24 research outputs found

    Measuring Scientific Reasoning Of Fourth Graders: Validation Of The Science-K Inventory In Paper-Based And Computer-Based Testing Environments

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    Nowadays, the assessment of student performance has become increasingly technology-based, a trend that can also be observed in the evaluation of scientific reasoning, with more and more of the formerly paper-based assessment tools moving into the digital space. The study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of the paper-based and computer-based forms of the Science-K Inventory, which assesses children's scientific reasoning in three aspects: experimentation, data interpretation, and understanding of the nature of science. The pilot study involved 84 fourth-grade Hungarian students, with 39 students taking the paper-based test and 45 students taking the computer-based test. Rasch measurements and reliability tests have indicated that both the paper-based and computer-based test versions are equally valid for assessing the scientific reasoning skills of fourth graders. Students achieved high test scores in both mediums, and there were no significant differences between boys' and girls' scientific reasoning in either test type. The novelty of this research was that the Science-K Inventory had not yet been tested in a computer-based format. The results demonstrate that the Science-K Inventory can be effectively utilized in digital testing to provide teachers with rapid and valuable information for fostering the development of their students' scientific reasoning.Keywords: computer-based testing, paper-based testing, primary school, Science-K Inventory, scientific reasonin

    First-Year Teacher Education Students’ Epistemological Beliefs About Science and History: Domain-Specific Profiles and Relationships

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    This study investigates the developmental levels of epistemological beliefs (EBs) about science and history among first-year teacher trainees ( n = 146) through domain-specific questionnaires. A between-person analysis was used to examine the effect of academic studies and gender differences. Further, we employed a person-centred approach, k-means cluster analysis, to identify EB profiles for both domains. The results show that the impact of academic studies is greater on discipline-specific epistemological beliefs in history than in science, while the effect of gender is not significant in either area. We identified three EB profiles for both domains and found a significant positive correlation between the domain-specific EB profiles. A quarter of student teachers have a sophisticated profile in both science and history. Our research confirms the approach that individuals’ domain-specific epistemological beliefs develop in relation to domain-general beliefs. The results, in addition to contributing to a better understanding of the development of epistemological beliefs, also carry important implications for teacher education

    A tudomány természete (Nature of Science, NOS) és szerepe a természettudományos nevelésben

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    Science denial has a long history in the narrative of humanity’s past, which has been extended even more widely by the explosion of information resulting from the use of digital tools. The rapid flow of the load of information, which is often inauthentic and can lack a scientific or professional background, has made society insecure and it has shaken its confidence in natural sciences. In addition, it intensified the spread of anti-science views (Schäfer & Metag, 2021). The educational system needs to provide solutions to these negative processes as soon as possible. Familiarizing people with the development and characteristics of scientific knowledge can provide a solution against social denial and the crisis of science, which is dealt with by Nature of Science - NOS. The appearance of NOS and its research in the international curriculum has been increasing in the past 30 years. Although some Hungarian works are available (e.g. Korom & Nagy, 2021), NOS has not been comprehensively elaborated in Hungary yet. Therefore, based on international literature, this study aims to present the interpretation of NOS and overview those measuring instruments that can be used to evaluate its understanding. In addition, the present study intents to show the importance and position of NOS in science education.A tudomány tagadása hosszú múltra tekint vissza az emberiség történetében, melyet a digitális eszközök használatából adódó információrobbanás még szélesebb körben kiterjesztett. A sokszor nem hiteles, a tudományos vagy szakértői hátteret nélkülöző információtömeg gyors áramlása az online térben elbizonytalanította és megrendítette a társadalom bizalmát a természettudományok iránt is, és fokozta az áltudományos nézetek terjedését (Schäfer és Metag, 2021). Ezekre a negatív folyamatokra az oktatási rendszernek is minél hamarabb szükséges megoldási módokat felmutatnia. A tudományos tudás keletkezésének és jellemzőinek megismertetése, mellyel a tudomány természete (Nature of Science, NOS) foglalkozik, megoldást kínálhat a tudomány társadalmi elutasítottságával és válságával szemben. A NOS kutatása és megjelenése a nemzetközi tantervekben az utóbbi harminc évben erősödött fel. Ugyan néhány magyar nyelvű munka (pl. Korom és Nagy, 2021; Korom és Radnóti, 2020) rendelkezésre áll a témában, de a NOS átfogó ismertetésére hazánkban még nem került sor. A tanulmány célja ezért az, hogy a nemzetközi szakirodalom alapján ismertesse a NOS értelmezésének fejlődését, áttekintse a NOS megértésének értékelésére használható mérőeszközöket, valamint megmutassa helyét és fontosságát a természettudományos nevelésben. A kutatást a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Közoktatás-fejlesztési Kutatási Programja támogatta

    A tudomány természete (Nature of Science, NOS) és szerepe a természettudományos nevelésben

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    Science denial has a long history in the narrative of humanity’s past, which has been extended even more widely by the explosion of information resulting from the use of digital tools. The rapid flow of the load of information, which is often inauthentic and can lack a scientific or professional background, has made society insecure and it has shaken its confidence in natural sciences. In addition, it intensified the spread of anti-science views (Schäfer & Metag, 2021). The educational system needs to provide solutions to these negative processes as soon as possible. Familiarizing people with the development and characteristics of scientific knowledge can provide a solution against social denial and the crisis of science, which is dealt with by Nature of Science - NOS. The appearance of NOS and its research in the international curriculum has been increasing in the past 30 years. Although some Hungarian works are available (e.g. Korom & Nagy, 2021), NOS has not been comprehensively elaborated in Hungary yet. Therefore, based on international literature, this study aims to present the interpretation of NOS and overview those measuring instruments that can be used to evaluate its understanding. In addition, the present study intents to show the importance and position of NOS in science education.A tudomány tagadása hosszú múltra tekint vissza az emberiség történetében, melyet a digitális eszközök használatából adódó információrobbanás még szélesebb körben kiterjesztett. A sokszor nem hiteles, a tudományos vagy szakértői hátteret nélkülöző információtömeg gyors áramlása az online térben elbizonytalanította és megrendítette a társadalom bizalmát a természettudományok iránt is, és fokozta az áltudományos nézetek terjedését (Schäfer és Metag, 2021). Ezekre a negatív folyamatokra az oktatási rendszernek is minél hamarabb szükséges megoldási módokat felmutatnia. A tudományos tudás keletkezésének és jellemzőinek megismertetése, mellyel a tudomány természete (Nature of Science, NOS) foglalkozik, megoldást kínálhat a tudomány társadalmi elutasítottságával és válságával szemben. A NOS kutatása és megjelenése a nemzetközi tantervekben az utóbbi harminc évben erősödött fel. Ugyan néhány magyar nyelvű munka (pl. Korom és Nagy, 2021; Korom és Radnóti, 2020) rendelkezésre áll a témában, de a NOS átfogó ismertetésére hazánkban még nem került sor. A tanulmány célja ezért az, hogy a nemzetközi szakirodalom alapján ismertesse a NOS értelmezésének fejlődését, áttekintse a NOS megértésének értékelésére használható mérőeszközöket, valamint megmutassa helyét és fontosságát a természettudományos nevelésben. A kutatást a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Közoktatás-fejlesztési Kutatási Programja támogatta

    Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro) Cleavage Sites Using Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis and In Silico Cleavage Site Prediction

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    The main protease (Mpro) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) plays a crucial role in its life cycle. The Mpro-mediated limited proteolysis of the viral polyproteins is necessary for the replication of the virus, and cleavage of the host proteins of the infected cells may also contribute to viral pathogenesis, such as evading the immune responses or triggering cell toxicity. Therefore, the identification of host substrates of the viral protease is of special interest. To identify cleavage sites in cellular substrates of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro, we determined changes in the HEK293T cellular proteome upon expression of the Mpro using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The candidate cellular substrates of Mpro were identified by mass spectrometry, and then potential cleavage sites were predicted in silico using NetCorona 1.0 and 3CLP web servers. The existence of the predicted cleavage sites was investigated by in vitro cleavage reactions using recombinant protein substrates containing the candidate target sequences, followed by the determination of cleavage positions using mass spectrometry. Unknown and previously described SARS-CoV-2 Mpro cleavage sites and cellular substrates were also identified. Identification of target sequences is important to understand the specificity of the enzyme, as well as aiding the improvement and development of computational methods for cleavage site prediction

    Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro) Cleavage Sites Using Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis and In Silico Cleavage Site Prediction

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    The main protease (Mpro) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) plays a crucial role in its life cycle. The Mpro-mediated limited proteolysis of the viral polyproteins is necessary for the replication of the virus, and cleavage of the host proteins of the infected cells may also contribute to viral pathogenesis, such as evading the immune responses or triggering cell toxicity. Therefore, the identification of host substrates of the viral protease is of special interest. To identify cleavage sites in cellular substrates of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro, we determined changes in the HEK293T cellular proteome upon expression of the Mpro using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The candidate cellular substrates of Mpro were identified by mass spectrometry, and then potential cleavage sites were predicted in silico using NetCorona 1.0 and 3CLP web servers. The existence of the predicted cleavage sites was investigated by in vitro cleavage reactions using recombinant protein substrates containing the candidate target sequences, followed by the determination of cleavage positions using mass spectrometry. Unknown and previously described SARS-CoV-2 Mpro cleavage sites and cellular substrates were also identified. Identification of target sequences is important to understand the specificity of the enzyme, as well as aiding the improvement and development of computational methods for cleavage site prediction