16 research outputs found

    Os efeitos do cigarro e do consumo de café sobre a formação óssea e a integração óssea de implantes de hidroxiapatita

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    The present study aims to assess the effects of cigarette smoke inhalation and/or coffee consumption on bone formation and osseous integration of a dense hydroxyapatite (DHA) implant in rats. For this study, 20 male rats were divided into four groups (n = 5): CT (control) group, CE (coffee) group, CI (cigarette) group and CC (coffee + cigarette) group. During 16 weeks, animals in the CI group were exposed to cigarette smoke inhalation equivalent to 6 cigarettes per day; specimens in the CE group drank coffee as liquid diet; and rats in the CC group were submitted to both substances. In the 6th week a 5 mm slit in the parietal bone and a 4 mm slit in the tibia were performed on the left side: the former was left open while the latter received a DHA implant. As soon as surgeries were finished, the animals returned to their original protocols and after 10 weeks of exposure they were euthanised (ethically sacrificed) and the mentioned bones collected for histological processing. Data showed that exposure to cigarette smoke inhalation and coffee consumption did not interfere in weight gain and that solid and liquid diet consumption was satisfactory. Rats in the CC group showed a decrease in bone neoformation around the tibial DHA implant (31.8 ± 2.8) as well as in bone formation in the parietal slit (28.6 ± 2.2). On their own, cigarette smoke inhalation or coffee consumption also led to diminished bone neoformation around the implant and delayed the bone repair process in relation to the CT group. However, reduction in the bone repair process was accentuated with exposure to both cigarette smoke inhalation and coffee consumption in this study.O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do tabagismo e do consumo de café, isolada ou concomitantemente, sobre a formação óssea e a osseointegração de implantes hidroxiapatita densa. Foram utilizados 20 ratos machos, divididos em quatro grupos (n = 5): grupo CT (controle); grupo CA (café); grupo CI (cigarro), e grupo CC (cigarro + café). Durante 16 semanas, os animais do grupo CI foram expostos à fumaça de seis cigarros/dia; os animais do grupo CA consumiram café como dieta líquida, e os animais do grupo CC, ambas as substâncias. Após seis semanas de exposição, uma falha óssea de 5 mm foi produzida no osso parietal esquerdo e de 4 mm, na tíbia esquerda dos animais. A falha do parietal foi mantida aberta, enquanto na tíbia corpos cerâmicos de hidroxiapatita densa (HAD) foram implantados em cavidade produzida cirurgicamente. Após as cirurgias, os animais retornaram aos protocolos experimentais e, ao término de dez semanas, foram eutanasiados, sendo as tíbias e os parietais coletados para processamento histológico. A exposição à fumaça do cigarro e o consumo de café não interferiram no ganho de peso dos animais, e os consumos de dieta líquida e sólida foram satisfatórios entre os grupos. Os animais do grupo CC apresentaram menor volume de osso neoformado ao redor do implante de HAD na tíbia (31,8 ± 2,8) e menor osteogênese na falha produzida no osso parietal (28,6 ± 2,2). O café e o cigarro consumidos isoladamente provocam a diminuição do volume de osso ao redor do implante e o atraso no processo de reparação óssea. Observou-se que o consumo de café associado à exposição à fumaça do cigarro reduziu de forma acentuada o processo de reparação óssea, no presente estudo.Universidade José do Rosário VellanoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de AlfenasUniversidade Estadual de CampinasUniversidade José do Rosário Vellano Faculdade de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Alterations of morphology, mechanical and osteogenic capacity of mdx mice bones

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    Orientador: José Angelo CamilliTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença neuromuscular resultante da ausência de distrofina. Em virtude do enfraquecimento muscular e do uso de glicocorticóides, pacientes com DMD têm ossos frágeis. O camundongo mdx é o modelo experimental largamente utilizado para o estudo da DMD e apresenta falta da distrofina, processo inflamatório intenso e degeneração da fibra muscular. Além disso, apresenta ciclos de degeneração/regeneração muscular que se iniciam de forma mais marcante após o vigésimo primeiro dia de vida. Estudos demonstraram que camundongos mdx têm níveis elevados de fatores de crescimento de fibroblasto e proteína quimiotática de monócito-1, bem como aceleração da cicatrização em lesões da pele. Com base nessas evidências, elaboramos duas hipóteses. A primeira hipótese é que podem existir alterações nos ossos de camundongos mdx por influência da ausência de distrofina ou por algum outro mecanismo inerente à doença mesmo antes da sua manifestação clínica. A segunda hipótese é que o processo de reparo ósseo espontâneo também possa estar acelerado, de modo semelhante à cicatrização da pele. Para testar a primeira hipótese o fêmur e o músculo quadríceps do camundongo mdx foram analisados aos 21 dias de vida. Para verificar a segunda hipótese foi produzido um defeito no osso parietal direito e a regeneração foi analisada após 15, 30 e 60 dias pós-cirúrgicos. Na análise morfológica do quadríceps as fibras musculares apresentavam núcleos periféricos e não foram observadas fibras positivas para o corante azul de Evans em ambos os grupos, indicando que não houve degeneração das fibras no grupo mdx. O fêmur do grupo mdx demonstrou osteopenia, menor quantidade de osteoblastos, menor conteúdo mineral e menor resistência mecânica na ausência de sinais de degeneração muscular em relação ao grupo controle. No estudo do osso parietal, os dados mostraram que não há diferença significante no volume de osso neoformado entre os grupos controle e mdx nos três tempos pós-operatórios e também entre os três tempos, independentemente do grupo estudado. Diante destes resultados, concluímos que o fêmur dos camundongos mdx com 21 dias de vida pode conter um distúrbio interligado a algum fator genético, diretamente ou não relacionado com a ausência de distrofina. Isto demonstrou que a perda da qualidade óssea em camundongos mdx não ocorre somente em função do enfraquecimento muscular. Considerando a qualidade óssea inferior do fêmur e a similaridade estatística da taxa de regeneração óssea, entendemos que a capacidade osteogênica da calvária mdx foi mais expressiva do que a dos camundongos controle, igualando a taxa de reparo ósseo de um tecido com menor qualidade à de ossos normaisAbstract: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disease caused by lack of dystrophin. DMD patients have brittle bones because of muscle weakness and use of glucocorticoids. The mdx mouse is widely used as experimental model for the study of DMD and it presents lack of dystrophin, intense inflammatory process and muscle fiber degeneration. Moreover, it presents cycles of muscle degeneration/regeneration that becomes more marked after the twenty-first day of life. Studies have shown that mdx mice have elevated levels of fibroblast growth factor and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, as well as accelerate wound healing in skin lesions. Based on this evidence, we formulate two hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that there may be changes in the bones of mdx mice by the influence of the absence of dystrophin or by some other mechanism inherent to the disease even before clinical manifestation. The second hypothesis is that the process of spontaneous bone repair can also be accelerated, similar to skin healing. To test the first hypothesis, the femur and the quadriceps muscle of mdx mice were analyzed at 21 days of life. To verify the second hypothesis a defect was produced in the right parietal bone and the regeneration was evaluated after 15, 30 and 60 days after surgery. In the morphological analysis of quadriceps were observed muscle fibers with peripheral nuclei and were not seen Evans blue dye positive fibers in both groups, indicating that there was no fiber degeneration in mdx group. The femur of the mdx group demonstrated osteopenia, lower number of osteoblasts, lower mineral content and lower mechanical strength in the absence of signs of muscular degeneration compared to the control group. In the study of the parietal bone, the data showed no significant difference in newly formed bone volume between control and mdx groups in the three moments after the operation and also between the three moments, regardless of the studied group. Given these results, we conclude that the femur of mdx mice at 21 days of life can contain a disorder linked to some genetic factor, directly or not related to the absence of dystrophin. This demonstrated that loss of bone quality in mdx mice occurs not only because of muscle weakening. Considering the lower femur bone quality and statistical similarity in the rate of bone regeneration, we believed that the osteogenic capacity of mdx calvaria was more expressive than that of control mice, equaling the rate of bone repair of a tissue with lesser quality to that of normal bonesDoutoradoAnatomiaDoutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    Effect of age caged and penned environments on the biomechanics and biochemistry of chicken tendons

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    Orientador: Laurecir GomesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Os tendões transmitem forças de tração entre músculo e osso. Os .efeitos dos estímulos mecânicos dependem da localização anatômica e níveis de atividade no tendão e da contração muscular. Além disto, em um mesmo tendão é possível observar a presença de regiões sob tensão e compressão. Diversos estudos têm relacionado alterações bioquímicas na matriz extracelular de tendões em função do exercício fisico e da idade, porém há poucos trabalhos com tendões de fTangos submetidos ou não ao exercício ativo não forçado. Neste trabalho foram analisados aspectos bioquímicos e biomecânicos do tendão calcâneo e do tendão flexor digital superficial de frangos com 1, 5 e 8 meses de idade, criados em gaiolas e em ambiente amplo. Os resultados de biomecânica mostraram que no tendão calcâneo o exercício aumentou a resistência à força de tração a partir do quinto mês, maior absorção de energia no oitavo mês, maior tensão no primeiro mês e maior rigidez no quinto mês. O exercício e a idade estimularam o aumento no conteúdo de colágeno no quinto mês. O exercício aumentou o conteúdo de glicosaminoglicanos no primeiro e oitavo mês e com o avanço da idade aumentou no oitavo mês na região de compressão e diminuiu progressivamente na região de tensão. Para o tendão flexor digital superficial, sinal de mineralização foi observado no quinto mês. Com a maturação, no grupo criado em ambiente amplo, a força (até o quinto mês) e a absorção de energia aumentaram, mas não houve alteração da rigidez, da tensão e da deformação. O exercício demonstrou que resistência à força, tensão e rigidez foram maiores no quinto mês. O conteúdo de colágeno aumentou com a idade do grupo amplo e aumentou com o exercício no quinto e oitavo meses. O conteúdo de glicosaminoglicanos diminuiu na região de tensão no oitavo mês no grupo amplo enquanto na região de compressão se manteve constante a partir do quinto mês. Com o exercício a quantidade de glicosaminoglicanos .. é substancialmente maior em SDFT jovens do que em maturos. Nossos resultados mostraram que o aumento da resistência do tendão, a maior capacidade em absorver energia e o maior conteúdo de colágeno são dependentes do próprio crescimento e maturação, mas também são influenciados pelo exercício ativo não forçado, indicando que a matriz extracelular é capaz de detectar alterações fisicas, como andar e correr, e de transmitir esta informação para as célulasAbstract: The tendons transmit tensile strength between muscle and bone. The effects of the mechanical stimuli depend on the anatomicallocation and activity levels in the tendon and of the muscular contraction. Also, in a same tendon it is possible to observe the presence of regions under tension and compression. Several studies have related biochemical differences in the extracellular matrix of tendons in function of physical exercise and age, however there are few works with tendons of chickens submitted or not to the nonforced active exercise. In this work the biochemical and biomechanical aspects of the calcaneus tendon and the superficial digital flexor tendon fTom1, 5 and 8 months old chickens, caged and penned raised were analyzed.. For the calcaneus tendon the exercise increased the resistance to the load starting fTom the fifth month, larger absorption energy in the eighth month, larger stress in the first month and larger stiffness in the fifth month. The exercise and the age stimulated the increase in the collagen content in the fifth month. The exercise increased the glycosaminoglycans content in the first and eighth months and with the age it increased in the eighth month in the compression region and it decreased progressively in the tension region. For the superficial digital flexor tendon, mineralization was observed in the fifth month. With the maturation, in the penned group, the load (until the fifth month) and the absorption of energy increased, but there was not change in the stiffness, stress and strain. The exercise demonstrated that load, stress and stiffness were greater in the fifth month. The collagen content increased with the age on the penned group and with the exercise in the fifth and eighth months. The glycosaminoglycans content decreased in the tension region in the eighth month in the penned group while in the compression region it remained constant starting from the fifth month. With the exercise the glycosaminoglycans expression is substantially larger in young SDFT than in mature ones. Our results demonstrated .. that the raise in the tendon resistance, the larger capacity in energy absorption and the largest collagen content depend on the own growth and maturation, and they' re also influenced by the nonforced active exercise, indicating that the extracellular matrix is able to detect physical alterations, like walk and run, and transmit this information to the cellsMestradoBiologia CelularMestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    Mechanical And Morphological Aspects Of The Calcaneal Tendon Of Mdx Mice At 21 Days Of Age.

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    A relationship between compromised muscles and other tissues has been demonstrated in mdx mouse, an animal model studied for understanding of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The hypothesis is that changes in the calcaneal tendon of mdx mice occur previous to the onset of rigorous and most marked episodes of muscle degeneration, which start suddenly after 21 days of life. Thus, this study aimed to identify possible alterations in the calcaneal tendon of mdx mouse at 21 days of age. Control and mdx tendons were submitted to mechanical tensile testing, quantification of hydroxyproline, and staining with toluidine blue and picrosirius red. Hydroxyproline content was similar between mdx and control groups. The control tendon presented higher mechanical strength (load, stress, and elastic modulus) and its morphological analysis showed a larger number of round fibroblasts, nuclei with well-decondensed chromatin, and slightly metachromatic well-stained cytoplasmic material, different from that observed in mdx tendons. The results suggest that the absence of dystrophin in mdx mouse can provoke directly or indirectly alterations in the mechanical properties and morphology of the calcaneal tendon.2961546-5

    Morphological alterations and increased gelatinase activity in the superficial digital flexor tendon of chickens during growth and maturation

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    The superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) connects the superficial digital flexor muscle to the digits and its main function is to participate in digit flexion. The SDFT presents different regions along its length, which adapt to different biomechanical forces. During growth and maturation, the tendon may present changes in the regions subjected to compression and tension, with variations in the composition of the extracellular matrix (ECM), in the arrangement of collagen fibers and cellularity. With the purpose of analyzing the morphological and biochemical alterations of ECM of tendons during the growth and maturation, Gallus domesticus were euthanized at 1, 5, and 8 months of age and their SDFT were divided into regions of tension/compression (Sp) and tension (Sd). From 1 month of age, the Sp region already presented fibrocartilage characteristics with cells similar to chondrocytes. At 5 and 8 months, the Sd region displayed formation of a new structure similar to bone matrix, and intense metachromasia. The animals of 5 and 8 months presented an increase in MMP-2 and -9 activities and a lower number of cells when compared with the animals of 1 month, in both regions. In conclusion, structural and biochemical alterations occur during the maturation process of the SDFT, involving a decrease in the number of cells and changes in the degradation and composition of the ECM3026964972CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal e Nível SuperiorFAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa Do Estado De São Paulosem informação2006/00044‐

    Biochemical And Morphological Alterations Of The Extracellular Matrix Of Chicken Calcaneal Tendon During Maturation.

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    The region in tendons that surrounds bone extremities adapts to compression forces, developing a fibrocartilaginous structure. During maturation, changes occur in the amount and organization of macromolecules of the extracellular matrix of tendons, changing the tissue morphology. To study the effect of maturation on tendons, Pedrês chickens were sacrificed at 1, 5, and 8 months old and had the calcaneal tendon (CT) divided into proximal region, submitted to tension/compression forces (p), and distal region submitted to tension force (d). Morphological analysis of the p region showed the presence of fibrocartilage in all ages. In the central part of the fibrocartilage, near a diminishment of the metachromasy, there was also a development of a probable fat pad that increased with the maturation. The activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 was higher at 5 and 8 months old, in both regions, compared with 1-month-old animals. In SDS-PAGE analysis, components with electrophoretic migration similar to decorin and fibromodulin increased with maturation, particularly in the d region. The Western blotting confirmed the increased amount of fibromodulin with maturation. In conclusion, our results show that process of maturation leads to the appearance of a probable fat pad in the center of the fibrocartilage of CT, with a reduced amount of glycosaminoglycans and an increased activity of MMPs.78949-95

    Metabolic And Structural Bone Disturbances Induced By Hyperlipidic Diet In Mice Treated With Simvastatin.

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    Simvastatin can modulate lipid and bone metabolism. However, information related to the interaction between diet and simvastatin on bone structure and biomechanics is scarce. Thus, this study evaluated the effects of simvastatin on femoral biomechanics and cortical/trabecular bone structure in wild-type mice nourished with a hyperlipidic diet. Three-month-old male wild-type mice (C57BL6 strain) were divided into four groups: (1) group W, nourished with a standard diet; (2) group WH, fed a hyperlipidic diet; (3) group WS, nourished with a standard diet plus oral simvastatin (20 mg/kg/day); and (4) group WHS, fed a hyperlipidic diet plus oral simvastatin (20 mg/kg/day). All animals received only their specific diet and water for 60 days. Blood samples were collected for the analysis of calcium, triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC) and fraction serum levels. Diet manipulation was able to induce a dyslipidaemic status in mice, characterized by triglyceride and TC rise in WH animals. Simvastatin prevented hypercholesterolaemia and reduced TC and LDL serum levels, but did not prevent hypertriglyceridaemia and HDL serum levels in the WHS group. In the WH mice the hyperlipidaemia was associated with reduction in trabecular bone thickness, femur structural and material property alterations. Simvastatin prevented these morphological alterations and minimized femur biomechanical changes in WHS mice. Taken together, the results indicated that the hyperlipidic diet intake acts as a risk factor for bone integrity, generating bones with reduced resistance and more susceptible to fractures, an effect attenuated by simvastatin that is potentially related to the modulatory action of this drug on lipid and bone metabolism

    Metabolic and structural bone disturbances induced by hyperlipidic diet in mice treated with simvastatin

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    Simvastatin can modulate lipid and bone metabolism. However, information related to the interaction between diet and simvastatin on bone structure and biomechanics is scarce. Thus, this study evaluated the effects of simvastatin on femoral biomechanics and cortical/trabecular bone structure in wild‐type mice nourished with a hyperlipidic diet. Three‐month‐old male wild‐type mice (C57BL6 strain) were divided into four groups: (1) group W, nourished with a standard diet; (2) group WH, fed a hyperlipidic diet; (3) group WS, nourished with a standard diet plus oral simvastatin (20 mg/kg/day); and (4) group WHS, fed a hyperlipidic diet plus oral simvastatin (20 mg/kg/day). All animals received only their specific diet and water for 60 days. Blood samples were collected for the analysis of calcium, triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC) and fraction serum levels. Diet manipulation was able to induce a dyslipidaemic status in mice, characterized by triglyceride and TC rise in WH animals. Simvastatin prevented hypercholesterolaemia and reduced TC and LDL serum levels, but did not prevent hypertriglyceridaemia and HDL serum levels in the WHS group. In the WH mice the hyperlipidaemia was associated with reduction in trabecular bone thickness, femur structural and material property alterations. Simvastatin prevented these morphological alterations and minimized femur biomechanical changes in WHS mice. Taken together, the results indicated that the hyperlipidic diet intake acts as a risk factor for bone integrity, generating bones with reduced resistance and more susceptible to fractures, an effect attenuated by simvastatin that is potentially related to the modulatory action of this drug on lipid and bone metabolism.96426126

    Biochemical And Morphological Alterations In The Achilles Tendon Of Mdx Mice.

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    Dystrophin-deficient muscles have repeated cycles of necrosis and regeneration, being susceptible to injury induced by muscle contractions. Some studies have demonstrated that tendons are also affected in mdx mice, based especially on the changes in biomechanical properties arising from the respective linked muscles. However, most studies have focused only on alterations in the myotendinous junction. Thus, the purpose of this work was to study biochemical and morphological alterations in the Achilles tendons of 60-day-old mdx mice. Hydroxyproline quantification, showed higher collagen concentration in the mdx mice as compared with the control. No difference between the tendons of both groups was found in the noncollagenous proteins dosage, and in the amount of collagen type III detected in the western blotting analysis. The zymography for gelatinases detection showed higher amounts of metaloproteinase-2 (active isoform) and of metalloproteinase-9 (latent isoform) in the mdx mice. Measurements of birefringence, using polarization microscopy, showed higher molecular organization of the collagen fibers in the tendons of mdx mice in comparison to the control group, with presence of larger areas of crimp. Ponceau SS-stained tendon sections showed stronger staining of the extracellular matrix in the mdx groups. Toluidine blue-stained sections showed more intense basophilia in tendons of the control group. In morphometry, a higher number of inflammatory cells was detected in the epitendon of mdx group. In conclusion, the Achilles tendon of 60-day-old mdx mice presents higher collagen concentration and organization of the collagen fibers, enhanced metalloproteinase-2 activity, as well as prominent presence of inflammatory cells and lesser proteoglycans.7885-9