51 research outputs found

    Scaffolding the use of formative peer assessment and feedback in a project-oriented PhD course

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    Cross-species high-resolution transcriptome profiling suggests biomarkers and therapeutic targets for ulcerative colitis

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    Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a disorder with unknown etiology, and animal models play an essential role in studying its molecular pathophysiology. Here, we aim to identify common conserved pathological UC-related gene expression signatures between humans and mice that can be used as treatment targets and/or biomarker candidates.Methods: To identify differentially regulated protein-coding genes and non-coding RNAs, we sequenced total RNA from the colon and blood of the most widely used dextran sodium sulfate Ulcerative colitis mouse. By combining this with public human Ulcerative colitis data, we investigated conserved gene expression signatures and pathways/biological processes through which these genes may contribute to disease development/progression.Results: Cross-species integration of human and mouse Ulcerative colitis data resulted in the identification of 1442 genes that were significantly differentially regulated in the same direction in the colon and 157 in blood. Of these, 51 genes showed consistent differential regulation in the colon and blood. Less known genes with importance in disease pathogenesis, including SPI1, FPR2, TYROBP, CKAP4, MCEMP1, ADGRG3, SLC11A1, and SELPLG, were identified through network centrality ranking and validated in independent human and mouse cohorts.Conclusion: The identified Ulcerative colitis conserved transcriptional signatures aid in the disease phenotyping and future treatment decisions, drug discovery, and clinical trial design

    The STRING database in 2021: customizable protein-protein networks, and functional characterization of user-uploaded gene/measurement sets.

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    Cellular life depends on a complex web of functional associations between biomolecules. Among these associations, protein-protein interactions are particularly important due to their versatility, specificity and adaptability. The STRING database aims to integrate all known and predicted associations between proteins, including both physical interactions as well as functional associations. To achieve this, STRING collects and scores evidence from a number of sources: (i) automated text mining of the scientific literature, (ii) databases of interaction experiments and annotated complexes/pathways, (iii) computational interaction predictions from co-expression and from conserved genomic context and (iv) systematic transfers of interaction evidence from one organism to another. STRING aims for wide coverage; the upcoming version 11.5 of the resource will contain more than 14 000 organisms. In this update paper, we describe changes to the text-mining system, a new scoring-mode for physical interactions, as well as extensive user interface features for customizing, extending and sharing protein networks. In addition, we describe how to query STRING with genome-wide, experimental data, including the automated detection of enriched functionalities and potential biases in the user's query data. The STRING resource is available online, at https://string-db.org/

    The STRING database in 2023: protein-protein association networks and functional enrichment analyses for any sequenced genome of interest

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    Much of the complexity within cells arises from functional and regulatory interactions among proteins. The core of these interactions is increasingly known, but novel interactions continue to be discovered, and the information remains scattered across different database resources, experimental modalities and levels of mechanistic detail. The STRING database (https://string-db.org/) systematically collects and integrates protein-protein interactions-both physical interactions as well as functional associations. The data originate from a number of sources: automated text mining of the scientific literature, computational interaction predictions from co-expression, conserved genomic context, databases of interaction experiments and known complexes/pathways from curated sources. All of these interactions are critically assessed, scored, and subsequently automatically transferred to less well-studied organisms using hierarchical orthology information. The data can be accessed via the website, but also programmatically and via bulk downloads. The most recent developments in STRING (version 12.0) are: (i) it is now possible to create, browse and analyze a full interaction network for any novel genome of interest, by submitting its complement of encoded proteins, (ii) the co-expression channel now uses variational auto-encoders to predict interactions, and it covers two new sources, single-cell RNA-seq and experimental proteomics data and (iii) the confidence in each experimentally derived interaction is now estimated based on the detection method used, and communicated to the user in the web-interface. Furthermore, STRING continues to enhance its facilities for functional enrichment analysis, which are now fully available also for user-submitted genomes

    The STRING database in 2021: customizable protein–protein networks, and functional characterization of user-uploaded gene/measurement sets

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    Cellular life depends on a complex web of functional associations between biomolecules. Among these associations, protein–protein interactions are particularly important due to their versatility, specificity and adaptability. The STRING database aims to integrate all known and predicted associations between proteins, including both physical interactions as well as functional associations. To achieve this, STRING collects and scores evidence from a number of sources: (i) automated text mining of the scientific literature, (ii) databases of interaction experiments and annotated complexes/pathways, (iii) computational interaction predictions from co-expression and from conserved genomic context and (iv) systematic transfers of interaction evidence from one organism to another. STRING aims for wide coverage; the upcoming version 11.5 of the resource will contain more than 14 000 organisms. In this update paper, we describe changes to the text-mining system, a new scoring-mode for physical interactions, as well as extensive user interface features for customizing, extending and sharing protein networks. In addition, we describe how to query STRING with genome-wide, experimental data, including the automated detection of enriched functionalities and potential biases in the user's query data. The STRING resource is available online, at https://string-db.org/.</p

    Cytoscape stringApp:Network analysis and visualization of proteomics data

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    Protein networks have become a popular tool for analyzing and visualizing the often long lists of proteins or genes obtained from proteomics and other high-throughput technologies. One of the most popular sources of such networks is the STRING database, which provides protein networks for more than 2000 organisms, including both physical interactions from experimental data and functional associations from curated pathways, automatic text mining, and prediction methods. However, its web interface is mainly intended for inspection of small networks and their underlying evidence. The Cytoscape software, on the other hand, is much better suited for working with large networks and offers greater flexibility in terms of network analysis, import, and visualization of additional data. To include both resources in the same workflow, we created stringApp, a Cytoscape app that makes it easy to import STRING networks into Cytoscape, retains the appearance and many of the features of STRING, and integrates data from associated databases. Here, we introduce many of the stringApp features and show how they can be used to carry out complex network analysis and visualization tasks on a typical proteomics data set, all through the Cytoscape user interface. stringApp is freely available from the Cytoscape app store: http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/stringapp

    Visualize omics data on networks with Omics Visualizer, a Cytoscape App

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    Cytoscape is an open-source software used to analyze and visualize biological networks. In addition to being able to import networks from a variety of sources, Cytoscape allows users to import tabular node data and visualize it onto networks. Unfortunately, such data tables can only contain one row of data per node, whereas omics data often have multiple rows for the same gene or protein, representing different post-translational modification sites, peptides, splice isoforms, or conditions. Here, we present a new app, Omics Visualizer, that allows users to import data tables with several rows referring to the same node, connect them to one or more networks, and visualize the connected data onto networks. Omics Visualizer uses the Cytoscape enhancedGraphics app to show the data either in the nodes (pie visualization) or around the nodes (donut visualization), where the colors of the slices represent the imported values. If the user does not provide a network, the app can retrieve one from the STRING database using the Cytoscape stringApp. The Omics Visualizer app is freely available at https://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/omicsvisualizer
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