3 research outputs found
Aperçu de la culture du voandzou (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt) au Burkina Faso: enjeux et perspectives d’amélioration de sa productivité
Le voandzou constitue avec le niébé, les deux principales légumineuses alimentaires pour de nombreuses populations rurales et la frange pauvre des citadins au Burkina Faso. Cependant, des informations émanant de l’environnement de production de cette culture selon la perception des producteurs sont quasi inexistantes. Cette étude vise à s’informer au mieux des réalités sociales, environnementales et techniques qui entourent la production de cette culture. Les données collectées auprès des producteurs à l’aide des fiches d’enquêtes ont été soumises à une analyse fréquentielle. La culture du voandzou est pratiquée majoritairement par les femmes sur des petites superficies sans apport de fertilisants. Les maladies foliaires et les insectes de stock constituent les principales contraintes biotiques. Les producteurs conservent la semence dans des bidons fermés hermétiquement. Le cycle moyen des variétés cultivées est de 90 jours. La variété préférée est celle de couleur crème à hile blanc pour ses qualités organoleptiques, agronomiques et esthétiques. Le manque de sensibilisation sur la qualité nutritionnelle de la culture, l’insuffisance d’activités de recherche sur les techniques innovantes pour améliorer son système de production et les contraintes biotiques et abiotiques expliquent en grande partie la faible productivité et production de cette culture.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Culture, Voandzou, Burkina Faso, productivitéEnglish Title:  Overview of the culture of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt) in Burkina Faso : Issues and prospects for improving its productivityEnglish AbstractBambara groundnut is, with cowpea, the two main food legumes for many rural and poor urban fringes in Burkina Faso. However, information from the production environment of this culture as perceived by  producers is almost nonexistent. This study aims at collecting information about social, environmental and technical realities surrounding the production of this crop. The data collected from producers using survey forms were subjected to a frequency analysis. Bambara groundnut cultivation is mainly practiced by women on small areas without adding fertilizers. Foliar diseases and insects in stock are major biotic constraints. Producers retain the seed in cans tightly closed. The average cycle of cultivated varieties is 90 days. The favorite variety is the cream-colored white hilum for its organoleptic, agronomic and aesthetic qualities. Lack of awareness on the nutritional quality of culture, the lack of research on innovative techniques to improve its production system and the biotic and abiotic constraints largely explain the low productivity and production of this crop.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Culture, Bambara groundnut, Burkina Faso, productivit
Determinant of Adoption of Improved Varieties of Sorghum in Center-north and Boucle du Mouhoun in Burkina Faso
Sorghum is the first food cereal in Burkina Faso. Its average yield is of the order of 850 kg/ha (Barro-Kondombo, 2010). Sorghum is listed as a priority plant in research and food security strategies. Local varieties remain dominant in the traditional farming system with a predominance of the botanical race Guinea (Barro-Kondombo et al., 2008). This study was conducted on 300 farmers in center-north and the Boucle du Mouhoun in Burkina Faso. The objective of this paper is to determine the socioeconomic factors influencing the adoption of improved varieties of sorghum in the aforementioned regions. An econometric model Probit was used. The results show that the area, training on the improved varieties, membership of a farmer organization, land area planted with sorghum, access to credit and the availability of improved varieties positively affect the probability of adopting improved varieties of sorghum. In contrast, the age of the producer negatively affects the probability of adoption of improved varieties of sorghum. Keywords: adoption, improved varieties, sorghum, Probit, Burkina Faso, center-north, Boucle du Mouhoun. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-4-0
Variabilite De La Coloration Du Tegument Des Graines De Voandzou Cultivees Au Burkina Faso Et Les Noms Locaux Associes
Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt specie is a traditional African legume, grown in all parts of Burkina Faso. It plays a huge role in the resilience of poor people to food and nutritional insecurity. In order to contribute to the safeguarding of the genetic resources of this specie and to better valorize it in the selection and varietal improvement programs, a study on the phenotypic variability based on the coloration of the seed coat and the nomenclature of the local varieties within certain ethnic groups has been realized. Prospecting and collection of bambara groundnut accessions has made in several localities across the three agro-climatic zones of Burkina Faso. Accessions collected were identified on the basis of seed coat colouring and local names within some ethnic groups. Frequency calculations of the accessions collected according to the staining of tegument were performed. From a total of 138 seed samples collected 322 accessions were obtained with a breakdown into 22 groups of accessions according to the coloration of their tegument. This important phenotypic variability can be exploited in the breeding and varietal breeding programs of bambara groundnut. Knowing the local names of the accessions can also be useful in the nomenclature of the selected varieties and can help in facilitating their adoption by the producers