38 research outputs found

    Identification of Subsets of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Associated with Diarrheal Disease among Under 5 Years of Age Children from Rural Gambia.

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    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) cause acute and persistent diarrhea, mostly in children worldwide. Outbreaks of diarrhea caused by EAEC have been described, including a large outbreak caused by a Shiga toxin expressing strain. This study investigated the association of EAEC virulence factors with diarrhea in children less than 5 years. We characterized 428 EAEC strains isolated from stool samples obtained from moderate-to-severe diarrhea cases (157) and healthy controls (217) children aged 0-59 months recruited over 3 years as part of the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) in The Gambia. Four sets of multiplex polymerase chain reaction were applied to detect 21 EAEC-virulence genes from confirmed EAEC strains that target pCVD432 (aatA) and AAIC (aaiC). In addition, Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed on 88 EAEC strains following Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute guidelines. We observed that the plasmid-encoded enterotoxin [odds ratio (OR): 6.9, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.06-29.20, P 12 months). Our data suggest that some EAEC-virulent factors have age-specific associations with moderate-to-severe diarrhea in infants. Furthermore, our study showed that 85% and 72% of EAEC strains tested were resistant to sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim and ampicillin, respectively. Sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim and ampicillin are among the first-line antibiotics used for the treatment of diarrhea in The Gambia

    Escherichia coli ST131 clones harbouring AggR and AAF/V fimbriae causing bacteremia in Mozambican children: Emergence of new variant of fimH27subclone

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    Multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli ST131 fimH30 responsible for extra-intestinal pathogenic (ExPEC) infections is globally distributed. However, the occurrence of a subclone fimH27 of ST131 harboring both ExPEC and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) related genes and belonging to commonly reported O25:H4 and other serotypes causing bacteremia in African children remain unknown. We characterized 325 E. coli isolates causing bacteremia in Mozambican children between 2001 and 2014 by conventional multiplex polymerase chain reaction and whole genome sequencing. Incidence rate of EAEC bacteremia was calculated among cases from the demographic surveillance study area. Approximately 17.5% (57/325) of isolates were EAEC, yielding an incidence rate of 45.3 episodes/105 children-years-at-risk among infants; and 44 of isolates were sequenced. 72.7% (32/44) of sequenced strains contained simultaneously genes associated with ExPEC (iutA, fyuA and traT); 88.6% (39/44) harbored the aggregative adherence fimbriae type V variant (AAF/V). Sequence type ST-131 accounted for 84.1% (37/44), predominantly belonging to serotype O25:H4 (59% of the 37); 95.6% (35/44) harbored fimH27. Approximately 15% (6/41) of the children died, and five of the six yielded ST131 strains (83.3%) mostly (60%; 3/5) due to serotypes other than O25:H4. We report the emergence of a new subclone of ST-131 E. coli strains belonging to O25:H4 and other serotypes harboring both ExPEC and EAEC virulence genes, including agg5A, associated with poor outcome in bacteremic Mozambican children, suggesting the need for prompt recognition for appropriate management

    p53 and ovarian carcinoma survival: an Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium study

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    Our objective was to test whether p53 expression status is associated with survival for women diagnosed with the most common ovarian carcinoma histotypes (high-grade serous carcinoma [HGSC], endometrioid carcinoma [EC], and clear cell carcinoma [CCC]) using a large multi-institutional cohort from the Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis (OTTA) consortium. p53 expression was assessed on 6,678 cases represented on tissue microarrays from 25 participating OTTA study sites using a previously validated immunohistochemical (IHC) assay as a surrogate for the presence and functional effect of TP53 mutations. Three abnormal expression patterns (overexpression, complete absence, and cytoplasmic) and the normal (wild type) pattern were recorded. Survival analyses were performed by histotype. The frequency of abnormal p53 expression was 93.4% (4,630/4,957) in HGSC compared to 11.9% (116/973) in EC and 11.5% (86/748) in CCC. In HGSC, there were no differences in overall survival across the abnormal p53 expression patterns. However, in EC and CCC, abnormal p53 expression was associated with an increased risk of death for women diagnosed with EC in multivariate analysis compared to normal p53 as the reference (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.18, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.36-3.47, p = 0.0011) and with CCC (HR = 1.57, 95% CI 1.11-2.22, p = 0.012). Abnormal p53 was also associated with shorter overall survival in The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage I/II EC and CCC. Our study provides further evidence that functional groups of TP53 mutations assessed by abnormal surrogate p53 IHC patterns are not associated with survival in HGSC. In contrast, we validate that abnormal p53 IHC is a strong independent prognostic marker for EC and demonstrate for the first time an independent prognostic association of abnormal p53 IHC with overall survival in patients with CCC

    New Adhesin of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Related to the Afa/Dr/AAF Family▿

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    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of diarrhea worldwide. We analyzed 17 Danish EAEC strains, isolated in the course of a case control study, for phenotypic and genotypic properties. The strains belonged to at least 14 different serotypes. Using PCR to investigate the prevalence of various putative virulence genes, we found that all but two strains were typical EAEC, as they harbored all or part of the previously described AggR regulon. The majority of the strains harbored genes encoding aggregative adherence fimbriae (AAF). The most common was AAF/I, found in nine strains; eight strains carried no known AAF-related genes. We utilized TnphoA mutagenesis to localize the aggregative adherence (AA) adhesin from one typical EAEC strain, C1010-00, which lacked a known AAF. We identified a TnphoA insertion in a hypothetical Dr-related pilin deposited in GenBank as HdaA. Four additional Danish strains harbored HdaA, and all but one displayed AA to HEp-2 cells. By using PCR primers derived from the pilins and ushers from the three AAF and Hda, we found that 16 of 17 strains exhibited evidence of one of these factors; importantly, the one negative strain also lacked the aggR gene. Cloning of the complete Hda gene cluster and expression in E. coli DH5α resulted in AA and complementation of the C1010-00 nonadherent mutant. Four related adhesins have now been found to confer AA in typical EAEC strains; our data suggest that, together, these variants may account for AA in the large majority of strains

    The causal relationship between O2:K7:H6 extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) and native valve endocarditis: a case report.

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    BACKGROUND: Native valves infective endocarditis due to Escherichia coli is still a rare disease and a particular virulence of some E.coli isolate may be suspected. CASE PRESENTATION: A 79-year-old woman presented during the post-operative period of an orthopedic surgery a urinary tract infection following obstructive ureteral lithiasis. E. coli was isolated from a pure culture of urine and blood sampled simultaneously. After evidence of sustained E.coli septicemia, further investigations revealed acute cholecystitis with the same micro-organism in biliary drainage and a native valve mitral endocarditis. E.coli was identified as O2:K7:H6, phylogenetic group B2, ST141, and presented several putative and proven virulence genes. The present isolate can be classified as both extra-intestinal pathogenic E.coli (ExPECJJ) and uropathogenic E. coli (UPECHM). CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between the virulent factors present in ExPEC strains and some serotypes of E. coli that could facilitate the adherence to cardiac valves warrants further investigation

    Novel Aggregative Adherence Fimbria Variant of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli

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    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) organisms belong to a diarrheagenic pathotype known to cause diarrhea and can be characterized by distinct aggregative adherence (AA) in a stacked-brick pattern to cultured epithelial cells. In this study, we investigated 118 EAEC strains isolated from the stools of Danish adults with traveler's diarrhea. We evaluated the presence of the aggregative adherence fimbriae (AAFs) by a multiplex PCR, targeting the four known major subunit variants as well as their usher-encoding genes. Almost one-half (49/118) of the clinical isolates did not possess any known AAF major fimbrial subunit, despite the presence of other AggR-related loci. Further investigation revealed the presence of an AAF-related gene encoding a yet-uncharacterized adhesin, termed agg5A. The sequence of the agg5DCBA gene cluster shared fimbrial accessory genes (usher, chaperone, and minor pilin subunit genes) with AAF/III, as well as the signal peptide present in the beginning of the agg3A gene. The complete agg5DCBA gene cluster from a clinical isolate, EAEC strain C338-14, with the typical stacked-brick binding pattern was cloned, and deletion of the cluster was performed. Transformation to a nonadherent E. coli HB101 and complementation of the nonadherent C338-14 mutant with the complete gene cluster restored the AA adhesion. Overall, we found the agg5A gene in 12% of the 118 strains isolated from Denmark, suggesting that this novel adhesin represents an important variant

    Redefining enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC): Genomic characterization of epidemiological EAEC strains.

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    Although enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) has been implicated as a common cause of diarrhea in multiple settings, neither its essential genomic nature nor its role as an enteric pathogen are fully understood. The current definition of this pathotype requires demonstration of cellular adherence; a working molecular definition encompasses E. coli which do not harbor the heat-stable or heat-labile toxins of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and harbor the genes aaiC, aggR, and/or aatA. In an effort to improve the definition of this pathotype, we report the most definitive characterization of the pan-genome of EAEC to date, applying comparative genomics and functional characterization on a collection of 97 EAEC strains isolated in the course of a multicenter case-control diarrhea study (Global Enteric Multi-Center Study, GEMS). Genomic analysis revealed that the EAEC strains mapped to all phylogenomic groups of E. coli. Circa 70% of strains harbored one of the five described AAF variants; there were no additional AAF variants identified, and strains that lacked an identifiable AAF generally did not have an otherwise complete AggR regulon. An exception was strains that harbored an ETEC colonization factor (CF) CS22, like AAF a member of the chaperone-usher family of adhesins, but not phylogenetically related to the AAF family. Of all genes scored, sepA yielded the strongest association with diarrhea (P = 0.002) followed by the increased serum survival gene, iss (p = 0.026), and the outer membrane protease gene ompT (p = 0.046). Notably, the EAEC genomes harbored several genes characteristically associated with other E. coli pathotypes. Our data suggest that a molecular definition of EAEC could comprise E. coli strains harboring AggR and a complete AAF(I-V) or CS22 gene cluster. Further, it is possible that strains meeting this definition could be both enteric bacteria and urinary/systemic pathogens