14 research outputs found

    vscode-epics, a VSCode Module to Enlighten Your EPICS Code

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    International audiencevscode-epics is a Visual Studio Code module developed by CEA Irfu that aims to enlight your EPICS code. This module makes developer life easier, improves code quality and helps standardizing EPICS code. It provides syntax highlighting, snippets and header template for EPICS file and provides snippets for WeTest*. This VSCode module is based on Visual Studio Code language Extension and it uses basic JSON files that make feature addition easy. The number of downloads increases version after version and the different feedback motivates us to strongly maintain it for the EPICS community. Since 2019, some laboratories of the EPICS community have participated in the improvement of the module and it seems to have a nice future (linter, snippet improvements, specific language support, etc.). The module is available on Visual Studio Code marketplace** and on EPICS extension GitHub***. CEA Irfu is open to bug notifications, enhancement suggestions and merge requests to continuously improve vscode-epics

    New Neutron Sensitive Beam Loss Monitor (nBLM)

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    International audienceThe beam loss detection is of the utmost importance for accelerator safety. At CEA, we are closely collaborating with ESS and DMCS on development of ESS nBLM. The system is based on Micromegas* gaseous detector sensitives to fast neutrons produced when beam particles hit the accelerator materials. This detector has powerful features: reliable neutron detection and fast time response. The nBLM control system provides slow monitoring, fast security based on neutron counting and post mortem data. It is fully handled by EPICS, which drives 3 different subsystems: a Siemens PLC regulates the gas line, a CAEN crate controls low and high voltages, and a MTCA system based on IOxOS boards is in charge of the fast data processing for 16 detectors. The detector signal is digitized by the 250 Ms/s ADC, which is further processed by the firmware developed by DMCS and finally retrieved and sent to EPICS network. For other accelerator projects, we are designing nBLM system close to ESS nBLM one. In order to be able to sustain the full control system, we are developing the firmware and the driver. This paper summarizes CEA’s work on the nBLM control system for the ESS and other accelerators

    ESS Emittance Measurements at INFN CATANIA

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    International audienceBeam characteristics at low energy are an absolute necessity for an acceptable injection in the next stage of a linear accelerator, and are also necessary to reduce beam loss and radiation inside the machine. CEA is taking part of ESS linac construction, by designing Emittance Measurement Units (EMU) for the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT). The EMU are designed to qualify the proton beam produced by the INFN Catania ion source. This measurement has been decided to be time resolved, allowing to follow the beam emittance reduction, during the pulse length. A 1Mhz acquisition board controlled by EPICS save raw datas to an archiver in order to be able to post process the measurements for time resolution. The design corresponds to an Allison's scanner, using entrance and exit slits, electrostatic plates and a faraday cup. The beamstopper protects the device and can be removable to fit to beam power. It has been manufactured by the CEA/LITEN with copper tungsten HIP technique. This article report the first measurements on the ESS injector at INFN CATANIA

    Space Charge Effects Studies for the ESS Cold Linac Beam Profiler

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    International audienceFive Ionization Profile Monitors are being built by CEA in the framework of the in-kind contribution agreement signed with ESS. The IPMs will be installed in the Cold Linac where the proton energy range they need to cover extends from 90 MeV to 2 GeV. The ESS fields intensity of 1.10⁺⁰⁹ protons/bunch delivered at a frequency of 352 or 704 MHz, with a duty cycle of 4%, may strongly affect the trajectories of the ionized molecules and electrons created by the passage of the beam through the residual gas. In order to quantify and to develop a correction algorithm for these space charge effects, a code was initiated at ESS and completed at CEA Saclay with the possibility to include real case electric fields calculated with Comsol Multiphysics. A general overview of the code and its preliminary results are presented here

    Machine Protection System at SARAF

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    International audienceCEA Saclay Irfu is in charge of the major part of the control system of the SARAF-LINAC accelerator based at Soreq in Israel. This scope also includes the Machine Protection System. This system prevents any damage in the accelerator by shutting down the beam in case of detection of risky incidents like interceptive diagnostics in the beam or vacuum or cooling defects. So far, the system has been used successfully up to the MEBT. It will be tested soon for the super conducting Linac consisting of 4 cryomodules and 27 cavities. This Machine Protection System relies on three sets: the MRF timing system that is the messenger of the "shut beam" messages coming from any devices, IOxOS MTCA boards with custom FPGA developments that monitor the Section Beam Current Transmission along the accelerator and a Beam Destination Master that manages the beam destination required. This Destination Master is based on a master PLC. It permanently monitors Siemens PLCs that are in charge of the "slow" detection for fields such as vacuum, cryogenic and cooling system. The paper describes the architecture of this protection system and the exchanges between these three main parts

    Space Charge Effects Studies for the ESS Cold Linac Beam Profiler

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    International audienceFive Ionization Profile Monitors are being built by CEA in the framework of the in-kind contribution agreement signed with ESS. The IPMs will be installed in the Cold Linac where the proton energy range they need to cover extends from 90 MeV to 2 GeV. The ESS fields intensity of 1.10⁺⁰⁹ protons/bunch delivered at a frequency of 352 or 704 MHz, with a duty cycle of 4%, may strongly affect the trajectories of the ionized molecules and electrons created by the passage of the beam through the residual gas. In order to quantify and to develop a correction algorithm for these space charge effects, a code was initiated at ESS and completed at CEA Saclay with the possibility to include real case electric fields calculated with Comsol Multiphysics. A general overview of the code and its preliminary results are presented here

    Status of the SARAF-Phase2 Control System

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    International audienceSNRC and CEA collaborate to the upgrade of the SARAF accelerator to 5 mA CW 40 Mev deuteron and proton beams and also closely to the control system. CEA is in charge of the Control System (including cabinets) design and implementation for the Injector (upgrade), MEBT and Super Conducting Linac made up of 4 cryomodules hosting HWR cavities and solenoid packages. This paper gives a detailed presentation of the control system architecture from hardware and EPICS software points of view. The hardware standardization relies on MTCA.4 that is used for LLRF, BPM, BLM and FC controls and on Siemens PLC 1500 series for vacuum, cryogenics and interlock. CEA IRFU EPICS Environment (IEE) platform is used for the whole accelerator. IEE is based on virtual machines and our MTCA.4 solutions and enables us to have homogenous EPICS modules. It also provides a development and production workflow. SNRC has integrated IEE into a new IT network based on advanced technology. The commissioning is planned to start late summer 2021

    Evolution Based on MicroTCA and MRF Timing System

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    International audienceFor many years our Institute CEA IRFU has had a sound experience in VME and EPICS. For the accelerator projects SPIRAL2 at Ganil in Normandy and IFMIF/LIPAc at JAEA/Rokkasho (Japan) the EPICS control systems were based on VME. For 5 years our Institute has been involved in several in-kind collaboration contracts with ESS. For the first contracts (ESS test stands, Source and LEBT controls) ESS recommended us to use VME based solutions on IOxOS boards. Our close collaboration with ESS, their support and the requirements for new projects have led us to develop a standardized hardware and software platform called IRFU EPICS Environment based on microTCA.4 and MRF timing system. This paper describes the advantages of the combination of these recent technologies and the local control system architectures in progress for the SARAF project

    Neutron sensitive beam loss monitoring system for the European Spallation Source linac

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    International audienceThe European Spallation Source (ESS), currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, will be a neutron source based on a partly superconducting linac. The ESS linac will be accelerating protons to 2 GeV with a peak current of 62.5 mA and ultimately delivering a 5 MW beam to a rotating tungsten target for neutron production. For a successful tuning and operation of a linac, a beam loss monitoring (BLM) system is required. BLM systems are designed to protect the machine from beam-induced damage and unnecessary activation of the components. This paper focuses on one of the BLM systems to be deployed at the ESS linac, namely the neutron sensitive BLM (nBLM). An overview of the ESS nBLM system design will be presented. In addition to this, results of the tests performed with the full nBLM data acquisition chain will be discussed. These tests represent the first evaluation of the system prototype in a realistic environment. They served as an input to initial study of the procedure for neutron detection algorithm configuration discussed in this contribution as well