1,324 research outputs found

    University Students, Academic Structures and the Processes of Integration

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    This special issue on Finding a Place to Belong: University Students, Academic Structures and the Processes of Integration contains nine papers on opportunities of belonging and highlights the cultivation of belonging as a fundamental for addressing inequality and inequity in a linguistically and culturally diverse higher education context. Here, belonging challenges the dominant university ideology, which can elude the marginalised or underserved student and staff groups of learning communities. The combination of individual/group agency and identity negotiation for developing and implementing enablers of belonging reveals the challenges and complexity of deconstructing belonging. The papers focus on the barriers and opportunities of belonging and the interaction of agency and enablers of belonging, such as equitable vision, policy, programmes and commitment, as a product of belonging

    Interleukin 1-Beta (IL-1) Production by Innate Cells Following TLR Stimulation Correlates With TB Recurrence in ART-Treated HIV-Infected Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major cause of global morbidity and mortality, especially in the context of HIV co-infection, since immunity is not completely restored following antiretroviral therapy (ART). The identification of immune correlates of risk for TB disease could help in the design of host-directed therapies and clinical management. This study aimed to identify innate immune correlates of TB recurrence in HIV+ ART-treated individuals with a history of previous successful TB treatment. METHODS: Twelve participants with a recurrent episode of TB (cases) were matched for age, sex, time on ART, pre-ART CD4 count with 12 participants who did not develop recurrent TB in 60 months of follow-up (controls). Cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells from time points prior to TB recurrence were stimulated with ligands for Toll like receptors (TLR) including TLR-2, TLR-4, and TLR-7/8. Multi-color flow cytometry and intracellular cytokine staining was used to detect IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-12 and IP10 responses from monocytes and myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs). RESULTS: Elevated production of IL-1β from monocytes following TLR-2, TLR-4 and TLR-7/8 stimulation was associated with reduced odds of TB recurrence. In contrast, production of IL-1β from both monocytes and mDCs following Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) stimulation was associated with increased odds of TB recurrence (risk of recurrence increased by 30% in monocytes and 42% in mDCs respectively). CONCLUSION: Production of IL-1β by innate immune cells following TLR and BCG stimulations correlated with differential TB recurrence outcomes in ART-treated patients and highlights differences in host response to TB

    Enthesopathic patterns of two South African female cadavers

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    Enthesopathy is considered to be an osseous phenomenon, either disease-specific or bone-site specific, which occurs at the enthesis of bone. Upon routine cadaveric dissection of the glenohumeral region in two Caucasian females, enthesopathy of the right proximal humerus was observed unilaterally in both cases. Case 1 exhibited an inconsistent pattern of bony protuberances and crests dispersed across the lesser and greater tuberosities of the right humeral head. Varying degrees of ossification of the distal subscapularis muscle was also observed. Case 2 presented with a distinctively large enthesophyte that protruded supero-medially from the proximal right humerus. In addition, ossification of the distal-most aspect of the supraspinatus muscle was identified. Cases 1 and 2 were both reflective of osteophytic enthesopathy as proliferative change was clearly visible on the proximal aspect of each humerus. Whilst the presence of enthesopathies may be indicative of underlying pathology, it may prove beneficial to the field of bioarchaeology for the remodelling of lifestyles of ancient civilizations through the provision of current day variations as seen in these two case studies

    Long head of biceps brachii tendon and transverse humeral ligament morphometry and their associated pathology

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    Background: As a dynamic stabiliser and flexor of the glenohumeral joint, the long head of the biceps brachii tendon (LHBBT) is further stabilised by the retinacular activities of the transverse humeral ligament (THL). Materials and methods: The LHBBT and THL which were obtained from a total of 40 cadaveric upper limb specimens (n = 80; females: 36, males: 44; right: 40, left: 40), were bilaterally dissected and subjected to morphometric evaluation. Results: The results are in millimetres. LHBBT length: 81.99 ± 21.28 right, 79.73 ± 17.27 left; 79.82 ± 19.66 male, 82.14 ± 19.03 female; LHBBT width: 4.28 ± 1.31 right, 4.67 ± 1.43 left; 4.35 ± 1.17 male, 4.63 ± 1.60 female; THL length: 20.91 ± 5.24 right, 21.19 ± 6.63 left; 21.52 ± 5.71 male, 20.48 ± 5.92 female; THL width: 16.65 ± 6.92 right, 16.63 ± 7.49 left; 16.83 ± 6.65 male, 16.40 ± 7.84 female. With larger LHBBT length observed on the right side and larger LHBBT width observed on the left side; both parameters appeared to be distinctly longer in female individuals. On the contrary, the THL length and width were evidently greater in male individuals, with larger lengths and widths present on the left and right sides respectively. Conclusions: These findings may contribute to South African literature and to clinical knowledge as these parameters are important in the successful outcomes of tenotomy, tenodesis and shoulder-related procedures

    Cytomegalovirus retinitis and HIV: Case reviews from KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa

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    Background. Retinal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is a common opportunistic infection and remains a significant contributor to visual loss in patients with AIDS. We highlight the poor outcomes of CMV retinitis in three HIV-infected patients who were initiated on antiretroviral therapy (ART). We conducted a retrospective chart review of advanced stage HIV-infected patients with known CMV retinitis. Case 1. A 37-year-old man, with a CD4+ cell count of 35 cells/μL, presented for ART initiation with a 5-month history of visual loss in his left eye. Fundoscopy showed left eye CMV retinitis and right eye HIV retinopathy. ART and 5 months of weekly intravitreal ganciclovir injections (left eye) were commenced. Six-month outcomes included virological suppression, and visual acuity in the right eye of 6/6 and in the left eye of 3/60. Case 2. A 31-year-old woman, with a CD4+ cell count of 39 cells/μL and on tuberculosis therapy, presented for ART initiation. She presented with a 2-month history of decreased visual acuity. Fundoscopy showed bilateral CMV retinitis, which was more pronounced in the left eye.ART and 8 months of intravitreal ganciclovir injections were commenced. Six-month outcomes included virological suppression and visual acuity in the right eye of 6/9, and in the left eye of 6/24. Case 3. A 29-year-old woman, with a CD4+ cell count of 24 cells/μL, who was on tuberculosis therapy and ART, complained of blurred vision at her 2-month ART follow-up visit. Fundoscopy showed bilateral retinal detachment secondary to CMV retinitis. While silicone oil tamponade and subsequent retinectomy successfully repaired the right eye, extensive damage rendered the left eye irreparable. Six-month outcomes included virological suppression, with 6/120 visual acuity in the right eye and complete blindness in the left eye. Conclusion. CMV retinitis causes debilitating, permanent sequelae, which is preventable by ART initiation at higher CD4+ cell counts. Despite achieving virological suppression, vision could not be completely restored in these patients, irrespective of the severity of CMV retinitis.S Afr Med J 2017;107(10):843-846

    An anatomical investigation of the carotid canal

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    Background: The carotid canal (CC) located in the petrous temporal bone transmits the internal carotid artery, internal carotid venous plexus and sympathetic nerve plexus from the neck into the cranial cavity. It is an accessible passage into the cranial cavity and is considered an important anatomical landmark for neurosurgeons. The aim of this study was to investigate the topographical, morphometric and morphological parameters of the CC. Materials and methods: An examination of the CC and related adjacent structures in 81 dry skull specimens was performed. Distribution of sample by sex was 34 females and 47 males, and by race 77 African and 4 Caucasian. The mean age was 50 years (range: 14–100 years). Results: The external opening of the CC was found to be round-shaped, oval-shaped and tear-drop-shaped in 28.4%, 49.4% and 22.2% of the specimens, respectively. (1) Mean diameters [mm]: (a) medio-lateral 7.52 mm and (b) antero-posterior 5.41mm. Statistically significant difference in the vertical diameter was recorded in the race groups and laterality of the samples. (2) Mean distances [mm] between: (a) medial margins of external opening of CC was 50.03 mm, (b) lateral margins of external opening of CC was 62.73 mm and (c) external openings of CC and foramen lacerum was 15.6 mm. There was a statistically significant correlation between race and location of the opening of external CC in relation to foramen lacerum (viz. postero-lateral, lateral and diagonal, and lateral). Conclusions: The present study corroborated previous reports on the CC; however, the tear-drop shaped external CC opening was a unique finding. The knowledge of the reference measurements pertaining to the CC and its relationship to adjacent structures may postulate a suitable surgical “safe-zone” range within the CC area

    Determination of the median nerve safe-zone in the carpal tunnel using the distal forearm bony prominences

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    Background: The compression of the median nerve (MN) in the carpal tunnel (CT) is one of the most common aetiologies of entrapment neuropathy syndromes in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of the palpable bony prominences of the distal forearm (radial styloid process [RSP] and ulnar styloid process [USP]) with MN in the CT, in order to determine a safe-zone of the MN during carpal tunnel procedures. Materials and methods: This study involved the bilateral dissection of the CT region of 30 adult cadaveric specimens (n = 60). Results: The mean distance between the RSP and USP was 49.34 mm. The mean distance of the MN from the RSP and the USP were 22.44 mm and 26.66 mm, respectively. The mean diameter of the MN within the CT deep to the flexor retinaculum was 5.93 mm. In addition, the MN was located postero-lateral and postero-medial to palmaris longus tendon (PLT) in 78.33% and 21.67% of specimens, respectively. Conclusions: This study found that the MN was located less than 60% of the RSP-USP distance from the RSP. Furthermore, the MN was mostly located postero-lateral to the PLT. Therefore, injection or surgical incision made at/medial to a point 60% of the RSP-USP distance from the RSP will be outside the safe-zone of the MN. The knowledge of this surface anatomical relationship of the MN may be useful during decompression for CT syndrome

    An arthroscopic evaluation of the anatomical “critical zone”

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    Background: The “critical zone”, a region of speculated vascularity, is situated approximately 10 mm proximal to the insertion of the supraspinatus tendon. Despite its obvious role as an anatomical landmark demarcator, its patho-anatomic nature has been identified as the source of rotator cuff pathology. Although many studies have attempted to evaluate the vascularity of this region, the architecture regarding the exact length, width and shape of the critical zone, remains unreported. This study aimed to determine the shape and morphometry of the “critical zone” arthroscopically. Materials and methods: The sample series, which was comprised of 38 cases (n = 38) specific to pathological types, employed an anatomical investigation of the critical zone during routine real-time arthroscopy. Demographic representation: i) sex: 19 males, 19 females; ii) age range: 18–76 years; iii) race: white (n = 29), Indian (n = 7) and coloured (n = 2). Results: The incidence of shape and the mean lengths and widths of the critical zone were determined in accordance with the relevant demographic factors and patient history. Although the cresenteric shape was predominant, hemispheric and sail-shaped critical zones were also identified. The lengths and widths of the critical zone appeared markedly increased in male individuals. While the increase in age may account for the increased incidence of rotator cuff degeneration due to poor end-vascular supply, the additional factors of height and weight presented as major determinants of the increase in size of the critical zone. Conclusions: In addition, the comparisons of length and width with each other and shape yielded levels of significant difference, therefore indicating a directly proportional relationship between the length and width of the critical zone. This detailed understanding of the critical zone may prove beneficial for the success of post-operative rotator cuff healing

    The variant course of the suprascapular artery

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    The suprascapular artery (SSA) has been identified to be of clinical relevance in surgical intervention and fracture healing of the shoulder. Despite the classic description of its course and relation to the superior transverse scapular ligament, it is subject to much variation. The aims of this study were: (i) to describe the course of the SSA in relation to the superior transverse scapular ligament, (ii) tob determine the prevalence of the course of the SSA in relation to the superior transverse scapular ligament, (iii) to determine the prevalence of the variant origin of the SSA in cases presenting with variant course of the latter, and (iv) to establish a difference in laterality and that between adults and foetuses. The course of the SSA was investigated through the macro- and micro dissection of the antero-andpostero-superior shoulder regions of 31 adult and 19 foetal cadaveric specimens (n = 100). The SSA was observed to pass inferior to the superior transverse scapular ligament accompanied by the suprascapular nerve (20%), which corroborated the findings of previous studies. Subsequently, this variant course of the SSA also appeared to present with the variant origin of it in many instances (13%): from the 3rd part of the subclavian artery (4%), 1st part of the axillary artery (2%), 2nd part of the axillary artery (5%) and SSA (2%). Injury to the SSA may cause more serious trauma than that of arteries which are isolated from the great vessels, therefore the recognition and knowledge of variation in the origin and course of the SSA is significant in the treatment of diseases in the shoulder and cervical regions. Furthermore, the accompaniment of the suprascapular nerve with the SSA at the suprascapular notch inferior to the superior transverse scapular ligament may lead to neuropathy syndromes due to the pulsation of the artery against the nerve within the confined notch

    Post-marketing stability surveillance: Amoxicillin

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    Background To ensure the successful treatment of infectious disease using antimicrobial therapy, a sufficient concentration of the stable, active drug is required at the site of infection. For the achievement of this with respect to the ß-lactam group of antibiotics, of which amoxicillin is a member, the presence of an intact ß-lactam ring is essential. Destruction of this sensitive ring can lead to the ingestion of an inactive drug. This can contribute to treatment failure and antibiotic resistance. Thus, the aims of this study were to determine whether the types of packaging in which amoxicillin preparations are dispensed and the temperature and humidity conditions under which they are stored by patients are adequate and appropriate to ensure drug stability.Methods A mini-survey of pharmacies and patients was conducted in order to determine the types of packaging in which amoxicillin preparations are dispensed and the temperature and humidity conditions under which they are stored by patients. The amoxicillin preparations in the identified types of packaging were subjected to simulated conditions that represented the identified temperature and humidity stresses that occurred under patient storage conditions for a duration of 14 days. The extent of breakage of the ß-lactam ring was then chemically determined on day 1, day 7 and day 14, using an iodometric titration method.Results The mini-survey identified four types of packaging in which amoxicillin capsules are dispensed – plastic packets, flip-top amber bottles, flip-top amber bottles with cotton wool and flip-top transparent bottles with cotton wool. The laboratory analyses showed that only those amoxicillin capsules stored between 20 and 25 0C and protected from moisture were stable in all four identified types of packaging for 14 days. The mini-survey also indicated that 47% of the patient sample did not store their antibiotic suspensions in the refrigerator. The laboratory analyses showed that only amoxicillin suspensions stored between 2 and 8 0C for seven days showed the lowest level of degradation.Conclusion The results of this study indicate that reconstituted amoxicillin suspensions should be stored in the temperature range 2 to 8 0C, and that the reconstitution and dispensing of a 14-day supply of amoxicillin suspensions should be discouraged, even if the drug is stored in this temperature range. For amoxicillin capsules, the results obtained in this study indicate that significant breakage of the ß-lactam ring of amoxicillin capsules can occur in hot and humid climatic conditions if inadequate types of packaging are used and storage occurs under inappropriate conditions. The results of the study point to the importance of drug stability knowledge as a prerequisite for the dispensing of medicines, the importance of the provision of patient counselling with regard to drug storage requirements, as well as a requirement for amoxicillin capsules to be dispensed in the original manufacturers' containers in geographical areas that are hot and humid.For full text click here: SA Fam Pract 2006;48(6):1