341 research outputs found

    Perioperative latex hypersensitivity reactions: an integrative literature review

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar as reações de hipersensibilidade ao látex em procedimentos anestésico-cirúrgicos. Foi realizada revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases LILACS, CINAHL, COCHRANE e MEDLINE, com seleção de artigos publicados em periódicos indexados de 1966 a setembro de 2011. Foram identificados 17 relatos de caso, dois estudos de prevalência e um de coorte. As reações ao látex foram majoritariamente do tipo III, e a principal fonte desencadeadora de reações no intraoperatório foram as luvas de látex; o tempo médio para manifestação da reação foi de 59,8 minutos após a indução anestésica; 44,4% dos pacientes relataram episódio de reação ao látex na avaliação pré-anestésica. Identificou-se que a história de episódios de reações a materiais de borracha, ou alimentos, na avaliação pré-anestésica não garante a segurança dos pacientes, se o profissional não estiver alerta à gravidade do problema; no caso de ocorrência de um evento anafilactoide, os profissionais tendem a suspeitar inicialmente dos medicamentos anestésicos.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las reacciones de hipersensibilidad al látex en la anestesia. Ha sido realizada una revisión integradora de la literatura en LILACS, CINAHL, COCHRANE y MEDLINE, con una selección de artículos publicados en periódicos indexados de 1966 hasta septiembre 2011. Fueron identificados 17 casos clínicos, 2 estudios de prevalencia y 1 de la cohorte. Las reacciones al látex fueron en su mayoría del tipo III y la principal fuente de reacción intra-operatoria fue el contacto con los guantes de látex. El tiempo medio hasta la aparición de respuesta fue de 59.8 minutos después de la inducción, 44,4% de los pacientes informaron una reacción al látex en el periodo pre-anestésico. La historia de reacciones alérgicas al látex en el periodo pre-anestésico no garantiza la seguridad de los pacientes si el profesional no está atento a la gravedad del problema. Al principio, se tiende a atribuir que el efecto de la anafilaxia se debe a los medicamentos anestésicos.This article characterizes hypersensitivity reactions during anesthetic-surgical procedures. This integrative literature review was conducted in the LILACS, CINAHL, COCHRANE and MEDLINE databases including papers published from 1966 to September 2011. A total of 17 case reports, two prevalence studies and one cohort study were identified. Latex reactions were mainly type III and the primary source of intraoperative reaction was latex gloves. The average time for clinical manifestation was 59.8 minutes after anesthetic induction; 44.4% of patients reported a reaction to latex at the pre-anesthetic evaluation. It was determined that the history of allergic reactions to latex obtained in the pre-anesthetic evaluation does not ensure the safety of patients if the staff is inattentive to the severity of the issue. There is also a tendency to initially attribute the anaphylactic event to the anesthetic drugs

    Feature importance in multi-dimensional tissue-engineering datasets: random forest assisted optimization of experimental variables for collagen scaffolds

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    Ice-templated collagen-based tissue-engineering scaffolds are ideal for controlled tissue regeneration since they mimic the micro-environment experienced in vivo. The structure and properties of scaffolds are fine-tuned during fabrication by controlling a number of experimental parameters. However, this parameter space is large and complex, rendering the interpretation of results and selection of optimal parameters to be challenging in practice. This paper investigates the impact of a cross section of this parameter space (drying conditions and solute environment) on the scaffold microstructure. Qualitative assessment revealed the previously unreported impact of drying temperature and pressure on pore wall roughness, and confirmed the influence of collagen concentration, solvent type, and solute addition on pore morphology. For quantitative comparison, we demonstrate the novel application of random forest regression to analyze multi-dimensional biomaterials datasets, and predict microstructural attributes for a scaffold. Using these regression models, we assessed the relative importance of the input experimental parameters on quantitative pore measurements. Collagen concentration and pH were found to be the largest factors in determining pore size and connectivity. Furthermore, circular dichroism peak intensities were also revealed to be a good predictor for structural variations, which is a parameter that has not previously been investigated for its effect on a scaffold microstructure. Thus, this paper demonstrates the potential for predictive models such as random forest regressors to discover novel relationships in biomaterials datasets. These relationships between parameters (such as circular dichroism spectra and pore connectivity) can therefore also be used to identify and design further avenues of investigation within biomaterials