26 research outputs found

    Solutions to Promote Startup for the Youth in Minoritty and Moutainous Region of Thai Nguyen Province - Vietnam

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    Since startup has been becoming hot issue in many Vietnam universities and communities in recent years, we performed this study relating startup in minorities in such cities as Thai Nguyen city in the North of Vietnam. By using mainly qualitative analysis, analytical, synthesis and inductive methods, this study specified that it is better to train and equip young people with startup experiences through mass media and through local youth union activities because they may lack of experiences. Next, it is necessary to train and propagate about the experiences of some young startup models in the area; set up startup groups and clubs at all levels, from commune / ward levels to support young people with startup knowledge for each specific field. Finally, our study also propose conclusion with recommendations for startups

    Trademark Valuation According to Laws and Regulations in Vietnam

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    Pricing and valuation may be confusingly interchangeable in various industries from manufacturing to commerce etc.. However, they are in fact different. Pricing can be simply understood as a process whereby the price is set by a seller or by an agreement between a seller and a buyer. On contrary, valuation analysis is normally conducted by experts. So, trademark valuation is a process whereby a trademark value is determined by means of diligent research, unbiased judgment, and some pretty simple arithmetic. In this study, we point out the drawbacks and obstacles in pricing in trademark transfer in our country in comparison with other countries/regions and then we will suggest some measures to improve the regime for pricing in trademark transfer in Vietnam. Authors also present Some Basic Concepts Related to Pricing And Valuation Of Trademark and valuation methods. Authors also use a construction case of LICOGI (general company in construction and infrastructure in Vietnam) as reference for pricing issues. Last but not least, in this study we could resolve some controversial issues in trademark pricing and transfer in various companies from production, manufacturing to construction, real estate and commerce sectors in developing countries such as Vietnam, at least from definitions, concepts and legal framework.Keywords: Intellectual Property Assets; Trademark Pricing Services; Law; Valuation Method; Vietnam Penilaian Merek Dagang Menurut Undang-Undang dan Peraturan di Vietnam Abstrak Penetapan harga dan penilaian mungkin membingungkan dan dapat dipertukarkan di berbagai industri mulai dari manufaktur hingga perdagangan, dll. Namun, sebenarnya keduanya berbeda. Penetapan harga secara sederhana dapat dipahami sebagai proses di mana harga ditetapkan oleh penjual atau dengan kesepakatan antara penjual dan pembeli. Sebaliknya, analisis penilaian biasanya dilakukan oleh para ahli. Jadi, penilaian merek dagang adalah proses di mana nilai merek dagang ditentukan melalui penelitian yang rajin, penilaian yang tidak bias, dan beberapa aritmatika yang cukup sederhana. Dalam studi ini, kami menunjukkan kelemahan dan hambatan dalam penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di negara kami dibandingkan dengan negara/kawasan lain dan kemudian kami akan menyarankan beberapa langkah untuk meningkatkan rezim penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di Vietnam. Penulis juga menyajikan Beberapa Konsep Dasar Terkait Penetapan Harga Dan Penilaian Merek Dagang dan metode penilaian. Penulis juga menggunakan kasus konstruksi LICOGI (perusahaan umum dalam konstruksi dan infrastruktur di Vietnam) sebagai referensi untuk masalah harga. Last but not least, dalam penelitian ini kita dapat menyelesaikan beberapa masalah kontroversial dalam penetapan harga dan transfer merek dagang di berbagai perusahaan mulai dari produksi, manufaktur hingga konstruksi, real estat dan sektor perdagangan di negara-negara berkembang seperti Vietnam, setidaknya dari definisi, konsep dan kerangka hukum. .Kata kunci: Aset Kekayaan Intelektual; Layanan Penetapan Harga Merek Dagang; Hukum; Metode Penilaian; VietnamОценка товарного знака в соответствии с законами и правилами Вьетнама АннотацияЦенообразование и оценка могут быть ошибочно взаимозаменяемы в различных отраслях, от производства до торговли, и т. д. Однако на самом деле это разные понятия. Ценообразование может быть просто понято как процесс, посредством которого цена устанавливается продавцом или соглашением между продавцом и покупателем. Напротив, оценочный анализ обычно проводится экспертами. Таким образом, оценка товарного знака — это процесс, в ходе которого стоимость товарного знака определяется посредством тщательного исследования, беспристрастного суждения и некоторых довольно простых арифметических действий. В этом исследовании мы указываем на недостатки и препятствия в ценообразовании при передаче товарных знаков в нашей стране по сравнению с другими странами/регионами, а затем предлагаем некоторые меры по улучшению режима ценообразования при передаче товарных знаков во Вьетнаме. Авторы также представляют некоторые основные концепции, связанные с ценообразованием и оценкой товарных знаков, и методы оценки. Авторы также используют случай строительства LICOGI (генеральная компания в области строительства и инфраструктуры во Вьетнаме) в качестве справочного материала по вопросам ценообразования. И последнее, но не менее важное: в этом исследовании мы смогли решить некоторые спорные вопросы, связанные с ценообразованием и передачей товарных знаков в различных компаниях из производственного сектора, изготовления в сектор строительства, недвижимости и торговли в развивающихся странах, таких как Вьетнам, по крайней мере, в отношении определений, концепций и правовой базы.Ключевые слова: Активы интеллектуальной собственности; Услуги по ценообразованию товарных знаков; Закон; Метод оценки; Вьетна

    Unravelling the economic impact of climate change in Vietnam's Mekong River Delta and Southeast region

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    Vietnam faces a heightened susceptibility to natural disasters stemming from climate change, yet the impact of these disasters varies markedly across its regions. Consequently, it is imperative to scrutinize the climatic factors affecting the regional economy, with a particular dearth of research addressing the nexus between natural threats and the economies of the Mekong River Delta and the Southeast region of Vietnam. The primary objective is to investigate how temperature fluctuations, rising sea levels, storms, and forest fires can detrimentally affect agriculture, forestry, and infrastructure in these regions. The present research uses the secondary data from Vietnam's General Statistics Office and the German Agency for International Cooperation. Employing quantitative analysis, the study endeavours to assess and compare the influence of climate change elements on the economic trajectories of the Mekong River Delta and the Southeast region. The findings reveal that the Mekong River Delta is disproportionately impacted by economic losses attributed to rising sea levels when juxtaposed with other regions in Vietnam. Firstly, the escalating sea levels significantly jeopardize residential and agricultural land in the Mekong River Delta (1). Secondly, while wildfires inflict damage on forestry in both the Mekong River Delta and the Southeast area, their overall impact is deemed negligible (2). Thirdly, the study ascertains that houses in the Mekong River Delta and the Southeast region remain relatively unscathed by storms (3). However, it is noted that specific storms have inflicted substantial damage on both regions (4). In light of these findings, future research should delve deeper into the analysis of storm risks in the Mekong River Delta and the Southeast region. Such insights are crucial for enhancing our understanding of the vulnerabilities and devising effective strategies to mitigate the economic repercussions of climate change in these pivotal areas

    TiO 2

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    An improved photocatalytic activity of semiconductor materials using incorporation of the noble metals such as Ag, Au, and Pt is a promising technology. In this study, Ag nanoparticle-TiO2 nanotube structures (Ag-TNTs) have been investigated as a photocatalyst in different irradiation conditions using different characterization techniques. The results indicate that Ag nanoparticles dispersed uniformly on the TNTs’ surface without any change in TNTs’ morphology. In addition, Ag-TNTs exhibited lower photoactivity than the TNTs under UV irradiation. In contrast, Ag-TNTs increased the photoactivity in comparison with TNTs and the photocatalytic performance under sunlight irradiation. These phenomena could be contributed to the appearance of Ag nanoparticles on the nanotube surface

    Network Coding with Multimedia Transmission and Cognitive Networking: An Implementation based on Software-Defined Radio

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    Network coding (NC) is considered a breakthrough to improve throughput, robustness, and security of wireless networks. Although the theoretical aspects of NC have been extensively investigated, there have been only few experiments with pure NC schematics. This paper presents an implementation of NC under a two-way relay model and extends it to two\ua0non-straightforward scenarios: (i) multimedia transmission with layered coding and multiple-description coding, and (ii) cognitive radio with Vandermonde frequency division multiplexing (VFDM). The implementation is in real time and based on software-defined radio (SDR). The experimental results show that, by combining NC and source coding, we can control the quality of the received multimedia content in an on-demand manner. Whereas in the VFDM-based cognitive radio, the quality of the received content in the primary receiver is low (due to imperfect channel estimation) yet retrievable. Our implementation results serve as a proof for the practicability of network coding in relevant applications

    Network Coding with Multimedia Transmission and Cognitive Networking: An Implementation based on Software-Defined Radio

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    Network coding (NC) is considered a breakthrough to improve throughput, robustness, and security of wireless networks. Although the theoretical aspects of NC have been extensively investigated, there have been only few experiments with pure NC schematics. This paper presents an implementation of NC under a two-way relay model and extends it to two non-straightforward scenarios: (i) multimedia transmission with layered coding and multiple-description coding, and (ii) cognitive radio with Vandermonde frequency division multiplexing (VFDM). The implementation is in real time and based on software-defined radio (SDR). The experimental results show that, by combining NC and source coding, we can control the quality of the received multimedia content in an on-demand manner. Whereas in the VFDM-based cognitive radio, the quality of the received content in the primary receiver is low (due to imperfect channel estimation) yet retrievable. Our implementation results serve as a proof for the practicability of network coding in relevant applications

    Awareness and preparedness of healthcare workers against the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey across 57 countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there have been concerns related to the preparedness of healthcare workers (HCWs). This study aimed to describe the level of awareness and preparedness of hospital HCWs at the time of the first wave. METHODS: This multinational, multicenter, cross-sectional survey was conducted among hospital HCWs from February to May 2020. We used a hierarchical logistic regression multivariate analysis to adjust the influence of variables based on awareness and preparedness. We then used association rule mining to identify relationships between HCW confidence in handling suspected COVID-19 patients and prior COVID-19 case-management training. RESULTS: We surveyed 24,653 HCWs from 371 hospitals across 57 countries and received 17,302 responses from 70.2% HCWs overall. The median COVID-19 preparedness score was 11.0 (interquartile range [IQR] = 6.0-14.0) and the median awareness score was 29.6 (IQR = 26.6-32.6). HCWs at COVID-19 designated facilities with previous outbreak experience, or HCWs who were trained for dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, had significantly higher levels of preparedness and awareness (p<0.001). Association rule mining suggests that nurses and doctors who had a 'great-extent-of-confidence' in handling suspected COVID-19 patients had participated in COVID-19 training courses. Male participants (mean difference = 0.34; 95% CI = 0.22, 0.46; p<0.001) and nurses (mean difference = 0.67; 95% CI = 0.53, 0.81; p<0.001) had higher preparedness scores compared to women participants and doctors. INTERPRETATION: There was an unsurprising high level of awareness and preparedness among HCWs who participated in COVID-19 training courses. However, disparity existed along the lines of gender and type of HCW. It is unknown whether the difference in COVID-19 preparedness that we detected early in the pandemic may have translated into disproportionate SARS-CoV-2 burden of disease by gender or HCW type

    Quantifying antimicrobial access and usage for paediatric diarrhoeal disease in an urban community setting in Asia.

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    OBJECTIVES: Antimicrobial-resistant infections are a major global health issue. Ease of antimicrobial access in developing countries is proposed to be a key driver of the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) epidemic despite a lack of community antimicrobial usage data. METHODS: Using a mixed-methods approach (geospatial mapping, simulated clients, healthcare utilization, longitudinal cohort) we assessed antimicrobial access in the community and quantified antimicrobial usage for childhood diarrhoea in an urban Vietnamese setting. RESULTS: The study area had a pharmacy density of 15.7 pharmacies/km2 (a pharmacy for every 1316 people). Using a simulated client method at pharmacies within the area, we found that 8% (3/37) and 22% (8/37) of outlets sold antimicrobials for paediatric watery and mucoid diarrhoea, respectively. However, despite ease of pharmacy access, the majority of caregivers would choose to take their child to a healthcare facility, with 81% (319/396) and 88% (347/396) of responders selecting a specialized hospital as one of their top three preferences when seeking treatment for watery and mucoid diarrhoea, respectively. We calculated that at least 19% (2688/14427) of diarrhoea episodes in those aged 1 to <5 years would receive an antimicrobial annually; however, antimicrobial usage was almost 10 times greater in hospitals than in the community. CONCLUSIONS: Our data question the impact of community antimicrobial usage on AMR and highlight the need for better education and guidelines for all professionals with the authority to prescribe antimicrobials