156 research outputs found

    Redox functionality mediated by adsorbed oxygen on a Pd-oxide film over a Pd(100) thin structure: A first-principles study

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    Stable oxygen sites on a PdO film over a Pd(100) thin structures with a (sqrt{5} times sqrt{5}) R27^circ surface-unit cell are determined using the first-principles electronic structure calculations with the generalized gradient approximation. The adsorbed monatomic oxygen goes to a site bridging two 2-fold-coordinated Pd atoms or to a site bridging a 2-fold-coordinated Pd atom and a 4-fold-coordinated Pd atom. Estimated reaction energies of CO oxidation by reduction of the oxidized PdO film and N_2O reduction mediated by oxidation of the PdO film are exothermic. Motion of the adsorbed oxygen atom between the two stable sites is evaluated using the nudged elastic band method, where an energy barrier for a translational motion of the adsorbed oxygen may become sim 0.45 eV, which is low enough to allow fluxionality of the surface oxygen at high temperatures. The oxygen fluxionality is allowed by existence of 2-fold-coordinated Pd atoms on the PdO film, whose local structure has similarity to that of Pd catalysts for the Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling. Although NO_x (including NO_2 and NO) reduction is not always catalyzed only by the PdO film, we conclude that there may happen continual redox reactions mediated by oxygen-adsorbed PdO films over a Pd surface structure, when the influx of NO_x and CO continues, and when the reaction cycle is kept on a well-designed oxygen surface.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    Public Review terhadap Peraturan Pemerintah Tentang Kawasan Hutan

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    Regulasi yang menjadi objek public review di sini adalah Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 60 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 10 tahun 2010 Tentang Tata Cara Perubahan Peruntukan dan Fungsi Kawasan Hutan serta Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 61 tahun 2012 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 24 tahun 2010 Tentang Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan. Regulasi soal Kawasan Hutan diuji karena dinilai berpotensi memberikan impunitas atas pelanggaran hukum dan memiliki kerancuan, terutama alasan bahwa untuk memberikan kepastian hukum kepada pelaku usaha. Alasan tersebut dianggap menguntungkan pengusaha dibidang kehutanan dan perkebunan sawit namun merugikan masyarakat dan kelestarian lingkungan. Pemerintah dinilai telah memberikan perlindungan dan pengampunan atas pelanggaran undang-undang dan pencurian kekayaan alam di negeri ini

    Neurogenic muscular atrophy and low density of large myelinated fibres of sural nerve in chorea-acanthocytosis

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    In three cases of chorea-acanthocytosis (acanthocytosis and neurological disease, or familial degeneration of the basal ganglia with acanthocytosis), biopsies of short peroneal muscles and sural nerves were studied histologically. The muscles showed groups of atrophic fibres with clumping of sarcolemmal nuclei in all cases. It was concluded that neurogenic muscular atrophy should be included as one of the main pathological findings in chorea-acanthocytosis. The sural nerves showed a small number of large myelinated fibres in two cases. This finding remains to be confirmed in other cases

    Ion structure factors and electron transport in dense Coulomb plasmas

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    The dynamical structure factor of a Coulomb crystal of ions is calculated at arbitrary temperature below the melting point taking into account multi-phonon processes in the harmonic approximation. In a strongly coupled Coulomb ion liquid, the static structure factor is split into two parts, a Bragg-diffraction-like one, describing incipient long-range order structures, and an inelastic part corresponding to thermal ion density fluctuations. It is assumed that the diffractionlike scattering does not lead to the electron relaxation in the liquid phase. This assumption, together with the inclusion of multi-phonon processes in the crystalline phase, eliminates large discontinuities of the transport coefficients (jumps of the thermal and electric conductivities, as well as shear viscosity, reported previously) at a melting point.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX using epsf.sty. Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Equation of state of fully ionized electron-ion plasmas

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    Thermodynamic quantities of Coulomb plasmas consisting of point-like ions immersed in a compressible, polarizable electron background are calculated for ion charges Z=1 to 26 and for a wide domain of plasma parameters ranging from the Debye-Hueckel limit to the crystallization point and from the region of nondegenerate to fully degenerate nonrelativistic or relativistic electrons. The calculations are based on the linear-response theory for the electron-ion interaction, including the local-field corrections in the electronic dielectric function. The thermodynamic quantities are calculated in the framework of the N-body hypernetted-chain equations and fitted by analytic expressions. We present also accurate analytic approximations for the free energy of the ideal electron gas at arbitrary degeneracy and relativity and for the excess free energy of the one-component plasma of ions (OCP) derived from Monte Carlo simulations. The extension to multi-ionic mixtures is discussed within the framework of the linear mixing rule. These formulae provide a completely analytic, accurate description of the thermodynamic quantities of fully ionized electron-ion Coulomb plasmas, a useful tool for various applications from liquid state theory to dense stellar matter.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, REVTeX using epsf.sty. To be published in Phys. Rev. E, vol. 58 (1998

    Solid molecular hydrogen: The Broken Symmetry Phase

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    By performing constant-pressure variable-cell ab initio molecular dynamics simulations we find a quadrupolar orthorhombic structure, of Pca21Pca2_1 symmetry, for the broken symmetry phase (phase II) of solid H2 at T=0 and P =110 - 150 GPa. We present results for the equation of state, lattice parameters and vibronic frequencies, in very good agreement with experimental observations. Anharmonic quantum corrections to the vibrational frequencies are estimated using available data on H2 and D2. We assign the observed modes to specific symmetry representations.Comment: 5 pages (twocolumn), 4 Postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Structural Phase Transition at High Temperatures in Solid Molecular Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We study the effect of temperature up to 1000K on the structure of dense molecular para-hydrogen and ortho-deuterium, using the path-integral Monte Carlo method. We find a structural phase transition from orientationally disordered hexagonal close packed (hcp) to an orthorhombic structure of Cmca symmetry before melting. The transition is basically induced by thermal fluctuations, but quantum fluctuations of protons (deuterons) are important in determining the transition temperature through effectively hardening the intermolecular interaction. We estimate the phase line between hcp and Cmca phases as well as the melting line of the Cmca solid.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; accepted in Phys. Rev.
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