20 research outputs found

    Transitando entre subjetividades e números: práticas de trabalho e sentidos da atuação para psicólogos organizacionais

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Florianópolis, 2015.Considerando as dificuldades históricas de atuação do psicólogo nas organizações e as transformações no mundo do trabalho, as quais têm imposto implicações para os trabalhadores, esta tese objetiva identificar relações entre práticas de trabalho e sentidos da atuação para psicólogos organizacionais. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo multicasos, que utiliza entrevistas semiestruturadas para coleta de informações. Participam do estudo 14 psicólogos que atuam em organizações de seguimentos econômicos, em diferentes cargos, da cidade de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, e entorno. Utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo, emergiram as categorias: escolha pela Psicologia, atuação em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho, profissão psicólogo e sentidos atribuídos à Psicologia. Escolher Psicologia relacionou-se ao entendimento do comportamento humano, a fim de prestar assistência por meio da oferta de trabalho, da promoção do desenvolvimento e da melhoria das condições de vida, enquanto a escolha pela Psicologia Organizacional foi influenciada pela valorização do trabalho no contexto societário, inserção no mercado de trabalho antes ou no início da graduação, realização de estágio, oferta de emprego, nível salarial e características pessoais. A atuação em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho configurou-se como uma possibilidade para realizar a ajuda de forma diferente de outros campos da Psicologia, envolvendo o processo de pensar, planejar e buscar estratégias concretas que beneficiem o trabalhador em seu dia a dia, a partir do processo de decodificação de informações entre aspectos subjetivos e objetivos. A Psicologia não esteve claramente inserida nas atividades dos entrevistados, e alguns se perceberam como psicólogos, enquanto outros se demonstraram oscilantes, e houve ainda quem não se identifica mais com a profissão. De maneira sutil, a Psicologia foi identificada como presente em determinadas práticas de trabalho, na forma como realizam essas práticas, na percepção da realidade organizacional, na análise dos fenômenos humanos no trabalho e no corpo teórico que subsidia o entendimento do profissional. Não se considerar como psicólogo relacionou-se com as características do desenvolvimento histórico da área e também com a formação acadêmica vivenciada, na medida em que os profissionais se identificam com aquilo que lhes foi apresentado como sendo a profissão. Os sentidos atribuídos à Psicologia versaram sobre: a identidade profissional, elementos da subjetividade, a percepção que essa ciência possibilita para os fenômenos humanos e a produção de sentidos para si e para o outro. Os sentidos atribuídos à Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho envolveram: oportunizar trabalho, promover crescimento, preocupar-se com condições de trabalho, oferecer oportunidades de carreira, compromissar-se apenas com a organização e/ou com ela e os trabalhadores, atribuir sentido ao trabalho de outros e incorporar habilidades que permitam atuar em meio a subjetividades no contexto do trabalho. Identificou-se que os profissionais atuavam em todos os níveis de intervenção e executavam diversificadas práticas profissionais. As análises efetuadas permitiram perceber que as relações entre práticas de trabalho e sentidos da atuação profissional se dão em espiral: o psicólogo organizacional e do trabalho transita entre subjetividades e números, movimentando-se entre os diferentes âmbitos e níveis, desde ações pontuais até aquelas com maior amplitude e complexidade.Abstract : Considering historical difficulties of professional action of psychologists within organizations and the transformations in the working world, which have imposed implications for workers, this thesis objectifies identifying relationships between work practices and professional action meanings for organizational psychologists. A qualitative multi-layer type research was conducted using semi-structured interviews for collection of data. Fourteen psychologists working in organizations of important economic segments of Blumenau and surroundings and occupants of different positions participate in the study. Using techniques of content analysis the following categories emerged: choice for Psychology, working in Organizational and Labor Psychology, Profession psychologist and meanings attributed to Psychology. Choosing psychology was related to the understanding of human behavior, in order to offer assistance to others through the offer of work, promotion of human development and the improvement of life conditions; whereas the choice for Organizational Psychology was influenced by the valorization of work within the social context, insertion in the labor market before or at the beginning of the undergraduate course, internships done, job offers, salary levels and personal characteristics. The action in Organizational and Labor Psychology was configured as a possibility from other fields of Psychology to offer help to others, involving the process of thinking, planning and searching for concrete strategies that may benefit the workers in his daily work, based on the process of decoding of information between subjective and objective aspects. Psychology is not clearly inserted in the activities of the interviewed and some perceive themselves as psychologists while others feel unstable and there are still others that do not identify themselves with the profession anymore. Subtly, Psychology was identified by the interviewed as present in certain practices of work, in the manner in which these practices are conducted, in the perception of the organizational reality, in the analysis of human phenomena in work and in the theoretical body that subsidizes the understanding of the professional. To not consider oneself as a psychologist is related with the characteristics of the historical development of the area and also with the academic training experienced, in the sense that professionals identify themselves with what was presented to them as being the profession. Meanings attributed to Psychology expressed about: professional identity, subjectivity elements, the perception that this science makes possible for the human phenomena and the production of meanings for itself and others. Meanings attributed to Organizational and Labor Psychology involved: creating opportunities of work, promoting growth, worrying about work conditions, offering career possibilities, being committed only to the organization and/or with this and workers, attributing meaning to work of others and incorporating abilities that allow working in the middle of subjectivities within the context of work. It was identified that all professionals worked in all levels of intervention and performed diverse professional practices. The analysis conducted demonstrated that relationships between the practices of work and meanings of profession action happen spirally: the organizational and labor psychologist transit between subjectivities and numbers, moving between different ambits and levels, from more simple and punctual actions to those of greater level of amplitude and complexity

    The exfoliation of irradiated nuclear graphite by treatment with organic solvent: A proposal for its recycling

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    For the past 50 years, graphite has been widely used as a moderator, reflector and fuel matrix in different kinds of gas-cooled reactors. Resulting in approximately 250,000 metric tons of irradiated graphite waste. One of the most significant long-lived radioisotope from graphite reactors is carbon-14 (14C) [1] with a half-life of 5730 years, this makes it a huge concern for deep geologic disposal of nuclear graphite (NG). Considering the lifecycle of NG a number of waste management options have been developed, mainly focused on the achievement the radiological requirements for disposal [2]. The existing approaches for recycling depend on the cost to be economically viable.In this new study, an affordable process to remove 14C has been proposed using samples taken from the Nuclear Power Plant in Latina (Italy) which have been used to investigate the capability of organic and inorganic solvents in removing 14C from exfoliated nuclear graphite, with the aim to design a practicable approach to obtain graphite for recycling or/and safety disposed as L& LLW. Keywords: 14C removal, Nuclear waste, Exfoliation process ultrasound assisted, Recover and recycling of irradiated graphit

    Histología del bíceps en pacientes con tendinopatía crónica tratados con tenodesis subpectoral

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    Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios morfológicos en la zona intrarticular y extrarticular de la porción larga del bíceps de pacientes sometidos a una tenodesis subpectoral. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron 9 pacientes con diagnóstico de tendinopatía de bíceps, a quienes se les realizó una tenodesis subpectoral de la porción larga del bíceps. La porción eliminada del tendón del bíceps se colocó en formalina al 10% y se dividió en 2 segmentos. Quedaron definidas la zona proximal, desde la inserción supraglenoidea hasta el borde proximal del pectoral mayor y la zona distal correspondiente a la inserción del pectoral mayor. Los segmentos se tiñeron con hematoxilina y eosina, y se evaluaron histológicamente utilizando el puntaje de Bonar. Resultados: Macroscópicamente todos los tendones estaban engrosados en la región proximal. En la evaluación histológica, entre las variables más relevantes evaluadas por el puntaje de Bonar, el puntaje de morfología celular en la zona proximal fue significativamente más alto que en la zona distal (p <0,0001). Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos mostraron niveles más altos de patología dentro del bíceps proximal, lo que respalda la eliminación de dicho segmento cuando se realiza un procedimiento para la tendinopatía crónica del bíceps, lo cual se puede lograr con una tenodesis subpectoral


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    BACKGROUND Schizofrenic and bipolar disorder are complex and disabling psychiatric diseases, whose recent neurobiological, neuropsychological, genetic and brain imaging findings are in contrast with the traditional categorical approach of psychiatric nosography. Schizophrenia has been for many years at the center of the interest of research in the psychiatric field, but, only recently, studies have compared the schizophrenic disorder with bipolar disorder and have considered these diseases in a spectrum and continuum perspective. In particular, the neurocognitive aspects of diseases are more numerous than the positive symptomatology, patient’s outcome, and because they are possible endophenotypic markers of vulnerability to the pathology. However, rather than a single cognitive profile corresponding to each diagnostic categories, recent studies have identified significant intra- and cross-diagnostic variability in patterns of cognitive impairment. Purpose of the research In a sample of schizophrenia spectrum patients, of psychopathologically stable affective-bipolar spectrum, and in a sample of healthy controls and unaffected relatives of first-degree, it was performed a neuropsychological assessment, using a battery of neuropsychological tests. The goal of this study was to contribute to the literature on cognitive heterogeneity in mood disorders by identifying cognitive subprofiles in a population of patients with schizophrenic and bipolar disorder, and healthy controls. Because of these reasons, the aim of this study is: 1. to Determine affinities and differences in neuropsychological performance in patients belonging to the schizophrenic and bipolar spectrum, in clinical stability phase, compared to healthy control and first-degree relatives of patients without psychiatric pathology; 2. to Investigate possible correlations of cognitive performance with some clinical variables such as age, age of onset and duration of disease; 3. to Investigate the presence of cognitive heterogeneity in schizophrenic and bipolar spectrum disorders by identifying cognitive sub profiles in the pathological population and proceeding with a cluster analysis. Materials and methods A sample of 38 schizophrenic patients and 50 bipolar patients in clinical stability phase, belonging to the Mental Health Department of Conegliano ULSS-7, and a sample of 51 healthy controls and 10 first-degree relatives of patients without psychiatric pathology were taken into consideration. All subjects underwent neurocognitive assessment by submitting a neuropsychological battery of tests taken from the Short Neuropsychological Exam (ENB) and through the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Psychometric scales (BPRS, VGG, PANSS, HAM-D, HAS, YMRS) were assigned to the patients in order to evaluate their clinical status. Results We found significant differences in both schizophrenic patients and bipolar patients, compared to healthy controls and relatives, regarding cognitive performance, which appeared unrelated to age, age of onset and duration of disease. A shared pattern of neuropsychological impairment emerged, with a slightly less severe degree of dysfunction in bipolar patients: only slight quantitative differences were found between the two diagnostic groups, except for the 30-second Interference Memory which achieved statistical significance. Performance at neuropsychological tests does not correlate with age, age of onset and duration of disease: deficits are present from the onset and remain relatively stable during the course of the disease. The two factors identified by factorial analysis, group the tests that measure the cognitive functions of two cognitive domains, both compromised in the two pathological groups, namely: Executive functions (Factor 1) and Attention (Factor 2). Specifically, the tests that determine FACTOR 1 are: Immediate and deferred prose Memory, Verbal fluency, TMT B and Digit span backward; while the tests that identify the FACTOR 2 are: Memory with 10 sec. and 30 sec. interference, TMT A and TMT B. Conclusions In this study, a picture of impairment of cognitive functions in patients of the schizophrenic-bipolar spectrum emerges. In agreement with the results of other studies in literature, our outcome confirms the hypothesis according to which the major psychiatric pathologies share basic neural mechanisms in a psychotic continuum. The identification of specific cognitive alterations could represent a crucial step in identifying neuropsychological clusters in schizophrenic-bipolar spectrum disorders

    Tra coordinamento informativo e livelli essenziali delle prestazioni: il caso del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico

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    Le recenti Linee Guida per l’attuazione del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico (FSE), adottate con decreto del ministro della salute del 20 maggio 2022 previo parere della Conferenza permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato e le regioni, sono finalizzate alla implementazione dei requisiti tecnici volti a consentire l’interoperabilità dei FSE regionali. In realtà, dietro il “velo” delle specifiche tecniche si celano scelte politiche e valoriali che, in quanto tali, coinvolgono sia un certo “livello” di realizzazione delle prestazioni che un certo “livello” di collaborazione tra Stato e regioni. Per questo, quando il decreto si limita a richiamare, a suo fondamento, il coordinamento informativo ex art. 117, c. 2, lett. r), Cost., sminuisce il ruolo assolto dal FSE, in un duplice senso. Sia per la sua essenziale strumentalità rispetto alla piena realizzazione del diritto fondamentale alla salute, che per il grado di collaborazione che si sarebbe dovuto conseguentemente instaurare tra lo Stato e le autonomie territoriali, secondo quanto richiesto dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale e dall’impostazione legislativa in materia di LE

    BLITZ-HF: a nationwide initiative to evaluate and improve adherence to acute and chronic heart failure guidelines

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    To assess adherence to guideline recommendations among a large network of Italian cardiology sites in the management of acute and chronic heart failure (HF) and to evaluate if an ad-hoc educational intervention can improve their performance on several pharmacological and non-pharmacological indicators

    Soil slope exposure affects physico-chemical and microbiological properties in soil aggregate size fractions

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    Slope exposure is known to affect soil biogeochemical processes in mountainous forest ecosystems, but little attention has yet been paid to its influence at a soil aggregate scale. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of slope exposure (north- vs south-facing slope) on the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of bulk soil and dry-sieved and water-stable aggregate size fractions in both organic (OF) and mineral (AE) horizons in an Italian alpine forest. The changes in organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (ON) fractions were assessed together with a battery of thirteen enzyme activities involved in the main nutrient cycles. In addition, soil biological properties including microbial biomass (estimated as double-stranded DNA content), and microbial activity (assessed as the ratio between the extra-(exDNA) and intracellular (iDNA) fractions of the total soil DNA pool) were determined. The OF horizon at the north-facing slope was enriched in recalcitrant and insoluble OC and ON fractions and characterized by a lower microbial activity, as indicated by the higher exDNA/iDNA ratio with respect to the south-facing slope. On the contrary, exDNA and iDNA contents, microbial biomass, as well as most of the enzyme activities, reached higher levels at the southern exposure in the AE horizon. These exposure-effects were bulk soil- and aggregate size fraction-specific. Overall, lower values of the chemical and microbiological parameters were found in the water-stable fraction. Our findings indicate that slope exposure (and thus topography), soil horizon, and aggregate size distinctly influence soil OC dynamics in mountain ecosystems.Austrian Science Fund | Ref. I989-B16Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. RYC-2016-2123

    Soil slope exposure affects physico-chemical and microbiological properties in soil aggregate size fractions

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    Slope exposure is known to affect soil biogeochemical processes in mountainous forest ecosystems, but little attention has yet been paid to its influence at a soil aggregate scale. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of slope exposure (north- vs south-facing slope) on the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of bulk soil and dry-sieved and water-stable aggregate size fractions in both organic (OF) and mineral (AE) horizons in an Italian alpine forest. The changes in organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (ON) fractions were assessed together with a battery of thirteen enzyme activities involved in the main nutrient cycles. In addition, soil biological properties including microbial biomass (estimated as double-stranded DNA content), and microbial activity (assessed as the ratio between the extra-(exDNA) and intracellular (iDNA) fractions of the total soil DNA pool) were determined. The OF horizon at the north-facing slope was enriched in recalcitrant and insoluble OC and ON fractions and characterized by a lower microbial activity, as indicated by the higher exDNA/iDNA ratio with respect to the south-facing slope. On the contrary, exDNA and iDNA contents, microbial biomass, as well as most of the enzyme activities, reached higher levels at the southern exposure in the AE horizon. These exposure-effects were bulk soil- and aggregate size fraction-specific. Overall, lower values of the chemical and microbiological parameters were found in the water-stable fraction. Our findings indicate that slope exposure (and thus topography), soil horizon, and aggregate size distinctly influence soil OC dynamics in mountain ecosystems


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    Objetivo: descrever e comparar as características socioeconômicas e biológicas e o desempenho motor de bebês nascidos pequenos para idade gestacional a termo e pré-termo. Materiais e Métodos: estudo observacional, de desenho transversal, do qual participaram 41 bebês até quatro meses de idade corrigida, nascidos pequenos para idade gestacional – PIG (peso &lt; 10º percentil). O desempenho motor foi avaliado pelo instrumento Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP). O teste avalia o controle motor postural e movimentos seletivos necessários para o desempenho funcional do cotidiano em bebês entre 34 semanas pós-menstrual até 17 semanas de idade corrigida. Medidas de tendência central, distribuição e frequência, bem como os testes de Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney, qui-quadrado, correlações de Pearson e tau de Kendall foram utilizados. Resultados: a maioria dos bebês da amostra (53,7%) apresentou desempenho motor atípico, e entre os que nasceram prematuros 70% deles exibiram atraso no desenvolvimento motor. Nossos achados mostraram uma associação significativa entre o desenvolvimento motor e a idade gestacional dos bebês PIG (τ = 0,327, p = 0,013). Fatores socioeconômicos, como renda familiar, idade e nível de escolaridade da mãe, não influenciaram o desenvolvimento motor dos bebês da amostra.  Conclusão: bebês nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional apresentam risco para atraso do desenvolvimento motor, sendo que esse risco aumenta quando está associado a prematuridade