214 research outputs found

    Relationships between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance : the role of family involvement amongst small firms in Vietnam : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    This thesis broadly investigates entrepreneurship and its intersections with other related research fields, principally family business and organisational behaviour, using multiple studies with different respondent groups in the context of Vietnam. The thesis follows a PhD by publication approach by presenting four studies that examine different sets of relationships among the research variables and presents each of these as a separate paper. Studies 1 and 2 use resource-based theory to test the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and family involvement (i.e., involvement of the owner-manager’s family in the firm in terms of the family’s power, experience, and culture) on firm-level performance. Using a firm-level dataset of 170 Vietnamese small firms, the research confirms the direct effect of entrepreneurial orientation and the moderating effect of family culture, based on results from two hierarchical moderated regression models for firm outcomes (Study 1) and the owner-manager’s goal attainment (Study 2). Study 3 employs social contagion theory and crossover theory to test the crossover from the owner-manager to his/her employees under the involvement of the ownermanager’s family. Results from a multilevel analysis using a dataset of 67 small firm owner-managers and 343 employees confirm that the owner-manager’s entrepreneurial risk-taking has a detrimental effect on both employee job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Study 3 also found the power dimension of family involvement reduces the negative effect of the entrepreneurial risk-taking as the family pursues socioeconomic wealth preservation. Finally, Study 4 explores the notion of becoming an entrepreneur and tests whether the employee’s turnover intentions, under the proximal withdrawal states approach, contribute to development of their entrepreneurial intentions. Results from a structural equation modelling analysis use a dataset of 147 employees to confirm that turnover intentions are positively related to entrepreneurial intentions, but this effect is fully mediated by personal attitudes towards being an entrepreneur. Overall, this thesis contributes to the literature of entrepreneurship and its intersections with family business and organisational behaviour. Based on the research findings, the thesis suggests further research and discusses implications for researchers, policy makers, and business practitioners

    人的資本と社会関係資本が農村工業産地の変容に果たす役割: 北ベトナムでの実証研究

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    公共政策プログラム / Public Policy Program政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: 園部 哲史(主査), 大塚 啓二郎, 大野 健一, 大山 達雄, 山野 峰, 戸堂 康之(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科

    Food quality awareness : cases from shrimp producers in Thailand and vegetable producers in Vietnam

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    The high number of import rejections of food commodities suggests that producers in exporting countries are not complying with established standards. To understand why this is the case, we explore the behavior of producers and consumers in developing countries. First, we examine the successful transformation of production practices adopted by shrimp producers in Thailand. In support of the dramatic change in practices, we observe an important role played by the public sector in providing a means to visualize chemical residues and to control processes upstream of the supply chain via a registration system and a traceability system called Movement Document. Furthermore, very active information sharing by the private sector contributes to the dissemination of useful technical and market information among producers. We also examine the knowledge and perceptions of consumers with respect to food safety in Vietnam. We find that consumers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City behave differently toward the third-party certification VietGAP, probably owing to differences in the history of market mechanisms between the two cities

    Status and constraints of costly port rejection : a case from the Vietnamese frozen seafood export industry

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    While the rising exports have been the source of growth for many developing countries in recent years, the rate of commodities rejected at the ports of developed countries has also been high. Yet why it has remained so despite the costs involved is mostly unknown. This paper takes a case of the frozen seafood export industry in Vietnam and examines the current status of port rejection, roles played by various stakeholders along the value chains, and the constraints faced by the Vietnamese producers and exporters. It concludes with some policy implications, including strengthening the enforcement mechanism of standards compliance particularly at the upstream of the value chain and providing public testing labs for small-scale producers

    Better management practices and their outcomes in shrimp farming : evidence from small-scale shrimp farmers in Southern Vietnam

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    Despite the growth of aquaculture exports from developing countries in recent years, a high percentage of these products are rejected at developed countries\u27 ports because of non-compliance with international standards. This paper presents a case study of the shrimp aquaculture sector in Vietnam to examine the factors behind the persistence of such port rejections. In particular, we focus on why the so-called Better Management Practices (BMPs) are not appropriately adopted by many farmers and examine whether the number and types of information sources matter in farmers\u27 decisions on BMP adoption and whether BMP adoption actually leads to better performances. On the basis of our estimation using primary data collected in Southern Vietnam, we find that information sources and training experiences indeed matter in the adoption of a higher number of BMPs and that BMP adoption indeed reduces the possibility of disease outbreaks. These results prove the effectiveness of BMPs and suggest the importance of disseminating knowledge regarding them to farmers through experts


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    E-wallets are used as a form of payment that brings many benefits to users. This article studies the impact of data security on consumer intentions to use e-wallets in the rapidly growing economy of Vietnam. The data consist of 236 observations from a survey of consumers in Vietnam. Covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) was employed to test the proposed hypotheses. Research results show that security trust has the greatest impact on the intention to use e-wallets, followed by perceived privacy risk, social influence, and information sensitivity. The study also reveals the role of privacy policies and security concerns in consumer intentions to use e-wallets. Based on the research results, the study provides recommendations for consumers, e-wallet providers, and governmental agencies to increase awareness of and responsibility for information security among the consumers who use e-wallets

    An inquiry into the transformation process of village-based industrial clusters: The case of an iron and steel cluster in northern Vietnam

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    Sustained impacts of Kaizen training

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