15 research outputs found

    Screening of recombinant inbred lines for salinity tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Screening and increasing of salinity tolerance of crops is an important aim of many plant breeders. Screening a large number of plants for salinity tolerance is not easy, therefore this investigation was performed to evaluate and screen 186 F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Superhead#2 (Super Seri) and Roshan wheat varieties for salinity tolerance. All the individuals were evaluated under two treatments including control (10 mM NaCl) and salt stress (150 mM NaCl). Different traits relating to salt tolerance, including dry matter of shoot and root, sodium and potassium concentration, chlorophyll content and relative water content (RWC) were measured. Significant differences were observed among wheat RILs for all the measured traits. Seedling growth was reduced by salinity in all RILs and we observed a significant negative correlation between shoot dry matter and sodium concentration (r = -0.52**), whereas significant positive correlations between shoot dry matter and K+/Na+ ratio (r = 0.36**), chlorophyll content (r = 0.20**) and RWC (r = 0.39**) were detected. Based on our results, sodium concentration of leaf, K+/Na+ ratio, chlorophyll content and RWC are good indexes for screening bread wheat genotypes for salinity tolerance.Key words: Screening, salinity tolerance, recombinant inbred lines, wheat

    Phenotypic analysis of rice knockout mutant lines with altered responses to salt stress

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    Penerapan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Pikohidro Menggunakan Komponen Bekas dengan Pemanfaatan Potensi Energi Terbarukan di Desa Gelang Kecamatan Sumberbaru Kabupaten Jember

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    Pembangkit listrik tenaga pikohidro merupakan salah satu alternatif pembangkit listrik skala kecil yang dapat diterapkan di daerah pedesaan dimana tersedia aliran sungai yang mempunyai debit air yang kontinu dan tinggi jatuh air yang relatif rendah untuk menggerakkan turbin yang dapat menghasilkan daya listrik. Untuk dapat menghasilkan daya listrik dengan potensi yang demikian, diperlukan pembangkit listrik tenaga skala pikohidro. Di Desa Gelang Kecamatan Sumberbaru Kabupaten Jember lokasi geografisnya merupakan sebuah dataran tinggi daerah perkebunan kopi dan teh, yang terdiri dari beberapa dusun dan kampung, diantara kampung dihuni oleh sekelompok warga Kampung Seng dan Kampung Genteng yang sampai saat ini belum menikmati listrik karena belum terjangkau jaringan listrik PLN. Dari hasil survei, kampung tersebut mempunyai potensi energi terbarukan berupa sungai yang mempunyai debit air kontinyu sepanjang tahun dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga skala pikohidro. Pada program kemitraan masyarakat ditawarkan solusi yaitu memanfaatkan potensi energi terbarukan yang ada pada kampung tersebut untuk menghasilkan daya listrik. Pada lokasi Kampung Seng dan lokasi Kampung Genteng dapat diterapkan pembangkit listrik tenaga skala pikohidro menggunakan komponen bekas, sedangkan keluaran daya listriknya dapat digunakan untuk mensuplai kebutuhan listrik pada Mitra (1) dan Mitra (2)

    Alat Kontrol Temperatur Menggunakan Panel Surya untuk Mengurangi Tingkat Kematian pada Pembenihan Ikan Lele di Kabupaten Kediri

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    TEMPERATURE CONTROL DEVICES USING SOLAR PANELS TO REDUCE MORTALITY RATES IN CATFISH HATCHERIES IN KEDIRI REGENCY. Pelemahan District, Kediri Regency is one of the centers of catfish breeding that is visited by many industry players in the field of catfish enlargement for consumption. This nursery has been done for a long time in this region because of the good geographical and topographic conditions for catfish hatchery, so many entrepreneurs' enlargement catfish for the consumption of buying catfish seeds in Kediri Regency. From the results of a survey of the Malang National Institute of Technology's dedicated team for Pelemahan Subdistrict, there were several problems with the catfish breeding business, namely poor environmental conditions so that the number of dead fish caused by temperature changes caused the fish to become stressed. Water quality is a factor that must be cleaned because it is contaminated with catfish food and catfish feces. So that water circulation needs to be done, so a tool is made that can reduce the temperature of the water in the pool between 28-30 °C. The workings of the tool first measure the temperature of the water in the pond when the high temperature of the water pump will automatically turn on, until the temperature drops and to maintain clean water in the pool the water pump automatically turns on every three hours. Because the place of catfish is maintained which is sometimes far from home and to facilitate the maintenance of catfish, this tool is made easy to move, and using solar energy that is easily available. From the results of observing using a temperature controller in the pool can reduce the death rate due to stress and lack of oxygen