470 research outputs found

    Characterization of soils of Talaulim watershed, North Goa and their suitability for cashew production

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    Talaulim watershed, North Goa located between 15º 27' N to 15º 29' N latitude and 73º 53' E to 73º 55' E longitude with an elevation of 2 to 90 m MSL, represents land area typical of West Coast as well as midlands and western foot slopes of Western Ghats, supposed to be ideal for cashew-growing. The climate is humid tropical with mean annual rainfall 2932 mm and temperature 27.3 ºC. A high intensity soil survey (1:5000 scale) was carried out in the watershed to characterize the land and soils. The data generated was used to assess the suitability for growing of cashew in those lands. The climatic characteristics like high rainfall, high mean annual temperature and appreciable dry season favour the growing of the crop. Slope (0-5 %), coarse fragments (0-60 % by volume), soil depth (>75 cm), AWC (> 75 mm/m), pH (5.5-7.5) and high organic carbon (> 0.8 %) are the congenial land qualities for cashew. The survey results revealed that, out of 597 ha surveyed, 133.7 ha (22.4 %) is highly suitable, 287.2 ha (48.1 %) moderately suitable and only 2.0 ha (0.3 %) marginally suitable. The remaining area of 65.7 ha (11.0 %) apart from marshy land (10.8 %), water body (4 %), salt pan (2.6 %) and settlements (0.8 %) is unsuitable. Interspersing cashew in the originally forested, but slightly degraded landscape is viable from soil conservation point of vie

    Evaluation of the effects of different groove length and thickness of the retainers on the retention of maxillary anterior base metal resin bonded retainers ' an in vitro study

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    Objectives: The resin-bonded fixed partial dentures have gained immense popularity in recent years as they are more conservative, esthetic, economic and easily fabricated. However debonding is considered the most common cause of failure of resin bonded prosthesis. The objective of the study were to compare the effects of different groove lengths and thickness of retainers on retention of maxillary anterior base metal resin bonded retainers. Study Design: Twenty five metal dies of maxillary central incisor duplicated from pure typhodont teeth (maxillary left central incisors) prepared to receive retainer for resin bonded fixed partial denture having different test designs were made. Five test groups were made with each group having five specimens. Two groups were having preparation depth of 0.5mm and retention groove lengths of 3mm and 5mm. Two groups had preparation depths of 0.3 and 0.7mm with no groove preparation with retainer thickness of 0.3 and 0.7mm respectively. Fifth group with no groove preparation and preparation depth of 0.5mm was kept as control for all the groups. All the specimens were cemented using calibra (Dentsply) resin cement. Each specimen was subjected to tensile loading in vertical direction on universal testing machine (Instron 5569) at a crosshead speed of 1mm/min. \ Results: Groups with 5mm and 3mm groove length recorded higher mean vertical forces when compared to the group with no groove preparation. Group with 5mm groove length showed highest mean vertical forces. The group with 0.7mm retainer recorded higher mean vertical force values when compared to groups with 0.5mm and 0.3mm retainer thickness. Group with 0.3mm retainer thickness recorded the least mean vertical force value. Conclusion: Placement of the grooves increased the retention values almost 2 ½ times than the grooveless preparation and as the thickness of the retainers increased retention values also increased. Retention value was directly proportional to the groove length and retainer thickness

    Reconstruction of a midfacial defect using an intraoral-extraoral combination prosthesis employing magnets: a clinical report

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    Radical maxillectomy frequently leads to extended defects in hard and soft tissues that result in a connection between the oral cavities and orbit. If the defect cannot be surgically reconstructed, a combination prosthesis may be necessary to remedy dysfunction in patient function, comfort, esthetics. For minor defects, enlargement of the base of the intra oral prosthesis is generally sufficient. Resections that affect more than one third of the maxilla usually require an intra oral and an extra oral prosthesis that could be assembled and retained in the patient. This clinical report describes a technique of prosthetic rehabilitation of midfacial defect with a silicone orbital prosthesis and intra oral obturator that are retained by magnets

    Coconut-growing soils of Kerala: 1. Characteristics and classification

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    Coconut plantations are the major land use systems in Kerala state. The tropical hot humid climate and soils of the state are considered suitable for the palm, with the exception of highlands occurring 600 m above MSL. However, the productivity of coconut is abysmally low in the state with an average productivity of around 40 nuts per year per palm. To find out whether the highly weathered and leached low activity clay soils developed in tropical hot humid climate is responsible for the low yield, an assessment of soil qualities in the coconut-growing soils of the state was made. Six distinct regions of coconut cultivation in the state were identified and delineated based on the variability of agro-climate and soils, viz., Central and Eastern Palakkad, Northern Kerala, Central Kerala, Southern Kerala, Onattukara sandy plains and coastal sandy plains. Soil profiles were studied at representative sites in each region. Investigated morphological features and sampled horizon-wise for the analysis of physical and chemical properties of the soil. Coconut-growing soils of Kerala state are in general deep and well drained, clayey or sandy having good structure permitting rapid transmission of water. The soils of Palakkad, Southern Kerala and Coastal Sandy Plains have near neutral reaction whereas the extensive areas of laterite soils of Northern and Central Kerala and sandy soils of Onattukara were strongly acid and had high levels of KCl extractable aluminium. The acid soils also analysed for low levels of basic cations, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Soils from all regions except Palakkad have low CEC. Surface and sub-soils base status were extremely low for soils of Northern and Central Kerala and Onattukara sandy plain. The soils of Central and Eastern Palakkad were classified as Typic Haplustalfs, Northern Kerala as Plinthic Humults, Central Kerala as Typic Plinthustults, Southern Kerala as Rhodic Kandiustults and the soils of sandy plains as Ustipsamments, according to soil taxonomy

    Coconut-growing soils of Kerala: 2. Assessment of fertility and soil related constraints to coconut production

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    Growth, productivity and health of coconut plantations in humid tropics are influenced by soil qualities. Fertility of coconut-growing soils of Kerala was assessed by analysing samples drawn from the distinct agro-ecological regions of the state: Central and Eastern Palakkad, Northern Kerala, Central Kerala and Southern Kerala, Onattukara sandy plain and coastal sandy plain. The strongly acid soils of Northern and Central Kerala and Onattukara sandy plain are unfavorable for plant nutrient availability and microbial processes. Surface and sub-soils of Central Kerala and sandy plains have low levels of organic carbon. Available phosphorus was high in soils of Southern Kerala and Onattukara sandy plain. Plant available potassium was not adequate in these coconut-growing soils. The nutrient levels in soils of Central Kerala and sandy plain were extremely low. The same pattern was true for secondary nutrients calcium and magnesium. Soils of all regions have adequate levels of available sulphur, iron and manganese. Copper and zinc deficiency was recorded for laterite soils of central region and sandy soils of Onattukara and coastal plain. Plant available boron was deficient in all regions except for the soils of Southern Kerala. Molybdenum levels were marginal in coconut growing soils, except for the soils of Palakkad. Overhead climate and soil moisture availability does not constrain the palm in the state except for Eastern Palakkad where irrigation during dry period is an absolute necessity. The extensive areas of midland laterites and Onattukara sandy plain with strong acid reaction and aluminium in soil solution severely constrain coconut. The acid soils also suffer from deficiencies of potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and boron. These soil related constraints affect coconut production significantly and alleviation of the same through liming and adequate application of deficient nutrients can ensure satisfactory yields from the palm

    Absence seizures as resetting mechanisms of brain dynamics

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    To understand the increase in age-related incidence and frequency of absence seizures in the rat brain, we investigated the effect of these seizures on brain dynamics. This paper puts forward the hypothesis that age-related differences in the expression of absence seizures are associated with the ability of the seizures to reset brain dynamics