12,773 research outputs found

    Rehabilitation of hearing impaired children in India – An update

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    The prevalence of deafness in India is fairly significant. It is the second most common cause of disability. Approximately 63 million people (6.3%) in India suffer from significant auditory loss.1 Rehabilitation of hearing impaired children in India remains a challenging task. Early detection and intervention are the mainstay of this initiative. This article does not purport to detail the clinical aspects and surgical management of hearing handicapped children.We discuss here the resources and options available in India for the education of deaf children and the role of the Government bodies in rehabilitation. Awareness abouteducation and rehabilitation of hearing handicapped is low among the general public and even among the medical fraternity.

    Citation Styles

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     The practice of evidence based medicine and widespread clinical research have rendered literature search,a vital tool .It is practically impossible to write any article without inputs from previous literature,whether from a book,journal or a website. The backbone of any publication is the bibliography or references. This is a compilation of all the sources of data used for the research paper. A reference mentions all the details of the source,namely title,authors,journal name,year,volume and issue number and page numbers. In order to avoid plagiarism,all references should be quoted in proper context after giving due credit to the respective authors. If a manuscript needs to be revised with inclusion of additional references,the authors will have to also modify the list of references appropriately to accommodate the same.

    Human otoacariasis: a common outbreak in rubber growing belt of Karnataka.

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    Background/Objective: Soft tick in the ear is a very common acute painful and distressing condition in the flowering months of October to March. It’s a common condition in the rubber growing belt of Sullia.The mouthparts of the tick grips firmly the skin of the external auditory canal or the tympanic membrane and sucks blood and swells up. Otoscopy and removal of the tick from the ear can be done in outpatients in adults and difficult in a frightened irritable child.Materials and methods: 312 cases of intra-aural ticks presenting to the opd and casualty which included 131 males and 181 females were included in the study.Results: Out of the 312 cases of intra-aural ticks, 170 cases were treated in the outpatient and 140 cases under short general anesthesia with oto-microscopy.Conclusion: Intra-aural tick infestation is an acute painful condition which needs prompt management by an experienced otolaryngologist. Proper visualization and instrumentation is necessary to avoid complications.

    Crouzon’s syndrome with adenotonsillitis: conventional surgery in altered anatomy.

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    Background/Objectives: Crouzon’s syndrome is characterized by premature closure of the cranial sutures, midface hypoplasia, orbital deformities & other associated abnormalities.Children with Crouzon syndrome frequently have obstructive sleep apnea due to the underdevelopment of the midface.Case report: A 12 year old boy of Crouzon’s syndrome with chronic adeno-tonsillitis was managed by adeno-tonsillectomy under general anaesthesia by scalpel cautery method. The boyresponded well to surgery & the mild sleep disorder disappeared within a week uveventfully.Conclusion: Sleep disorders in this condition can be treated by improving the airway by selective procedures like midface advancement, mandibular expansion , adeno-tonsillectomy,uvulo-palatopharyngoplasty, anterior tongue reduction & endoscopic tracheal granuloma excision.

    Multipliers between Orlicz sequence space

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    Let M,N M,N be Orlicz functions and let D(lM,lN) D(l_M,l_N) be the space of all diagonal operators (that is multipliers) acting between the Orlicz sequence spaces lM l_M and lN l_N . We prove that the space of multipliers D(lM,lN) D(l_M,l_N) coincides with (and is isommorphic to) the Orlicz sequence space lMN l_{M_{N}^*} , where MN M_{N}^* is the Orlicz function defined by MN(λ)=sup{N(λx)M(x),x(0,1)} M_N^*( \lambda )=\text{sup} \lbrace N( \lambda x)-M(x),x\in(0,1) \rbrace

    A new flow model for highly separated airfoil flows at low speeds

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    An analytical model for separated airfoil flows is presented which is based on experimentally observed physical phenomena. These include a free stagnation point aft of the airfoil and a standing vortex in the separated region. A computer program is described which iteratively matches the outer potential flow, the airfoil turbulent boundary layer, the separated jet entrainment, mass conservation in the separated bubble, and the rear stagnation pressure. Separation location and pressure are not specified a priori. Results are presented for surface pressure coefficient and compared with experiment for three angles of attack for a GA(W)-1, 17% thick airfoil

    An analytical model for highly seperated flow on airfoils at low speeds

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    A computer program was developed to solve the low speed flow around airfoils with highly separated flow. A new flow model included all of the major physical features in the separated region. Flow visualization tests also were made which gave substantiation to the validity of the model. The computation involves the matching of the potential flow, boundary layer and flows in the separated regions. Head's entrainment theory was used for boundary layer calculations and Korst's jet mixing analysis was used in the separated regions. A free stagnation point aft of the airfoil and a standing vortex in the separated region were modelled and computed

    Total cross sections for neutron-nucleus scattering

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    Systematics of neutron scattering cross sections on various materials for neutron energies up to several hundred MeV are important for ADSS applications. Ramsauer model is well known and widely applied to understand systematics of neutron nucleus total cross sections. In this work, we examined the role of nuclear effective radius parameter (r0_0) on Ramsauer model fits of neutron total cross sections. We performed Ramsauer model global analysis of the experimental neutron total cross sections reported by W. P. Abfalterer, F. B. Bateman, {\it et. al.,}, from 20MeV to 550MeV for nuclei ranging from Be to U . The global fit functions which can fit total cross section data over periodic table are provided along with the required global set of parameters. The global fits predict within ±8\pm 8% deviation to data, showing the scope for improvement. It has been observed that a finer adjustment of r0_0 parameter alone can give very good Ramsauer model description of neutron total scattering data within ±4\pm 4% deviation. The required r0_0 values for Ramsauer model fits are shown as a function of nuclear mass number and an empirical formula is suggested for r0_0 values as a function of mass number. In optical model approach for neutron scattering, we have modified the real part of Koning-Deleroche potentails to fit the neutron total cross sections using SCAT2 code. The modified potentails have a different energy dependence beyond 200MeV of neutron energy and fit the total cross sections from Al to Pb.Comment: 9 pages, 20figures, Poster number ND-1457, ND2010 Conference in Kore