287 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to formulate controlled release microspheres of metronidazole using natural polymer egg albumin. Methods: In this study egg albumin microspheres loaded with metronidazole were prepared by chemical cross linking method with help of glutarldehyde as cross-linking agent. Microspheres were prepared by using different drug/polymer ratios. Egg albumin was used as a release retarding agent in the formulation to get controlled release of metronidazole. Results: The drug-excipients compatibility studies reveal that there is no physical change observed in the drug and egg albumin mixture. Microspheres were found to be spherical, with porous outer skins and quite smooth surfaces when viewed microscopically. Best Results of the carr's index, hausner's ratio as well as angle of repose of the M5 batch were 10.2%, 1.11 and 35.37 respectively Maximum Drug entrapment efficiency (78%) and % yield (94%) was obtained with formulation M5. Drug release for the batch M5 (drug: polymer ratio–1:4) was 77.09% upto 10 h. Conclusion: The hypothesis of this research work i.e. Controlled drug release by using natural biodegradable polymer was well promoted by results of its evaluation. The in vitro release studies showed that drug release was controlled (best with M5 formulation) for more than 10 h. This study reveals the utility of microspheres in extanding the drug release. This may in turn reduces the dosage frequency, thereby improving the patient compliance


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    Objective: The aim of current work was to assess the total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of different extracts of four Cheilanthes sp.: Cheilanthes farinosa (Forssk.) Kaulf,Cheilanthes anceps Sw,Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm.f.) Sw, and Cheilanthes albomarginata Clarke which is collected from Northern Western Ghats of India. Methods: Analysis of the scavenging activity using 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ferric reducing power assays and N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylendiamine (DMPD) radical cation decolorization assay. Results: Cheilanthes sp. whole plant with rhizome was analyzed for total flavonoids content (TFC) and phenolic content (TPC). The ethyl alcohol and water are the best solvents for the extracting phenols and flavonoids from the Cheilanthes sp.whole plant with rhizome (CSWPR).The antioxidant activities of Cheilanthes sp.whole plant with rhizome extracts were a positive correlation between total flavonoids and phenolic content capacity and observed DPPH radical scavenging activity based on these results, the result signifies that the potentiality Cheilanthes sp.whole plant with rhizome is one of the natural sources of antioxidant compounds. Conclusion: We have reported in this study the cheilanthes species from whole plant with rhizome powder possess good antioxidant properties as well as their potential antioxidant capacity against DPPH radical, ferric reducing power and DMPD radical. Cheilanthes species whole plant with rhizome is a rich source of Phytochemicals including total antioxidant and phenolic compounds and it offers to the development of value-added products from Cheilanthes species whole plants so enhance today's opportunities in nutraceuticals and food applications for Human Health

    Image Enhancement Based on Histogram Equalization with Linear Perception Neural Network Method

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    Image enhancement poses a formidable challenge in low-level image processing. While various strategies, such as histogram equalisation, multipoint histogram equalisations, and picture element-dependent contrast preservation, have been employed, the efficacy of these approaches has not consistently met expectations. In response, this paper proposes a novel image enhancement method based on a linear perception neural network, demonstrating superior results in contrast improvement with brightness preservation. The proposed method leverages the interdependence of image components through a linear perceptron network, incorporating curvelet transform for image transformation into a multi-resolution mode. This transformative approach identifies component differences in picture elements, establishing a dependency characteristic matrix as a weight vector for the perceptron network. The perceptron network dynamically adjusts the weights of input image values, enhancing contrast while preserving brightness. Extensive testing of the image interdependence linear perception neural network method for contrast improvement has been conducted on multiple images. To quantify brightness preservation, comparative analysis with existing image enhancement strategies, such as histogram equalisation, was performed using Absolute Mean Brightness Error (AMBE) metrics. A smaller AMBE value indicates better preservation, while the Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) was employed to measure contrast improvement, with higher PSNR values indicating superior results. The proposed method (LPNNM) was rigorously evaluated against the conventional histogram equalisation (HE) technique for image enhancement. The results demonstrated that the LPNNM method outperforms HE in terms of both brightness preservation (as indicated by AMBE) and contrast improvement (as indicated by PSNR). This research contributes a robust and effective solution to the challenge of image enhancement, offering a more advanced alternative to existing methodologies

    Human Development Index (HDI): A Case study of Aasgaon Village, Dist- Satara, Maharashtra, India

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    The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary composite index that measures average achievement of particular nation in three basic aspects of human development. These aspects are popularly known as (1) A long and healthy life. (2) Knowledge (3) A decent standard of living. This research paper focus on HDI of Aasgaon- a small & popular village of satara district of Maharashtra state, which is role model for rural development and self sufficiency. The village has achieved success because of its social transformation with the help & active participation of local people, especially women. Key words: HDI, Life expectancy index, Education index, Adult literacy index, Gross enrollment index, GDP index

    Medical management versus surgical management in fibroid uterus

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    Background: Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) are most common tumours of the uterine smooth muscles, appear to increase in incidence with age during reproductive years, with a peak in incidence between 35 to 40 years. Signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids include heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, pain and pregnancy complications. Current management strategies mainly involve surgical interventions, but choice of treatment is guided by patient’s age and desire to preserve fertility or avoid ‘radical’ surgery such as hysterectomy.Methods: It is the prospective observational study conducted in inpatients of department of OBGY at tertiary care hospital, admitted during the period of June 2019 to May 2021. Outcome measured in terms of relief of symptoms, decrease in size of fibroid, requiring subsequent surgery, quality of life, blood transfusion requirements, length of stay in hospital, successful pregnanciesResults: Of patients treated with ulipristal, 78.57% had improved quality of life, in patients treated with leuprolide, 57.14% showed improved quality of life, with mifepristone 80% patients showed improved quality of life and with LNG 100% patients responded to it. All patients treated surgically, showed relief of symptoms.Conclusions: Medical line of management is best for patients in younger age group, small size fibroid, desire for future fertility. Uterus sparing option like myomectomy is done in patients not responding to medical line of management and desire for future fertility. Hysterectomy is definitive line of management for patients with fibroid uterus

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    1,1-enediamines and β-substituted enamines in heterocyclic synthesis

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    The work in this thesis mainly deals with l,l-enediamines and ~ -substituted enamines (push-pull olefines) and their reactions, leading to the formation of a number of heterocycles. Various ~-substituted enamines were prepared by a 'one pot synthesis' in which a l,l-enediamine presumably acts as an intermediate. These enamines, various substituted crotonamides and propenamides, were made by using two different orthoesters, various secondary and primary amines and cyanoacetamide. Their structures, mechanism of formation and geometry are discussed. A synthetic route to various unsymmetrically substituted pyridines was examined. Two substituted pyridinones were obtained by using two different ~-substituted enamines and cyanoacetamide. In one case a dihydropyridine was isolated. This dihydropyridine, on heating in acidic conditions, gave a pyridinone, which confirmed this dihydropyridine as an intermediate in this pyridine synthesis. A new synthetic method was used to make highly substituted pyridinones, which involved the reaction of l,l-enediamines with the ~-substituted enamines. A one pot synthesis and an interrupted one pot synthesis were used to make these pyridinones. Two different orthoesters and three different secondary amines were used. Serendipitous formation of a pyrimidinone was observed when pyrrolidine was used as the secondary amine and triethyl orthopropionate was used as the orthoester. In all cases cyanoacetamide was used as the carbon acid. This pyridine synthesis was designed with aI, l-enediamine as the Michael donor and the ~ -substituted enamines as Michael acceptors. Substituted ureas were obtained in two cases, which was a surprise. Some pyrimidines were made by reacting two substituted enamines with two different amidines. When benzamidine was used, the expected pyrimidines were obtained. But, when 2-benzyl-2-thiopseudourea (which is also an amidine) was used, of the two expected pyrimidines, only one was obtained. In the other case, an additional substitution reaction took place in which the S-benzyl group was lost. An approach to quinazolone and benzothiadiazine synthesis is discussed. Two compounds were made from 1, I-dimorpholinoethen

    Tolerance intervals and confidence intervals for the scale parameter of Pareto-Rayleigh distribution

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    In this paper we consider interval estimation in Pareto-Rayleigh distribution as an example of a Transformed-Transformer family of distribution defined by Alzaatreh et. al (2012). We construct confidence intervals (CIs) and tolerance intervals (TIs) using generalized variable (GV) approach by using maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and modified maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE) as the likelihood equations are intractable (Tiku and Suresh (1992)). Performances of both intervals are studied using simulation and compared them with existing ones to check superiority of the proposed method. The confidence intervals and tolerance intervals are illustrated through real life data