80 research outputs found

    Fotonički izvori milimetarskih i terahercnih valova i njihova primjena

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    This paper describes recent advances in the generation of millimeter and terahertz waves based on photonic techniques, which provides low-phase noise, wide frequency tunability, and high output power. Basic component technologies such as an optical frequency comb generator, photonic light-wave circuits for signal processing, and antenna-integrated photodiode modules, and their applications to high-performance measurement and communications are presented.U radu su opisani rezultati najnovijih istraživanja izvora milimetarskih i teraherc valova, zasnovanih na fotoničkim rješenjima, koji generiraju signale velike izlazne snage s niskim faznim šumom u širokom frekvencijskom području. Prikazana je tehnologija izrade osnovnih komponenata kao što su optički frekvencijski češljasti generator, fotonički valni krugovi za procesiranje signala, integrirani antenski moduli koji sadrže fotodiodu, kao i njihova primjena u mjernim sustavima visoke preciznosti i komunikacijskim sustavima

    Exceeding octave tunable Terahertz waves with zepto-second level timing noise

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    Spectral purity of any millimeter wave (mmW) source is of the utmost interest in low-noise applications. Optical synthesis via photomixing is an attractive source for such mmWs, which usually involves expensive spectrally pure lasers with narrow linewidths approaching monochromaticity due to their inherent fabrication costs or specifications. Here, we report an alternative option for enhancing the spectral purity of inexpensive semiconductor diode lasers via a self-injection locking technique through corresponding Stokes waves from a fiber Brillouin cavity exhibiting greatly improved phase noise levels and large wavelength tunability of ~1.8 nm. We implement a system with two self-injected diode lasers on a common Brillouin cavity aimed at difference frequency generation in the mmW and THz region. We generate tunable sub-mmW (0.3 and 0.5 THz) waves by beating the self-injected two wavelength Stokes light on a uni-travelling carrier photodiode and characterize the noise performance. The sub-mmW features miniscule timing noise levels in the zepto-second (zs.Hz^-0.5) scale outperforming the state of the art dissipative Kerr soliton based micro-resonator setups while offering broader frequency tunability. These results suggest a viable inexpensive alternative for mmW sources aimed at low-noise applications featuring lab-scale footprints and rack-mounted portability while paving the way for chip-scale photonic integration.Comment: 31 page

    Photonic Technologies for Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Signals

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    [EN] Fiber optic components offer a competitive implementation for applications exploiting the millimeter-wave and THz regimes due to their capability for implementing broadband, compact, and cost-effective systems. In this paper, an outline of the latest technology developments and applications of fiber-optic-based technologies for the generation, transmission, and processing of high-frequency radio signals is provided. © 2012 B. Vidal et al.B. Vidal would like to thank the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for its support through Project TEC2009-08078. T. Nagatsuma would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 23246067, 2011 and the JST-ANR WITH program.Vidal Rodriguez, B.; Nagatsuma, T.; Gomes, NJ.; Darcie, TE. (2012). Photonic Technologies for Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Signals. Advances in Optical Technologies. 2012:1-17. doi:10.1155/2012/925065S117201