18 research outputs found

    How landscapes change: integration of spatial patterns and human processes in temperate landscapes of southern Chile

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    A comprehensive understanding of the patterns that occur as human processes transform landscapes is necessary for sustainable development. We provide new evidence on how landscapes change by analysing the spatial patterns of human processes in three forest landscapes in southern Chile at different states of alteration (40%&#-90% of old-growth forest loss). Three phases of landscape alteration are distinguished. In Phase I (40%&amp;amp;-65% of old-growth forest loss), deforestation rates are < 1% yr&;8722#1, forests are increasingly degraded, and clearance for pastureland is concentrated on deeper soils. In Phase II (65%&#-80%), deforestation reaches its maximum rate of 1&amp;amp;-1.5% yr&;8722#1, with clearance for pastureland being the main human process, creating a landscape dominated by disturbed forest and shrubland. In this phase, clearance for pastureland is the primary driver of change, with pastures expanding onto poorer soils in more spatially aggregated patterns. In Phase III (80%&#-90%), deforestation rates are again relatively low (<1% yr&;8722#1) and forest regrowth is observed on marginal lands. During this phase, clearance is the dominant process and pastureland is the main land cover. As a forest landscape is transformed, the extent and intensity of human processes vary according to the existing state of landscape alteration, resulting in distinctive landscape patterns in each phase. A relationship between spatial patterns of land cover and human-related processes has been identified along the gradient of landscape alteration. This integrative framework can potentially provide insights into the patterns and processes of dynamic landscapes in other areas subjected to intensifying human use.European ComissionFONDECYT Chil

    Demanda por importaciones de uva de mesa chilena en el mercado de Estados Unidos

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    En este trabajo se investigó el mercado estadounidense de importaciones de uva de mesa chilena, con el objetivo de analizar la competitividad de Chile en este mercado. Los estimadores de demanda para Chile, México y el resto del mundo (RDM) se obtuvieron usando el modelo LA/AIDS (Linear Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System). Se usaron datos trimestrales de cantidades de uva importadas por Estados Unidos desde cada país, valor de las importaciones y precios CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) de importación para el período comprendido entre el primer trimestre de 1989 y el segundo trimestre de 2002. Los estimadores de elasticidad precio propio mostraron una demanda inelástica para los tres países, con valores de ¿0,79; -0,86; y -0,82 para Chile, México y RDM, respectivamente. Las elasticidades precio cruzado entre Chile y México mostraron relaciones de sustitución entre ambos, lo cual fue respaldado por una elasticidad parcial de sustitución igual a 0,51. Conjuntamente, estos resultados mostraron que si bien Chile tiene una participación sólida en este mercado, México se ha posicionado como un competidor potencial en aquellos trimestres en que ambos países se traslapan

    Import demand for Chilean table grapes in the United States market

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    This paper studied the United States import market for Chilean table grapes, with the objective of analyzing the competitiveness of Chile in this market. Using the LA/AIDS model (Linear Approximation almost Ideal Demand System), the import demand parameters were obtained for Chile, Mexico and the rest of the world (RDM). Quarterly data were used for import quantities, import values, and CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) prices for the period between the first quarter of 1989 and second quarter of 2002. Own price elasticity estimates indicated inelastic demand for all three countries with values of -0.79, -0.86, and -0.82, for Chile, Mexico, and RDM, respectively. Cross price elasticities between Chile and Mexico indicated significant substitution relationships, which was further supported by a partial elasticity of substitution equal to 0.51. Jointly these results showed that although Chile has a strong position in this market, Mexico has also positioned itself as a potential competitor in those quarters where both countries overlap

    Effect of the international price on the milk price paid to producers: transitory or permanent?

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    This study applied cointegration analysis and the vector error correction model (VCE) to analyze the magnitude and duration of the impact of the import price of dairy products on the domestic milk price paid to producers in Chile. The variables included in the analysis were domestic price, CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) price, and exchange rate from January 1990 to December 2002. The results indicated that the CIF import price significantly influenced the price paid to domestic producers, which was supported by the magnitude of the coefficients of vector cointegration and the speed of adjustment coefficients. The persistence profile analysis showed that after a shock to the co-integrating vector, it took the system approximately 14 months to return to the long term equilibrium, while the impulse response functions indicated that the CIF price had a permanent effect on the domestic price

    Respuesta del precio del trigo chileno a los cambios en el mercado internacional: Un análisis de cointegración

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    A. Engler y L. Nahuelhual. 2006. Respuesta del precio del trigo chileno a los cambios en el mercado internacional: Un análisis de cointegración. Cien. Inv. Agr. 33(3):247-256. Chile ha sido históricamente un país importador neto de trigo. Esto sumado al pequeño tamaño de su economía hace prever que el precio interno de este cereal esté influenciado por el precio de importación de trigos sustitutos provenientes fundamentalmente de Argentina y EUA. En este estudio se analizó el grado de integración del mercado chileno a estos dos mercados de referencia usando un modelo de vector de corrección de error (VCE). Se analizó el impacto de la banda de precios y el cambio de sistema de cálculo de la banda introducido a partir de 2004. Esto se abordó a través de la inclusión de variables dicotómicas en el modelo VCE. En la estimación se usaron el precio doméstico del trigo, pagado a productor en Chile, el precio FOB (Free on Board) del trigo pan de Argentina y los precios FOB del trigo Soft y Hard Red Winter Nr. 2 del Golfo de EUA, entre enero de 1984 y abril de 2005. Los resultados mostraron una fuerte integración de precios entre Argentina, Chile y EUA, siendo EUA líder del mercado. Por su parte, el precio del trigo chileno estuvo influenciado por los precios de EUA y Argentina. La banda de precios del trigo durante el periodo analizado tuvo un impacto positivo sobre el precio doméstico, aumentándolo en un 1,4% respecto a la media. Los resultados del impacto el cambio en el sistema de cálculo de la banda introducido a partir de 2004 no fueron estadísticamente significativos. En conclusión, los mercados de trigo de Chile, Argentina y EUA estuvieron integrados, siendo EUA el mercado líder, referente para los dos mercados latinoamericanos incluidos en este estudio. La banda de precios del trigo durante el periodo estudiado permitió subir el precio del trigo chileno en un 1,4% por sobre el precio estimado sin banda. En consecuencia, este instrumento político ha servido para proteger el mercado nacional más que para reducir las fluctuaciones del precio del trigo

    Impact of the international milk market on the domestic milk price: a cointegration analysis

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    In this study, cointegration analysis and vector error correction (VCE) model were applied to analyze the influence of the international milk market on the domestic milk prices paid to producers and milk reception by plants. The VCE model allows the identification of the long term relations among cointegrated variables and how fast the system adjusts to changes within the system. Two VCE specifications were estimated. The first included the variables average national price, national milk reception, CIF price, and exchange rate; the second specification included the variables X th Region price, Metropolitan Region price, CIF price, and exchange rate. The results obtained indicated that confronted with disequilibrium, the national variables adjusted to return the long run equilibrium of the system. Concretely, the price paid to producers reacted to changes in CIF prices and reception reacted to changes in CIF and the exchange rate. On the other hand, no significant difference in price behavior in the X th Region and the Metropolitan Region were observed with respect to changes in CIF price

    Influencia del Mercado Internacional de L\ue1cteos Sobre el Precio Nacional de la Leche: Un An\ue1lisis de Cointegraci\uf3n

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    In this study, cointegration analysis and vector error correction (VCE) model were applied to analyze the influence of the international milk market on the domestic milk prices paid to producers and milk reception by plants. The VCE model allows the identification of the long term relations among cointegrated variables and how fast the system adjusts to changes within the system. Two VCE specifications were estimated. The first included the variables average national price, national milk reception, CIF price, and exchange rate; the second specification included the variables X th Region price, Metropolitan Region price, CIF price, and exchange rate. The results obtained indicated that confronted with disequilibrium, the national variables adjusted to return the long run equilibrium of the system. Concretely, the price paid to producers reacted to changes in CIF prices and reception reacted to changes in CIF and the exchange rate. On the other hand, no significant difference in price behavior in the X th Region and the Metropolitan Region were observed with respect to changes in CIF price.En este estudio se aplic\uf3 an\ue1lisis de cointegraci\uf3n y el modelo de vector de correcci\uf3n de error (VCE) para analizar la influencia del mercado internacional de l\ue1cteos sobre el precio de leche pagado a productor y recepci\uf3n de leche en plantas. El modelo VCE permite identificar las relaciones de largo plazo entre estas variables y determinar c\uf3mo y con qu\ue9 rapidez las variables reaccionan a cambios dentro del sistema. Se estimaron dos especificaciones del modelo VCE. La primera incluy\uf3 las variables precio nacional promedio, recepci\uf3n nacional de leche, precio CIF y tasa de cambio; la segunda especificaci\uf3n incluy\uf3 las variables precio X Regi\uf3n, precio Regi\uf3n Metropolitana, precio CIF y tasa de cambio. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que frente a un desequilibrio, fueron las variables nacionales las que se ajustaron para retornar el sistema al equilibrio de largo plazo. Concretamente, el precio pagado a productor reaccion\uf3 ante cambios en los precios CIF y la recepci\uf3n reaccion\uf3 a cambios en CIF y la tasa de cambio. Por otra parte, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre el comportamiento de los precios en la X Regi\uf3n y en la Regi\uf3n Metropolitana con respecto a cambios en los precios CIF

    Efecto del precio internacional sobre el precio de la leche pagado a productor: Transitorio o permanente?

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    This study applied cointegration analysis and the vector error correction model (VCE) to analyze the magnitude and duration of the impact of the import price of dairy products on the domestic milk price paid to producers in Chile. The variables included in the analysis were domestic price, CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) price, and exchange rate from January 1990 to December 2002. The results indicated that the CIF import price significantly influenced the price paid to domestic producers, which was supported by the magnitude of the coefficients of vector cointegration and the speed of adjustment coefficients. The persistence profile analysis showed that after a shock to the co-integrating vector, it took the system approximately 14 months to return to the long term equilibrium, while the impulse response functions indicated that the CIF price had a permanent effect on the domestic price.En este estudio se aplic\uf3 el an\ue1lisis de cointegraci\uf3n y modelo de vector de correcci\uf3n por el error (VCE) para analizar la magnitud y duraci\uf3n del impacto del precio de importaci\uf3n de productos l\ue1cteos sobre el precio de leche pagado a productor en Chile. Las variables incluidas en el modelo fueron el precio nacional, el precio CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) y la tasa de cambio, para el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1990 y diciembre de 2002. Los resultados indicaron que el precio de importaci\uf3n CIF influenci\uf3 de manera significativa el precio dom\ue9stico pagado a productor, lo cual qued\uf3 demostrado por la magnitud de los coeficientes del vector de cointegraci\uf3n y los coeficientes de velocidad de ajuste. El an\ue1lisis de perfiles de persistencia mostr\uf3 que frente a un shock al vector de cointegraci\uf3n, el sistema demor\uf3 aproximadamente 14 meses en retornar a su relaci\uf3n de equilibrio de largo plazo, mientras que las funciones de respuesta a impulso indicaron que el impacto de CIF sobre el precio nacional es de car\ue1cter permanente