737 research outputs found

    Quando as tecnologias embaralham nossas vidas: as nanotecnologias

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    Despite the obvious scientific and technological advances, the use of nanostructured products can be highly beneficial or harmful to any living being. There are risks, but there are also promises ... Therefore, it is urgent to interpret ethics of nanotechnology: not a moral discourse on 1 Esse artigo é uma das atividades desenvolvidas no projeto de pesquisa "Nanociência e Nanotecnologia aplicadas às ciências da vida: Bases epistêmicas, impasses éticos", financiado pelo CNPq (Processo 400778/04-1), entre os anos de 2004 e 2006. Sua versão atual - até então inédita - se dá como parte das atividades desenvolvidas em meus estágio pós doutoral, durante o ano de 2008, no Centre de Recherche Historique - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris - França, com o apoio financeiro da Capes (processo 0606/07-3), Brasil. Meus sinceros agradecimentos ao parecerista, por suas preciosas observações; contudo, todas as limitações deste artigo são de minha inteira e exclusiva responsabilidade. "rights", thinking in categories of good and evil, and formulating deontological rules. Nanotechnologies help to think what is the status of living beings, especially human beings, based on binomial - often misunderstood and misinterpreted - of the artificiality and nature: their interaction is characterized primarily in the human ability (that nanotechnology only radicalizes) for the transformation of their environment

    Program and Book of Abstracts: 2019 Undergraduate Research Celebration

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    The Ramaley Celebration is a highly anticipated event that features student presentations of their research accomplishments. At Winona State, undergraduate research is highly valued as an integral part of the educational process and the Ramaley Celebration is one way we recognize and affirm this. Furthermore, the wonderful diversity of the student presenters, the research projects, and the disciplines represented all provide a strong reminder of the distinctiveness and breadth of research across the entire WSU community. For our purposes, we define “research” very broadly as “an inquiry or investigation that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline” (Council on Undergraduate Research).https://openriver.winona.edu/urc2019/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Two Stars and Two Superstars? : Analysing Gendered Narratives in Rio 2016 Olympics' Tennis and Equestrianism Coverage

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    Tutkielma tarkastelee Rion olympialaisten 2016 urheilu-uutisointia evaluaation näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaista evaluaatiota eli arviointia urheilu-uutisissa esiintyy: millä tavoin mies- ja naisurheilijoihin suhtaudutaan mediassa, miten heitä ja heidän suorituksiaan kuvaillaan ja arvioidaan, ja millaisten verbien kanssa sukupuolet esiintyvät subjektin paikalla. Analyysi keskittyy erityisesti kahteen yksilöurheilulajiin, tennikseen ja ratsastukseen, jotta on mahdollista vertailla, onko uutisissa käytetty kieli ja urheilijoiden kuvaukset erilaisia lajissa, jossa mies- ja naisurheilijoilla on omat sarjansa, verrattuna lajiin, jossa he kilpailevat yhdessä toisiaan vastaan. Sukupuolittunut kielenkäyttö ja naisurheilijoita trivialisoivat narratiivit ovat olleet keskeinen teema urheilusosiologiassa 2000-luvun alusta lähtien, ja aihe on edelleen ajankohtainen tasa-arvon puhututtaessa yhteiskunnan eri kentillä. Kielitieteen piirissä se on kuitenkin saanut huomattavasti vähemmän huomiota, joten tämä tutkielma pyrkii tuomaan aiheeseen erilaista näkökulmaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta nojaa genreanalyysiin sekä sukupuolta ja kieltä tutkiviin teorioihin. Genreanalyysin käsitteiden kautta pyrin muodostamaan kuvan urheilu-uutisista genrenä sekä tarkastelemaan tennis- ja ratsastusuutisointia osana tätä laajempaa genreä. Sukupuolen ja kielen teorioita hyödynnän tutkiessani naisurheilijoiden mediarepresentaatioita ja urheilu-uutisoinnissa vallitsevia sukupuolittuneita käytäntöjä. Sovellan tutkimuksessa systeemis-funktionaalisen kieliteorian pohjalta kehitettyä suhtautumisen teoriaa (Martin ja White, Appraisal theory) painottaen erityisesti sen asennoitumisen ja asteittaisuuden kategorioita. Näiden työkalujen avulla tarkastelen, onko median suhtautumisessa mies- ja naisurheilijoihin selkeitä eroja, ja esitetäänkö naisurheilija miesurheilijaa useammin negatiivissävytteisesti. Tutkimuksen materiaali koostuu 40:stä tennis- ja ratsastusuutisesta, jotka on julkaistu The Guardian- ja Daily Mail -lehtien urheilu- ja uutisosioissa Rion olympialaisten 2016 aikana. Analysoitavat artikkelit valittiin 219 hakutuloksen joukosta ositetulla otannalla niin, että molemmista lehdistä analyysiin valikoitui 10 tennisuutista ja 10 ratsastusuutista. Analyysi on kaksiosainen: ensimmäinen osa keskittyy analysoimaan tennis- ja ratsastusuutisointia osana urheilu-uutisgenreä, ja toinen syventyy tutkimaan sukupuolten representaatioita urheilumediassa. Analyysissä yhdistyvät määrällinen ja laadullinen menetelmä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että tennis- ja ratsastusuutisoinnissa esiintyvän evaluaation tyyli ja määrä heijastelevat sekä uutisgenrelle ominaista toistoa että urheilu-uutisille tyypillistä värikästä kielenkäyttöä ja korostettuja ilmauksia. Yllättävänä voidaan pitää adjektiivien verrattain vähäistä määrää urheilijoiden kuvailussa verrattuna substantiiveihin, mutta aineiston perusteella substantiivikin voi toimia suhtautumisen paljastavana kuvainnollisena määritteenä. Tutkimustulokset mies- ja naisurheilijoiden kuvailun tyylistä ja sävystä viittaavat positiiviseen muutokseen urheilumedian asenteissa naisurheilijoita kohtaan. Kuvaukset olivat samankaltaisia molemmissa lajeissa ja asettivat mies- ja naisurheilijat samanarvoiseen asemaan. Verbien käyttö vahvisti osaltaan vaikutelmaa sukupuolten tasapuolistuneesta kohtelusta mediassa. Jatkotutkimusta tarvitaan selvittämään, onko tämänkaltainen kehitys havaittavissa urheilumediassa laajemminkin, vai vallitsevatko sukupuolittuneet narratiivit edelleen tietyissä lajeissa ja maissa

    Consolidating Resources for the Aged-Out Human Trafficking Population Using a Mobile Application

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    Introduction: Human trafficking is a multibillion dollar industry that enslaves 20.9 million people across the globe. Trafficking is defined as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, or receipt of persons using force, fraud or coercion for forced labor or sexual exploitation. The average age of a trafficking victim is 12-17 years; therefore, most resources are geared towards them. As the victim ages, he/she is more likely to be abandoned by their captors and with the lack of consolidated resources they are more likely to be re-trafficked or enter into prostitution. Aim: The final product of this capstone will be the compilation of evidence-informed resources for a mobile application, which can be utilized by victims of human trafficking. It will consolidate tools and resources necessary to assist with recovery. Methods: Market research and a series of informal interviews with the stakeholders were conducted prior to starting the capstone. Currently, mobile apps like the proposed one do not exist on the market. Literature review was conducted to identify valid and reliable assessment tools and resources by accessing governmental websites and attending local forums/ panels on human trafficking. Results: The proposed mobile application will be built using an existing platform and will include a valid risk assessment, an ecological momentary assessment, safety planning tools, a journal and informative videos. It will also include contact information on group homes/shelters, legal aid and immigration assistance. Discussion: The content will be housed on an existing mobile platform developed by the Capstone Chair. A feasibility study will be conducted with a local metro-Atlanta based advocacy group that serves aged out human trafficking victims. This study will test for the acceptability of the mobile application and readability of the assessment tool

    Characterization of mechanism of action of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the regulation of smooth muscle function

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is receiving increasing interest, as much as nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide have received previously, to understand its physiological functions as it meets all the criteria to define as a third gasotransmitter. Endogenous synthesis from L-cysteine via cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE) and cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS) and the function of H2S as an inhibitor of smooth muscle contraction in gastrointestinal tract are known. However, the loci of generation and action of H2S, and the mechanism of inhibition of contraction are unknown. Hence, my aims in the present study are to: i) identify the expression of enzymes in smooth muscle, ii) determine the effects of endogenously released and exogenously applied H2S on smooth muscle function; and iii) identify the targets and mechanism involved in mediating the effects of H2S using isolated smooth muscle cells from rabbit colon. I have identified the expression of CSE, but not CBS, in smooth muscle and demonstrated that L-cysteine (an activator of CSE) and NaHS (H2S donor): 1) inhibited carbachol-induced contraction in muscle strips and isolated muscle cells that was independent of KATP channels, a known S-sulfhydration target of H2S; 2) induced S-sulfhydration of small G protein, RhoA leading to inhibition of RhoA and Rho kinase activities, a key pathway in the sustained smooth muscle contraction; and 3) inhibited PDE5 activity leading to augmentation NO-induced cGMP formation and muscle relaxation. Sodium nitroprusside (an NO donor) induced an increase in H2S production via PKG-dependent phosphorylation and activation of CSE. We conclude that smooth muscle cells selectively express CSE, and endogenous generation of H2S via activation of CSE inhibits muscle contraction and augments muscle relaxation. Inhibition of contraction is mediated via S-sulfhydration of RhoA and suppression of RhoA/Rho kinase pathway. Augmentation of relaxation is mediated via inhibition of PDE5 activity and stimulation of cGMP/PKG pathway, which in addition initiates generation of H2S via PKG-mediated phosphorylation and activation of CSE. The findings are important in providing the underlying mechanisms involved in the regulation of smooth muscle function by H2S and could offer insights for the development of therapeutic agents that may act on smooth muscle in the gut to treat motility disorders

    Effect of Industrial Heat Treatment and Barrel Finishing on the Mechanical Performance of Ti6Al4V Processed by Selective Laser Melting

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    Additive manufacturing is now capable of delivering high-quality, complex-shaped metallic components. The titanium alloy Ti6Al4V is an example of a printable metal being broadly used for advanced structural applications. A sound characterization of static mechanical properties of additively manufactured material is crucial for its proper application, and here specifically for Ti6Al4V. This includes a complete understanding of the influence of postprocess treatment on the material behavior, which has not been reached yet. In the present paper, the postprocess effects of surface finish and heat treatment on the mechanical performance of Ti6Al4V after selective laser melting were investigated. Some samples were subjected to barrel finishing at two different intensities, while different sets of specimens underwent several thermal cycles. As a reference, a control group of specimens was included, which did not undergo any postprocessing. The treatments were selected to be effective and easy to perform, being suitable for real industrial applications. Tensile tests were performed on all the samples, to obtain yield stress, ultimate tensile strength and elongation at fracture. The area reduction of the barrel-finished samples, after being tested, was measured by using a 3D scanner, as a further indication of ductility. Experimental results are reported and discussed, highlighting the effect of postprocessing treatments on the mechanical response. We then propose the optimal postprocessing procedure to enhance ductility without compromising strength, for structures manufactured from Ti6Al4V with selective laser melting

    Kosmetiikka-allergisen ja atoopikon ihonhoito : opas kosmetologeille ja kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoille

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tehdä opas kosmetiikka- allergisen ja atooppisen asiakkaan ihonhoidosta. Opas on suunnattu kosmetologeille ja kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoille. Tarkoituksena on, että opas toimii tukimateriaalina kosmetologien ja opiskelijoiden jokapäiväisessä työssä. Oppaaseen on koottu tiivistetysti tietoa asioista, joita tulee ottaa huomioon kosmetiikka- allergisen ja atooppisen asiakkaan ihonhoidossa. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää yleisimmät kosmetiikka-allergiaa aiheuttavat aineet, miten iho niiden vaikutukseen reagoi, mitä tarkoittaa allergia ja atooppinen iho sekä mihin kosmetiikassa käytettäviin ainesosiin atoopikko voi reagoida. Nämä tulevat olemaan myös taustatietona oppaan sisällössä. Oppaaseen on koottu myös mm. ohjeet siitä miten tulee toimia, jos asiakkaan iho reagoi kosmeettiselle tuotteelle ja mitä tulee ottaa huomioon kauneushoitolassa käytettävissä välineissä ja puhdistustuotteissa sekä kauneushoitolan sisutuksessa Opinnäytetyössä käytettävien kirja sekä sähköisten lähteiden lisäksi haastattelin kolmea alan asiantuntijaa. Haastattelut olivat strukturoituja haastatteluja eli jokaiselle haastateltavalle oli tehty haastattelurunko etukäteen. Kosmetologeille ja kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoille suunnattu opas kosmetiikka-allergisen ja atoopikon ihonhoidosta valmistuu tammikuussa 2014. Opas tullaan ottamaan pilottikäyttöön Espoon koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnian aikuisopiston kauneudenhoitoalan erikoisammattitutkinnossa tammikuussa 2014.The purpose of this thesis was to make a guide how to treat customers who are atopic or allergic to cosmetic substances. It is directed to beauticians and beauty care students. It is intended to serve as a guide on their everyday work. It is an abstract of things that should be considered on cosmetics allergic or atopic skin treatments. The purpose was to examine substances causing cosmetic allergy, the way they affect to skin, what means allergy and atopic skin, also on what substances atopic person may react on. It used as background information on the contents of this guidebook. It also gives instructions what actions to take if customer’s skin reacts to a cosmetic product containing things one should pay attention to when choosing tools, cleansing products and furnishings. Interviews of three specialists and their lessons as well as literature and electronic sources of information were used as sources for this thesis. The interviews were structured in the way that the framework was done beforehand. This guidebook will be finished on January 2014 and it will be piloted on Espoo Joint Authority of Education Center in beauty care specialist qualification

    Epidemiologic evidence of spinal cord injury in Tamil Nadu, India

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    Background:Spinal cord injury is a fearsome disability leading to increased rate of morbidity and mortality. Information about the incidence of spinal cord injury may provide support for the healthcare advancements. The aim of the present study is to investigate the epidemiology of spinal cord injury.Methods:The present study was carried out in Rajiv Gandhi government general hospital, Chennai, India. The study design was approved by the institutional human ethical committee. Questionnaire was used to collect the information from the patients in a prospective manner. The American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) scoring systems was used to evaluate the severity of spinal cord injury.Results:A total of 245 cases of spinal injury were studied. Among them, 88 % (n=216) were male and 12% (n=29) were female. Spinal cord injuries of falls from height were prominent over the road traffic accident. Cervical level injuries are widespread in males and dorsal level Injuries are common in females.Conclusion:Hence awareness of the spinal cord injury and availability of healthcare facilities may minimise the consequences of spinal cord injury