5,847 research outputs found

    Monopoles and Holography

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    We present a holographic theory in AdS_4 whose zero temperature ground state develops a crystal structure, spontaneously breaking translational symmetry. The crystal is induced by a background magnetic field, but requires no chemical potential. This lattice arises from the existence of 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole solitons in the bulk which condense to form a classical object known as a monopole wall. In the infra-red, the magnetic field is screened and there is an emergent SU(2) global symmetry.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures; v2: ref adde

    Semi-local quantum liquids

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    Gauge/gravity duality applied to strongly interacting systems at finite density predicts a universal intermediate energy phase to which we refer as a semi-local quantum liquid. Such a phase is characterized by a finite spatial correlation length, but an infinite correlation time and associated nontrivial scaling behavior in the time direction, as well as a nonzero entropy density. For a holographic system at a nonzero chemical potential, this unstable phase sets in at an energy scale of order of the chemical potential, and orders at lower energies into other phases; examples include superconductors and antiferromagnetic-type states. In this paper we give examples in which it also orders into Fermi liquids of "heavy" fermions. While the precise nature of the lower energy state depends on the specific dynamics of the individual system, we argue that the semi-local quantum liquid emerges universally at intermediate energies through deconfinement (or equivalently fractionalization). We also discuss the possible relevance of such a semi-local quantum liquid to heavy electron systems and the strange metal phase of high temperature cuprate superconductors.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Holographic Superconductor/Insulator Transition at Zero Temperature

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    We analyze the five-dimensional AdS gravity coupled to a gauge field and a charged scalar field. Under a Scherk-Schwarz compactification, we show that the system undergoes a superconductor/insulator transition at zero temperature in 2+1 dimensions as we change the chemical potential. By taking into account a confinement/deconfinement transition, the phase diagram turns out to have a rich structure. We will observe that it has a similarity with the RVB (resonating valence bond) approach to high-Tc superconductors via an emergent gauge symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, 23 figures; A new subsection on a concrete string theory embedding added, references added (v2); Typos corrected, references added (v3

    Exact Black Holes and Universality in the Backreaction of non-linear Sigma Models with a potential in (A)dS4

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    The aim of this paper is to construct accelerated, stationary and axisymmetric exact solutions of the Einstein theory with self interacting scalar fields in (A)dS4. To warm up, the backreaction of the (non)-minimally coupled scalar field is solved, the scalar field equations are integrated and all the potentials compatible with the metric ansatz and Einstein gravity are found. With these results at hand the non-linear sigma model is tackled. The scalar field Lagrangian is generic; neither the coupling to the curvature, neither the metric in the scalar manifold nor the potential, are fixed ab initio. The unique assumption in the analysis is the metric ansatz: it has the form of the most general Petrov type D vacuum solution of general relativity; it is a a cohomogeneity two Weyl rescaling of the Carter metric and therefore it has the typical Plebanski-Demianski form with two arbitrary functions of one variable and one arbitrary functions of two variables. It is shown, by an straightforward manipulation of the field equations, that the metric is completely integrable without necessity of specifiying anything in the scalar Lagrangian. This results in that the backreaction of the scalar fields, within this class of metrics, is universal. The metric functions generically show an explicit dependence on a dynamical exponent that allows to smoothly connect this new family of solutions with the actual Plebanski-Demianski spacetime. The remaining field equations imply that the scalar fields follow geodesics in the scalar manifold with an affine parameter given by a non-linear function of the spacetime coordinates and define the on-shell form of the potential plus a functional equation that it has to satisfy. Finally, a general family of (A)dS4 static hairy black holes is explicitly constructed and its properties are outlined.Comment: Several typos correcte

    Quantum critical lines in holographic phases with (un)broken symmetry

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    All possible scaling IR asymptotics in homogeneous, translation invariant holographic phases preserving or breaking a U(1) symmetry in the IR are classified. Scale invariant geometries where the scalar extremizes its effective potential are distinguished from hyperscaling violating geometries where the scalar runs logarithmically. It is shown that the general critical saddle-point solutions are characterized by three critical exponents (θ,z,ζ\theta, z, \zeta). Both exact solutions as well as leading behaviors are exhibited. Using them, neutral or charged geometries realizing both fractionalized or cohesive phases are found. The generic global IR picture emerging is that of quantum critical lines, separated by quantum critical points which correspond to the scale invariant solutions with a constant scalar.Comment: v3: 32+29 pages, 2 figures. Matches version published in JHEP. Important addition of an exponent characterizing the IR scaling of the electric potentia

    Lattice potentials and fermions in holographic non Fermi-liquids: hybridizing local quantum criticality

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    We study lattice effects in strongly coupled systems of fermions at a finite density described by a holographic dual consisting of fermions in Anti-de-Sitter space in the presence of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. The lattice effect is encoded by a periodic modulation of the chemical potential with a wavelength of order of the intrinsic length scales of the system. This corresponds with a highly complicated "band structure" problem in AdS, which we only manage to solve in the weak potential limit. The "domain wall" fermions in AdS encoding for the Fermi surfaces in the boundary field theory diffract as usually against the periodic lattice, giving rise to band gaps. However, the deep infrared of the field theory as encoded by the near horizon AdS2 geometry in the bulk reacts in a surprising way to the weak potential. The hybridization of the fermions bulk dualizes into a linear combination of CFT1 "local quantum critical" propagators in the bulk, characterized by momentum dependent exponents displaced by lattice Umklapp vectors. This has the consequence that the metals showing quasi-Fermi surfaces cannot be localized in band insulators. In the AdS2 metal regime, where the conformal dimension of the fermionic operator is large and no Fermi surfaces are present at low T/\mu, the lattice gives rise to a characteristic dependence of the energy scaling as a function of momentum. We predict crossovers from a high energy standard momentum AdS2 scaling to a low energy regime where exponents found associated with momenta "backscattered" to a lower Brillioun zone in the extended zone scheme. We comment on how these findings can be used as a unique fingerprint for the detection of AdS2 like "pseudogap metals" in the laboratory.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures; v2, minor correction, to appear in JHE

    Maxwell-Chern-Simons Vortices and Holographic Superconductors

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    We investigate probe limit vortex solutions of a charged scalar field in Einstein-Maxwell theory in 3+1 dimensions, for an asymptotically AdS Schwarzschild black hole metric with the addition of an axionic coupling to the Maxwell field. We show that the inclusion of such a term, together with a suitable potential for the axion field, can induce an effective Chern-Simons term on the 2+1 dimensional boundary. We obtain numerical solutions of the equations of motion and find Maxwell-Chern-Simons like magnetic vortex configurations, where the magnetic field profile varies with the size of the effective Chern-Simons coupling. The axion field has a non-trivial profile inside the AdS bulk but does not condense at spatial infinity.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Massive Quantum Liquids from Holographic Angel's Trumpets

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    We explore the small-temperature regime in the deconfined phase of massive fundamental matter at finite baryon number density coupled to the 3+1 dimensional N=4 SYM theory. In this setting, we can demonstrate a new type of non-trivial temperature-independent scaling solutions for the probe brane embeddings. Focusing mostly on matter supported in 2+1 dimensions, the thermodynamics indicate that there is a quantum liquid with interesting density-dependent low-temperature physics. We also comment about 3+1 and 1+1 dimensional systems, where we further find for example a new thermodynamic instability.Comment: 18+1 pages, 6 figures; replaced fig. 6 and comments in sec. 5.2; minor explanations added and typos fixed, final version published in JHEP (modulo fig. 3); factor of \sqrt{\lambda} and corresponding comments fixe

    Comparative Chromosome Maps of Neotropical Rodents Necromys lasiurus and Thaptomys nigrita (Cricetidae) Established by ZOO-FISH

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    This work presents chromosome homology maps between Mus musculus (MMU) and 2 South American rodent species from the Cricetidae group: Necromys lasiurus (NLA, 2n = 34) and Thaptomys nigrita (TNI, 2n = 52), established by ZOO-FISH using mouse chromosome-specific painting probes. Extending previous molecular cytogenetic studies in Neotropical rodents, the purpose of this work was to delineate evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements in Cricetidae rodents and to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the Akodontini species. Our phylogenetic reconstruction by maximum parsimony analysis of chromosomal characters confirmed one consistent clade of all Neotropical rodents studied so far. In both species analyzed here, we observed the syntenic association of chromosome segments homologous to MMU 8/13, suggesting that this chromosome form is a synapomorphic trait exclusive to Neotropical rodents. Further, the previously described Akodontini-specific syntenic associations MMU 3/18 and MMU 6/12 were observed in N. lasiurus but not in T. nigrita, although the latter species is considered a member of the Akodontini tribe by some authors. Finally, and in agreement with this finding, N. lasiurus and Akodon serrensis share the derived fission of MMU 13, which places them as basal sister clades within Akodontini. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base
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