236 research outputs found

    Vacuum Effects and Compressional Properties of Nuclear Matter in Cutoff Field Theory

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    Including the vacuum effects, the compressional properties of nuclear matter are studied in the cutoff field theory. Under the Hartree approximation, the low-energy effective Lagrangian is derived in the framework of the renormalization group methods. The coefficients are determined in a way where the physical results hardly depend on the value of the cutoff which is conveniently introduced into the theory. It is shown that, to reproduce the empirical data of the nucleus incompressibility, the compressibility of the nuclear matter is favorable to be 250\sim350MeV.Comment: PACS numbers, 21.65.+

    Photocatalytic Activity Enhancement of Anatase/Rutile-Mixed Phase TiO2 Nanoparticles Annealed with Low-Temperature O2 Plasma

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    Photodecomposition and photobactericidal activities of anatase/rutile-mixed phase TiO2 nanoparticles annealed with low-temperature O2 plasma were clarified by comparing them with those annealed in ambient air. The photocatalytic activities of plasma-assisted-annealed sample greatly enhanced as compared with the untreated sample, under not only ultraviolet irradiation but also visible-light irradiation. The photocatalytic activities of air-annealed samples did not enhance under ultraviolet irradiation but enhanced under visible-light irradiation. The enhanced photocatalytic activities due to the plasma-assisted annealing (PAA) originated from the increased photoexcited carrier concentration. This enhancement was discussed from PAA-induced characteristic factors. PAA facilitated the phase transformation to anatase, contributing directly to extending the photoexcited carrier lifetime. PAA introduced more oxygen vacancies, contributing to trapping more photogenerated electrons. PAA also introduced more bridging/terminal oxygen groups adsorbed on the surface, increasing the upward band-bending, the depletion layer width at the surface, and the charge transfer from rutile to anatase. These two introductions contributed to facilitating the separation of photoexcited carriers. Furthermore, PAA reduced the aggregate size of TiO2 nanoparticles formed on the surface, contributing to increasing optical absorptions. More reactive oxygen species produced from the bridging/terminal oxygen groups by the photoexcited carriers would also enhance the photocatalytic activities

    Equivalency of the quality of sublethal lesions after photons and high-linear energy transfer ion beams

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    The quality of the sublethal damage (SLD) after irradiation with high–linear energy transfer (LET) ion beams was investigated with low-LET photons. Chinese hamster V79 cells and human squamous carcinoma SAS cells were first exposed to a priming dose of different ion beams at different LETs at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in the Chiba facility. The cells were kept at room temperature and then exposed to a secondary test dose of X-rays. Based on the repair kinetics study, the surviving fraction of cells quickly increased with the repair time, and reached a plateau in 2–3 h, even when cells had received priming monoenergetic high-LET beams or spread-out Bragg peak beams as well as X-ray irradiation. The shapes of the cell survival curves from the secondary test X-rays, after repair of the damage caused by the high-LET irradiation, were similar to those obtained from cells exposed to primary X-rays only. Complete SLD repairs were observed, even when the LET of the primary ion beams was very high. These results suggest that the SLD caused by high-LET irradiation was repaired well, and likewise, the damage caused by the X-rays. In cells where the ion beam had made a direct hit in the core region in an ion track, lethal damage to the domain was produced, resulting in cell death. On the other hand, in domains that had received a glancing hit in the low-LET penumbra region, the SLD produced was completely repaired

    Cone-beam CT reconstruction for non-periodic organ motion using time-ordered chain graph model

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to introduce the new concept of a four-dimensional (4D) cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) reconstruction approach for non-periodic organ motion in cooperation with the time-ordered chain graph model (TCGM) and to compare it with previously developed methods such as total variation-based compressed sensing (TVCS) and prior-image constrained compressed sensing (PICCS). Materials and Methods: Our proposed reconstruction is based on a model including the constraint originating from the images of neighboring time phases. Namely, the reconstructed time-series images depend on each other in this TCGM scheme, and the time-ordered images are concurrently reconstructed in the iterative reconstruction approach. In this study, iterative reconstruction with the TCGM was carried out with 90◦ projection ranges. The images reconstructed by the TCGM were compared with the images reconstructed by TVCS (200◦ projection ranges) and PICCS (90◦ projection ranges). Two kinds of projection data sets–an elliptic-cylindrical digital phantom and two clinical patients’ data–were used. For the digital phantom, an air sphere was contained and virtually moved along the longitudinal axis by 3 cm/30 s and 3 cm/60 s; the temporal resolution was evaluated by measuring the penumbral width of the air sphere. The clinical feasibility of the non-periodic time-ordered 4D CBCT image reconstruction was examined with the patient data in the pelvic region. Results: In the evaluation of the digital-phantom reconstruction, the penumbral widths of the TCGM yielded the narrowest result; the results obtained by PICCS and TCGM using 90◦ projection ranges were 2.8% and 18.2% for 3 cm/30 s, and 5.0% and 23.1% for 3 cm/60 s narrower than that of TVCS using 200◦ projection ranges. This suggests that the TCGM has a better temporal resolution, whereas PICCS seems similar to TVCS. These reconstruction methods were also compared using patients’ projection data sets. Although all three reconstruction results showed motion related to rectal gas or stool, the result obtained by the TCGM was visibly clearer with less blurring. Conclusion: The TCGM is a feasible approach to visualize non-periodic organ motion. The digital-phantom results demonstrated that the proposed method provides 4D image series with a better temporal resolution compared to TVCS and PICCS. The clinical patients’ results also showed that the present method enables us to visualize motion related to rectal gas and flatus in the rectum

    Effects of nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure O2 plasma-assisted annealing on anatase TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) immobilized on glass substrates were annealed with the assistance of nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure O2 plasma. The plasma-assisted annealing greatly enhanced the photodecomposition and photobactericidal activity as compared with electric-furnace annealing. The plasma-assisted annealing reduced the TiO2 NP agglomerate size and increased the optical absorption, the photoinduced electrical conductivity, the amounts of bridging and terminal oxygen groups, and the (112)/(101) plane intensity ratio, causing the lattice oxygen deficiency that formed partially Ti-rich surface portions. The enhanced photobactericidal activity would arise from the bridging and terminal oxygen groups. The enhanced photodecomposition would arise from the increased concentration of photogenerated carriers due to the following three factors. The first is the optical absorption increased by the agglomerate size reduction and the (112) plane growth or appearance, which exert scattering more incident photons. The second is the charge separation of photogenerated carriers facilitated by the bridging and terminal oxygen groups, which originate from oxygen vacancies via oxygen ion impact from the plasma. The third is the charge transfer of plasmon-excited electrons from the partially Ti-rich portions to TiO2. The enhanced photodecomposition would also arise from more reactive oxygen species generated from the bridging and terminal oxygen groups by the photogenerated carriers

    Big-Volume SliceGAN for Improving a Synthetic 3D Microstructure Image of Additive-Manufactured TYPE 316L Steel

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    A modified SliceGAN architecture was proposed to generate a high-quality synthetic three-dimensional (3D) microstructure image of TYPE 316L material manufactured through additive methods. The quality of the resulting 3D image was evaluated using an auto-correlation function, and it was discovered that maintaining a high resolution while doubling the training image size was crucial in creating a more realistic synthetic 3D image. To meet this requirement, modified 3D image generator and critic architecture was developed within the SliceGAN framework.Sugiura K., Ogawa T., Adachi Y., et al. Big-Volume SliceGAN for Improving a Synthetic 3D Microstructure Image of Additive-Manufactured TYPE 316L Steel. Journal of Imaging 9, 90 (2023); https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging9050090

    Induction of DNA Methylation by Artificial piRNA Production in Male Germ Cells

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    SummaryGlobal DNA demethylation and subsequent de novo DNA methylation take place in mammalian male embryonic germ cells [1–3]. P-element-induced wimpy testis (PIWI)-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), which are germline-specific small RNAs, have been postulated to be critically important for de novo DNA methylation of retrotransposon genes, and many proteins, including PIWI family proteins, play pivotal roles in this process [4–6]. In the embryonic mouse testis, two mouse PIWI proteins, mouse PIWI-like (MILI) and mouse PIWI2 (MIWI2), are involved in the biogenesis of piRNAs through the so-called ping-pong amplification cycle [7–10], and long single-stranded RNAs transcribed from the gene regions of piRNA clusters have been proposed to be the initial material [11–16]. However, it remains unclear whether transcription from the piRNA clusters is required for the biogenesis of piRNAs. To answer this question, we developed a novel artificial piRNA production system by simple expression of sense and antisense EGFP mRNAs in embryonic male germ cells in the piRNA biogenesis phase. EGFP expression was silenced by piRNA-dependent DNA methylation, indicating that concomitant expression of sense and antisense RNA transcripts is necessary and sufficient for piRNA production and subsequent piRNA-dependent gene silencing. In addition, we demonstrated that this artificial piRNA induction paradigm could be applied to an endogenous gene essential for spermatogenesis, DNMT3L [3, 17, 18]. This study not only provides novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of piRNA production, but also presents an innovative strategy for inducing epigenetic modification in germ cells