20,174 research outputs found

    Massless fermions in multi-flavor QED_2

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    The ground state of the multi-flavor 2-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED_2) is determined in the presence of finite baryon density, and it is shown that the model possesses two phases, the low density phase where the external baryon density is totally screened, and the high density phase, where the screening is only partial. The renormalization of the bosonized version of the model is also performed for both the zero and the finite density model giving massless multi-flavor QED_2 in both cases.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Utilizing Community Resources to Reduce the Presence of Type 2 Diabetes in Rural Youth

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    The purpose of this study was to implement a program designed to promote diabetes prevention activities among preadolescents in a rural southern setting using a day camp intervention. Participants in the study were eleven youth from a rural Alabama county who participated in a week-long half-day camp administered by local and community volunteers. Change scores were used to compare pre- to post- to follow-up measures for camp participant responses. Program results consistently demonstrated that the day camp was theoretically sound and that program activities positively impacted behavioral antecedents. This study demonstrated the feasibility of conducting a diabetes prevention day camp in a rural environment. Insights from this intervention can assist planners in rural environments to tailor similar initiatives in rural settings. Given the complicated nature of behavior change, a day camp approach of this length does not modify the behaviors of participants. Behavior changes may take considerably longer to initiate

    Cryogenic mirror analysis

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    Due to extraordinary distances scanned by modern telescopes, optical surfaces in such telescopes must be manufactured to unimaginable standards of perfection of a few thousandths of a centimeter. The detection of imperfections of less than 1/20 of a wavelength of light, for application in the building of the mirror for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility, was undertaken. Because the mirror must be kept very cold while in space, another factor comes into effect: cryogenics. The process to test a specific morror under cryogenic conditions is described; including the follow-up analysis accomplished through computer work. To better illustrate the process and analysis, a Pyrex Hex-Core mirror is followed through the process from the laser interferometry in the lab, to computer analysis via a computer program called FRINGE. This analysis via FRINGE is detailed

    Renormalization of the bilocal sine-Gordon model

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    The functional renormalization group treatment is presented for the two-dimensional sine-Gordon model by including a bilocal term in the potential, which contributes to the flow at tree level. It is shown that the flow of the bilocal term can substitute the evolution of the wave function renormalization constant, and then the Kosterlitz-Thouless type phase transition can be recovered.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Functional renormalization group for quantized anharmonic oscillator

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    Functional renormalization group methods formulated in the real-time formalism are applied to the O(N)O(N) symmetric quantum anharmonic oscillator, considered as a 0+10+1 dimensional quantum field-theoric model, in the next-to-leading order of the gradient expansion of the one- and two-particle irreducible effective action. The infrared scaling laws and the sensitivity-matrix analysis show the existence of only a single, symmetric phase. The field-independent term of the wavefunction renormalization turned out to be negligible, but its field-dependent piece is noticeable. It is shown that the infrared limits of the running couplings depend on the renormalization group scheme used, when the perturbation expansion in the bare quartic coupling is truncated keeping the terms up to the second order.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Some consequences of GUP induced ultraviolet wavevector cutoff in one-dimensional Quantum Mechanics

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    A projection method is proposed to treat the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation for a single particle when the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) generates an ultraviolet (UV) wavevector cutoff. The existence of a unique coordinate representation called the naive one is derived from the one-parameter family of discrete coordinate representations. In this bandlimited Quantum Mechanics a continuous potential is reconstructed from discrete sampled values observed by means of a particle in maximally localized states. It is shown that bandlimitation modifies the speed of the center and the spreading time of a Gaussian wavepacket moving in free space. Indication is found that GUP accompanied by bandlimitation may cause departures of the low-lying energy levels of a particle in a box from those in ordinary Quantum Mechanics much less suppressed than commonly thought when GUP without bandlimitation is in work.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Asymptotic safety in the sine-Gordon model

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    In the framework of the functional renormalization group method it is shown that the phase structure of the 2-dimensional sine-Gordon model possesses a nontrivial UV fixed point which makes the model asymptotically safe. The fixed point exhibits strong singularity similarly to the scaling found in the vicinity of the infrared fixed point. The singularity signals the upper energy-scale limit to the validity of the model. We argue that the sine-Gordon model with a momentum-dependent wavefunction renormalization is in a dual connection with the massive sine-Gordon model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure