2,901 research outputs found

    Biologische producten natuurlijk verpakt

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    Hoe milieuvriendelijk zijn hernieuwbare en biologisch afbreekbare kunststofverpakkingen eigenlijk? Voor het verpakkend bedrijfsleven is het lastig om daarachter te komen en dus weloverwogen keuzes te maken. In het onderzoek ‘Natuurlijk verpakt’ – uitgevoerd door Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research – is zoveel mogelijk informatie verzameld en samengevat

    Microscopic thickness determination of thin graphite films formed on SiC from quantized oscillation in reflectivity of low-energy electrons

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    Low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM) was used to measure the reflectivity of low-energy electrons from graphitized SiC(0001). The reflectivity shows distinct quantized oscillations as a function of the electron energy and graphite thickness. Conduction bands in thin graphite films form discrete energy levels whose wave vectors are normal to the surface. Resonance of the incident electrons with these quantized conduction band states enhances electrons to transmit through the film into the SiC substrate, resulting in dips in the reflectivity. The dip positions are well explained using tight-binding and first-principles calculations. The graphite thickness distribution can be determined microscopically from LEEM reflectivity measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Resistively detected nuclear magnetic resonance via a single InSb two-dimensional electron gas at high temperature

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    We report on the demonstration of the resistively detected nuclear magnetic resonance (RDNMR) of a single InSb two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at elevated temperatures up to 4 K. The RDNMR signal of 115In in the simplest pseudospin quantum Hall ferromagnet triggered by a large direct current shows a peak-dip line shape, where the nuclear relaxation time T1 at the peak and the dip is different but almost temperature independent. The large Zeeman, cyclotron, and exchange energy scales of the InSb 2DEG contribute to the persistence of the RDNMR signal at high temperatures.Comment: 11pages,3figure

    Spectral properties of the X-ray binary pulsar LMC X-4 during different intensity states

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    We present spectral variations of the binary X-ray pulsar LMC X-4 observed with the RXTE/PCA during different phases of its 30.5 day long third period. Only out of eclipse data were used for this study. The 3-25 keV spectrum, modeled with high energy cut-off power-law and iron line emission is found to show strong dependence on the intensity state. Correlations between the Fe line emission flux and different parameters of the continuum are presented here.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Chemokine-induced secretion of gelatinase B in primary human monocytes

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    Chemokines help control normal leukocyte trafficking as well as their infiltration into tissues during acute and chronic inflammation. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) help support the extravasation and infiltration of leukocytes through limited proteolysis of basement membranes and matrix material. The effect of the chemokines RANTES/CCL5, MCP-1/CCL and SDF-1 /CXCL12 on secretion of the matrix metalloproteinase B and its endogenous inhibitor TIMP-1 was studied. RANTES/CCL5 and SDF-1/CXCL12 were found to induce MMP-9 secretion in primary human monocytes while TIMP-1 secretion was not affected. RANTES/CCL5 effects were mediated through CCR1 because the CCR1 antagonist BX471 was found to effectively block RANTES/CCL5-induced MMP-9 secretion

    Neutron Star Masses and Radii as Inferred from kilo-Hertz QPOs

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    Kilo-Hertz (kHz) Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) have been discovered in the X-ray fluxes of 8 low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). The characteristics of these QPOs are remarkably similar from one source to another. In particular, the highest observed QPO frequencies for 6 of the 8 sources fall in a very narrow range: 1,066 to 1,171 Hz. This is the more remarkable when one considers that these sources are thought to have very different luminosities and magnetic fields, and produce very different count rates in the RXTE detectors. Therefore it is highly unlikely that this near constancy of the highest observed frequencies is due to some unknown selection effect or instrumental bias. In this letter we propose that the highest observed QPO frequency can be taken as the orbital frequency of the marginally stable orbit. This leads to the conclusions that the neutron stars in these LMXBs are inside their marginally stable orbits and have masses in the vicinity of 2.0 solar masses. This mass is consistent with the hypothesis that these neutron stars were born with about 1.4 solar masses and have been accreting matter at a fraction of the Eddington limit for 100 million years.Comment: 7 pages, uses aas2pp4.sty, Accepted by ApJ

    A search for cyclotron resonance features with INTEGRAL

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    We present an INTEGRAL observation of the Cen-Crux region in order to search the electron cyclotron resonance scattering features from the X-ray binary pulsars. During the AO1 200ks observation, we clearly detected 4 bright X-ray binaries, 1 Seyfert Galaxy, and 4 new sources in the field of view. Especially from GX301-2, the cyclotron resonance feature is detected at about 37 keV, and width of 3--4 keV. In addition, the depth of the resonance feature strongly depends on the X-ray luminosity. This is the first detection of luminosity dependence of the resonance depth. The cyclotron resonance feature is marginally detected from 1E1145.1-6141. Cen X-3 was very dim during the observation and poor statistics disable us to detect the resonance features.These are first INTEGRAL results of searching for the cyclotron resonance feature.Comment: 4pages, 8figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop: "The INTEGRAL Universe", February 16-20, 2004, Munic

    Resistively-detected NMR lineshapes in a quasi-one dimensional electron system

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    We observe variation in the resistively-detected nuclear magnetic resonance (RDNMR) lineshapes in quantum Hall breakdown. The breakdown is locally occurred in a gate-defined quantum point contact (QPC) region. Of particular interest is the observation of a dispersive lineshape occured when the bulk 2D electron gas (2DEG) is set to νb=2\nu_{\rm{b}} = 2 and the QPC filling factor to the vicinity of νQPC=1\nu_{\rm{QPC}} = 1, strikingly resemble the dispersive lineshape observed on a 2D quantum Hall state. This previously unobserved lineshape in a QPC points to simultaneous occurrence of two hyperfine-mediated spin flip-flop processes within the QPC. Those events give rise to two different sets of nuclei polarized in the opposite direction and positioned at a separate region with different degree of electronic polarizations.Comment: Accepted as a rapid communication in PR