377 research outputs found

    The Influence of layout on the interpretation of referring expressions

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    From the introduction: The division of text into visual segments such as sentences, paragraphs and sections achieves many functions, such as easing navigation, achieving pragmatic effect, improving readability and reflecting the organisation of information (Wright, 1983; Schriver 1997). In this paper, we report a small experiment that investigates the effect of different layout configurations on the interpretation of the antecedent of anaphoric referring expressions. Layout has so far played little role in Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems. The layout of output texts is generally very simple. At worst, it consists of only a single paragraph consisting of a few sentences; at best it is predetermined by schemas (Coch, 1996; Porter and Lester, 1997) or discourse plans (Milosavljevic, 1999). However, recent work by Power (2000) and Bouayad et al. (2000) has integrated graphically signalled segments (e.g., by whitespace, punctuation, font and face alternation) such as paragraphs, lists, text-sentences and text-clauses in a hierarchical tree-like representation called the document structure.2 This work was carried out within the ICONOCLAST project (Integrating CONstraints On Layout and Style), which aims at automatically generating formatted texts in which the formatting decisions affect the wording and vice-versa.3 If document structure affects the comprehensibility of referring expressions, this must be taken into account in any attempt to generate felicitous formatted texts. This will go a step further from current research in the automatic generation of referring expressions, where only the effect of discourse structure and grammatical function has been investigated (Dale and Reiter, 1995; Cristea et al., 1998;Walker et al., 1998; Kibble and Power, 1999)

    The Philosophers in Sunni Prophetology

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    The present article relates to the philosophers of Islam in Sunni prophetology. The prophetic set-up in theology meets the rationalist objections of the various deniers of this institution, which is fundamental to the Islamic religion. The deniers include the philosophers who attempted to find a sense in this institution with regard to the political philosophy and to the theory of knowledge acquired from their Greek predecessors. In this study, we will demonstrate that this attempt at reconciliation between religion and philosophy has in all likelihood not convinced the theologians

    Characterization and modeling the effect of temperature on power HBTs InGaP/GaAs

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    The variation and stability of HBT’s parameters at different temperatures are important for utilizing these devices in high-power integrated circuits. The temperature dependence of the DC current gain of bipolar transistors, as a key device parameter, has been extensively investigated. A major issue of the power HBT’s is that the current gain is decreased with junction temperature due to self-heating effect. Hence, how to stabilize the DC current gain and RF performances is important issue to develop the power HBTs. This work describes the DC and high-frequency temperature dependence of InGaP/GaAs HBT’s. The substrate temperature (T) was varied from 25 to 150°C. The static and dynamic performances of the HBT are degraded at high temperature, due to the reduced of carrier mobility with increasing temperature. The current gain (β) decreases at high temperatures; from 140 to 127 at 25 to 150°C, while the decreases in the peak Ft and Fmax are observed from about 110 GHz to 68 GHz and from 165 GHz to 53 GHz respectively in the temperature range of 25 to 150°C

    Expressing Adaptation Strategies Using Adaptation Patterns

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    Today, there is a real challenge to enable personalized access to information. Several systems have been proposed to address this challenge including Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHSs). However, the specification of adaptation strategies remains a difficult task for creators of such systems. In this paper, we consider the problem of the definition of adaptation strategies at a high level. We present two main contributions: a typology of elementary adaptation patterns for the adaptation of navigation; and a process to generate adaptation strategies based on the use and the semi-automatic combination of patterns. We also describe how the generated adaptation strategies can be integrated into existing AHSs. A prototype has been implemented and an experiment in the e-learning domain has been conducted with a group of volunteers. This experiment shows that our pattern based approach for defining adaptation strategies is more suitable than those based on "traditional" AH languages

    The Impact of Simplifications of the Dynamic Model on the Motion of a Six-Jointed Industrial Articulated Robotic Arm Movement

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    This research investigates the impact of model simplification on the dynamic performance of an ABB IRB-140 six-jointed industrial robotic arm, concentrating on torque prediction and energy consumption. The entire mathematical model of forward, reverse, differential kinematics, and dynamic model proposed based on the technical specifications of the arm, and to obtain the center of the mass and inertia matrices, which are essential components of the dynamic model, Utilizing Solidworks, we developed three CAD/CAM models representing the manipulator with varying detail levels, such as simplified, semi-detailed, and detailed. Our findings indicate minor differences in the model's torque and energy consumption graphs. The semi-detailed model consumed the most energy, except for joint 1, with the detailed model showing a 0.53% reduction and the simplified model a 6.8% reduction in energy consumption. Despite these variations, all models proved effective in predicting the robot's performance during a standard 30-second task, demonstrating their adequacy for various industrial applications. This research highlights the balance between computational efficiency and accuracy in model selection. While the detailed model offers the highest precision, it demands more computational resources, which is suitable for high-precision tasks. In discrepancy, simplified, less precise models offer computational efficiency, making them adequate for specific scenarios. Our study provides critical insights into selecting dynamic models in industrial robotics. It guides the optimization of performance and energy efficiency based on the required task precision and available computational resources. This comprehensive comparison of dynamic models underscores their applicability and effectiveness in diverse industrial settings

    Prevalencija roda Cryptosporidium u ljudi i jednogrbih deva (Camelus dromedarius) u Alžiru

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    Cryptosporidium is one of the most important gastrointestinal parasites of a wide range of animals and humans. A study was conducted between January and March 2011 to investigate the prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection in dromedaries and humans in Oued Souf in southern Algeria. Stool samples of humans (n=110) and dromedaries (n=40) were collected. Cryptosporidium infection was diagnosed in human samples by the Heine staining method and by amplification of the 18S rRNA gene using polymerase chain reaction, and in dromedaries by the direct immunofluorescent antibody test. The overall prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection in dromedaries was 10% and none of these Cryptosporidium-infected animals showed diarrhoea. No significant difference was observed between males (10.52%) and females (9.52%). The number of oocysts calculated per gram of faeces varied between 100 and 450 oocysts/g. In humans, no positive cases were detected using the Heine staining method or 18S rRNA gene amplification. This finding highlighted the presence of Cryptosporidium in dromedaries in Oued Souf, Algeria for the first time. Further molecular epidemiology studies including a higher number of dromedaries and different parts of the country are recommended to establish the distribution and national impact of the disease. More efforts are required to isolate and to characterise by PCR the Cryptosporidium species in humans in Algeria.Kriptosporidij je jedan od najčešćih gastrointestinalnih parazita za ljude i veliki broj životinjskih vrsta. Studiju smo provedili od siječnja do ožujka 2011. godine za istraživanje prevalencije infekcije kriptosporidijem u ljudi i jednogrbih deva u mjestu Oued Souf, južni Alžir. Prikupljeni su uzorci ljudskih fecesa (n=110) i fecesa jednogrbih deva (n=40). Infekcija kriptosporidijem dijagnosticirana je u ljudskim uzorcima pomoću metode bojanja po Heineu te lančanom reakcijom polimerazom, amplifikacijom 18S rRNK gena, a u jednogrbih deva putem direktnog imunofluorescentnog testa za otkrivanje antitijela. Cjelokupna prevalencija infekcije kriptosporidijem u jednogrbih deva bila je 10 %, a niti jedna od životinja zaraženih kriptosporidijem nije pokazivala znakove proljeva; nije zamijećena značajna razlika između mužjaka (10,52 %) i ženki (9,52 %). Broj oocista izračunat po gramu fecesa varirao je od 100 do 450 oocista/g. U ljudi, metoda bojanja po Heineu i 18S rRNK gen nije otkrila pozitivne slučajeve. Ovi nalazi pokazali su, po prvi put u mjestu Oued Souf, Alžir, prisutnost kriptosporidija u jednogrbih deva. Preporučuju se dodatne molekularne epidemiološke studije koje će pokriti veći broj jednogrbih deva i različite dijelove zemlje za utvrđivanje raspodjele vrste i nacionalnog utjecaja bolesti. Potrebno je i više napora za izoliranje i karakterizaciju roda Cryptosporidium putem PCR-a u ljudi u Alžiru

    A ground state solution for a nonhomogeneous elliptic Kirchhoff type problem involving critical growth and Hardy term

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    This paper concerns singular elliptic Kirchhof’s equations whose nonlinearity has a critical growth and contains an inhomogeneous perturbation in a regular bounded domain of R3. To explore the existence of a ground state solution, we rely on various techniques related to variational methods and the Nehari decomposition

    Langues et réussite scolaire : un regard sur la diversité linguistique

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    Résumé : Notre étude est basée sur l’impact de la diversité linguistique, bi/plurilinguisme sur la réussite scolaire. Il est à préciser que la langue est un moyen de communication décisif dans le processus d’enseignement/apprentissage. C. Fitouri (1984) affirme que : “ les problèmes que pose l’éducation bilingues n’ont cessé, depuis près d’un siècle, d’animer les débats et d’attiser les passions”. Aujourd’hui, quarante après, les domaines des sciences du langage et de la didactique des langues s’intéressent de plus en plus à ce phénomène. L’objectif étant de solliciter à la réflexion en ce qui concerne les questionnements des apports et/ou des contraintes de la diversité linguistique dans l’enseignement. Nous proposons de partir de la description, pour aboutir à des propositions qui pourraient inciter à la réflexion à des solutions et à des modalités d’intervention.  Mots-clés : langue ; éducation ; impact ; apport ; contrainte