427 research outputs found

    an irreconcilable reality?

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    Desde a revelação da vigilância em massa efetuada pelos Estados Unidos (EUA) por Edward Snowden, preocupações relativas à recolha generalizada de dados pessoais têm sido levantadas. Na União Europeia (UE), onde o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (RGPD) está em vigor desde 2018, garantindo direitos e princípios de proteção de dados aplicáveis ao tratamento de dados pessoais e alargando-os para fora das fronteiras do continente, o debate sobre esta questão tem sido particularmente vigoroso. Num mundo cada vez mais conectado, a transmissão transnacional de dados é importante para o crescimento económico, para o comércio e a conexão humana; contudo, as transferências de dados entre duas das economias mais fortes do mundo têm sido contestadas desde as revelações de Snowden, com a invalidação pelo Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia (TJUE) de duas decisões de adequação que asseguravam a transferências de dados entre a EU e os EUA em Schrems I (2015) e Schrems II (2020). O objetivo desta tese é esclarecer o regime jurídico da UE em matéria de transferência de dados, as leis de vigilância americana, designadamente a Secção 702 do FISA e a E.O.12333, e como estas são um obstáculo aos direitos e proteções decorrentes desse regime, assim como avaliar se é possível uma reconciliação entre a proteção de dados e sistemas de informações. Para além de uma análise aprofundada das leis norte-americanas que autorizam programas de vigilância como o PRISM e Upstream, será realçada a diferença de tratamento que existe entre cidadãos norte-americanos e não norte-americanos. Para além disso, uma análise das consequências da jurisprudência Schrems e a mudança de base jurídica nas transferências de dados do Artigo 45º do RGPD, relativo a decisões de adequação, para transferências baseadas no Artigo 46º, relativo a transferências sujeitas a garantias adequadas, particularmente as cláusulas-tipo de proteção de dados, permitirá concluir que a questão da transferência de dados para os EUA continuará a ser um tema de debate devido às leis de vigilância americanas. Por uma questão de perspetiva, e para avaliar o lugar da proteção de dados no âmbito da segurança nacional nos Estados-Membros, serão também referidas as leis de vigilância da Franca, Suécia e Alemanha.Ever since the extent of mass foreign surveillance operated by the United States (U.S.) was revealed by Edward Snowden, concerns regarding the bulk collection of personal data have been raised. In the European Union (EU), where the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force since 2018, guaranteeing data protection rights and principles applicable to the processing of personal data and extending these outside the continent’s borders, the debate has been particularly vigorous. In an increasingly digital and connected world, transnational data flows are important for economic growth, trade, and human connection; however, data transfers between two of the most powerful economies in the world have been challenged in the years following the Snowden leaks with the invalidation by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of two adequacy decisions ensuring data transfers between the EU and the U.S. in Schrems I (2015) and Schrems II (2020). The aim of this thesis is to clarify the EU data transfer legal regime, how American surveillance laws such as Section 702 of FISA and E.O. 12333 are a hinderance to the rights and protections arising from EU law, and whether a reconciliation is possible between data protection and surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes. Besides providing an in-depth look into U.S. laws authorising surveillance programs such as PRISM and Upstream, the difference in treatment between U.S. persons and non-U.S. persons will be emphasised. In addition, an analysis of the consequences of the Schrems case law and the shift in legal basis from transfers based on Article 45 of the GDPR pertaining to an adequacy decision, to transfers based on Article 46 regarding the implementation of appropriate safeguards, particularly, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), will bring to light how the matter of data transfers to the U.S. might continue to be an issue due to American surveillance laws themselves. For the sake of perspective, and to gauge the place of data protection in matters of national security in the EU insight into France, Sweden and Germany’s surveillance laws and programs will also be provided

    Growth dynamic of dual culture systems comprising ectomycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhiza helper bacteria

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    Ectomycorrhizal fungi are ubiquitous root symbionts that associate with the majority of forest trees and often have a crucial role on plant survival and growth in impoverished soils. Within the vast community of soil microorganisms, the mycorrhiza helper bacteria (MHB) are recognizably one of the groups that most directly affect fungal growth and mycorrhiza establishment. Although their positive effect on the mycorrhizal partnership has been previously reported, the specificity of such association is high and the dynamics not yet fully understood. Many studies evaluated the impact of bacteria on fungal growth but the reciprocal has received little attention. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth dynamics of co-culturing fungi and bacteria, under both perspectives. Bacillus pumilus was chosen for its capability to promote the growth of Suillus granulatus in a dual culture system with a low nutrient medium. To assess the impact of fungal exudates on bacterial growth, different quantities of fungal culture medium were added to MMN medium containing a Bacillus pumilus inoculum and bacterial growth was monitored. To evaluate the influence of Bacillus pumilus on fungal growth, an experiment was setup where the bacterium was added at two different phases of fungal growth, lag phase and exponential phase. A control without bacteria was also performed. Bacterial growth was monitored through OD readings and fungal growth was assessed through dry weight and ergosterol content. The experience was held for 33 days, with sampling every three days. Triplicates for each treatment were performed. Results from the first experiment showed that fungal exudates influenced the growth of bacteria with a pronounced extension of the lag phase. In the second experiment, fungal growth was completely inhibited when bacteria was added at the fungal lag phase. A different outcome was observed when the bacterium was added in the exponential phase. Results suggest that the regulation of the concentration at which the bacterium is present may be a key factor to optimization of the use of bacteria as MHB

    Programa “método singapur” en la resolución de problemas matemáticos de estudiantes, tercer grado de primaria de una Institución Educativa Nepeña - Ancash-2021

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    Este trabajo de informe de tesis tiene como propósito corroborar que el programa basado en el Método Singapur influye significativamente en la resolución de problemas matemáticos en la I.E. “Marcos Evaristo Villacré”, Nepeña, Ancash – 2021. Por tal motivo se planteó una investigación de forma cuantitativa, cuyo método es hipotético deductivo con diseño de investigación cuasi experimental, teniendo una población de 36 estudiantes de tercero A y tercero B y una muestra de 16 estudiantes a quienes se aplicó la Batería Psicopedagógica Evalúa-3 como pre test y post test, lo cual consta de 10 problemas aritméticos que van a medir la capacidad de cómo resolverlos y llegar a una respuesta, y luego una lista de cotejo que responde a dicha evaluación, el instrumento fue validado por García Vidal Jesús y González Manjón Daniel en 2004, ya estandarizado por el Instituto Psicopedagógico EOS Perú, siguiendo 3 fases en su validación y confiabilidad. Luego de aplicarse el Programa que consta de 15 sesiones donde se desarrolla la resolución de problemas matemáticos, se logró demostrar la influencia significativa en la resolución de problemas matemáticos, puesto que se registra que en la dimensión comprender el problema el 75% está en nivel alto y 25% en nivel medio, en la dimensión diseñar un plan el 68,8% en nivel alto y el 31,3% en nivel medio, en la dimensión ejecutar el plan el 81,3% en nivel alto y el 18.8% en nivel medio y para finalizar la dimensión examinar el problema el 93,3% en nivel alto y el 6.3% de estudiantes en un nivel medio.Tesi

    Non-invasive monitoring of stress response of urban trees inoculated with EcM

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    Bioremediation on anthropogenic affected areas: Ectomycorrhizal and plant growth bacteria as promoters of pine establishment

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    The recovery of damaged areas due to inadequate farming policies and increased industrial sediment deposition, have contaminated not only soil and surrounding areas but also other natural resources. The potential use of disturbed sites for agriculture and forestry is jeopardised and their remediation is critical and expensive. The utilization of biotechnological tools, such as plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) and ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) could help remediation of such soils as they can be used as plant facilitators for land recovery. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of PGPB and ECM to enhance the growth of Pinus pinaster in antropogenic sediments and forest soil. Pine seedlings were inoculated with Suillus bovinus, Pisolithus tinctorius and Paxillus involutus, and co-inocualted with Bacillus spp. and Mesorhizobium spp. Plants were harvested after 6 month growth and parametric and nutritional data determined. Results show that P. involutus increased seedling growth(height) in industrial sediments soil, whereas in forest soil, plant performance was higher with S. bovinus. The effect of inoculation on the fungal communityin seedling roots and bacterial rhizosphere was also analysed by PCR-DGGE and differences arose between inoculated and uninoculated soil, indicating that PGPB and ECM may significantly influence the plant growth performance over a period of time. The study shows that PGPB and ECM fungi may be used as a biotechnology tool contributing to the successful plant establishment in disturbed environments

    Performance of Quercus suber L. at nursery stage - application of two bio-inoculants under two distinct environments

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    Key message - Despite the fact that the technique of application of bioinoculants improved the quality of Quercus suber L. seedlings produced in nurseries, these benefits are dependent on the ecological conditions of the site and the composition of the applied inoculum, which interferes with the profile of the local fungal community. Context - Quercus suber L. plays a key ecological and socio-economical role in the Iberian Peninsula. Symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi-ECM are crucial partners of several tree species, and assessing the efficacy of bioinoculants at nursery stage helps devising tools to increase plant resilience. Aims - The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two inocula formulations of mixed ECM fungi and bacteria on the quality of seedlings produced in two forest nurseries, differing in environmental conditions and forest embedment. Methods - Quercus suber L. seedlings were inoculated with a commercial product containing Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers) Coker Couch - Scleroderma sp., and six bacterial species and with a non-commercial fungal and bacterial dual inoculum (Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel + Mesorhizobium sp.). Biometric and nutritional parameters and morphological quality indexes were determined on seedlings. The ECMcommunity was assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and cloning-sequencing. Results - In both nurseries, the seedling quality index in inoculated was up to 2-fold higher than in non-inoculated seedlings. Plant biomass differed significantly among nurseries. The inoculum influenced the profile of the fungal community. S. granulatus and P. tinctorius persisted for 6 months in the inoculated seedlings. Conclusion- The nursery ecosystem influenced plant growth. Inoculation treatments increased plant performance; however, the dual inoculum resulted in more consistent improvements of Q. suber at nursery stage, highlighting the importance of inocula selection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio