312 research outputs found

    La familia de Don Leonardo Soler de Cornellá. Un linaje de caballeros en Elche durante el siglo XVIII

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    D. Leonardo Soler de Cornellá fue un eclesiástico cuya carrera responde al arquetipo del clérigo con inquietudes de su época. Nacido en Elche el 10 de abril de 1736, en el seno de una familia de la pequeña nobleza local, y muerto en Orihuela en 1796, el día 27 del mismo mes, su vida, por lo que sabemos, transcurrió en su mayor parte entre ambas ciudades y la comarca que las une. Hombre cultivado, atraído por los temas de la predicación, a cuyo ministerio estaba volcado, Soler es un buen exponente de la generación que entre 1760 y 1770 intentó tímidamente introducir en Orihuela las ideas ilustradas

    The end of primary moult as an indicator of global warming effects in the Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa, a medium sized, sedentary species

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    Global warming affects ecosystem services, communities and populations, influencing the physiology, behaviour or environment of living beings, and hence impacts its survival or breeding. Identifying species susceptibility to warming is relevant in assessing risks to animal populations and ecological processes. The progressive increase in ambient temperature as a result of global warming might have an effect on the timing of primary moult. This could affect a bird’s annual cycle, influencing reproductive success and population dynamics. We describe a method to examine the potential effects of global warming on the primary moult process in a sedentary population of Red-legged Partridges (Alectoris rufa). We organised the factors that might influence the timing of moult end into a network and distinguished between environmental and intrinsic factors. We sorted the factors according to their contribution to quantitative moult models and constructed a diagrammatic scheme showing their interactions and effect on the end of primary moult over the annual cycle. In Red-legged Partridges, the timing of the end of moult varies according to age-sex class. We found no timing differences by age, but found significant timing differences by adult sex. More females overlap their moult with juveniles than males because female parental effort is higher, more females incubate and brood chicks. The timing of the end of moult varies by year due to conspecific interactions that change according to influences of the weather, habitat, and social and flock conditions. Parent birds synchronize their primary moult with the chick’s growth, degree of cover and food resources. From the time of hatching to the following year, the date (day-length), social factors (conspecific interactions), and weather (resources) affect the timing of moult and the birds’ annual cycle. Global warming affects the timing of the end of moult and that of the annual cycle. If the extent of the breeding period is shortened, there could be a negative effect on population outcomes. Middle size prey species are key in trophic chains. Our results suggest that the timing of the end of moult could be used as a proxy measure of warming impacts on wildlife and ecosystems and also as a tool for the management of game birds

    Crossing artificial obstacles during migration: the relative global ecological risks and interdependencies illustrated by the migration of common quail Coturnix coturnix

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    The increase of urban expansion, whereby soils become altered or filled with buildings through human action, presents a global threat to biodiversity and the spread of disease. Many of the factors determining bird migration routes and disease spread are poorly understood. We studied the migration routes of common quail Coturnix coturnix in western Europe. We examined the recoveries of ringed birds to characterize their migration trajectories to understand how this nocturnal migrant crosses artificial areas and predict the risk of migration collapse and disease transmission. We evaluated the possible consequences of quail collisions with human infrastructure elements (i.e., buildings, cranes, overhead cables and wires, and wind farm structures) to assess disease transmission in relation to the amount of urban soil. Our results show that variations in the amount of artificialized soil in central Europe are correlated with the relative absence of quail migratory routes. Conceptual models incorporating environmental ecology showed the relationships between climate warming, agroecosystems, and urban ecosystems as well as human health and economic growth. We predict a drastic loss of biodiversity and spread of disease if we do not curb the spread of land consumption. Taking a broad view of the interrelations discussed here allows predictions of global vulnerability and increased risks to health due to losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Lessons drawn from migration route maps of quail in relation to the distribution of urbanized soils provide tools for global conservation political decision makin

    La documentación cartográfica de la Contribución de inmuebles, cultivo y ganadería: el caso de la provincia de Girona (1849-1885)

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    The introduction and management of Land Tax implemented in Spain due to Tax Reform of 1845 generated a vast number of tax documents during the second half of the 19th century. Amongst these documents there were wealth registers, amillaramientos (tax assessments) and too, in some Provinces, municipal cadastral maps. In this article is analysed the municipal cadastral cartography produced in the province of Girona due to implementing of this tax. For this purpose, cartographic and tax documents preserved in public and private local archives in the province of Girona have been consulted. The cadastral cartography documents that were found have been analysed by comparing them with the municipal cadastral cartography from the Balearic, Barcelona and Tarragona provinces, whose cartography has been the target of several studies in recent years. As a result of this research, a total number of 46 different municipal cadastral maps, which correspond to 44 municipalities from the province of Girona, have been classified. These cartographic documents were created by a varied group of local land surveyors and architects. Mappings started after 1857 due to increased Land Tax quota introduced that year in the province of Girona, as well as the following process of rectifying amillaramientos ordered by the Treasury. The cadastral cartography of the province of Girona presents some differential characteristics with respect to other Catalan provinces, such us the use of a larger scale.La introducción y gestión del impuesto de Inmuebles, Cultivo y Ganadería, implantado en España a raíz de la reforma fiscal de 1845, generó durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX una ingente documentación fiscal, entre la que figuran padrones de riqueza y amillaramientos, y también en algunas provincias mapas parcelarios municipales. En este artículo se analiza la cartografía parcelaria municipal producida en la provincia de Girona a raíz de la implantación de este impuesto. Para ello se ha consultado la documentación cartográfica y fiscal conservada en los archivos locales, públicos y privados de la provincia de Girona. La documentación cartográfica parcelaria localizada ha sido analizada comparándola con la cartografía parcelaria municipal de las provincias de las Baleares, Barcelona y Tarragona, la cual ha sido objeto de diversos estudios en los últimos años. Como resultado de esta investigación, se han inventariado 46 mapas parcelarios correspondientes a 44 municipios de la provincia de Girona. La realización de esta documentación cartográfica fue obra de un variado grupo de agrimensores y maestros de obras que mayoritariamente ejercían su profesión en la misma provincia. Los levantamientos cartográficos tomaron impulso a partir de 1857, a raíz del incremento del cupo de la contribución territorial asignado ese año a la provincia de Girona, así como al subsiguiente proceso de rectificación de los amillaramientos ordenado por el ministerio de Hacienda. La cartografía parcelaria gerundense presenta algunas características diferenciales respecto de otras provincias catalanas, entre ellas el uso de una escala mayor
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