59 research outputs found

    Observations Of Chain Aggregates In Florida Cirrus Cloud Anvils On 3 August 2019 During CAPEEX19

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    Elongated chain-like aggregates have been observed in cirrus cloud anvils produced by electrified thunderstorms. Cloud chamber experiments have also been able to generate chain aggregates while applying strong electric fields (\u3e 60 kV m-1) to environments with ice crystal concentrations between 3.0 x 106 – 4.0 x 106 m-3 and over a range of temperatures. While it is believed that electric fields are important for chain aggregate formation, exactly where and how the chain aggregation process occurs with thunderstorm is not well understood, which inhibits inclusion in cloud models. Not having chain aggregates in models causes inaccuracies to cloud radiative transfer properties. Furthermore, chain aggregates are important to consider for supersonic flight.To better understand the chain aggregation process, the North Dakota Citation II Research Aircraft sampled convection-induced, cirrus cloud anvils during the 3 August 2019 CapeEx19 field project flight. The aircraft flight’s in-situ observations are analyzed to determine the degree that chain aggregation is occurring within cirrus cloud anvils. While chain aggregation is likely occurring in multiple locations; the in-situ, cirrus anvil observations indicate that the highest concentrations of chain aggregates are close to the storm core and the chain aggregate concentrations decrease away from the storm core. The observed chain aggregates contain individual crystal elements that grow under different temperature regimes and approximately 90 percent of the chain aggregates lack the presence of any rimed ice. Electric field observations indicate stronger electric fields closer to the storm core (on the order of 101 kV m-1), which suggests that the chain aggregates observed near the storm core may have formed within the storm core, likely above regions of high concentrations of supercooled liquid water. However, the relative chain aggregate concentration with respect to non-chain aggregates (RCACN-C) increases away from the storm core (up to a certain distance), which supports the hypothesis that the chain aggregation process is occurring in the cirrus anvil region. However, further away from the storm core the electric fields are low which inhibits the idea that chain aggregation is continuing in the cirrus anvil region. Analysis of additional flights that transect through the convective core would be useful to see if higher concentrations of chain aggregates (rimed and un-rimed) are observed. Analysis of all the CapeEx19 research flights would be useful to determine the variability of chain aggregates away from the convective cores. Moreover, to help understand the chain aggregation process in the cirrus anvil region, additional cloud chamber experiments would be beneficial to test if chain aggregation can occur using electric fields \u3c 60 kV m-1 at temperatures colder than -30 C

    Definition of Architectural Academic Competitions and its Types Tamayouz Award - Case Study

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    تبرز اهمية المسابقات المعمارية على المستوى المهني والاكاديمي، اذ تم اعتماد المسابقات عبر الحقب الزمنية المتعددة لإيجاد حلول متنوعة عن مشاكل التصميم بما يحقق أنماطاً بنائية غير تقليدية  تعزز الابداع، وتسهم في ايجاد افضل التصاميم وادخال اتجاهات جديدة تنعكس مباشرة على تشكيل البيئة المعمارية المبنية وبما يحقق الارتقاء والتطور، فضلا عن اهميتها التعليمية من حيث  الدمج بين النظرية المعمارية والممارسة العملية لكل من المهندسين وطلبة العمارة، كونها لقاءات فكرية تسهم في تحفيز التعلم الذاتي وتشجيع الابداع عن طريق التقصي والمنافسة لتطوير المهارات واثراء المعلومات. يهتم هذا البحث بالمسابقات المعمارية على الصعيد الاكاديمي ، اذ تناولتها الدراسات والطروحات السابقة في ضوء وصفها تقليداً تجريبياً وتكنولوجيات اجتماعية ووسيلة بحثية لتحقيق هدف علمي للتعلم وتحقيق الابداع، فضلا عن الإشارة اليها بوصفها إحدى أنواع التعلم غير الرسمي في العمارة، مع ملاحظة انه تمت الإشارة الى المسابقات المعمارية في التعليم الاكاديمي بصورة ضمنية في كل الدراسات العالمية ، في حين لم تذكر في الدراسات العربية والمحلية، فتم تحديد مشكلة البحث "بمحدودية المعرفة المرتبطة بالمسابقات المعمارية الاكاديمية وانواعها، عموما، وفي الواقع المحلي على وجه الخصوص"، ليتمثل هدف البحث "بتعريف تلك المسابقات وتحديد اهم انواعها وبما يسهم في تعزيز اهمية اعتمادها في الاكاديميات المعمارية المحلية"، وقد استوجب تحقيق هذا الهدف اعتماد المنهج التحليلي الوصفي للدراسات والمعرفة السابقة من داخل حقل العمارة وخارجها، فضلا عن التجارب التطبيقية المرتبطة بها، وصولا الى التطبيق على حالة دراسية محددة والمتمثلة بجائزة تميز بفئاتها الاربعة، اذ افترض البحث إمكانية أن تضم المسابقة المعمارية الاكاديمية عدة انواع وبما يتوافق مع متطلبات الجهة المنظمة وسعيها للإسهام في تعزيز العملية التعليمية التعلمية في الاكاديميات المعمارية، ليتم بموجب ذلك تحليل النتائج وصياغة الاستنتاجات والتوصيات.The importance of architectural competitions at the professional and academic levels, as Competitions have been adopted across multiple time periods to find a variety of solutions to design problems and achieve non-traditional building patterns that promote creativity, And contributes to the creation of the best designs and the introduction of new trends reflected directly in the formation of the built architectural environment and in order to achieve upgrading and development In addition to its educational importance in terms of combining architectural theory and the practical practice of both engineers and architecture students, they are intellectual meetings that contribute to stimulating self-learning and encouraging creativity through investigation and competition to develop skills and enrich information. This research is interested in architectural competitions at the academic level, as it was addressed by previous studies and thesis through the description as an experimental tradition and social technologies and a research tool to achieve a scientific goal of learning and achieving creativity, as well as referring to it as one of the types of informal learning in architecture, with Note that architectural competitions in academic education have been referred to implicitly in all international studies. While it was not mentioned in Arab and local studies, the problem of research was identified by the limited knowledge associated with academic architectural competitions and their types, in general, and in fact local in particular, to be the goal of the research to define these competitions and identify the most important types and in order to contribute to enhancing the importance of Adopted in local architectural academies, this goal has necessitated the adoption of the descriptive analytical approach to previous studies and knowledge from inside and outside the field of architecture.  The research problem was determined by the limited knowledge associated with academic architectural competitions and their types, in general, and in local reality in particular, the aim of the research is to define those competitions and identify the most important types and contribute to enhancing the importance of its adoption in the local architectural academies, In addition to the applied experiments associated with it, to apply to the application on specific case study represented by Tamayouz Award with four categories, the research assumed the possibility of the academic architectural competition to include several types and in accordance with the requirements of the organizer and its endeavor to contribute to the promotion of the process Learning education in architectural academies, according to which the results are analyzed and conclusions and recommendations formulated

    Effectiveness of Childbirth Education on Nulliparous Women’s Knowledge of Childbirth Preparation, Pregnancy Anxiety and Pregnancy Outcomes

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    Background: The emerging number of cesarean sections among nulliparous women due to high pregnancy-related anxiety is a major concern of maternity care providers. Childbirth preparations enable women to cope with pregnancy anxiety and enhance pregnancy outcomes. Limited studies evaluated the impact of childbirth educational interventions on pregnancy-specific anxiety and pregnancy outcomes. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of childbirth educational intervention on nulliparous women’s knowledge on childbirth preparation, pregnancy anxiety, and pregnancy outcomes. Methods: A randomized controlled trial approach with a two-group pretest/ posttest design was used among hundred nulliparous third trimester pregnant women. All participants were pretested for their knowledge on childbirth preparation and pregnancy anxiety level using knowledge questionnaire, state trait anxiety inventory, and pregnancy-specific anxiety inventory. The experimental group (n = 50) received three sessions of childbirth education. All participants were post- tested before delivery, and their pregnancy outcomes were noted from labor records. Data were collected from a major maternity hospital in Kerala, India. GLM repeated measures analysis and paired t-test were used for data analysis. Results: The experimental group demonstrated a significantly higher level of knowledge on childbirth preparation (P < 0.001), with high reported mean knowledge scores of (54.30 ± 3.86) childbirth preparation than the control group (31.08 ± 1.96). A lower mean scores of pregnancy-specific anxiety among experimental group (102 ± 4.65) (P < 0.001) compared to control group (139.96 ± 4.9) signifies the relevance of childbirth education in reducing pregnancy-specific anxiety. Significant reductions of caesarean birth (50%) among nulliparous women along with a 12% increase in newborn’s birth weights were the main positive birth outcomes. Conclusions: Childbirth education significantly reduced pregnancy-specific anxiety and the adverse pregnancy outcomes. The emerging number of cesarean sections on maternal request due to childbirth anxiety could be reduced by empowering nulliparous women through childbirth education

    Factors associated with health-related quality of life among Indian women in mining and agriculture

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    BACKGROUND: Women facing social and economic disadvantage in stressed communities of developing countries are at greater risk due to health problems. This paper investigates the relationships between structural, health and psychosocial predictors among women in mining and agricultural communities. This paper is a report of a study of the predictors of the health-related quality of life among Indian women in mining and agricultural communities. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used. The instruments used are SF-36 Health Survey and Coping Strategy Checklist. ANOVA, MANOVA and GLM were used in the analysis. The study was conducted between January-September 2008 with randomly selected women in a mining (145) and an agricultural community (133) in India. RESULTS: Women in the agricultural community had significantly increased Physical Health, Mental Health and SF36 scores compared with those in the mining community. Years of stay, education and employment were significant predictors among women in the agricultural community. 39% (33%) and 40% (26%) of the variance in Physical and Mental health respectively among women in agricultural and mining communities are predicted by the structural, health and psychosocial variables. CONCLUSION: Perceived health status should be recognised as an important assessment of Physical and Mental Health among women in rural stressed communities. Cognitive, emotional and behavioural coping strategies are significant predictors of health related quality of life. Implications. Nurses should use the SF-36 as a diagnostic tool for assessing health related quality of life among women and discuss coping strategies, so that these can target women’s adaptive behaviour. This should be an essential part of the nursing process for facilitating adaptive process for improved health related quality of life

    Investigation of nano lipid vesicles of methotrexate for anti-rheumatoid activity

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    Prabhakara Prabhu1, Rakshith Shetty1, Marina Koland1, K Vijayanarayana3, KK Vijayalakshmi2, M Harish Nairy1, GS Nisha11Department of Pharmaceutics, Nitte University, NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Paneer, Deralakatte, Mangalore, Karnataka, India; 2Department of Applied Zoology, Mangalore University, Konaje, Mangalore, Karnataka, India; 3Department of Pharmacy Practice, Manipal University, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, IndiaBackground: The purpose of this study was to formulate and evaluate nano lipid vesicles of methotrexate (MTX) for its anti-rheumatoid activity.Methods: In this study the principle of both active as well as passive targeting using MTX-loaded stealth liposomes as per the magic gun approach was followed. Stealth liposomes of MTX were prepared by thin-film hydration method using a PEGylated phospholipid-like DSPE-MPEG 2000. Similarly, conventional liposomes were prepared using phospholipids like DPPC and DSPC. Conventional liposomes were coated with a hydrophilic biocompatible polymer like chitosan. They were investigated for their physical properties and in vitro release profile. Further, in vivo screening of the formulations for their anti-rheumatoid efficacy was carried out in rats. Rheumatoid arthritis was induced in male Wistar-Lewis rats using complete Freund&amp;rsquo;s adjuvant (1 mg/mL Mycobacterium tuberculosis, heat killed in mineral oil).Results: It was found that chitosan coating of the conventional liposomes increased the physical stability of the liposomal suspension as well as its entrapment efficiency. The size of the unsonicated lipid vesicles was found to be in the range of 8&amp;ndash;10 &amp;micro;m, and the sonicated lipid vesicles in the range of 210&amp;ndash;260 nm, with good polydispersity index. Further, chitosan-coated conventional liposomes and the PEGylated liposomes released the drug for a prolonged period of time, compared to the uncoated conventional liposomes. It was found that there was a significant reduction in edema volume in the rat group administered with the test stealth liposomal formulations and chitosan-coated conventional liposomes (PEGylated and chitosan-coated conventional) compared to that of the control and standard (administered with free MTX) group of rats. PEGylated liposomes showed almost equal efficacy as that of the chitosan-coated conventional liposomes.Conclusion: Lipid nano vesicles of MTX can be administered by intravenous route, whereby the drug selectively reaches the target site with reduced toxicity to other organs.Keywords: methotrexate, stealth liposomes, conventional liposomes, chitosan coating, targeted delivery, anti-rheumatoid efficac

    Understanding the factors that influence breast reconstruction decision making in Australian women

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    Background Breast reconstruction is safe and improves quality of life. Despite this, many women do not undergo breast reconstruction and the reasons for this are poorly understood. This study aims to identify the factors that influence a woman's decision whether or not to have breast reconstruction and to better understand their attitudes toward reconstruction. Methodology An online survey was distributed to breast cancer patients from Breast Cancer Network Australia. Results were tabulated, described qualitatively and analyzed for significance using a multiple logistic regression model. Results 501 mastectomy patients completed surveys, of which 62% had undergone breast reconstruction. Factors that positively influenced likelihood of reconstruction included lower age, bilateral mastectomy, access to private hospitals, decreased home/work responsibilities, increased level of home support and early discussion of reconstructive options. Most common reasons for avoiding reconstruction included “I don't feel the need” and “I don't want more surgery”. The most commonly sited sources of reconstruction information came from the breast surgeon followed by the plastic surgeon then the breast cancer nurse and the most influential of these was the plastic surgeon. Conclusions A model using factors easily obtained on clinical history can be used to understand likelihood of reconstruction. This knowledge may help identify barriers to reconstruction, ultimately improving the clinicians' ability to appropriately educate mastectomy patients and ensure effective decision making around breast reconstruction

    A pseudo-randomised clinical trial of in situ gels of fluconazole for the treatment of oropharngeal candidiasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oropharyngeal candidasis is a common opportunistic infection seen in immunocompromised patients. Fluconazole has a broad spectrum antifungal activity including a wide variety of <it>candida </it>species. Aim of the present investigation was to formulate and find out the relative efficacy of <it>in situ </it>gels of fluconazole.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>The <it>in situ </it>gels were prepared using polymers which exhibited sol-to-gel phase transition due to change in specific physico-chemical parameters, such as ion triggered system using gellan gum (0.5% w/v) along with sodium carboxylmethylcellulose (0.35%w/v). The study design was bicenter, 'pseudo-randomised, single blind trial conducted in Mangalore., India, which includes 15 HIV positive patients, 15 patients with partial or completes dentures, and 15 patients who were treated with (active control) fluconazole tablets 100 mg/day for 14 days. Severity of disease was scored clinically before treatment and at clinical evaluations on day 3, 7, 14, 18, 21, 35, and 42. Semiquantitative microbiological cultures of oral swabs were also obtained on same days.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All patients had mycological documented oropharyngeal candidiasis and were treated with fluconazole (0.5%w/v) <it>in situ </it>gels for 14 days Severity of disease was scored clinically before treatment and at different predetermined time intervals along with semi quantitative culture of oral swabs. The clinical response rate showed 97% cure after 14 days in the treated with <it>in situ </it>gel. In comparison, the control group treated with fluconazole tablets showed 85% improvement in symptoms of oral candidiasis. The patients suffering from HIV infection showed relapse in oral candidiasis at the end of 21 days. The patients having oral candidiasis due to partial or complete dentures showed complete recovery and were free from signs and symptoms of oral candidiasis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The <it>in situ </it>gel formulation of fluconazole was well tolerated with no severe adverse reaction and offers a better alternative to tablet formulation in the treatment of oropharyngeal candidasis.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trails <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN90634047">ISRCTN90634047</a></p