7 research outputs found

    Pengaruhmodel Pembelajaran Vak (Visual, Auditori, Kinestetik) Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Puisi Oleh Siswa Kelas VIII SMP N. 2 Porsea Tahun Pembelajaran 2012/2013

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    This study aimed to clarify the effect of the learning model VAK (Visual, Auditory,Kinesthetic) the ability to write poetry by the students of class VIII SMP N.2 PorseaLearning Year 2012/2013. The population of this research is all eighth grade studentsas junior N.2 Porsea 266 people. Samples were taken at random as many as 30people.The method used in this study is an experimental method. The instrument usedis the argument essay writing test. The average value of post-test is 75.50, while forthe pre-test is is 67.1. Thus, it can be said that the average value of students\u27 ability towrite poetry after treatment (post-test) higher than before treatment (pre-test).Hypothesis testing is done by using the test "t". Test hypotheses derived from thecalculation of t = 2.95, then consulted with the table t at 5% significance level = 2.04.Since t = 2.95> t = 2.04 nil then the hypothesis (H) is rejected. It is proved that thelearning model VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) affects the ability to writepoetry class VIII SMP Porsea N.2

    Kata Ganti Orang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Selaru (Suatu Analisis Kontrastif)

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    This research attempts to identify and classify personal pronouns in English and Selaru language. The data are taken from interviewing some informants (native speakers) who was born in Selaru and understand the language and can interact effectively. The identified data are analyzed according to the concept of Bloomfield and then contrast them by using Lado\u27s concept. In analyzing the data, the writer uses descriptive method. The problems of this research ore focused on what are the personal pronouns in terms of form and function in English and Selaru language and what are the similarities and differences of personal pronouns in terms of form and function in English and Selaru language. The aims of the research are to identify and classify personal pronouns in English and Selaru language and to find out the similarities as well as dissimilarities of personal pronouns in both languages in terms of form and function. The results of this research shows that English and Selaru language has similarities and dissimilarities. Similarities in English and Selaru language which has the form of the first person, second, third, both singular and plural and dissimilarities in English and Selaru language namely: in English has object, possessive pronoun and third person singular neutral,whereas in selaru language not found

    Additional file 1: Figure S6. of 3D: diversity, dynamics, differential testing – a proposed pipeline for analysis of next-generation sequencing T cell repertoire data

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    Results of all ipilimumab treated prostate caner subjects and separately by long survivors (overall survival > = 23.6 months) and short survivors (overall survival < 23.6 months). (A) Shannon index of TCR at Week 0 and Week 2. (B) Clonality of TCR at Week 0 and Week 2. (C) intraclass correlation coefficient of TCR between Week 0 and Week 2. (D) Morisita’s distance of TCR between Week 0 and Week 2. (E) Scatter plot of Shannon vs. log10(# of uniques). Pearson correlation coefficient and corresponding pvalues were calculated. (F) Scatter plot of Clonality vs. log10(# of uniques). Pearson correlation coefficient and corresponding pvalues were calculated. (PDF 2080 kb

    A novel single nucleotide polymorphism in exon 3 of <i>MYOC</i> enhances the risk of glaucoma - Fig 1

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    <p>(a,b). Location and map of LDofSNPs onchromosome 1. The SNP numbers are represented at the top of the haploview. The pair-wise LD coefficient (r<sup>2</sup>) is presented at the top, and LD<sup>*</sup> = D’.</p