20 research outputs found

    Diels-Alder reaction of α-phellandrene and p-benzoquinone as an experiment for the organic chemistry teaching lab

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    Acetylenic Poly(aryl ether)s: Preparation of the SNAr Monomer Bis(4-fluorophenyl)acetylene

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    Determination of rate constants for H-abstraction by 4-fluorophenyl radicals from fatty acid methyl esters by F-19 NMR

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    Program and Book of Abstracts: 2018 Undergraduate Research Celebration

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    The Ramaley Celebration is a highly anticipated event that features student presentations of their research accomplishments. At Winona State, undergraduate research is highly valued as an integral part of the educational process and the Ramaley Celebration is one way we recognize and affirm this. Furthermore, the wonderful diversity of the student presenters, the research projects, and the disciplines represented all provide a strong reminder of the distinctiveness and breadth of research across the entire WSU community. For our purposes, we define “research” very broadly as “an inquiry or investigation that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline” (Council on Undergraduate Research).https://openriver.winona.edu/urc2018/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Synthesis of Ergosta-5,22,24(28)-trienol from Stigmasterol

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    Selectivity of Wohl-Ziegler Brominations of Cyclohexene and trans-2-Hexene

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    Determination of Relative Rate Constants for Iodine Atom Abstraction By Phenyl Radicals

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    Phenyl radicals (Ph·) are efficient hydrogen atom abstractors, and this reaction may have biological significance. However, the rate constants for H-abstraction from biomolecules (kH) by Ph· are predominantly not known. Previous work from the Nalli lab used the reaction of phenyl radicals with iodoarenes (lit kI = 1.0 x 108 M-1 s-1) as a kinetic reference for measuring kH­. However, this literature kI value we have come to realize is unreliable. My research used the photolysis of p-fluorophenylazoisobutyronitrile (FPhAIN) to make p-fluorophenyl radicals in the presence of CCl4 and an iodoarene (ArI). The products, p-chloro- and p-iodofluorobenzene (eq. 1) are measured using F-19 NMR, and the yield ratio allows the determination of the relative rate constant kI/kCl (eq. 2), which in conjunction with a well-established kCl gives kI. The results are compared to those reported by Tanner, Reed, and Setiloane in a 1982 paper that was later retracted

    Analysis of manganes deposits on Leg XV

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    The sediments of Leg 15 included several noteworthy occurrences of authigenic, volcanic and continentally derived minerals. Of these, the occurrence of native copper in pelagic clays, the relatively well developed crystals of clinoptilolite in several older volcanic clays, the widespread authigenic K-feldspar, and the occurrences of garnet (one of which appears to be authigenic; the other, not positively identified, may be volcanic) are especially interesting. At Site 150 of Leg 15 several nodules were found in Cores 4 and 5 at subbottom depths of about 100 to 115 meters. It is not certain from the occurrence whether these nodules were a) buried, having grown elsewhere, or b) were found in their present position as a result of drilling disturbance. The depth of the occurrence appears to preclude the last possibility

    Determination of Phytosterols in Dried Shaggy Mane and Morel Mushrooms by GC-MS

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