3,417 research outputs found

    ALMA reveals a chemically evolved submillimeter galaxy at z=4.76

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    The chemical properties of high-z galaxies provide important information to constrain galaxy evolutionary scenarios. However, widely-used metallicity diagnostics based on rest-frame optical emission lines are not usable for heavily dust-enshrouded galaxies (such as Sub-Millimeter Galaxies; SMGs), especially at z>3. Here we focus on the flux ratio of the far-infrared fine-structure emission lines [NII]205um and [CII]158um to assess the metallicity of high-z SMGs. Through ALMA cycle 0 observations, we have detected the [NII]205um emission in a strongly [CII]-emitting SMG, LESS J033229.4-275619 at z=4.76. The velocity-integrated [NII]/[CII] flux ratio is 0.043 +/- 0.008. This is the first measurement of the [NII]/[CII] flux ratio in high-z galaxies, and the inferred flux ratio is similar to the ratio observed in the nearby universe (~0.02-0.07). The velocity-integrated flux ratio and photoionization models suggest that the metallicity in this SMG is consistent with solar, implying the chemical evolution has progressed very rapidly in this system at z=4.76. We also obtain a tight upper limit on the CO(12-11) transition, which translates into CO(12-11)/CO(2-1) <3.8 (3 sigma). This suggests that the molecular gas clouds in LESS J033229.4-275619 are not affected significantly by the radiation field emitted by the AGN in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Potentially Large One-loop Corrections to WIMP Annihilation

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    We compute one-loop corrections to the annihilation of non--relativistic particles χ\chi due to the exchange of a (gauge or Higgs) boson ϕ\phi with mass μ\mu in the initial state. In the limit mχμm_\chi \gg \mu this leads to the "Sommerfeld enhancement" of the annihilation cross section. However, here we are interested in the case \mu \lsim m_\chi, where the one--loop corrections are well--behaved, but can still be sizable. We find simple and accurate expressions for annihilation from both SS- and PP-wave initial states; they differ from each other if μ0\mu \neq 0. In order to apply our results to the calculation of the relic density of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), we describe how to compute the thermal average of the corrected cross sections. We apply this formalism to scalar and Dirac fermion singlet WIMPs, and show that the corrections are always very small in the former case, but can be very large in the latter. Moreover, in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, these corrections can decrease the relic density of neutralinos by more than 1%, if the lightest neutralino is a strongly mixed state.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures. Added an appendix showing that the approximation works well in a scalar toy model. To be published in PRD

    Moments of vicious walkers and M\"obius graph expansions

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    A system of Brownian motions in one-dimension all started from the origin and conditioned never to collide with each other in a given finite time-interval (0,T](0, T] is studied. The spatial distribution of such vicious walkers can be described by using the repulsive eigenvalue-statistics of random Hermitian matrices and it was shown that the present vicious walker model exhibits a transition from the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) statistics to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) statistics as the time tt is going on from 0 to TT. In the present paper, we characterize this GUE-to-GOE transition by presenting the graphical expansion formula for the moments of positions of vicious walkers. In the GUE limit t0t \to 0, only the ribbon graphs contribute and the problem is reduced to the classification of orientable surfaces by genus. Following the time evolution of the vicious walkers, however, the graphs with twisted ribbons, called M\"obius graphs, increase their contribution to our expansion formula, and we have to deal with the topology of non-orientable surfaces. Application of the recent exact result of dynamical correlation functions yields closed expressions for the coefficients in the M\"obius expansion using the Stirling numbers of the first kind.Comment: REVTeX4, 11 pages, 1 figure. v.2: calculations of the Green function and references added. v.3: minor additions and corrections made for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Random Matrix Theory for the Hermitian Wilson Dirac Operator and the chGUE-GUE Transition

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    We introduce a random two-matrix model interpolating between a chiral Hermitian (2n+nu)x(2n+nu) matrix and a second Hermitian matrix without symmetries. These are taken from the chiral Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (chGUE) and Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE), respectively. In the microscopic large-n limit in the vicinity of the chGUE (which we denote by weakly non-chiral limit) this theory is in one to one correspondence to the partition function of Wilson chiral perturbation theory in the epsilon regime, such as the related two matrix-model previously introduced in refs. [20,21]. For a generic number of flavours and rectangular block matrices in the chGUE part we derive an eigenvalue representation for the partition function displaying a Pfaffian structure. In the quenched case with nu=0,1 we derive all spectral correlations functions in our model for finite-n, given in terms of skew-orthogonal polynomials. The latter are expressed as Gaussian integrals over standard Laguerre polynomials. In the weakly non-chiral microscopic limit this yields all corresponding quenched eigenvalue correlation functions of the Hermitian Wilson operator.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures; v2 typos corrected, published versio

    Strong [CII] emission at high redshift

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    We report the detection of the [CII]157.74um fine-structure line in the lensed galaxy BRI 0952-0115 at z=4.43, using the APEX telescope. This is the first detection of the [CII] line in a source with L_FIR < 10^13 L_sun at high redshift. The line is very strong compared to previous [CII] detections at high-z (a factor of 5-8 higher in flux), partly due to the lensing amplification. The L_[CII]/L_FIR ratio is 10^-2.9, which is higher than observed in local galaxies with similar infrared luminosities. Together with previous observations of [CII] at high redshift, our result suggests that the [CII] emission in high redshift galaxies is enhanced relative to local galaxies of the same infrared luminosity. This finding may result from selection effects of the few current observations of [CII] at high redshift, and in particular the fact that non detections may have not been published (although the few published upper limits are still consistent with the [CII] enhancement scenario). If the trend is confirmed with larger samples, it would indicate that high-z galaxies are characterized by different physical conditions with respect to their local counterparts. Regardless of the physical origin of the trend, this effect would increase the potential of the [CII]158um line to search and characterize high-z sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters, 5 pages, 2 figure

    Vicious walk with a wall, noncolliding meanders, and chiral and Bogoliubov-deGennes random matrices

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    Spatially and temporally inhomogeneous evolution of one-dimensional vicious walkers with wall restriction is studied. We show that its continuum version is equivalent with a noncolliding system of stochastic processes called Brownian meanders. Here the Brownian meander is a temporally inhomogeneous process introduced by Yor as a transform of the Bessel process that is a motion of radial coordinate of the three-dimensional Brownian motion represented in the spherical coordinates. It is proved that the spatial distribution of vicious walkers with a wall at the origin can be described by the eigenvalue-statistics of Gaussian ensembles of Bogoliubov-deGennes Hamiltonians of the mean-field theory of superconductivity, which have the particle-hole symmetry. We report that the time evolution of the present stochastic process is fully characterized by the change of symmetry classes from the type CC to the type CCI in the nonstandard classes of random matrix theory of Altland and Zirnbauer. The relation between the non-colliding systems of the generalized meanders of Yor, which are associated with the even-dimensional Bessel processes, and the chiral random matrix theory is also clarified.Comment: REVTeX4, 16 pages, 4 figures. v2: some additions and correction

    Vortex Redistribution below the First-Order Transition Temperature in the \beta-Pyrochlore Superconductor KOs_2O_6

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    A miniature Hall sensor array was used to detect magnetic induction locally in the vortex states of the β\beta-pyrochlore superconductor KOs2_2O6_6. Below the first-order transition at Tp8T_{\rm p}\sim 8 K, which is associated with a change in the rattling motion of K ions, the lower critical field and the remanent magnetization both show a distinct decrease, suggesting that the electron-phonon coupling is weakened below the transition. At high magnetic fields, the local induction shows an unexpectedly large jump at TpT_{\rm p} whose sign changes with position inside the sample. Our results demonstrate a novel redistribution of vortices whose energy is reduced abruptly below the first-order transition at TpT_{\rm p}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Holes in the valence band of superconducting boron-doped diamond film studied by soft X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy

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    Carbon- and boron-2pp states of superconducting and non-superconducting boron-doped diamond samples are measured using soft X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy. For the superconducting sample, a large density of hole states is observed in the valence band in addition to the states in the impurity band. The hole states in the valence band is located at about 1.3 eV below the valence band maximum regardless of the doping level, which cannot be interpreted within a simple rigid band model. Present experimental results, combined with the first principles calculations, suggest that superconductivity is to be attributed to the holes in the valence band.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure