33 research outputs found

    Optimization-based Settingless Algorithm Combining Protection and Fault Identification

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    The demand for faster protection algorithms is growing due to the increasingly faster dynamics in the system. The majority of existing algorithms require empirically selected set-points, which may reduce sensitivity to internal faults and cause security problems. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a settingless time-domain unit protection algorithm for medium-voltage lines. The main idea of the algorithm is to identify which model of a protected line, i.e. healthy or with an internal fault, is more consistent with the input measurements. This is done by solving a number of small-scale convex optimization problems, which at the same time determine the characteristics of an internal fault that best fit the measurements. Thus, the proposed algorithm merges protection, fault location and fault type identification functionalities. The algorithm's performance is extensively tested on a grid model in MATLAB Simulink for different types of generation and grid operating conditions. The results demonstrate that the algorithm can operate quickly and reliably, and accurately estimate fault characteristics even in the presence of noisy measurements and uncertain line parameters

    Abordagem Metodológica para a Avaliação do Desenvolvimento das Infraestruturas de Transporte nas Capitais Megapolitanas: Estudo de Caso de Moscou

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    The objective of the study is to identify and analyze the connection between the trends of the social and economic development of Moscow and the factors of transport infrastructure (TIS) development. The main research methods are the index method and the economic and mathematical modeling. This method helped to specify the infrastructure factors that determine the spatial development of the city and rationalize management decisions aimed at optimizing the development of various types of transport, communications and types of transportation to ensure a sustainable social and economic development of the capital. The author's approach to calculating the quality of TIS index is presented, which allows, in contrast to similar methodologies, a deeper analysis of the way the environmental factor influences the spatial development of the territory. Using the index, the most general patterns in the development of Moscow's TIS for the period of 2000 to 2020 were identified. An algorithm for the development of the TIS of a megalopolis is proposed, which suggests the differentiation of management decisions to increase the level of the social and economic state of the territory. The practical value of the method consists in determining the impact of TIS development on the trends of investment and economic growth in the region. It has been ascertained that the development of TIS and the improvement of its quality are currently the main reserves of the economic growth of the regions.El objetivo del estudio es identificar y analizar la conexión entre las tendencias del desarrollo social y económico de Moscú y los factores de desarrollo de las infraestructuras de transporte (IET). Los principales métodos de investigación son el método de índices y la modelización económica y matemática. Este método ayudó a especificar los factores de infraestructura que determinan el desarrollo espacial de la ciudad y a racionalizar las decisiones de gestión encaminadas a optimizar el desarrollo de los distintos tipos de transporte, las comunicaciones y los tipos de transporte para garantizar un desarrollo social y económico sostenible de la capital. Se presenta el enfoque del autor para calcular el índice de calidad de las IET, que permite, a diferencia de otras metodologías similares, un análisis más profundo de la forma en que el factor ambiental influye en el desarrollo espacial del territorio. A partir del índice, se identificaron las pautas más generales del desarrollo de la IET de Moscú para el período de 2000 a 2020. Se propone un algoritmo para el desarrollo de la IET de una megalópolis, que sugiere la diferenciación de las decisiones de gestión para aumentar el nivel del estado social y económico del territorio. El valor práctico del método consiste en determinar el impacto del desarrollo de las IET en las tendencias de inversión y crecimiento económico regional. Se concluye que el desarrollo y la mejora de la calidad de las IET son actualmente las principales reservas del crecimiento económico de las regiones.O objetivo do estudo é identificar e analisar a ligação entre as tendências do desenvolvimento social e econômico de Moscou e os fatores de desenvolvimento das infraestruturas de transporte (IET). Os principais métodos de investigação são o método do índice e a modelação econômica e matemática. Este método ajudou a especificar os fatores de infraestrutura que determinam o desenvolvimento espacial da cidade e racionalizar as decisões de gestão destinadas a otimizar o desenvolvimento de vários tipos de transporte, comunicações e tipos de transporte para assegurar um desenvolvimento social e econômico sustentável da capital. É apresentada a abordagem do autor ao cálculo do índice de qualidade das IET, que permite, em contraste com metodologias semelhantes, uma análise mais profunda da forma como o fator ambiental influencia o desenvolvimento espacial do território. Utilizando o índice, foram identificados os padrões mais gerais no desenvolvimento das IET de Moscou para o período de 2000 a 2020. Propõe-se um algoritmo para o desenvolvimento da IET de uma megalópole, o que sugere a diferenciação das decisões de gestão para aumentar o nível do estado social e econômico do território. O valor prático do trabalho consiste em determinar o impacto do desenvolvimento das IET sobre as tendências de investimento e crescimento econômico na região.Conclui-se que o desenvolvimento e melhoria da qualidade das IET são atualmente os principais fatores do crescimento econômico das regiões

    Электронная библиотека РГБ: этапы развития и особенности формирования цифровых коллекций

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    The article for the first time covers the history of the Electronic Library (EL) of the Russian State Library (RSL) from the beginning of its formation in the mid-1990s to the present. The author considers the stages of formation and development of the EL of the RSL, the changes that have occurred depending on various factors: changes in legislation in the field of intellectual activity, the emergence of new conceptual approaches and technological platforms. The article identifies two basic approaches to the creation of electronic library: formation of large electronic collections by type of publications or presented information and the creation of electronic version of the collections of documents stored in the RSL holdings. The author gives the key decisions made in relation to the EL: the resources that have passed into the public domain are freely available on the website of the RSL; all documents (not fragments) digitized on the basis of the RSL holdings shall be included in the EL of the RSL; the quality of electronic materials is strictly regulated, etc. The article presents the history of creation and features of large digital collections and separate collections, as well as participation in Russian and international projects and programs. The author considers the development of various electronic services, search capabilities, and features of access to different collections depending on the content. The article highlights the role of the “Electronic Library of Dissertations”, which became the basis for enriching the EL of the RSL with relevant scientific knowledge, for working out new technical and technological solutions, and for providing unique access opportunities within the current legislation. The author notes that the EL creators are focused on the organization of access to modern scientific and educational content within the framework of legislative initiatives, conceptual and special technical solutions, as well as on providing free access to materials of great cultural and historical value for Russia and the world communityВ статье впервые освещена история Электронной библиотеки (ЭБ) Российской государственной библиотеки (РГБ) с начала ее формирования в середине 1990-х гг. по настоящее время. Рассмотрены этапы становления и развития ЭБ РГБ, произошедшие изменения в зависимости от разнообразных факторов: изменения законодательства в сфере интеллектуальной деятельности, появления новых концептуальных подходов и технологических платформ. Выделены два базовых подхода в создании электронной библиотеки: формирование крупных электронных собраний (коллекций) по видам изданий или представленной информации и создание электронного варианта коллекционных собраний документов, хранящихся в фондах РГБ. Приводятся принципиальные решения, принятые в отношении ЭБ: ресурсы, перешедшие в общественное достояние, предоставляются в свободном доступе на сайте РГБ; все документы (не фрагменты), оцифрованные на базе фондов РГБ, должны войти в ЭБ РГБ; строго регламентируется качество электронных материалов и др. Описаны история создания и особенности крупных цифровых собраний и отдельных коллекций, участие в российских и международных проектах и программах. Рассмотрены развитие разнообразных электронных сервисов, поисковых возможностей, особенности доступа к различным коллекциям в зависимости от контента. Выделена роль «Электронной библиотеки диссертаций», ставшей базой для наполнения ЭБ РГБ актуальным научным знанием, для отработки новых технических и технологических решений, для обеспечения уникальных возможностей доступа в рамках действующего законодательства. Отмечена нацеленность создателей ЭБ на организацию доступа к современному научному и образовательному контенту в рамках законодательных инициатив, концептуальных и специальных технических решений; на предоставление свободного доступа к материалам, имеющим огромную культурную и историческую ценность для России и мирового сообщества

    Процедурная седация и/или анальгезия: обзор литературы

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: За последние десятилетия процедурная седация и/или анальгезия (ПС/ПСА) стала широко применяться с целью проведения диагностических исследований и малоинвазивных хирургических вмешательств во внеоперационных условиях. Представленные данные в литературе по ПС/ПСА содержат противоречивую информацию в отношении показаний, противопоказаний, рисков осложнений, базового уровня мониторинга и целевого уровня седации (ЦУС). ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Провести анализ существующих практических рекомендаций, рандомизированных клинических исследований (РКИ), обзор данных литературы и систематизировать данные о возможностях использования седативных препаратов и наркотических анальгетиков в рамках процедурной седации. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Проведен поиск в электронных базах PubMed, Medline, Embase, eLibrary рекомендаций по ПС/ПСА, РКИ и статей. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: В обзоре литературы описаны уровни седации в порядке возрастания сложности и потенциального риска развития осложнений. Представлена сравнительная характеристика препаратов первой и второй линии для седации и обезболивания. Сформулированы минимальные требования к периоперационному мониторингу жизненно важных показателей, уровня седации и боли. ВЫВОДЫ: ПС/ПСА в плановом или неотложном порядке обеспечивает безопасное, комфортное и успешное выполнение диагностических исследований и малоинвазивных хирургических вмешательств. Принципы взаимодействия и введения седативных препаратов с наркотическими анальгетиками лежат в основе применения схем седации. Использование шкал имеет важное практическое значение для мониторинга динамики уровня седации и более тонкого управления дозами седативных препаратов. Абсолютных противопоказаний для ПС/ПСА нет. ПС/ПСА является востребованным направлением в современной практике анестезиолога-реаниматолога. Отсутствие в Российской Федерации регламентирующих документов по ПС/ПСА диктует необходимость разработки методических рекомендаций

    A global look at time: a 24-country study of the equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory

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    In this article, we assess the structural equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) across 26 samples from 24 countries (N = 12,200). The ZTPI is proven to be a valid and reliable index of individual differences in time perspective across five temporal categories: Past Negative, Past Positive, Present Fatalistic, Present Hedonistic, and Future. We obtained evidence for invariance of 36 items (out of 56) and also the five-factor structure of ZTPI across 23 countries. The short ZTPI scales are reliable for country-level analysis, whereas we recommend the use of the full scales for individual-level analysis. The short version of ZTPI will further promote integration of research in the time perspective domain in relation to many different psycho-social processes

    Optimization - and Model - Based Methods for Protection of Power Lines

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    Constantly growing power demand and increasing penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) are pushing power grids to their limits. Due to importance of protection for reliable and safe operation of these grids, changes in their operating conditions necessitate the improvement of existing and development of new protection algorithms. This work aims at addressing several challenges faced by protection of modern power grids. First, it focuses on improving performance of the first zone of conventional distance protection, which is widely used for transmission lines. In particular, the work tackles two shortcomings of this zone: limited coverage of internal faults due to the design of the zone characteristic, and further reduction of coverage in case of installed series compensation devices (SCDs). This is accomplished by proposing an optimization-based algorithm for constructing an optimal first zone characteristic of distance protection for lines with and without SCDs. The proposed algorithm ensures that the first zone has the maximum possible coverage of internal faults without compromising its security. Second, this work proposes a communication-assisted protection algorithm for medium-voltage lines that does not rely on any user-defined set-points, in contrast to other existing protection algorithms. Lack of set-points simplifies the algorithm’s application, reduces the risk of human errors, and improves reliability as the algorithm is not affected by sub-optimally selected set-points. In addition, the algorithm inherently combines protection, fault location and fault type identification functionalities, which enables the unification of these closely related functions. Lastly, this work proposes a protection algorithm that addresses the challenge of enabling economically efficient yet reliable protection of medium-voltage lines in grids with RES. It relies only on local measurements and enables simultaneous protection of all medium-voltage lines at a substation, which makes it a low-cost solution. Moreover, the algorithm has high speed and is unaffected by the operation modes of RES as it is based on the traveling wave theory. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that the algorithms proposed in this work can potentially provide reliable protection of power lines in modern grids

    Andragogy in the context of teaching Lean management

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    The article discusses the major issues of teaching lean management for adolts and provides the rational to transfer from pedagogy model to andragogy model of teaching. The model of lean personality is desigoed. The educational principles in lean production are also analyzed The article submits the forms of the lean education with the focus on Process Enterprise as the most important

    Travelling wave protection with disturbance classification for distribution grids with distributed generation

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    The high penetration of distributed generation in distribution grids and the development of microgrids may cause the malfunctioning of the conventional distribution level protection systems. Despite multiple works dedicated to addressing this problem, the development of reliable, high-speed, and cost-efficient protection systems for active grids remains a topical issue. This study proposes a protection system for medium voltage lines that relies entirely on the analytical description of travelling wave transients. This protection uses only local high-frequency current measurements and power-frequency voltage measurements, which potentially makes it a low-cost yet reliable solution. The protection system operates securely by not tripping healthy lines in case of disturbances that do not lead to any faults. The proposed protection is tested on the IEEE 34-bus distribution system with distributed generation

    Optimization-based Settingless Algorithm Combining Protection and Fault Identification

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    The current geometric designs of fish guidance structures with vertical bars for run-of-river hydropower plants result in high head losses and asymmetric turbine admission flow. To address these issues, we develop innovative curved bar designs and experimentally investigate different rack configurations with curved bars in a laboratory flume. The present paper (Part II) focuses on the hydraulic performance of the novel curved bar designs with regard to flow fields, while the companion paper (Part I) reports the results on the head losses. The detailed flow fields obtained by 3D velocity measurements show that the curved bars promote flow conditions favourable for both fish guidance and turbine operation. The flow straightening effect of the curved bars leads to quasi-symmetrical turbine admission flow and reduced head losses. The findings are discussed with regard to fish protection and guidance, and optimal engineering application.ISSN:0885-8977ISSN:1937-420

    Human resource development in the implementation of the concept of “smart cities”

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    The improvement of urban systems based on the active use of information technologies, which is necessary to achieve these goals, requires specialists with appropriate qualifications. This article uses a methodological approach to the study of human resource development from the perspective of two-way communication between producers and consumers of an innovative product. The educational, structural-industry and information technology aspects of development are considered. The results of the analysis are presented, and the methods of partnership cooperation between higher educational institutions and representatives of the business community in the construction and housing and utilities sectors are identified. The experience in the field of training and retraining specialists in construction specialties with elements of student research has been synthesized. The prospects for improving the system of personnel training in the field of housing and communal services are identified. A SWOT analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of urban modernization has been carried out. Among the weaknesses, the failure of highly qualified specialists was revealed. Among the threats is the absence of a legislative and methodological framework in many areas of housing and communal services reforming. In the annex to the concept of “smart cities”, Rohmer’s model is considered, confirming the primary role of human resources in reforming and further operating the urban infrastructure. It is shown that the success of the initiative of a smart city depends on personnel, processes and technologies