6 research outputs found

    Bangunan panti sosial anak dengan pendekatan arsitektur perilaku pada masa pandemi covid-19

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    Children are individuals who will experience a growth and development. Every child has potential and aptitude within itself when it comes to special attention and learning both in knowledge and creativity. Not all children have a good life and this can be found in the city of palembang. In the city of palembang, an abundance of homeless children, homeless children and street children were found with little means of life that would endanger the children's lives by their reckless condition. A lot of kids do their outdoor activities and drop out of school. This makes the current covid-19 pandemic conditions increasingly dangerous for children, as many children are exposed to the covid-19 virus. Therefore, children's social institutions can help street children find a decent way of life by providing a comfortable environment with recreative conditions and self-employed facilities to provide a more secure future. The design of this child's orphanage building will take an architectural approach to behavior designed by considering the behavior of children. The design will also apply lifecycle themes associated with a continuous cycle of life that changes in growth. The design of this child's orphanage building is expected to be a vessel in assisting children to receive life's welfare, creative and achievement

    Pekerjaan perancangan rumah tinggal the scandinavian house Palembang

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    This practical work report examines the process of working on working drawings in a residential house, The Scandinavian House Palembang. The house is a place to live that is useful for protection for humans. A residential house is designed with various types of concepts which in this practical work is carried out using the Scandinavian house concept. In the process of working on drawings, the work is carried out in a team and given direct direction from the architect. During the process of making working drawings, there will be revision changes to be corrected so as to produce a final design. In making a residential working drawing, The Scandinavian House also has a predetermined deadline so it must be completed before the deadline date. In practical work there is learning about one of the Lumion software that can hone soft skills and be useful in the world of work in the future. Keywords: Residential House, Scandinavian, Design, Drafter, Softwar

    Perancangan Panti Sosial Anak dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Children are individuals who will experience growth and development. Every child has the potential and talent in him if he gets learning both in terms of knowledge and creativity. In the city of Palembang, there are many homeless children, beggar children and underprivileged street children. This makes the current state of the covid-19 pandemic even more dangerous for children, because they are afraid that many children will be exposed to the covid-19 virus. Therefore, the existence of a children's social institution building can help street children to get a decent life by providing a sense of comfort with a recreational atmosphere and various self-skill facilities to be able to provide a more secure future. The design of children’s social homes will go through design methods with behavioral architecture. The architecture approach of behavior is driven by how activity or behavior of any child is subsequently incorporated into the design of the building, so the design of a child’s orphanage building has the character of every room that matches that of the child’s behavior. This design will also apply a lifecycle theme related to the life cycle that continues to change in growth. The design of the children's social home is expected to be a forum in helping children to get a prosperous life, work and achieve.Anak-anak adalah seorang individu yang akan mengalami sebuah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Setiap anak memiliki potensi dan bakat didalam dirinya apabila mendapatkan pembelajaran baik secara pengetahuan dan kreativitas. Di kota Palembang ditemukan banyaknya anak gelandangan, anak pengemis dan anak jalanan yang kurang mampu. Hal ini membuat kondisi pandemi covid-19 yang terjadi sekarang semakin membuat anak-anak semakin terancam, karena takutnya banyak anak-anak yang terpapar oleh virus covid-19. Oleh karena itu dengan adanya bangunan panti sosial anak dapat membantu para anak jalanan untuk mendapatkan hidup yang layak dengan memberikan rasa nyaman dengan suasana rekreatif dan berbagai fasilitas keterampilan diri untuk dapat menjadi bekal masa depan yang lebih terjamin. Perancangan bangunan panti sosial anak akan menggunakan metode desain dengan pendekatan arsitektur perilaku. Pendekatan arsitektur perilaku dirancangkan dengan cara bagaimana aktivitas atau perilaku pada setiap anak yang kemudian diwujudkan ke dalam desain bangunan, sehingga perancangan bangunan panti sosial anak memiliki karakter setiap ruang yang menyesuaikan pada perilaku anak tersebut. Perancangan ini juga akan menerapkan tema lifecycle yang berkaitan dengan daur hidup yang terus mengalami perubahan dalam bertumbuh. Perancangan bangunan panti sosial anak ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah wadah dalam membantu anak-anak agar mendapatkan kesejahteraan hidup, berkarya dan berprestasi

    Pengaruh Capital Intensity Dan Institusional Ownership Terhadap Tax Avoidance Dengan Profitabilitas Sebagai Pemoderasi (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2019-2022)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of capital intensity and institutional ownership on tax avoidance with profitability as a moderating variable. This study uses a type of quantitative research using secondary data in the form of annual reports. In this study, the population is consumer goods industry companies listed on the IDX for the 2019-2022 period using a purposive sampling technique. Based on this technique, 31 companies were obtained with a span of 4 years of observation, so that 124 observation data were obtained. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using the SPSS version 25 application. The results of this study indicate that capital intensity has no effect on tax avoidance and institutional ownership has a negative and significant effect on tax avoidance. Then profitability as a moderator is not able to moderate the effect between capital intensity on tax avoidance, while profitability is able to moderate the relationship between institutional ownership on tax avoidance. Suggestions for future researchers to be able to add other variables that affect tax avoidance and to be able to use other sector companies as objects of observation in order to be able to compare the results of one company's research with another


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    Pelaksanaan sosialisasi dalam meminimalisir Ketakutan akan Kegagalan (Fear of Missing Out) dan Ketakutan akan Kegagalan (Fear of Failure) dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan Keberhasilan akademik peserta didik (Academic Success) terutama dalam kondisi pasca Pandemi Covid 19.  Pelaksanaan sosialisasi dilaksanakan pada 18 September 2023 yang bertempat di Kota Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 25 orang. Setelah cara-cara atau kiat-kiat meminimalisir Ketakutan akan Ketertinggalan (Fear of Missing Out) dan Ketakutan akan Kegagaglan (Fear of Failure) di berikan oleh Narasumber, Tim pelaksana membagikan kuesioner terkait Ketakutan akan Ketertinggalan dan Ketakutan akan Kegagalan yang dikembangkan oleh Tim sesuai dengan konteks dan kondisi terkini di Indonesia, terutama dalam kondisi Pasca Pandemi Covid. Peningkatan rasa takut akan ketertinggalan (FoMO) dan rasa takut akan kegagalan (Fear of Failure) yang tinggi dapat terlihat dari hasil dari pengukuran dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Dengan cara-cara hingga metode yang diberikan selama sosialisasi yang didapatkan dari para peneliti sebelumnya (DinÇer, Saygin, & Karadal, 2022; Scott, 2019; Lieberman, 2019; Berna, 2020; Collins, 2020) maka diharapkan membantu para peserta sosialisasi dan peserta didik lainnya dalam mengurangi rasa takut akan ketertinggalan (Fear of Missing Out) dan rasa takut akan kegagalan (Fear of Failure) sehingga mampu meningkatkan kinerja akademik di sekolah


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    Kelompok Wanita Tani adalah wadah yang memberikan kesempatan bagi perempuan untuk ikut berpatisipasi dalam memajukan sektor pertanian, terbentuk karena adanya jenis usaha tani yang sama mareka geluti, lokasi tempat tinggal yang berdekatan dan adanya persamaan persepsi dan inovasi yang kuat untuk meningkatkan ekonomi. Pemanfaatan lahan yang diberikan khusus dari desa bertujuan agar dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik dalam segi proes, pembuatan, dan cara memanfaatkan tanah yang ada untuk kepentingan bersaama dengan keterampilan bercocok-tanam. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa menanam sayur-sayuran, tanaman hias, dan tanaman obat. Untuk bentuk penanaman  yang digunakan pot, polybag, pipa dan secara langsung ditana