19 research outputs found


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    Comprehensive Evaluation of Selected Methods for Assessing Human Body Composition

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    The present study investigated the validity, reliability, objectivity, and practicability of methods with skinfold caliper (SF), ultrasound (US), bioelectrical impedance (BI), and sulfur hexafluoride (SHD) using identical subjects, and evaluated comprehensive usefulness by comparing selected methods or equations. In examining validity, underwater weighing (UW) was employed to obtain the criterion of validity. The subjects were healthy Japanese, 16 males and 15 females, aged 18 to 32 years. The prediction equation developed by Nakadomo et al. (1990b) was considered to be suitable for BI. With respect to the validity, BI and SHD assessing total body when estimating body composition would be more valid than those assessing partial subcutaneous skinfold thickness. A comprehensive evaluation through an examination with respect to the validity, reliability, objectivity, and practicability suggests that the BI could be the best method to assess human body composition in vivo

    Suprailiac or abdominal skinfold thickness measured with a skinfold caliper as a predictor of body density in Japanese adults

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    金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系Measurement of subcutaneous fat thickness with a skinfold caliper is a simple and inexpensive technique for assessment of body composition, but is influenced by the skin site or the obesity level. The resulting measurement errors may influence the prediction accuracy of body density. We therefore aimed to clarify the characteristics of measurement errors with a skinfold caliper and to determine useful measurement sites for the prediction of body density in Japanese adults of wide-ranging age and obesity levels. The present study included 126 Japanese male and 77 female subjects ranging from 21 to 81 years old. They were divided into a "non-obese group" and an "obese group", based on the Japanese criteria of obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2). Subcutaneous fat thickness was measured at 14 sites with a skinfold caliper and ultrasound. Percent body fat was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, and body density was calculated using Brozek\u27s formula. Sex and obesity level differences in the measurement error of skinfolds (ultrasound minus skinfold caliper measurements) were examined by 2 × 2 ANOVA (sex and obesity groups) for each site. The relationship between body density and the systematic error was examined. We developed an accurate prediction equation for body density with smaller measurement and systematic errors. Although measurement errors in skinfold thickness tended to increase with increasing obesity levels, the influence was smaller for the abdominal and suprailiac skinfolds compared with other sites. Measurement of suprailiac or abdominal skinfold thickness is useful to accurately estimate body density in Japanese adults. © 2007 Tohoku University Medical Press

    Predição do desempenho na corrida de 5.000 m por meio de testes no laboratório e no campo, para corredores de fundo

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    Bood lactate curves during exercise have been widely used in the prescription of training stimulus for long distance runners. Since transferring laboratory results to field situations has been shown to be inadequate, the purpose of the present study was to propose a field protocol to predict performance in a 5 000 m run. Twenty-eight middle and long distance runners (age 28±6 years; weight = 61.5±6.1 kg) were submitted to: a) TREAD - a treadmill test with no inclination, consisting of four velocities, with each stage lasting five minutes separated by one minute rest (15, 17, 18 and 19 k .lf1 or 17, 19, 20 and 21 k .lf1), with the velocities being assigned to subjects based on their most recent marathon times (below or above two hours and 30 minutes); b) TRACK four 1 600 meters runs at increasing velocities (3.5% below treadmill velocities), separated by one minute rests, chosen as in a); and c) RUN a 5 000 m run test. Artcrialized ear lobe blood samples were collected during the first 30 seconds of the recovering periods in the TRACK and TREAD conditions and analyzed for lactate concentrations by elcctroenzymatic method (YSI 1500 Sport; Yellow Springs Inc.; Ohio). Velocities and heart rates for the two testing situations were compared at the fixed lactate concentrations of 2, 4 and 8 mmol.I*1 (TREADMILL: V2mM = 17.1±1.2, V4mM = 19.1+1.4, V8mM = 20.9+1.8 km.h'1 and HR2mM = 164±7, HR4niM = 178±6, HR8111M = 193±8 bpm; TRACK: V2niM = 16.6+1.0, V4mM = 18.1+1.0, V8mM = 19.5+1.2 km.h'1 and HR2mM = 165+6, HR4mM = 178+8, HR8111M = 190+9 bpm). Significant correlations between velocities on the TREAD and TRACK conditions were observed at the three fixed lactate concentrations (p < 0.05). The same was observed for the heart rates (exception for the 8 mmol.I’1). Tcst/rctcst correlation coefficients for the TRACK condition ranged from 0.72 to 0.96 (all sig. p < 0.05) for HR and VEL at the three fixed lactate concentrations. The best 5 000 run time predictor was the velocity at 4 nunol.I*1 in the TRACK condition (r= 0.90, p < 0.001; Y (m .m in'1) = 13.4196 + 0.9997 X; SEE = 9.62 m .min'1). Based on the present results it was concluded that the running velocity at the 4 mmol I*1 fixed lactate concentration on TRACK is the best predictor of perfomancc in the 5 000 m runAs curvas de lactato sangüíneo, durante o exercício, têm sido amplamente utilizadas na prescrição do estímulo de treinamento para corredores de longa distância. Uma vez que a transferência dos resultados do laboratório para a situação de campo tem demonstrado ser inadequada, o objetivo deste estudo foi propor um protocolo de campo para predição do desempenho na corrida de 5.000 m. Vinte e oito corredores de média e longa distância (idade = 28±6 anos; peso = 61,5±6,1 kg) foram submetidos ao: a) ESTEI - teste na esteira ergométrica sem inclinação, consistindo de quatro velocidades, com cada estágio de cinco minutos separados por um minuto de repouso (15, 17, 18 e 19 km.h'1 ou 17, 19, 20 e 21 km.li'1), com as velocidades escolhidas para os sujeitos baseando-se no tempo mais recente na maratona (abaixo ou acima de duas horas e 30 minutos); b) CAMPO - quatro repetições de 1.600 metros com velocidades progressivas (3,5% abaixo da velocidade na esteira), separados por um minuto de repouso, como o empregado em a); e c) CORR - teste de corrida de 5.000 m. Amostras de sangue arterializado do lóbulo da orelha foram coletadas durante os primeiros 30 segundos dos períodos de recuperação nas condições ESTEI e CAMPO, com a concentração de lactato sendo analisada pelo método eletro enzimático (YSI 1500 Sport; Yellovv Springs Inc., Ohio). As velocidades e freqüências cardíacas nas duas situações de testes foram comparadas nas concentrações fixas de lactato de 2, 4 e 8 mmol.l'1 (ESTEIR: V2niM = 17,1±1,2, V4mM = 19,1±1,4, V8mM = 20,9±1,8 km.h'1 e FC2mM = 164±7, FC4mM = 178±6. FC8mM = 193±8 bpm; CAMPO: V2mM = 16,6±1,0, V4mM = 18,1±1,0, V8mM = 19,5+1,2 km.h*1 e FC2mM = 165±6, FC4mM = 178±8, FC8111M = 190±9 bpm). Correlações significativas foram observadas entre as condições ESTEI e o CAMPO nas três concentrações fixas de lactato (p< 0,05). Sendo que não foi observada correlação significativa para a freqüência cardíaca a 8 mmol.l' Os coeficientes de correlação para teste/reteste na condição CAMPO, foram na faixa de 0,72 a 0,96 (todos sig. p< 0,05) para as FC e para as V, nas três concentrações fixas. O melhor preditor da velocidade de corrida nos 5.000 m foi a velocidade nos 4 m m ol.r1 na condição CAMPO (r= 0,90, p< 0,001; Y (m .m in1) = 13,4196 + 0,9997X, SEE = 9,62 m.min*1). Baseado nos presentes resultados foi concluído que referências originadas no protocolo de campo são mais relacionadas ao desempenho na corrida de 5.000 m, do que as originadas no laboratóri

    Development and Evaluation of a Multi-frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Analyzer for Estimating Acupoint Composition

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to suggest a new method of estimating acupoint compositions by using a multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MF-BIA) method at 5 kHz, 50 kHz and 200 kHz within 2 cm of acupoints divided into local segments. To verify the system developed, we confirmed the stable occurrence of a constant current at every frequency, regardless of the impedance connected to the electrodes. Moreover, we found left and right distal bicep brachii aponeurosis to be identical by using ultrasound imaging, and we analyzed the repeatability of the findings by making 10 consecutive sets of measurements (p > 0.05). To evaluate the practical use of the acupoint composition, we used the MF-BIA analyzer to measure the left and right LU3, LU4, and LU9 at the lung meridian. We confirmed that the potentials generated were equal to the changes in the cell membrane function, which were caused by the applied frequency (p < 0.01). We also verified that the MF-BIA analyzer measurements corresponded to the acupoint components by comparing the left and right potentials generated (p > 0.05). Hence, we conclude that the MF-BIA analyzer can be used to estimate the acupoint composition based on the acupoint state

    Risikoabschätzung durch Body-Impedanz-Analyse bei Operationen von Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes: prospektive Validierung des "Jena-Index"

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    In einer von Grünbeck vorgelegten Studie wurden mit Hilfe der indirekten B.I.A.-Methode die Kompartimente im Sinne der Körperzusammensetzung bestimmt und aus den erhobenen Parametern der „Jena-Index“ errechnet, der in der Lage sein sollte das Operationsrisiko bei Patienten mit Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes, die elektiv operiert wurden, einzuschätzen. Dieser Index wurde retrospektiv errechnet. In der hier vorgelegten Untersuchung sollte „Jena-Index“ prospektiv validiert werden, um die prädiktive Wertigkeit dieses Index zu bestimmen. Weiterhin sollte überprüft werden, ob sich unter Berücksichtigung weiterer Parameter wie Serumalbumin, Serumeiweiß und Leukozytenzahl, denen in der Literatur eine gewisse Wertigkeit diesbezüglich zugeschrieben wird, eine Erhöhung der Sensitivität und Spezifität bei der Identifikation von Hochrisikopatienten erreichen lässt. In der hier vorgelegten Untersuchung stellte sich heraus, dass sich ausschließlich in der Gruppe der Patienten mit der Diagnose Rektumkarzinom und der Karzinom der extrahepatischen Gallenwege der „Jena-Index“ eine gute Korrelation errechnen lässt. Für alle anderen betrachteten Diagnosen konnte aufgrund der erhobenen und berechneten Daten keine eindeutige positive Korrelation gefunden werden, so dass hier der „Jena-Index“ kein geeignetes Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung stellt. Die weiterhin betrachteten Parameter konnten kein eindeutiges Ergebnis liefern

    Kurz-und längerfristiger Einfluss einer sportmedizinisch kontrollierten Intervention auf die Herzfrequenzvariabilität und Stoffwechselparameter von adipösen Soldaten

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    Zielsetzung: Ziel der Studie war es den Einfluss einer sportmedizinischen Intervention auf die Herzfrequenzvariabilität (HFV), den Lipidstoffwechsel und die Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit adipöser Soldaten zu bestimmen. Methodik: 43 adipöse Bundeswehrsoldaten mit einem Altersdurchschnitt von 42,4J absolvierten ein dreiwöchiges sportmedizinisches Programm. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte ein einjähriges freies Training. 49 normgewichtige Probanden galten als Kontrolle. Ergebnisse: Drei Wochen Training führte zu einer Zunahme der Gesamt- und Kurzzeitvariabilität, sowie der ergometrischen Leistungsparameter und zu einer Reduktion der Lipidwerte. Nach einem Jahr erweisen sich die Effekte auf den Lipidstoffwechsel als rückläufig. Sonstige Parameter bleiben auf hohem Niveau konstant. Diskussion: Regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität hat weiteichenden Einfluss auf die HFV, den Lipidstoffwechsel und ergometrische Leistungsparameter adipöser Soldaten