9 research outputs found

    Brand Equity Susu Cair Uht Dan Pengaruhnya Pada Purchase Intention

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    Top Brand Survey 2012-2015 menunjukkan bahwa Frisian Flag mengalami penurunan peringkat dalam Top Brand Index produk susu cair. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis brand equity susu cair UHT Ultramilk, Indomilk, Frisian Flag, Milo dan Bear Brand beserta pengaruh brand equity pada purchase intention. Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, uji cochran, skala semantic differential, dan regresi linier berganda. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 105 orang dengan metode penarikan contoh purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Ultramilk menjadi top of mind serta memiliki jumlah asosiasi pembentuk brand image terbanyak dari merek lainnya; kesan kualitas produk aman menyehatkan dan rasa enak berskala sangat baik dimiliki Ultramilk, sedangkan Bear Brand yaitu produk aman menyehatkan dan kandungan gizi lengkap; Milo memiliki piramida loyalitas terbaik dari merek lainnya, 2) Secara simultan, brand equity berpengaruh signifikan terhadap purchase intention, namun secara parsial hanya elemen brand association dan brand loyalty yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap purchase intention

    Organic Farming in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia: Measuring How far Its Sustainability

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    Sustainable organic farming management combines ecological/environmental, economic, and social interests in its implementation. This study aims to determine the sustainability status of organic agriculture in Bogor, West Java Province, on the ecological, economic, and social dimensions. The analytical method used is Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) through the Rap-Organic Farm (Rapid Appraisal for Organic Farm) ordinance technique. The results showed that the sustainability status of organic farming in Bogor was categorized as Fairly Sustainable (58.57) on the ecological dimension. Still, the economic and social dimensions were moderately sustainable (52.09 and 53.70, respectively). Leverage attributes that very sensitive influenced the sustainability of organic agriculture are the availability of fertile land, the presence of organic product seeds, community consumption level for organic products, the market potential for organic products, average additional community income from organic product cultivation, and involvement of community institutions in organic farming development. The six attributes of levers must be prioritized for managers through the preparation and implementation of appropriate policies so that the sustainability of organic farming in Bogor, West Java, can be maintained

    Strategy for the Development of Patient Services at the YAPIDA Primary Clinic in Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency

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    The change in the service system from the general customer category to the BPJS Health participant category resulted in a decrease in the number of visits by general participants and an increase in visits by BPJS Health participants. This research aims to formulate a strategy for the development of the Klinik Pratama YAPIDA, Gunung Putri, Kabupaten Bogor based on an analysis of patient service’s satisfaction. Research data was collected through a service quality questionnaire as developed, which consists of 5 (five) dimensions: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The data analysis technique uses a combination of Servqual analysis approach, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) approach, and Structural Equation Model (SEM). The research’s result shows that based by the use of the combination of the three analytical approaches, there is a linearity in the strategic direction of the Klinik Pratama YAPIDA development to maintain sustainability and increase the grade of the Clinic, which is improving service quality in aspects of 1) Nurse’s responsiveness, 2) responsiveness of the pharmacist, and 3) clinical service officer. Based on this analysis, the managerial implications require the YAPIDA Primary Clinic Management to formulate a service quality development strategy by improving the three service attributes


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    Hodo is a ceremonial ritual of Pariopo tribe in order to ask for rain. This ritual is survival ancestor since hundred of past which has endured to this day. In spite of development, this ritual changes and developments in line with the changing era and times. Behaviour and diversity society of Pariopo Tribe also influence changes in Hodo’s Ritual, because the society of Pariopo Tribe are 100% Moslems. Acculturation of cultural and religious values seems very united in the implementation of this ritual later. The unification between cultures and religious values can be seen from the poems of Pamojhi songs that were rebounded as long as Ritual takes place. Pamojhi’s songs depicted religious values of Islam which is very deep breath. It is the core of the religious teaching from the building joins of faith. The meaning of Pamojhi’s songs is one note withIslamic theology. The First is devotion, a belief where there is no God to worship except Allah. And the Second is petition and Connection, its mean of certainty about power of the one supreme which regulates al human life. So, the third is surrender, human of submission form slave to ruler after pass up petition or attempt to get something which be desired. These values are embodied in the magic spell ritual worship in the implementation of Hodo, either explicitly or implicitly, that the ritual could be accepted by society and survive until now


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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the factors that determines consumers in their purchasing decisions Muslim dress and recommend the proposed marketing mix strategy affects customer satisfaction and loyalty which can have an impact on purchasing decisions / repurchase (repurchase) by consumers. The analytical methods used in this study Chi-Square Test, Thurstone Case-V Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, and Structural Equation Model. The results showed the purchasing decisions Muslim clothing there is a relationship between level of education and average revenue / expenditure per month with custom usage Muslim clothing, there are five sequences attribute Muslim clothing that is essential according to the respondents, the underwear model, quality of materials, patterns typical, leisure time used as well as an attractive packaging design. Muslim clothing brand Ke'ke is purchased by consumers because the ads fit the facts, reasonably priced, there are many models of quality koko and containerized, while shortcomings are in the variation of the veil / hijab and less spread of sales outlets. The products are very dominant. They influence purchasing decisions of consumers so that the superiority of the product should be maintained and even improved.Keywords: muslim clothing, the mix marketing, re-purchasing decision

    Organic Farming in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia: Measuring How far Its Sustainability

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    Sustainable organic farming management combines ecological/environmental, economic, and social interests in its implementation. This study aims to determine the sustainability status of organic agriculture in Bogor, West Java Province, on the ecological, economic, and social dimensions. The analytical method used is Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) through the Rap-Organic Farm (Rapid Appraisal for Organic Farm) ordinance technique. The results showed that the sustainability status of organic farming in Bogor was categorized as Fairly Sustainable (58.57) on the ecological dimension. Still, the economic and social dimensions were moderately sustainable (52.09 and 53.70, respectively). Leverage attributes that very sensitive influenced the sustainability of organic agriculture are the availability of fertile land, the presence of organic product seeds, community consumption level for organic products, the market potential for organic products, average additional community income from organic product cultivation, and involvement of community institutions in organic farming development. The six attributes of levers must be prioritized for managers through the preparation and implementation of appropriate policies so that the sustainability of organic farming in Bogor, West Java, can be maintained


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    Indonesia Program, increase awareness, willingness, and ability to live healthy lives for everyone to improve their health status as high as possible. The healthy Indonesia program with a family approach is an effort to respond to these health development challenges. The results of the Healthy Indonesia Family Approach Program will be one of the references in planning the management of health centers. This study was to observe the implementation of the Healthy Indonesia Program with the Family Approach and the performance of TAKASIMURAH at The Health Center of Labuhan Badas District. The method used is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques as interviews, observation, and study of documents. The results show, the Healthy Indonesia Program activities with the Family Approach optimally implemented, and the performance of TAKASIMURAH was able to increase program achievements according to 12 indicators set. The results of this study are expecting to be a reference by other health centers in improving services using the same innovation.Pembangunan kesehatan merupakan salah satu agenda dari program Nawa Cita yaitu meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia Indonesia melalui Program Indonesia Sehat dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, kemauan dan kemampuan hidup sehat bagi setiap orang untuk meningkatan derajat kesehatan yang setinggi-tingginya. Program Indonesia sehat dengan pendekatan keluarga merupakan upaya untuk menjawab tantangan pembangunan kesehatan tersebut. hasil dari pendataan Program Indonesia Sehat Pendekatan Keluarga akan menjadi salah satu acuan dalam merencanakan manajemen puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga dan implementasi TAKASIMURAH di UPT Puskesmas Kecamatan Labuhan Badas. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan kegiatan Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga sudah cukup optimal dilaksanakan dan implementasi TAKASIMURAH mampu meningkatkan capaian program sesuai 12 indikator yang ditetapkan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan menjadi acuan oleh puskesmas lain dalam meningkatkan pelayanan menggunakan inovasi yang sama Kata kunci : Pendekatan Keluarga, Program Indonesia Sehat, Teleheal


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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the factors that determines consumers in their purchasing decisions Muslim dress and recommend the proposed marketing mix strategy affects customer satisfaction and loyalty which can have an impact on purchasing decisions / repurchase (repurchase) by consumers. The analytical methods used in this study Chi-Square Test, Thurstone Case-V Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, and Structural Equation Model. The results showed the purchasing decisions Muslim clothing there is a relationship between level of education and average revenue / expenditure per month with custom usage Muslim clothing, there are five sequences attribute Muslim clothing that is essential according to the respondents, the underwear model, quality of materials, patterns typical, leisure time used as well as an attractive packaging design. Muslim clothing brand Ke'ke is purchased by consumers because the ads fit the facts, reasonably priced, there are many models of quality koko and containerized, while shortcomings are in the variation of the veil / hijab and less spread of sales outlets. The products are very dominant. They influence purchasing decisions of consumers so that the superiority of the product should be maintained and even improved.Keywords: muslim clothing, the mix marketing, re-purchasing decision

    The Effect Of Brand Equity, Marketing Mix, And Lifestyle To Purchase Decision At Maxx Coffee, Bogor

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    Coffee becomes one of the important commodities both in terms of consumption and in terms of production. Therefore, the interaction in marketing with the system and its activities should be able to get closer between consumers to products and brand name of the company offered. Nowdays, urban society at this time experiencing lifestyle changes. One of the manifestations of modern lifestyle today is the habit of certain community groups who like to consume coffee in coffee shops. Base on that, the purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of MAXX Coffee consumer, analyze the influence of brand equity, lifestyle, and marketing mix of MAXX Coffee to consumer purchase decision, and to formulate alternative marketing strategy based on factors influencing marketing mix and brand equity MAXX Coffee. This research using Structural equation Modeling (SEM) with 271 respondent based on convenience sampling method during the reseach time. Based on the results of the research, in order to create strong brand equity, the management of MAXX Coffee Bogor can invest through the improvement of several marketing mix indicators, namely price, people, process, and physical. In the context of MAXX Coffee lifestyle focus to follow the perception of today's consumer lifestyle that wants to improve the prestige and image in the environment around consumers