250 research outputs found

    Width of Sunspot Generating Zone and Reconstruction of Butterfly Diagram

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    Based on the extended Greenwich-NOAA/USAF catalogue of sunspot groups it is demonstrated that the parameters describing the latitudinal width of the sunspot generating zone (SGZ) are closely related to the current level of solar activity, and the growth of the activity leads to the expansion of SGZ. The ratio of the sunspot number to the width of SGZ shows saturation at a certain level of the sunspot number, and above this level the increase of the activity takes place mostly due to the expansion of SGZ. It is shown that the mean latitudes of sunspots can be reconstructed from the amplitudes of solar activity. Using the obtained relations and the group sunspot numbers by Hoyt and Schatten (1998), the latitude distribution of sunspot groups ("the Maunder butterfly diagram") for the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries is reconstructed and compared with historical sunspot observations.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; accepted by Solar Physics; the final publication will be available at www.springerlink.co

    Information space of a higher school based on mobile technologies

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    This article presents the author’s vision of the content of the information space based on mobile technologies, which includes three synergistically interconnected areas: mobile Internet training, chat training and education based on mobile applications in the format of audio and video training. The purpose of the study: to develop the information space of a higher school based on mobile technologies and experimentally prove the effectiveness of its implementation in the training of students. The scientific novelty of the author’s research lies in the originality of the approach to the formation and further diagnosis of students' information competencies based on the implementation of mobile learning. The study developed informational competencies of students in the following groups: overall cultural, overall professional and professional. The results of the study are statistically proven (p<0.05) through an increase in the level of students' competencies in their informational education and independence when choosing an educational route through interactive and mobile technologies

    Forming Future Teachers’ Communicative Competences through the Student Scientific Society Activities

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    Introduction. This article is devoted to the analysis of the process improving communicative qualities of graduates and future subject teachers through the integration of educational and extracurricular activities. The authors analyze main directions of implementation of interpersonal, group and organizational communication in teacher training. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the effectiveness of the program of developing communicative competences on the basis of project activities in the student scientific community by creating special diagnostic tools. Materials and Methods. As a methodological substantiation of the study, the competence approach is considered; the implementation of the latter, in conjunction with the systemic, innovation-technological, qualitative, activity-oriented and personality-oriented approaches, provides a higher qualitative level of vocational training of future teachers. At the theoretical stage of the study, the foreign and Russian pedagogical theory, practices, standards and solutions to the stated research problem were analyzed. To confirm the effectiveness of the experimental results, methods of mathematical statistical analysis were applied and a special diagnosis was created, compiled in accordance with the Professional Standard of the teacher based on content analysis of the contents of the answers, in terms of the availability of linguistic units of positive and negative connotations. The practical part of the research involved the student scientific community of the Pedagogical Institute. Results. Based on the created model for the content of the communicative competence of the future teacher, the author’s 72-hour program was developed for 6-month extra-curricular activities. It contained various forms of work: the implementation of brainstorming methods, communicative battles, a round table, essay writing, scientific stand-up, intellectual play, etc. The peculiarity of the program was that in each case, up to three roles were considered: coordinator, creative person, participant. The study presents a new perspective on the monitoring of the quality of education, in particular, the author’s diagnosis of analysis of communicative skills aimed at achieving goals of pedagogical activity . Discussion and Conclusion. Practical application of the provisions identified in the study on the integration of educational and extracurricular activities for the formation of communicative qualities of students can be realized in the organization of the educational and educational space of a higher educational institution of the pedagogical profile. The qualitative approach used in the study to analyze the labor intensity of educational disciplines in terms of counting credit units to estimate competencies can be applied as one of the indicators of monitoring basic educational programs. The study will be useful for teacher trainers wishing to improve the educational space of various learning or ganizations for this profile of training

    Realization of step exercises using the independent calorimetry during the period of self-isolation

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    Background: In home conditions population of Russian Federation do not have an opportunity to do optimal physical activities during the period of spreading COVID-19. The aim of the study was to develop a system of realization step exercises in home conditions using the independent calorimetry during the period regime of self-isolation and to prove its effectiveness on the indicators of body mass index of the people. Study participants: 62 women and men between the ages of 18 and 45 who have problems with being overweight. Interventions: The study was being conducted in home conditions during 60 days. During the experiment the participants independently carried out the calorimetry, taking into account the consumed calories during the day and burning kilocalories while doing step exercises and another physical activity. For carrying out the calorimetry during the day a formula was developed due to available and simple counting: «N = 0.00168 - 0.098/P», where N - the amount of burning kilocalories per one heartbeat per one kg of body mass, P - heart rate per minute. Main outcome measures: It is defined out that the introduction of step exercises in home conditions with the use of independent calorimetry to the author's system has made a significant impact (p < .05) on body mass index of participants. Findings. In the presented study, for the first time, the regularities of increasing the burning of kilocalories in people at various levels of intensity depending on their body weight were experimentally revealed

    Effect of training on street simulators with variable load on the strength women and men in powerlifting

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    Background: The training process to develop the strength of athletes on street exercise simulators with a variable load for powerlifting is not a systematically studied problem. The aim of the study was to analyse the impact of systematic training on street simulators with a variable load on the strength indicators of women and men in powerlifting. Study participants: athletes from 20 to 35 years old (n = 48), engaged in powerlifting at least four times a week, divided into groups: women (n = 24) and men (n = 24). Interventions: Implementation of systematic exercises for women and men in powerlifting on street exercise simulators with variable load for five months. For the performance diagnosis, the powerlifter coefficient (Pl) was applied: (bench press + sed + deadlift) / athlete's mass in kilograms. Main outcome measures: the experiment revealed a positive result in increasing the strength of men (p .05) in increasing the strength in women between the control and experimental groups. Based on an individual comparison of each participant in the experimental group, it was revealed that the implementation of the street training process is significantly (p < .01) more effective in increasing strength in men with a Pl coefficient below the average (< 3.53). Findings. The data obtained are especially valuable in the condition of the activation of street fitness among women and men in the conditions of the closure of gyms caused by the regime of self-isolation during the spread of COVID-19


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study to develop a model for the implementation of a modular approach to the formation of competencies of bachelors of pedagogical education and experimentally prove its effectiveness in the practice of professional training of students - future teachers. Methodology: Based on the diagnostic tools for B. Bloom's taxonomy in the author's modification, the levels of formation for each competency (n=19) identified for research work in the aspect of advanced (excellent), basic (good) and threshold (satisfactory) indicators were determined. Monitoring was carried out according to activity and reflective indicator. The study participants were students studying at the bachelor's degree in the direction of “Education and pedagogical sciences” (n=87). The authors used the SPSS20 program to analyze the student's t-test. Main Findings: The pedagogical experiment showed the reliability of a larger number of students of the experimental group, compared with the control group, in terms of the high - advanced level of formation of their average competencies (p&lt;0.01). The implementation of the modular approach with the highest significance (p&lt;0.01) had an impact on students' ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of historical development for the formation of patriotism and civic position. Using the author’s curriculum, the ability to solve the problems of upbringing and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities significantly increased (p&lt;0.01) among students. Applications of this study: The results of the experiment will be of interest to a wide circle of students and specialists in the field of pedagogical science. Novelty of this study: The practical implementation of the author’s curriculum on the basis of a modular approach to the formation of competencies at the levels of “knowledge - skill - skill - action” in the system “basic academic disciplines - varied subjects - educational practice - state certification” has made it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process
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