790 research outputs found

    Radical Hysterectomy with Pelvic Lymphadenectomy: Indications, Technique, and Complications

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    Radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy remains the treatment of choice for women with Stages IA2 and IB1 carcinoma of the cervix, and selected patients with Stage II endometrial cancer. Improvement in surgical techniqe, administration of prophylactic antibiotics, thromboemolic prophylaxis, and advances in critical care medicine have resulted in lower operative morbidity associated with this procedure. Major urinary tract complications such as ureteral injury or vesico-vaginal fistula are now extremely rare (<1%). Five-year survival rates following this procedure vary according to a number of clinical and histologic variables, and may be as high as 90% in women without lymph node metastases

    Historiens vingesus

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    Transvaginal Ultrasonography in Ovarian Cancer Screening: Current Perspectives

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    Transvaginal ultrasonography (TVS) is an integral part of all major ovarian cancer screening trials. TVS is accurate in detecting abnormalities in ovarian volume and morphology, but is less reliable in differentiating benign from malignant ovarian tumors. When used as the only screening test, TVS is sensitive, but has a low positive predictive value. Therefore, serum biomarkers and tumor morphology indexing are used together with TVS to identify ovarian tumors at high risk for malignancy. This allows preoperative triage of high-risk cases to major cancer centers for therapy while decreasing unnecessary surgery for benign disease. Ovarian cancer screening has been associated with a decrease in stage at detection in most trials, thereby allowing treatment to be initiated when the disease is most curable

    Strong many-particle localization and quantum computing with perpetually coupled qubits

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    We demonstrate the onset of strong on-site localization in a one-dimensional many-particle system. The localization is obtained by constructing, in an explicit form, a bounded sequence of on-site energies that eliminates resonant hopping between both nearest and remote sites. This sequence leads to quasi-exponential decay of the single-particle transition amplitude. It also leads to strong localization of stationary many-particle states in a finite-length chain. For an {\it infinite} chain, we instead study the time during which {\it all} many-particle states remain strongly localized. We show that, for any number of particles, this time exceeds the reciprocal frequency of nearest-neighbor hopping by a factor 105\sim 10^5 already for a moderate bandwidth of on-site energies. The proposed energy sequence is robust with respect to small errors. The formulation applies to fermions as well as perpetually coupled qubits. The results show viability of quantum computing with time-independent qubit coupling.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Selective Inguinal Lymphadenectomy in the Treatment of Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vulva

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    En bloc radical vulvectomy with bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy has now been replaced by radical wide excision and selective inguinal lymphadenectomy based on the stage and location of invasive vulvar cancer. Early stage lateral cancers can be effectively treated by radical wide excision and ipsilateral superficial inguinal lymphadenectomy. Lymph node mapping using perilesional injection of radiocolloid and blue dye may identify sentinel lymph nodes which can be removed, thereby avoiding the morbidity of full inguinal lymphadenectomy in selected patients with early stage disease

    A-magasinet i tre epokar : ein komparativ analyse av Aftenposten sitt helgebilag i 1927, 1963 og 2005

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    Eg undersøkjer på kva måte sjangertrekka og diskursane i dei journalistiske tekstane generelt, og reportasjesjangeren i A-magasinet spesielt, har endra seg over tid. Eg gjer ein komparativ analyse av A-magasinet frå 1927, 1963 og 2005, der eg ser magasinårgangane i høve til sin kontekst. Eg finn tre sentrale utviklingsliner. For det første utviklar journalistikken eit tydeleg skilje mellom fiksjon og fakta. Frå å ha eit uklart skilje mellom journalistikk og fiksjon, med journalistiske tekstar som spelar på diskursar frå underhaldningslitteraturen i 1927 og 1962, er skiljet mellom fakta og fiksjon klart i 2005. Vidare utviklar sjangrane seg frå å vera få og enkle i 1927, til å få økt kompleksitet og visa teikn til sjangerforvirring i 1963, og til å bli komplekse men tydelege og plasserte i bestemte malar i 2005. Det tredje utviklingstrekket er at journalistane flyttar seg frå å vera synlege aktørar i teksten til å bli skjulte i teksten men synlege i byline. På eit overordna plan viser undersøkinga at A-magasinet har gått frå å ha ein dominerande underhaldningsdiskurs til å få ein klar opplysingsdiskurs

    Subsequent Ultrasonographic Non-Visualization of the Ovaries Is Hastened in Women with Only One Ovary Visualized Initially

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    Because the effects of age, menopausal status, weight and body mass index (BMI) on ovarian detectability by transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) have not been established, we determined their contributions to TVS visualization of the ovaries when one or both ovaries are visualized on the first ultrasound exam. A total of 29,877 women that had both ovaries visualized on their first exam were followed over 202,639 prospective TVS exams and 9703 women that had only one ovary visualized on their first exam were followed over 63,702 ultrasonography exams. All images were reviewed by a physician. While non-visualization of both ovaries increased with age in women selected on the basis of the visualization of only one ovary on their first ultrasound exam, one or both ovaries could be visualized in two out of every three women at 80 years of age and more than 50% of women over 80 years of age. At each age, more non-visualizations were associated with women that had only one ovary visualized on their first visit. Having only one ovary visualized on the first exam advanced non-visualizations by an average of ~10 years across all ages and by \u3e20 years in women under 40 years of age. Conclusions: Having only one ovary visualized on an initial ultrasound exam considerably hastens complete non-visualization for this population; however, in these women, ovaries can still be visualized well past menopause, and body habitus is not limiting to TVS ovarian imaging, thus TVS should be considered capable of capturing an ovarian image in two out of every three women at 80 years of age

    Explicit Chabauty-Kim theory for the thrice punctured line in depth two

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    Let X=P1{0,1,}X= \mathbb{P}^1 \setminus \{0,1,\infty\}, and let SS denote a finite set of prime numbers. In an article of 2005, Minhyong Kim gave a new proof of Siegel's theorem for XX: the set X(Z[S1])X(\mathbb{Z}[S^{-1}]) of SS-integral points of XX is finite. The proof relies on a `nonabelian' version of the classical Chabauty method. At its heart is a modular interpretation of unipotent pp-adic Hodge theory, given by a tower of morphisms hnh_n between certain Qp\mathbb{Q}_p-varieties. We set out to obtain a better understanding of h2h_2. Its mysterious piece is a polynomial in 2S2|S| variables. Our main theorem states that this polynomial is quadratic, and gives a procedure for writing its coefficients in terms of pp-adic logarithms and dilogarithms.Comment: The appendix has been removed and posted as a separate preprint. Some detail added to our sketch of the construction of the "unipotent p-adic Hodge morphism" hnh_n in the introduction. Technical errors corrected in Sections 3 and 4. Minor corrections and improvements throughou