26 research outputs found

    Development of crystallographic process technology for piezoelectric actuator for bio-mems device

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    Recently, the lead free piezoelectric material, which could be used for the actuator and the sensor of medical care devices, such as the health monitoring system (HMS) and the drug delivery system (DDS), is strongly required. In this study, we try to find a new biocompatible and lead-free piezoelectric material, by using the three-scale processcrystallographic analyses scheme, which consists of the first-principles calculations, the homogenization based finite element method, and the process optimization algorithm. After numerical calculations, we found an optimum biocompatible element combination and a tetragonal crystal structure of candidate material MgSiO3. As a result of process crystallography simulation to adjust with the selected substrate Au(111), lattice parameters of MgSiO3 with tetragonal structure were obtained as a=b=0.3449nm and c=0.3538nm, and its aspect ratio was 1.026. The piezoelectric stress constants of a non constraint MgSiO3 crystal, e33=4.57C/m2, e31=-2.20C/m2 and e15=12.77C/m2, were obtained. Macro homogenized piezoelectric stress constants of MgSiO3 thin film were obtained as e33=5.10C/m2, e31=-3.65C/m2 and e15=3.24C/m2. We confirmed the availability of our process crystallographic simulation scheme for a new biocompatible piezoelectric material design through the comparison with the experimental observation of a newly generated MgSiO3 thin film material

    A new crystal plasticity constitutive equation based on crystallographic misorientation theory

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    Since plastic deformation of polycrystal sheet metal is greatly affected by its initial and plastic deformed textures, multi-scale finite element (FE) analysis based on homogenization with considering micro-polycrystal morphology is required [1]. We formulated a new crystal plasticity constitutive equation to introduce not only the effect of crystal orientation distribution, but also the size of crystal grain and/or the effect of crystal grain boundary for the micro-FE analysis. The hardening evolution equation based on strain gradient theory [2], [3] was modified to introduce curvature of crystal orientation based on crystallographic misorientation theory. We employed two-scale structure, such as a microscopic polycrystal structure and a macroscopic elastic/plastic continuum. Our analysis code predicts the plastic deformation of polycrystal metal in the macro-scale, and simultaneously the crystal texture and misorientation evolutions in the micro-scale. In this study, we try to reveal the relationship between the plastic deformation and the microscopic crystal misorientation evolution by using the homogenized FE procedure with the proposed crystal plasticity constitutive equation. The crystallographic misorientation evolution, which affects on the plastic deformation of FCC polycrystal metal, was investigated by using the multi-scale FE analysis. We confirmed the availability of our analysis code employing the new constitutive equation through the comparison of a uniaxial tensile problem with the numerical result and the experimental one

    Development of Automatic 3D Blood Vessel Search and Automatic Blood Sampling System by Using Hybrid Stereo-Autofocus Method

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    We developed an accurate three-dimensional blood vessel search (3D BVS) system and an automatic blood sampling system. They were implemented into a point-of-care system designed for medical care, installed in a portable self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) device. The system solves problems of human error caused by complicated manual operations of conventional SMBG devices. We evaluated its accuracy of blood-vessel position detection. The 3D BVS system uses near-infrared (NIR) light imaging and the stereo and autofocus hybrid method to determine blood vessel locations accurately in three dimensions. We evaluated the accuracy of our 3D BVS system using a phantom of human skin, blood vessels, and blood. Additionally, we established an automatic blood sampling system for SMBG and assessed its performance in relation to punctures, blood suction, transport, and discharge on an enzyme sensor. The 3D BVS and automatic blood sampling system are adequate for use in a portable SMBG device

    Taloyhtiön pihasaneeraus : Esimerkkikohteena As Oy Kananlaulu

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    Työn taustana käytettiin lähiöiden suurimman aikakauden, 1960- ja 1970-lukujen kerrostalojen ajankohtaista peruskorjaustarvetta. Peruskorjaustarve koskee niin kiinteistön piha-aluetta kuin kiinteistön muitakin osia. Pihojen suurin korjaustarve perustuu kuluneiden kalusteiden, varusteiden, kasvillisuuden ja muiden osien huonokuntoisuuteen. Lisäksi muuttuneet turvallisuusvaatimukset sekä esteettömyyden haasteet tuovat lisätarvetta pihojen saneerauksille. Työni tavoitteena oli lisätä viihtyisyyttä ja parantaa Asunto Oy Kananlaulun piha-aluetta sen saneerauksella. Saneerauksessa huomioidaan metsälähiön tyypilliset pihasuunnittelun erityispiirteet. Piha-alueen analyysin avulla arvioitiin sen nykytilaa paikan päällä kohteessa. Samalla tutustuttiin myös suunnitelma- ja urakka-asiakirjoihin. Työn pohjana tutkittiin kerrostalorakentamisen ja niiden piha-aluerakentamisen kehitystä Suomessa. Tietopohjaksi haettiin tietoa myös kerrostalopihojen kunnostuksesta ja kunnostusprosessista. Tuloksena oli kirjallinen selostus piharakentamisen vaiheista. Työni toimeksiantajana oli VRJ Pohjois-Suomi Oy. Työn tulokset ovat hyödynnettävissä kerrostalopihojen peruskorjaushankkeissa. Asunto Oy Kananlaulun piha-analyysi ja pihasaneeraus voidaan liittää osaksi Kaukovainion kehittämistä. Työn tulokset antavat myös minulle itselleni mahdollisuuden kehittää omaa osaamistani viherrakentamisen työnjohdossa.As a background for the work was used the topical need of renovation in the block of flats in the suburbs built in the 1960- and 1970´s. The renovation need applies both to the yard and the other parts of the property. The biggest need of renovation is based on the poor condition of the worn out equipment, vegetation and other parts of the yard. Furthermore the changed requirements of safety and accessibility increase the renovation need. The goal on my work was to add the comfort and attractiveness of the yard of Asunto Oy Kananlaulu. During the renovation the typical characteristics of a wooden suburb were taken into account. The present situation of the yard was estimated on site. At the same time I familiarized myself the documents of planning and subcontracting. For the background of the work the development of the building of the block of flats and their yards was investigated. Also the renovation of yards and the process of renovation was studied. The result of the work is a written report of the stages of the yard construction. The principal of the work was VRJ Pohjois-Suomi Oy. The results of the work can be utilized in high-rise yards’ renovation projects. The analyses and renovation of the yard can be linked to the development of Kaukovainio area. The results of the work gave me the possibility to develop my own skills on supervision of work at green construction

    Development of crystallographic process technology for piezoelectric actuator for bio-mems device

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    Recently, the lead free piezoelectric material, which could be used for the actuator and the sensor of medical care devices, such as the health monitoring system (HMS) and the drug delivery system (DDS), is strongly required. In this study, we try to find a new biocompatible and lead-free piezoelectric material, by using the three-scale processcrystallographic analyses scheme, which consists of the first-principles calculations, the homogenization based finite element method, and the process optimization algorithm. After numerical calculations, we found an optimum biocompatible element combination and a tetragonal crystal structure of candidate material MgSiO3. As a result of process crystallography simulation to adjust with the selected substrate Au(111), lattice parameters of MgSiO3 with tetragonal structure were obtained as a=b=0.3449nm and c=0.3538nm, and its aspect ratio was 1.026. The piezoelectric stress constants of a non constraint MgSiO3 crystal, e33=4.57C/m2, e31=-2.20C/m2 and e15=12.77C/m2, were obtained. Macro homogenized piezoelectric stress constants of MgSiO3 thin film were obtained as e33=5.10C/m2, e31=-3.65C/m2 and e15=3.24C/m2. We confirmed the availability of our process crystallographic simulation scheme for a new biocompatible piezoelectric material design through the comparison with the experimental observation of a newly generated MgSiO3 thin film material

    In-situ EBSD observation of recrystallization behavior in magnesium alloy

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