16 research outputs found

    Fisheries-based Evaluation of Carrying Capacity for Scallops in Ogatsu Bay

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    Oral Session

    Fisheries-based Evaluation of Carrying Capacity for Scallops in Ogatsu Bay

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    Structural and kinetic modification of aqueous hydroxypropylmethylcellulose(HPMC) induced by electron beam irration

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    Electron beam was irradiated on 10% and 20% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) aqueous solutions with different doses to make gel films. As increasing dose, the gel fraction of the film increased sharply above a critical dose and then decreased gradually after passing a maximum. The scission/cross-linking ratio and the critical dose were determined using the Charlesby-Rosiak equation as 0.52 and 9 kGy for 10% gel and 0.43 and 14 kGy for 20% gel, respectively. The gel fraction for 20% HPMC film was lower at low dose and higher at high dose than that for 10% film. The behavior of the swelling ratio of the gel film was just opposite to that of the gel fraction. The cross-linking density of the gel estimated from the Flory theory linearly increased with irradiation dose at low dose, passed a maximum around 100 and 160 kGy for 10% and 20% films, respectively, and decreased at high dose. These results suggest the competition of scission and cross-linking induced by indirect effect of irradiation. Dielectric relaxation measurement by time domain reflectometry and RF impedance/material analyzer revealed two characteristic relaxations of chain motions around 100MHz and of orientation of free water around 20GHz. From the dose dependence of the relaxation parameters determined by fitting to a combined equation of Cole-Cole type and KWW type, a coupling of motions of HPMC molecules and water molecules was strongly suggested. The critical dose for gelation was coincident with the dose for the maximum of t h and the minimum of Deh together with the minimum of t m and the maximum of Dem, where t h and Deh denote the relaxation time and the relaxation strength for free water molecular motion and t m and Dem the corresponding ones for HPMC molecular motion. The characteristic behavior was discussed in terms of the increase of affinity between HPMC and water and the constrained molecular motion in the gel network

    'An Autobiography as Case Study' of an Egyptian Sociologist : Sayyid ‘Uways‚ The History which I Carry on My Back

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    金沢大学附属病院統合失調症患者の痛覚が鈍いという多くの報告があるが大脳生理学的に検討した研究は少ない。指先触圧覚認知P300測定システムで右手第Ⅱ指に高頻度刺激、第Ⅳ指に低頻度刺激を与え標的とし脳の情報処理過程を反映するP300電位を計測した。刺激の自己評価にはvisual analogue scale(VAS)を用いた。統合失調症群は健常群よりP300振幅は有意に小さく潜時は長かった。VASは統合失調症群で健常群より有意に高かった。統合失調症患者でVASは高かったが、P300の結果から触圧覚認知が障害されている事が考えられた。客観的な評価が困難な触・痛覚に対して本システムが有用である可能性が示唆された。Numerous reports indicated that the schizophrenia patients are relatively insensitive to physical pain. But, only few study examined the pain by neurophysiologic techniques. The purpose of present study was to investigate the difference of tactile sense recognition between schizophrenia and control subjects.Tactile stimuli were delivered to index finger as frequent stimuli and to ring finger as infrequent stimuli. Subjects were requested to press a button promptly and accurately in response to infrequent stimuli as target. The subjects evaluated stimuli by visual analogue scale (VAS). The amplitudes of P300 were smaller and the latencies of P300 were prolonged for the schizophrenic patients than those for control subjects. The VAS score of schizophrenia patients were significantly high than that of control subjects. These results may indicate the dysfunction of tactile sense recognition in schizophrenia. And it is effective that this system evaluates the sense recognition.研究課題/領域番号:23659559, 研究期間(年度):2011-04-28 - 2015-03-3

    Portal Venous Gas Due to Decompression Sickness

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