattern of three groups of patients with chronic diarrhea not related to specific entities, submitted to three alternative diets, namely hypofermentative diet, cow mil hydrolisates, and probiotics. The patient麓s weight was followed for three months. Although there were not significative differences in weight gain, there were indeed as to the costs

    The falling in love of Florio and Biancifiore: digital edition of an extract from Boccaccio's Filocolo (MS. Canon. Ital. 28, fols. 18v-21v)

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    This data set consists of 7 image files in PNG format, and an XML file. These files were created as part of a Digital Editions course, run by the Taylor Institution Library, during Hilary Term 2021. The course required participants to create a digitised version of a printed text. This text is fols. 18v-21v from MS. Canon. Ital. 28. The images of the original text were provided by the Weston Library's special collections scans service. The XML file included here contains an encoded transcription of the original text, created and edited using Oxygen XML Editor, according to Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines

    Threads of Hope: Chilean arpilleras

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