648 research outputs found

    According to the Turkish archive resources: helps of Hungarians to the ottoman redcrescent association during the First World War : Yücel Namal

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    Hungarians have helped to the Red Crescent Association during the First World War as being during the Balkans War. The Ottoman Red Crescent Association had bought the health and medical stuffs (gaseous hydrophilic, cotton hydrophilic, stretcher, dressing packages, gauze bandage, antipyretic) from Hungary many times during the First World War. During the War, the health care teams, consisting of the Hungarian physicians, nurses and caregivers had served to the Ottoman Red Crescent Association in Istanbul and other Ottoman cities. In addition, since Turks and Hungarians were traditional and historical friends, and the Hungarians were allies during the First World War, in order that Hungarians presented their appreciation, they had passed the hat in many Hungarian cities and had donated it to the Ottoman Red Crescent Association. The Hungarian Prime Minister, Count István Tisza, had provided the significant encouragement and support for passing the hat. The municipal committees of the Hungarian cities (Esztergom, Fejer, Nagy Varad and Györ) presented their sincere greetings to the Ottoman nation that was the loyal ally of Hungarian nation, and the greetings from Istanbul city was also presented to the Hungarian brothers. The aids from Hungarians to the Ottoman Red Crescent were encouraged through the announcements in the Hungarian newspapers. Furthermore, the aids to the Ottoman Red Crescent were increased gradually through the concerts and exhibitions that were organized by the Hungarians. The Hungarians stated especially that these aids were provided by the Hungarian people, the Austria should have been exempted due to the dual monarchy and it should have been stated in the announcements for appreciating in the newspapers that the aids were provided by Hungarians only. During the War, the Hungarians helped to the Turks as if competing with Austria. In this case, the Ottoman Government thanked the Hungarians who helped to the Red Crescent Association by awarding the medals

    Quantitative Analysis of Tap Water and Commercial Water Hardness Using Lime Soda Method

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    Water hardness is important to fish culture and is a commonly reported to be an aspect of water quality. It is a measure of the quantity of divalent ions such as calcium, magnesium and/or iron in water. The present study aimed to answer the question “Do tap water and commercial water have differences in their hardness?” A brief research on water hardness revealed that there were many water brands containing different levels of hardness and those levels of hardness differed from tap water. In this study, two commercial water brands that are thought to have different levels of hardness were chosen to analyze. Their hardness were analyzed and measured using EDTA titration method. Results of their hardness in the unit of French hardness degree were compared. Water from tap water were found to have more hardness compared to other commercial water. Remaining two, including Dinç Su and Saka, were softer than tap water compared their hardnesses in the unit of French hardness degree. Between these two commercial waters, the most reliable one was Dinç Su because of its softness. According to the reputation of Saka water of being high quality, I have thought Saka was softer than Dinç Su before the experiment. But according to the results of this study, the hardness was less in Dinç Su following Saka and tap water in their hardness respectively

    Chemically Modified Electrodes for Detection of Pesticides

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    Türkiye'de Kalkınma Ajanslarının istihdam sağlama açısından analizi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.1930 yılında Amerika'nın Tennessee eyaletinde ilki kurulan bölgesel kalkınma ajansları, II. Dünya Savaşından sonra Avrupa'da değişen kalkınma teori ve politikalarının etkisiyle, önce Batı Avrupa ülkelerinde, daha sonra AB üyelik süreci ile Doğu Avrupa ülkelerinde ve dünyanın birçok gelişmekte olan ülkesinde kurulmuş ve yaygınlaşmıştır. Kalkınma ajansları, Türkiye'nin gündemine AB üyelik sürecinde hazırlanan 2003 Yılı Katılım Ortaklığı Belgesi ile girmiştir. 2006 yılında çıkarılan kuruluş kanunu ile Türkiye'de 2 pilot kalkınma ajansı kurulmuş, daha sonra 2008 ve 2009 yıllarında çıkarılan iki farklı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı (BKK) ile Türkiye'nin 26 Düzey 2 Bölgesinin tamamında kalkınma ajansların kuruluşu gerçekleştirilmiştir. 2010 yılı sonunda fiziki donanım ve personel alım prosedürlerini gerçekleştiren ajansların tamamı, ilk bölge planlarını hazırlayarak, hizmet ettikleri bölgelerde aktif olarak faaliyetlerine başlamışlardır. Kuruldukları tarihten itibaren, Türkiye'nin gündeminde yoğun olarak tartışılan kalkınma ajanslarının, günümüze kadar gerçekleştirdikleri faaliyetlerinin, kuruluş kanununun gerekçesindeki hedeflere ulaşıp ulaşamadıkları konusu ise hala bir netlik kazanmamıştır.Ajansların, bölgeler arası gelişmişlik farklarını azaltma ve bölgesel kalkınmayı gerçekleştirme görevlerini yerine getirirken, günümüz kalkınma anlayışı içerisinde önemli bir yeri olan yeni istihdam alanları sağlayarak, işsizliği önleyebilmeleri büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin en büyük sorunu olan işsizliğin önlenmesi kapsamında, ajansların uyguladığı mali destek programlarının yeni istihdam sağlama konusunda etkin olup olmadıkları ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada, ajansların 2011-2014 yılları arasında uygulamış oldukları programlar sonucunda ortaya çıkan veriler, Veri Zarflama Analizi Yöntemi ile analiz edilmiş ve etkin olmayan ajansların potansiyel iyileştirme oranları ve referans ajansları belirlenmiş, bu ajansların etkin olabilmeleri için öneriler getirilmiştir.Regional development agencies, the first of which was established in Tennessee in the USA in 1930, were first established in the Western European countries after World War II with the changing development theories and policies in Europe and later, expanded to the Eastern European countries with the EU accession process and many other developing countries around the World. The development agencies entered to the agenda of Turkey with the 2003 accession partnership document that was prepared within the scope of the EU membership process. With the law of establishment that was introduced in 2006, two pilot development agencies were established in Turkey. Later, with two different decree of the council of ministers issued in 2008 and 2009, development agencies were established in 26 level 2 regions in Turkey. By the end of 2010, all the agencies that completed their physical equipment and staff recruitment procedures prepared their first regional plans and actively started their activities in the regions they operate. Whether the activities of the development agencies, which have been on Turkey's agenda since they wereestablished, reached the objectives set in the law of establishment is still not clear. While fulfilling their responsibility of reducing the developmental gaps among the regions and ensuring regional development, it is also important that development agencies provide new employment areas and thus, prevent unemployment. Within the scope of preventing unemployment, a major problem in Turkey, the purpose of this study was to measure whether the financial support programmes implemented by the development agencies are effective in terms of providing new employment.In the study, the data that emerged as a result of the programmes that agencies implemented during 2011-2014 were analysed using Data Envelopment Analysis Method and potential improvement rates and reference agencies of the agencies that are not active were determined and suggestions were made for these agencies to be active

    Uji Efek Antifertilitas Jus Buah Nanas Muda (Ananas Comosus Merr) pada Mencit (Mus Musculus) Betina

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya efek antifertilitas dan pengurangan jumlah fetus/janin. Persentase ketidakbuntingan pada konsentrasi 5% adalah 25%, persentase ketidakbuntingan pada konsentrasi 10% adalah 50% persentase ketidakbuntingan pada konsentrasi 15% adalah 100% setelah pemberian dengan kontrol dan kontrol positif presentase ketidakbuntingan masing-masing 0% dan 100%. Jus buah nanas muda dengan konsentrasi 105 dan 15% memperlihatkan efek antifertilitas yang secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata dengan efek suspensi microgynon dosis 23,4 µg/kg BB yang setara dengan dosis lazim


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    Thioredoxin (TRx) is known to control redox homeostasis in cells. In recent years, a specific TRx binding protein called thioredoxin binding protein-2 (TBP-2) was found in other cell types and it appeared to negatively regulate TRx bioavailability and thereby control TRx biological function. In view of the sensitivity of lens transparency to redox status, proper regulation of TRx bioavailability is of the utmost importance. This study was conducted to examine the presence and function of TBP-2 in human lens epithelial cells (HLE B3). We cloned human lens TBP-2 from a human cDNA library (GenBank accession number AY 594328) and showed that it is fully homologous to the human brain TBP-2 gene. The recombinant TBP-2 protein was partially purified and mass spectrometric analysis confirmed its sequence homology to that of brain TBP-2. Immunoprecipitates obtained from HLE B3 cells using anti-TRx and anti-TBP-2 antibodies showed the presence of TRx and TBP-2 in immunoprecipitates indicating the formation of a TRx-TBP-2 complex in vivo. Furthermore, under H2O2-stress conditions, TRx gene expression was transiently up-regulated while TBP-2 gene expression was inversely down-regulated as seen in both HLE B3 cells and in the epithelial cell layers from cultured pig lenses. Cells with overexpressed TBP-2 showed lower TRx activity, grew slower and were more susceptible to oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. This is the first report of the presence of a TRx-specific binding protein in the lens. Our data suggest that TBP-2 is likely a negative regulator for the bioavailability, and therefore, the overall function of TRx in the lens

    Collaborative Application Security Testing for DevSecOps: An Empirical Analysis of Challenges, Best Practices and Tool Support

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    DevSecOps is a software development paradigm that places a high emphasis on the culture of collaboration between developers (Dev), security (Sec) and operations (Ops) teams to deliver secure software continuously and rapidly. Adopting this paradigm effectively, therefore, requires an understanding of the challenges, best practices and available solutions for collaboration among these functional teams. However, collaborative aspects related to these teams have received very little empirical attention in the DevSecOps literature. Hence, we present a study focusing on a key security activity, Application Security Testing (AST), in which practitioners face difficulties performing collaborative work in a DevSecOps environment. Our study made novel use of 48 systematically selected webinars, technical talks and panel discussions as a data source to qualitatively analyse software practitioner discussions on the most recent trends and emerging solutions in this highly evolving field. We find that the lack of features that facilitate collaboration built into the AST tools themselves is a key tool-related challenge in DevSecOps. In addition, the lack of clarity related to role definitions, shared goals, and ownership also hinders Collaborative AST (CoAST). We also captured a range of best practices for collaboration (e.g., Shift-left security), emerging communication methods (e.g., ChatOps), and new team structures (e.g., hybrid teams) for CoAST. Finally, our study identified several requirements for new tool features and specific gap areas for future research to provide better support for CoAST in DevSecOps.Comment: Submitted to the Empirical Software Engineering journal_v

    The design of a sealed artificial hip replacement

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    Total hip replacement is a very successful orthopaedic procedure for patients with disabling joint diseases. However, it is common for these implants to last for only l0-15 years before revision surgery is required. The major long term complication in total hip arthroplasty is aseptic loosening which has largely been attributed to wear of prostheses. Vy'ear particles emanating from any of the interfaces of the replacement system are known to interact with the tissues surrounding replacements causing an adverse tissue response and eventual loosening of the implant. Of particular concern is the amount of wear debris produced at the articulation of the femoral head and acetabular component. The aim of this thesis is to produce a new design of artificial hip prosthesis that addresses the problem of wear particles and subsequent loosening. Prior to designing a new replacement system an extensive historical review of hip replacement was undertaken. In addition the mechanisms, determinants and biological implications of wear have been examined. The anatomy and biomechanics of the hip joint were considered and current materials and their biocompatability assessed for possible use in this design. All of these subjects were analysed critically prior to design and development of a new system. A sealed modular hip replacement system has been designed and developed in this thesis. The joint is sealed with a polymer sleeve that attaches near the periphery of the acetabular insert and a flange on the modular femoral head. These components combine to form a sealed bearing which would be delivered sterile from manufacture, ready for implantation at the time The Design of a Sealed Artificial Hip Replacement of surgery. A sealed joint ensures that wear particles cannot escape to the surrounding tissues and also prevents debris from entering the articulation and causing third body wear The sealing membrane traps all wear particles produced at the articulating surface within the sealed joint and it is proposed that a wear particle collection chamber is employed to collect them. The use of a ceramic or other porous material in which particles can lodge will reduce second body wear of the joint surfaces. As some of the designs developed in this thesis are novel concepts with commercial potential, a provisional patent has been filed. A preliminary marketing exercise has also been undertaken with a major implant manufacturer The author believes that this novel design of hip replacement system has the potential to increase the survival of hip replacement systems by the elimination of a major long term failure mode of aseptic loosening caused by wear particlesThesis (M.Med.Sc.)-- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Orthopaedics and Trauma, 199

    The effect of number of riped Citrus sinensis (Orange) (as a source of ethylen) on the deterioration of Malus domestica (Apple)

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    How does the number of riped Citrus sinensis (Orange) (as a source of ethylen) effect on the deterioration of Malus domestica (Apple)