14,878 research outputs found

    Helices at Interfaces

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    Helically coiled filaments are a frequent motif in nature. In situations commonly encountered in experiments coiled helices are squeezed flat onto two dimensional surfaces. Under such 2-D confinement helices form "squeelices" - peculiar squeezed conformations often resembling looped waves, spirals or circles. Using theory and Monte-Carlo simulations we illuminate here the mechanics and the unusual statistical mechanics of confined helices and show that their fluctuations can be understood in terms of moving and interacting discrete particle-like entities - the "twist-kinks". We show that confined filaments can thermally switch between discrete topological twist quantized states, with some of the states exhibiting dramatically enhanced circularization probability while others displaying surprising hyperflexibility

    Prompt Beta Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic for Mix in Ignited NIF Capsules

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    The National Ignition Facility (NIF) technology is designed to drive deuterium-tritium (DT) internal confinement fusion (ICF) targets to ignition using indirect radiation from laser beam energy captured in a hohlraum. Hydrodynamical instabilities at interfaces in the ICF capsule leading to mix between the DT fue l and the ablator shell material are of fundamental physical interest and can affect the performance characteristics of the capsule. In this Letter we describe new radiochemical diagnostics for mix processes in ICF capsules with plastic or Be (0.9%Cu) ablator shells. Reactions of high-energy tritons with shell material produce high-energy β\beta-emitters. We show that mix between the DT fuel and the shell material enhances high-energy prompt beta emission from these reactions by more than an order of magnitude over that expected in the absence of mix

    Exactly soluble model of interacting electrons

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    Journal ArticleWe diagonalize a many-fermion Hamiltonian consisting of terms quadratic as well as quartic in the field operators. A dual spectrum of eigenstates is an interesting result. We also derive a formula for obtaining the free energy at finite temperature

    Instantaneous ionization rate as a functional derivative

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    We describe an approach defining instantaneous ionization rate (IIR) as a functional derivative of the total ionization probability. The definition is based on physical quantities which are directly measurable, such as the total ionization probability and the waveform of the pulse. The definition is, therefore, unambiguous and does not suffer from gauge non-invariance. We compute IIR by solving numerically the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom in a strong laser field. We find that the IIR lags behind the electric field, but this lag is entirely due to the long tail effect of the Coulomb field. In agreement with the previous results using attoclock methodology, therefore, the IIR we define does not show measurable delay in strong field tunnel ionization