645 research outputs found

    A semleges test. A neutrális test elve és a flow alkalmazása amatőrök és félprofik táncoktatásában

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    Színészek, táncszínházi előadók bizonyos elméletek szerint könynyebben játszanak el egy karaktert, ha előbb elveszítik testük azon jellegzetességeit, melyek egy üres térbe kerülve is már mindig jelentéssel bírnak. Természetesen előadó-művészeti értelemben is tudatában kell lennünk annak, hogy a semleges test csupán absztrakció, és sosem neutralizálható teljességgel valakinek a megjelenése. Más színészi metódus is jó eredménynyel járhat, de a neutralizált test elérését segíti az ezen az elven alapuló tánctréning is (szemben például a klasszikus balettel, ahol a táncosnak meghatározott esztétikai ideálnak kellene megfelelnie)

    Trust and social capital research in Hungarian economic sociology, 1995-2012: A literature review

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    The concepts of social networks, social capital and trust and their impact on the economic arrangements and performance of nascent capitalist economies have raised many research questions in the post-socialist countries of Europe. The following paper is designed to summarize the directions and conclusions of the empirical research which has been carried out in connection with trust and social capital in Hungary between 1995 and 2012. To maintain a clear and narrow focus, this literature review pays attention only to those papers that undertake analysis in the field of economy. This includes such research that is designed to investigate the trust and social capital-related aspects of economic transactions, economic behaviors and attitudes. Correspondingly, papers that discuss issues like trust in democratic institutions (e.g. Boda, Medve-Bálint 2012), the effects of social capital on social inequality (e.g. Lengyel, Bartha, 2000; Bartus, 2001), on efficiency in education (e.g. Fényes, 2008), on wage income (e.g. Sik, 2004; Hermann, Kopasz, 2011) or trust and social capital from the perspective of immigration (e.g. Gödri, 2010; Göncz, Lengyel, Tóth, 2012) are omitted intentionally. I also leave out of consideration the wide range of literature which focuses on corruption (e.g. a recent social capitalrelated paper by Szántó, Tóth, Varga, 2012). Although the phenomenon of corruption is closely related to the question of trust, relationship networks and social capital and has been intensively researched in post-socialist countries, including Hungary, research about corruption is a distinct literature within economic sociology which is too broad to be discussed substantively in the frame of this paper

    Results of a Teacher Burnout Intervention with Self-compassion and Self-Concordant Goals

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    This research aimed to help decrease the level of burnout among Primary School teachers in Hungary. We conducted a 7 week-long "Renewal programme" intervention, which was based on self-compassion theory and the self-concordance model. Self-compassion practices advocate the adoption of an accepting mindset regarding one's own mistakes, and further assume that by setting self-concordant goals, one can create the conditions for long-term intrinsic motivation. Our results showed that the Renewal programme decreased participants' burnout levels. It also turned out that the programme was more effective for those participants who were doing their homework regularly. Self-compassion was a relatively new concept for teachers who participated in the intervention, but 6 months after the programme ended, the levels of it had increased further beyond what was recorded in the post-measurement. Our results show that social support is an important characteristic of the programme, as burnout subsequently decreased, while self-compassion increased, possibly due to the decreasing support of the former group members. As an enhancement, we recommend creating a private social media group for participants, something which would enable future participants to stay in touch after a programme like this has ended