7 research outputs found

    C4b Binding Protein Acts as an Innate Immune Effector Against Influenza A Virus

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    C4b Binding Protein (C4BP) is a major fluid phase inhibitor of the classical and lectin pathways of the complement system. Complement inhibition is achieved by binding to and restricting the role of activated complement component C4b. C4BP functions as a co-factor for factor I in proteolytic inactivation of both soluble and cell surface-bound C4b, thus restricting the formation of the C3-convertase, C4b2a. C4BP also accelerates the natural decay/dissociation of the C3 convertase. This makes C4BP a prime target for exploitation by pathogens to escape complement attack, as seen in Streptococcus pyogenes or Flavivirus. Here, we examined whether C4BP can act on its own in a complement independent manner, against pathogens. C4BP bound H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes of Influenza A Virus (IAV) most likely via multiple sites in Complement Control Protein (CCP) 1-2, 4-5, and 7-8 domains of its α-chain. In addition, C4BP CCP1-2 bound H3N2 better than H1N1. C4BP bound three IAV envelope proteins: Haemagglutinin (~70 kDa), Neuraminidase (~55 kDa), and Matrix protein 1 (~25kDa). C4BP suppressed H1N1 subtype infection into the lung epithelial cell line, A549, while it promoted infection by H3N2 subtype. C4BP restricted viral entry for H1N1 but had the opposite effect on H3N2, as evident from experiments using pseudo-typed viral particles. C4BP downregulated mRNA levels of pro-inflammatory IFN-α, IL-12, and NFκB in the case of H1N1, while it promoted a pro-inflammatory immune response by upregulating IFN- α, TNF-α, RANTES, and IL-6 in the case of H3N2. We conclude that C4BP differentially modulates the efficacy of IAV entry, and hence, replication in a target cell in a strain-dependent manner, and acts as an entry inhibitor for H1N1. Thus, CCP containing complement proteins such as factor H and C4BP may have additional defense roles against IAV that do not rely on the regulation of complement activation

    H5-Type Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Is Functionally Recognized by the Natural Killer-Activating Receptor NKp44â–ż

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    Antiviral immune defenses involve natural killer (NK) cells. We previously showed that the NK-activating receptor NKp44 is involved in the functional recognition of H1-type influenza virus strains by NK cells. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of NKp44 and the hemagglutinin of a primary influenza virus H5N1 isolate. Here we show that recombinant NKp44 recognizes H5-expressing cells and specifically interacts with soluble H5 hemagglutinin. H5-pseudotyped lentiviral particles bind to NK cells expressing NKp44. Following interaction with target cells expressing H5, pseudotyped lentiviral particles, or membrane-associated H5, NK cells show NKp44-mediated induced activity. These findings indicate that NKp44-H5 interactions induce functional NK activation

    RUFY3 regulates endolysosomes perinuclear positioning, antigen presentation and migration in activated phagocytes

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    Abstract Endo-lysosomes transport along microtubules and clustering in the perinuclear area are two necessary steps for microbes to activate specialized phagocyte functions. We report that RUN and FYVE domain-containing protein 3 (RUFY3) exists as two alternative isoforms distinguishable by the presence of a C-terminal FYVE domain and by their affinity for phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate on endosomal membranes. The FYVE domain-bearing isoform (iRUFY3) is preferentially expressed in primary immune cells and up-regulated upon activation by microbes and Interferons. iRUFY3 is necessary for ARL8b + /LAMP1+ endo-lysosomes positioning in the pericentriolar organelles cloud of LPS-activated macrophages. We show that iRUFY3 controls macrophages migration, MHC II presentation and responses to Interferon-γ, while being important for intracellular Salmonella replication. Specific inactivation of rufy3 in phagocytes leads to aggravated pathologies in mouse upon LPS injection or bacterial pneumonia. This study highlights the role of iRUFY3 in controlling endo-lysosomal dynamics, which contributes to phagocyte activation and immune response regulation