28 research outputs found

    Detection of trend changes in time series using Bayesian inference

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    Change points in time series are perceived as isolated singularities where two regular trends of a given signal do not match. The detection of such transitions is of fundamental interest for the understanding of the system's internal dynamics. In practice observational noise makes it difficult to detect such change points in time series. In this work we elaborate a Bayesian method to estimate the location of the singularities and to produce some confidence intervals. We validate the ability and sensitivity of our inference method by estimating change points of synthetic data sets. As an application we use our algorithm to analyze the annual flow volume of the Nile River at Aswan from 1871 to 1970, where we confirm a well-established significant transition point within the time series.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, submitte

    An Antiherpesviral Host-Directed Strategy Based on CDK7 Covalently Binding Drugs: Target-Selective, Picomolar-Dose, Cross-Virus Reactivity

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    The repertoire of currently available antiviral drugs spans therapeutic applications against a number of important human pathogens distributed worldwide. These include cases of the pandemic severe acute respiratory coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19), human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1 or AIDS), and the pregnancy- and posttransplant-relevant human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). In almost all cases, approved therapies are based on direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), but their benefit, particularly in long-term applications, is often limited by the induction of viral drug resistance or side effects. These issues might be addressed by the additional use of host-directed antivirals (HDAs). As a strong input from long-term experiences with cancer therapies, host protein kinases may serve as HDA targets of mechanistically new antiviral drugs. The study demonstrates such a novel antiviral strategy by targeting the major virus-supportive host kinase CDK7. Importantly, this strategy focuses on highly selective, 3D structure-derived CDK7 inhibitors carrying a warhead moiety that mediates covalent target binding. In summary, the main experimental findings of this study are as follows: (1) the in vitro verification of CDK7 inhibition and selectivity that confirms the warhead covalent-binding principle (by CDK-specific kinase assays), (2) the highly pronounced antiviral efficacies of the hit compounds (in cultured cell-based infection models) with half-maximal effective concentrations that reach down to picomolar levels, (3) a particularly strong potency of compounds against strains and reporter-expressing recombinants of HCMV (using infection assays in primary human fibroblasts), (4) additional activity against further herpesviruses such as animal CMVs and VZV, (5) unique mechanistic properties that include an immediate block of HCMV replication directed early (determined by Western blot detection of viral marker proteins), (6) a substantial drug synergism in combination with MBV (measured by a Loewe additivity fixed-dose assay), and (7) a strong sensitivity of clinically relevant HCMV mutants carrying MBV or ganciclovir resistance markers. Combined, the data highlight the huge developmental potential of this host-directed antiviral targeting concept utilizing covalently binding CDK7 inhibitors

    Temporary antimetabolite treatment hold boosts SARS-CoV-2 vaccination–specific humoral and cellular immunity in kidney transplant recipients

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    Transplant recipients exhibit an impaired protective immunity after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, potentially caused by mycophenolate (MPA) immunosuppression. Recent data from patients with autoimmune disorders suggest that temporary MPA hold might greatly improve booster vaccination outcomes. We applied a fourth dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine to 29 kidney transplant recipients during a temporary (5 weeks) MPA/azathioprine hold, who had not mounted a humoral immune response to previous vaccinations. Seroconversion until day 32 after vaccination was observed in 76% of patients, associated with acquisition of virus-neutralizing capacity. Interestingly, 21/25 (84%) calcineurin inhibitor-treated patients responded, but only 1/4 belatacept-treated patients responded. In line with humoral responses. counts and relative frequencies of spike receptor binding domain-specific (RBD-specific) B cells were markedly increased on day 7 after vaccination, with an increase in RBD-specific CD27(++)CD38(+) plasmablasts. Whereas overall proportions of spike-reactive CD4(+) T cells remained unaltered after the fourth dose, frequencies were positively correlated with specific IgG levels. Importantly, antigen-specific proliferating Ki67(+) and in vivo-activated programmed cell death 1-positive T cells significantly increased after revaccination during MPA hold, whereas cytokine production and memory differentiation remained unaffected. In summary, antimetabolite hold augmented all arms of immunity during booster vaccination. These data suggest further studies of antimetabolite hold in kidney transplant recipients

    Évaluer l’impact d’installations sonores sur la perception du paysage sonore urbain : cas d’étude d’une place publique parisienne

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    Dans nos sociétés urbaines, il est courant de considérer l’environnement sonore comme une pollution qu’il convient de réduire. Pourtant, diminuer le niveau sonore n’entraîne pas forcément une amélioration de la qualité d’un environnement sonore, car la nature des sources qui y sont présentes est d’une importance critique pour son appréciation. Plutôt que de considérer le son comme une nuisance, il est ainsi possible de l’envisager comme une ressource pouvant avoir un impact positif sur la qualité de vie urbaine. Dans ce cadre, mon projet doctoral consiste à planifier et étudier l’impact d’installations sonores sur le paysage sonore urbain. Mon premier cas d’étude s’incarne dans une collaboration scientifique et artistique autour du projet Niches Acoustiques, conçu par la compositrice Nadine Schütz. Ce projet vise la mise en place d’une installation sonore pérenne dans une place publique, le parvis du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris. Notre objectif est double : au moyen d’évaluations perceptives impliquant des simulations de paysages sonores en laboratoire, nous cherchons à informer la composition de cette œuvre et à anticiper son impact sur la perception du lieu où elle sera déployée. Nous présentons ici la première phase de ce projet, une session de mesures permettant la simulation spatialisée de l’environnement sonore du parvis et des futures interventions sonores qui s’opèreront dans le cadre du projet artistique. Deux séries de mesure ont été effectuées : des mesures acoustiques et des prises de son de type High-Order Ambisonics à différentes positions et périodes d’activité, puis, en collaboration avec Bruitparif, des mesures de niveau sonore continues pendant plusieurs semaines. Les données de cette double campagne seront présentées. Elles fournissent à la fois le matériau nécessaire à la simulation du paysage sonore du site, mais permettent aussi des analyses préliminaires qui caractérisent et identifient l’activité et la signature acoustique du lieu

    Recombinant Human Cytomegalovirus Expressing an Analog-Sensitive Kinase pUL97 as Novel Tool for Functional Analyses

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    The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a member of the beta-herpesvirus family and inflicts life-long latent infections in its hosts. HCMV has been shown to manipulate and dysregulate many cellular processes. One major interactor with the cellular host is the viral kinase pUL97. The UL97 gene is essential for viral replication, and kinase-deficient mutants of pUL97 display a severe replication defect. Recently, another group established an analog-sensitive version of the pUL97 protein. This mutant kinase can be treated with a non-hydrolysable ATP analog, thereby inhibiting its kinase function. This process is reversible by removing the ATP analog by media change. We introduced this mutant version of the pUL97 protein into the laboratory strain Ad169 of HCMV, BADwt, creating a BAD-UL97-as1 viral mutant. This mutant virus replicated normally in infected cells in the absence of the ATP analog and maintained its ability to phosphorylate its cellular substrates. However, when treated with the ATP analog, BAD-UL97-as1 displayed a defect in the production of intra- and extracellular viral DNA and in the production of viral progeny. Furthermore, in the presence of 3MB-PP1, a well-established substrate of pUL97 was no longer hyperphosphorylated. This effect was detectable as early as 4 h post treatment, which allows for studies on pUL97 without the complication of low viral titers. Nevertheless, we observed off-target effects of 3MB-PP1 on several cellular processes, which should be considered with this approach

    Proteogenomics of Pristionchus pacificus reveals distinct proteome structure of nematode models

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    Pristionchus pacificus is a nematode model organism whose genome has recently been sequenced. To refine the genome annotation we performed transcriptome and proteome analysis and gathered comprehensive experimental information on gene expression. Transcriptome analysis on a 454 Life Sciences (Roche) FLX platform generated >700,000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from two normalized EST libraries, whereas proteome analysis on an LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometer detected >27,000 nonredundant peptide sequences from more than 4000 proteins at sub-parts-per-million (ppm) mass accuracy and a false discovery rate of <1%. Retraining of the SNAP gene prediction algorithm using the gene expression data led to a decrease in the number of previously predicted protein-coding genes from 29,000 to 24,000 and refinement of numerous gene models. The P. pacificus proteome contains a high proportion of small proteins with no known homologs in other species (“pioneer” proteins). Some of these proteins appear to be products of highly homologous genes, pointing to their common origin. We show that >50% of all pioneer genes are transcribed under standard culture conditions and that pioneer proteins significantly contribute to a unimodal distribution of predicted protein sizes in P. pacificus, which has an unusually low median size of 240 amino acids (26.8 kDa). In contrast, the predicted proteome of Caenorhabditis elegans follows a distinct bimodal protein size distribution, with significant functional differences between small and large protein populations. Combined, these results provide the first catalog of the expressed genome of P. pacificus, refinement of its genome annotation, and the first comparison of related nematode models at the proteome level

    Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) and the Human Cytomegalovirus-Encoded CDK Ortholog pUL97 Represent Highly Attractive Targets for Synergistic Drug Combinations

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a pathogenic human herpesvirus associated with serious, potentially life-threatening symptoms in the immunocompromised or immunona&iuml;ve host. The limitations encountered by antiviral therapy options currently available include a narrow panel of accessible targets, the induction of viral drug resistance as well as severe drug dosage-mediated side-effects. Improved drug-targeting strategies to resolve these issues are the focus of our investigations. In particular, pharmaceutical kinase inhibitors (PKIs), either directed to host kinases or directed to the viral protein kinase pUL97, have been considered to overcome these restrictions. Recently, we reported the identification of a synergistic combination of two PKIs directed to host cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (CDK7) and viral CDK ortholog pUL97. Here, we substantiate these findings with the following results: (i) true drug synergy was exhibited by various chemical classes of PKI pairs directed to pUL97 and CDK7; (ii) no putative amplification of cytotoxicity by these drug combinations was observed; (iii) a reduction in drug dosage levels for synergistic combinations was defined on a quantitative basis and compared to monotreatments; (iv) the quantities of target proteins CDK7 and pUL97 expressed in HCMV-infected cells were assessed by confocal imaging, indicating a strong down-modulation of CDK7 levels as a result of synergistic drug treatment; (v) the functional importance of these target kinases, both binding to cyclin H, was illustrated by assessing HCMV replication under the viral genomic deletion of ORF-UL97 or cellular cyclin knock-out; (vi) new combinations of HCMV-specific drug synergy were demonstrated for solely host-directed treatments using PKIs against CDK2, CDK7, CDK8 and/or CDK9 and (vii) a triple PKI combination provided further support for the synergy approach. With these combined findings, this study highlights the potential of therapeutic drug combinations of approved, developmental and preclinical PKIs for expanding future options for anti-HCMV therapy

    The WW1 Domain Enhances Autoinhibition in Smurf Ubiquitin Ligases

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    Downregulation of ubiquitin (Ub) ligase activity prevents premature ubiquitination and is critical for cellular homeostasis. Nedd4 Ub ligases share a common domain architecture and yet are regulated in distinct ways through interactions of the catalytic HECT domain with the N-terminal C2 domain or the central WW domain region. Smurf1 and Smurf2 are two highly related Nedd4 ligases with similar to 70% overall sequence identity. Here, we show that the Smurf1 C2 domain interacts with the HECT domain and inhibits ligase activity in trans. However, in contrast to Smurf2, we find that full-length Smurf1 is a highly active Ub ligase, and we can attribute this striking difference in regulation to the lack of one WW domain (WW1) in Smurf1. Using NMR spectroscopy and biochemical assays, we identified the WW1 region as an additional inhibitory element in Smurf2 that cooperates with the C2 domain to enhance HECT domain binding and Smurf2 inhibition. Our work provides important insights into Smurf regulation and highlights that the activities of highly related proteins can be controlled in distinct ways. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved