2,211 research outputs found

    Development of time delay voltage control for lead acid battery using arduino

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    A time delay controller with voltage control technique is designed and developed in this project. In order to control the output voltage, a DC-DC buckboost converter has been development. The buckboost circuit with mosfet as a switching component has been drives by using gate driver as a medium between buckboost circuit and the ARDUINO that generates the PWM signals. The several of input voltage range which is from 10V for minimum voltage until 18V for maximum voltage has been tested in this project to determine the effectiveness of the output results for charging a battery. Finally, the control performance was evaluated through both simulations by using MATLAB software and also the experimental hardware. The results are observed in three conditions which are simulation, open loop control and close loop control. The simulation and experimental hardware results indicate that this control method shows successful for charging a battery

    The Relationship between Religious Commitment and Ego Strength among a Sample of Hashemite University Students

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    This study aimed to identify the relationship between religious commitment and ego strength among a sample of university students at Hashemite University, Jordan. The study sample  consisted of 572 male and female undergraduate students. To achieve the aims of this study, scales of religious commitment and ego strength were developed and satisfactory psychometric properties of validity and stability were provided. The results showed that the levels of religious commitment and ego strength were high. Moreover, the results indicated that there is a positive significant correlation between religious commitment and ego strength. The results also showed there were no statistically significant differences in religious commitment and ego strength due to gender. However, there were statistically significant differences in terms of year of study in  favor of fourth -year students and also in terms of specialization in favor of scientific specializations

    The Effect of Group Counselling Based on the Modification of Negative Self-Statements on Reducing Gender-Biased Foreign Language Anxiety among Ajloun National University Students

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    This study investigated the effectiveness of a training program, based on themodification of negative self-statement, to reduce foreign language anxiety (FLA) among EFL students at university in Jordan. To achieve this goal, the foreign language classroom anxiety scale was used. Participants were 30 male and female students from Ajloun National University, who scored high in FLA, and randomly dispensed to one of the two groups: experimental and control. The experimental group received a pilot programme to modify the negative self-statement and the control group did not. Results showed that the modification of negative self-statement program (MNSP) was effective in reducing FLA. A statistically significant difference (.05) was found between the two groups in the effectiveness of the self-statement programme

    A Reflection of Nature Philosophy in Architecture with a Metaphysical Perspective

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    This paper indicates that the absence of nature as a great source of energy causes daily tensions in architecture and the fabric of life itself. It directly implies that this loss of contact with the source causes abnormalities in society. The discovery of metaphysical forces of nature and their impacts on human souls opened a chapter for such energies to be used in quotidian life. Considering the relation between human and nature from one side and the architecture and nature’s metaphysics interaction, this research was after finding the righteous application of such elements in architecture and through that in society. Conclusions and findings are represented on relation between human soul and nature. Keywords: Tension, Metaphysics, Nature, Architecture DOI: 10.7176/ADS/87-04 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Orthodontic Management of a Severely Rotated Maxillary Central Incisor with a Modified Whip Appliance in Mixed Dentition Period

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    Objectives Tooth rotation is one of the most prevalent dental anomalies. Early management of rotated teeth would prevent possible occlusal interferences. The purpose of this case report was to introduce a fixed-removable appliance, which can efficiently correct severely rotated anterior teeth in a short duration of time in mixed dentition period.Case A 7-year-old boy with a Class I malocclusion was referred to the Orthodontics Department, School of Dentistry at Kerman University of Medical Sciences with the chief complaint of severe rotation of one of his maxillary central incisors. A whip appliance, which included a removable orthodontic appliance, a cantilever spring (whip) and a bonded tube, was used to treat this rotation. After 4 weeks, the upper right central incisor was aligned and overcorrected completely. A circumferential supracrestalfibrotomy was performed to prevent relapse.Conclusion In the present case, we treated a severely rotated central incisor in a short duration of timeusing the whip appliance. This appliance can be utilized effectively in emergency situations such as traumatic occlusion of central incisor

    Field and Laboratory Investigation of a 60-Year-Old Precast Prestressed Concrete Building in Japan

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    In Japan, the application of the prestressed concrete (PC) system has become quite popular, especially in bridge and building constructions. Since it was first introduced in the early 1950s, the number of buildings using the PC system has substantially increased. However, following a certain period in the service life of the PC system, the serviceability of such structures especially following an earthquake has become a primary concern, especially when exposed to severe corrosion-prone environments. In this research, the City Hall building of Nandan Town, Awaji Island in Japan, was chosen to investigate the influence of corrosion on the durability of the building structure, which was initially constructed in 1957 as the first building that used PC members for beams. This paper describes the building and results of the field crack inspection and corrosion test results on concrete core samples from the building. Accordingly, the study found that the building had material deteriorations due to its corrosive surrounding environment and severe damage on the concrete cover of the PC anchorage

    Model of Robust Regression with Parametric and Nonparametric Methods

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    In the present work, we evaluate the performance of the classical parametric estimation method "ordinary least squares" with the classical nonparametric estimation methods, some robust estimation methods and two suggested methods for conditions in which varying degrees and directions of outliers are presented in the observed data. The study addresses the problem via computer simulation methods. In order to cover the effects of various situations of outliers on the simple linear regression model, samples were classified into four cases (no outliers, outliers in the X-direction, outliers in the Y-direction and outliers in the XY-direction) and the percentages of outliers are varied between 10%, 20% and 30%. The performances of estimators are evaluated in respect to their mean squares error and relative mean squares error. Keywords: Simple Linear Regression model; Ordinary Least Squares Method; Nonparametric Regression; Robust Regression; Least Absolute Deviations Regression; M-Estimation Regression; Trimmed Least Squares Regression

    An Analysis of Students’ Cohesion and Coherence in Writing Argumentative Essay

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    Kohesi dan koherensi merupakan aspek-aspek tulisan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas tulisan. Namun, mempertahankan kohesi dan koherensi dalam sebuah teks menjadi tantangan bagi sebagian siswa, khususnya mereka yang belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing (EFL). Berdasarkan observasi awal terhadap mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menjaga komponen kohesi dan koherensi dalam esai mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menyelidiki komponen kohesi dan koherensi dalam esai argumentatif siswa. Analisis didasarkan pada komponen koherensi teks oleh Oshima & Hogue (2006) yang melibatkan perangkat kohesi, seperti kohesi gramatikal dan kohesi leksikal menciptakan pengulangan kata kunci, konsistensi kata ganti, sinyal transisi, dan urutan logis dari teks. teks. Objek penelitian ini adalah 16 esai argumentatif yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa semester 4 Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Negeri Gorontalo tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis isi yang dikemukakan oleh Denscombe (2014). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa esai argumentatif siswa mencapai tingkat penerapan komponen kohesi dan koherensi yang baik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata skor mereka mencapai 66,95%. Para siswa memanfaatkan perangkat kohesi untuk membangun koherensi esai argumentatif mereka. Mereka akrab dengan komponen kohesi dan koherensi tetapi masih memiliki pemahaman yang terbatas tentang peran beberapa item dalam komponen kohesi dan koherensi. Ini mencakup konsistensi kata ganti dan kata transisi yang dibangun oleh item referensi dan konjungsi. Toh tidak mempengaruhi hasil akhir karena komponen kohesi dan koherensi yang sesuai sudah tampak dominan

    Economic Feasibility of Stand-Alone Wind Energy Hybrid with Bioenergy from Anaerobic Digestion for Electrification of Remote Area of Pakistan

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    Hybrid Renewable Energy systems (HRES) are gaining importance throughout the world because of the finite sources of oil and gas reservoirs. These have the great ability in the production of electrical energy and cleaning the environment. It is difficult to get grid electricity in the remote areas where no infrastructure exists. The utilization of renewable sources is the ultimate solution for the generation of electricity. In this paper, the economic modeling of Hybrid system consisting of Wind/biomass is explored for the remote area ‘Jangiah’ of Balochistan province, Pakistan. Anaerobic Digestion of biomass is used to get biogas. This source is used to complement the uncertainties in the wind production. Homer is used to simulate the hybrid model. Economic analysis is performed to get the net present value (NPV) and cost of energy. It is observed that wind/biomass alone is capable to meet the demand of community which consumes 60 kW peak daily along with the storage backup. This system is the most economical with COE equal to 0.118 US/kWhfollowingthehybridbiomass/wind/dieselsystemwithCOE0.202US/kWh following the hybrid biomass/wind/diesel system with COE 0.202 US/kWh. The sensitivity analysis is carried out and shows that the proposed system is sensitive to the prices of fossil fuel and project lifespan. The net present value increases as the lifetime of the project increases from 15 years to 30 years. It can also be concluded that if the price of the diesel drops below 0.8 US$/liter, the traditional system using fossil fuels will become the most suitable system for the generation of electricity in remote areas
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