131 research outputs found

    A nonlocal model of the Yukawa and dipole interactions

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    The square-root nonlocal quantum electrodynamics

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    Torus theory

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    Stable coin- shadow banking risks and legal challenges : [abstract]

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    Analyzing Definitions of Terms in Terms of Standard Requirements

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    In every field of science, technology, and social economy, it is necessary to develop, regulate, and uniformly standardize hundreds of terms that name new knowledge, new products, and services. Thus, the role and importance of terminology in Mongolian standards is increasing more and more. It is said that about 550 of the 6747 standards in Mongolia are terminology standards. In addition, other standards have terms and definitions within them. Within the framework of the basic research project, this article aims to analyze whether the definitions of standardized terms have been developed in accordance with the terminology standards in terms of content and form. According to the research, the entry of definitions of terms does not have a unified standard, and there are many errors in content and form. We have put forward suggestions on how to solve these problems. Нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолтыг стандарт шаардлагын үүднээс задлан шинжлэх нь (МУ-ын стандартчилсан нэр томьёоны жишээгээр) Хураангуй: Шинжлэх ухаан, технологи, нийгэм эдийн засгийн салбар бүрд шинэ мэдлэг, шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээг нэрлэсэн олон зуун нэр томьёог боловсруулах, журамлах, жигдлэн стандартчилах шаардлагатай болсон. Үүнтэй уялдан Монгол Улсын стандартад нэр томьёоны үүрэг, ач холбогдол улам бүр ихсэж байна. Монгол Улсад хүчин төгөлдөр мөрдөж буй 6747 стандартын 550 орчим нь нэр томьёоны стандарт байна. Үүнээс гадна бусад стандарт ч дотроо нэр томьёо, тодорхойлолттой байдаг. Энэхүү өгүүлэл нь дээрх хэрэгцээ шаардлагыг хангах зорилгоор гүйцэтгэж буй суурь судалгааны төслийн хүрээнд стандарт дахь нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолтуудыг нэр томьёоны стандартын дагуу боловсруулагдсан эсэхийг агуулгын болон хэлбэрийн талаас нь шинжлэн судлахыг зорьсон болно. Судалгаанаас үзэхэд, нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолтын бичилт нь нэгдсэн стандартгүй, агуулга, хэлбэрийн хувьд алдаа дутагдал их байна. Бид эдгээр асуудлыг хэрхэн шийдвэрлэх талаар саналаа дэвшүүлсэн болно.Түлхүүр үг: нэр томьёоны стандарт шаардлага, тодорхойлолт, ухагдахуун, агуулга, хэлбэ

    UV-finite scalar field theory with unitarity

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    In this paper we show how to define the UV completion of a scalar field theory such that it is both UV-finite and perturbatively unitary. In the UV completed theory, the propagator is an infinite sum of ordinary propagators. To eliminate the UV divergences, we choose the coefficients and masses in the propagator to satisfy certain algebraic relations, and define the infinite sums involved in Feynman diagram calculation by analytic continuation. Unitarity can be proved relatively easily by Cutkosky's rules. The theory is equivalent to infinitely many particles with specific masses and interactions. We take the ϕ4\phi^4 theory as an example and demonstrate our idea through explicit Feynman diagram computation.Comment: 14 pages, references adde

    Quasirelativistic quasilocal finite wave-function collapse model

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    A Markovian wave function collapse model is presented where the collapse-inducing operator, constructed from quantum fields, is a manifestly covariant generalization of the mass density operator utilized in the nonrelativistic Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) wave function collapse model. However, the model is not Lorentz invariant because two such operators do not commute at spacelike separation, i.e., the time-ordering operation in one Lorentz frame, the "preferred" frame, is not the time-ordering operation in another frame. However, the characteristic spacelike distance over which the commutator decays is the particle's Compton wavelength so, since the commutator rapidly gets quite small, the model is "almost" relativistic. This "QRCSL" model is completely finite: unlike previous, relativistic, models, it has no (infinite) energy production from the vacuum state. QRCSL calculations are given of the collapse rate for a single free particle in a superposition of spatially separated packets, and of the energy production rate for any number of free particles: these reduce to the CSL rates if the particle's Compton wavelength is small compared to the model's distance parameter. One motivation for QRCSL is the realization that previous relativistic models entail excitation of nuclear states which exceeds that of experiment, whereas QRCSL does not: an example is given involving quadrupole excitation of the 74^{74}Ge nucleus.Comment: 10 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Reliability Supporting of Relay Protection for 110kV Transmission Line with High-load and Short-distance in a Ring Network

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    As part of its mandate to meet the increasing electricity demands of Ulaanbaatar while ensuring uninterrupted, reliable, and high-quality energy supply, the National Power Transmission Grid (NPTG) takes on the responsibility of expanding, revamping, and maintaining power transmission infrastructure, including lines, substations, and equipment. In order to enhance overall reliability, this expansion necessitates seamless integration of old and new systems. Implementing advanced technical solutions becomes imperative in order to meet these challenges. The city center, newly developed residential areas, and major consumers have been strategically located in close proximity to new transmission and distribution substations. As a result of 110 kV high-load circuit networks connecting these substations, a critical issue relates to the selectivity of short-distance lines. A relay protection solution has been explored for 110 kV high-load short-distance lines in this research, and its impact on the dynamic stability of the power system has been evaluated

    Statistical Origin of Quantum Mechanics

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    The one particle quantum mechanics is considered in the frame of a N-body classical kinetics in the phase space. Within this framework, the scenario of a subquantum structure for the quantum particle, emerges naturally, providing an ontological support to the orthodox quantum mechanics. This approach to quantum mechanics, constitutes a deductive and direct method which, in a self-consistent scheme of a classical kinetics, allows us: i) to obtain the probabilistic nature of the quantum description and to interpret the wave function ψ\psi according to the Copenhagen school; ii) to derive the quantum potential and then the Schr\"odinger equation; iii) to calculate the values of the physical observables as mean values of the associated quantum operators; iv) to obtain the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physica