99 research outputs found


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    In order to produce dough with a lower gluten content, more enriched with rice components and satisfactory rheological properties, the rheological properties, energetic value and cake baking properties of wheat and white or brown rice flour in shares from 3 to 30% (w/w) were investigated in this paper. The water absorption in wheat-rice flour mixtures was lower and decreased to 53.5% and 54.0% along with the increase of the white and the brown rice flour share, respectively, than in wheat flour, where it was 58.8%. In the dough made from rice flour, a gluten network had thinner filaments, about 2 and 1 μm in width for white and brown rice flour, respectively, compared to those in the dough from wheat flour only, where it was about 7 μm. The dough from rice flour had almost twice higher gelatinization maximum than the gelatinization maximum of the wheat flour only. The energetic values of the dough from rice flour were smaller than the energetic value of the wheat flour, for only 1.32%. Based on Cluster analysis, the white or brown rice flour share of 20% was pointed out

    Is miR-133a marker of progressive chronic kidney disease?

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with a high incidence of cardiovascular (CV) disease and numerous risk factor have been implicated to play a role.  Recent studies have shown that the levels of various microRNAs in the serum of patients with CKD have been altered and there are reports that miR-133a serum levels correlated with left ventricular hypertrophy in hemodialysis patients.The aim of this study was to investigate association between circulating miR-133a levels and development of de novo CV events in patients with CKD stage 3-5HD.METHODS: This study included 51 patients with diagnosed CKD and 7 healthy individuals as controls. According to the estimated glomerular filtration ratio (eGFR) patients were divided into three equal subgroups (n=17): patients with CKD stage 3b, 4, and 5HD.  The level of miR-133a was measured in serum by quantitative real-time PCR. Echo parameters were measured by cardiac ultrasound at the beginning and after 12 months of follow-up. The following CV events were reported during 18 months of follow-up: cardiac death, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular insult, exacerbation of existing and newly discovered angina pectoris and peripheral arterial disease

    Uniaxial tension of drying sieves

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    Although the literature contains numerous studies that have been developed to describe the nonlinear behavior of drying sieves' operation, there are no papers in this which report deeper investigation of the drying sieve behavior when exposed to tension and thermo stabilization. The aim of this paper is to provide insight into the elastoplastic behavior of the thermo stabilized and not stabilized sieves subjected to the tensile force. Within this work both theoretical and experimental investigations were performed. The sieves were joined by using a spiral. In separate experiments tests of wire base and weft of the weave mesh were performed, both for thermo stabilized and not thermo stabilized sieves, sieves joining and the sieve thermo stabilization itself. It was established that the thermo stabilization of sieves provides for stability of sieves' dimensions and that open thermo stabilized drying sieve exhibits better mechanical properties and exploitation characteristics then the sieves joining. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON174004: Micromechanics criteria of damage and fracture and br. TR 32036: Development of software for solving the coupled multi-physical problems

    Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia: What we know, what we think we know, what we don't know yet: Running title USGRA: Overview about facts and questions: An educational narrative review of literature

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    The introduction of ultrasound guidance over the last two decades brought progress, new blocks and new challenges to Regional Anesthesia. This narrative review addresses and discusses facts, frequent questions, beliefs, controversies, unsolved issues, open safety questions and existing knowledge gaps related to efficacy and safety of ultrasound guided regional anesthesia (USGRA), based on the available literature. We discuss evidence-based advantages and limitations of ultrasound guidance, as well as unresolved questions, with respect to successful anesthesia, undesired side effects and patient safety, like nerve injury and local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST). In an educational approach we also emphasize some practical aspects of our everyday experience as well as necessary structural requirements


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    In this study, drying kinetics of autochthonous variety Požegača plum was examined in a laboratory dryer at three temperatures. The whole plum fruits, together with the kernels were subjected to the drying process. The effect of drying has been examined at temperatures of 55, 60 and 75 °C, with a constant air velocity of 1.1 m s-1. The corresponding experimental results were tested using six nonlinear regression models. Coefficient of determination (R2), standard regression error (SSE), model correlation coeficient (Vy), as well as the maximum absolute error (ΔY) showed that the logaritmic model was in good agreement with the experimental data obtained. During drying of plums, the effective diffusivity was found to be between 5.6×10-9 for 55 °C and 8.9×10-9 m2s-1 at 75 °C, respectively. The physical characteristics of fresh (length 39.64 mm and width 29.15 mm) and dried (length 37.52 mm and width 22.85 mm) plum fruit were determined. Finally, by chemical analysis, the contents of micro-and macro-elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, B and N, F, K, Ca, Mg and S) in the skin and flesh of the dried product, prunes, has been established

    Analiza kvalitete Al-Cu spoja ostvarenog zavarivanjem trenjem

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    This paper outlines the bases of the friction welding process, especially when it comes to friction welding of different materials. This was illustrated on an example of friction welding of aluminum and copper, which is often applied in electrical engineering. The analysis of influential parameters was conducted based on the data obtained by an experiment, since the data on this topic are very seldom in the available literature.Ovaj članak daje osnove procesa zavarivanja trenjem, naročito kada je u pitanju zavarivanje trenjem različitih materijala. To je ilustrirano na primjeru zavarivanja trenjem aluminija i bakra, koji se često primjenjuje u elektrotehnici. Analiza utjecajnih parametara provedena je na temelju podataka dobivenih eksperimentom jer su podaci o ovoj temi vrlo rijetko u dostupnoj literaturi

    Fizikalne i metalurške promjene tijekom zavarivanja trenjem brzoreznog i kaljenog čelika

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    This paper outlines the basic principles of welding by friction of high-speed cutting steel and tempered steel from the viewpoint of metallurgic processes that are going on in the material. The bases of welding by friction of different materials are outlined in a theoretical way. The experimental part of the paper also relates to friction welding of samples made of different metals: high-speed cutting steel (HS 6-5-2-5) on one hand and the tempered steel (C60) on the other.Ovaj rad daje osnovne principe zavarivanja trenjem brzoreznog čelika i kaljenog čelika s motrišta metalurškog procesa koji se odvija u materijalu. Osnove zavarivanja trenjem različitih materijala navedene su teorijski. Eksperimentalni dio rada odnosi se na zavarivanje trenjem uzoraka izrađenih od različitih metala: brzoreznog čelika (HS 6-5-2-5) s jedne i kaljenog čelika (C60) s druge strane

    CFTR gene analysis in patient with atypical cystic fibrosis

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    U ovom radu je prikazan slučaj atipične cistične fibroze sa graničnom vrednošću znojnog testa. U većini slučajeva znojni test je glavni dijagnostički parametar za dijagnostikovanje cistične fibroze, ali se dijagnoza može potvrditi samo na osnovu rezultata molekularno-genetičkog testiranja. Utvrđeno je da je pacijent složeni heterozigot za dve CFTR mutacije, F508del i D1152H. Prisustvo mutacije F508del detektovano je PSM metodom, dok je za analizu prisustva druge mutacije korišćena DGGE metoda. Strategija detekcije mutacija kod pacijenata sa cističnom fibrozom, naročito onih sa atipičnim prezentacijama bolesti koji nose ređe mutacije, trebalo bi da uključuje i direktne i indirektne metode molekularne dijagnostike.This paper reports a case of a patient presenting with atypical cystic fibrosis whose sweat test shows borderline values. In vast majority of cases the sweat test is essential diagnostic tool for establishing the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, but only after the molecular genetic testing the diagnosis can be confirmed. The patient was found to be compound heterozygote for two CFTR mutations, F508del and D1152H. The presence of F508del mutation was analyzed by PSM method, while the screening for the second mutation was performed using DGGE. The strategy of mutation detection in cystic fibrosis patients, especially those with atypical presentations who carry less frequent mutations, should include both direct and indirect methods of molecular diagnostics

    Alternative approaches to adult education: Computer games based learning

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    Jedan od novijih fenomena savremenog virtuelnog sveta jesu računarske igre. Budući da imaju više namena i funkcija, u poslednje vreme se ispituju mogućnosti, prednosti i granice njihove upotrebe u obrazovanju i učenju. U tom kontekstu, osnovni cilj ovog rada jeste kritičko sagledavanje alternativnih pristupa obrazovanju odraslih. Predmet proučavanja je, dakle, učenje zasnovano na računarskoj igri (games-based learning). Sudeći po enormnom umnožavanju literature u poslednjih nekoliko godina, reč je o veoma aktuelnom fenomenu koji se povezuje sa nastankom novog stila učenja. Kao osnovne karakteristike samog pojma 'učenje zasnovano na računarskoj igri' izdvojene su sledeće: izraženo motivaciono dejstvo; aktivna participacija i kolaborativno učenje; jasnost saznajnih ciljeva; prevazilaženje nesigurnosti i neuspeha; refleksivnost scenarija i mogućnost prenošenja iskustava iz stvarnog sveta; sloboda reagovanja kroz niz definisanih akcija; jasno definisana povratna informacija za svaku preduzetu akciju; mogućnost procene napredovanja učesnika; usklađenost sa individualnim tempom učenja i intelektualnim sposobnostima; odsustvo autoriteta i formalnih instrukcija; mogućnost učestvovanja velikog broja korisnika. Posebno vrednim za populaciju odraslih smatramo aktivni, iskustveni i situacioni karakter ovog učenja. Tokom poslednje decenije u svetu se javljaju zasebne studije za obrazovno pripremanje profesionalaca u oblasti dizajniranja računarskih igara. Odlikuje ih izrazita idnterdisciplinarnost i multidisciplinarnost. Dizajniranje računarskih igara u funkciji obrazovanja i učenja odraslih je veoma zahtevan i složen proces.Computer games are one of the latest phenomena of the contemporary virtual world. They have many usages and functions, and latelely; possibilities have been studied concerning their advantages and limits of their use in teaching and learning. In this context, the basic aim of this paper is critical observing of alternative approaches to adult education. The subject of the research is therefore games-based learning. This phenomenon is very actual and it is connected to the new style of learning, according to the enormous references which have appeared recently. As basic characteristics of the very term 'learning based on the computer game', there are following characteristics stressed: strong motivational action, active participation and collaborative learning; clearness of the cognitive aims, overcoming insecurity and failure, reflexity of the scenario and possibilities of transmitting knowledge from the real worlds: freedom through many defined actions; clearly defined feedback for each action; possibilities of estimating students' advancement; adjustment with individual pace of learning and intellectual abilities; absence of authority and formal instructions; possibility of participating a great number of users. Particularly valuable for the adult population is active, experimental and situational character of learning. In the recent decade, there have been separate studies in the world for educational preparation of the professionals in the field of designing of computer games. Those are characterised by inderdisciplinarity and multidisciplinary. Designing computer games with the function of education and learning of the adults is a very demanding and complex process

    Adult play: Does a computer game educate during leisure?

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    Od njihove pojave sredinom prošlog veka, kompjuterske igre karakteriše stalni rast kako u kvantitativnom tako i u kvalitativnom smislu. Danas se govori o posebnoj industriji sa velikim, pre svega, ekonomskim konsekvencama. Primarni cilj ovog rada je da se osvetli obrazovna dimenzija kompjuterske igre kao aktivnosti slobodnog vremena odraslih. U radu se traga za odgovorima na nekoliko pitanja: Šta je kompjuterska igra odraslih? Specifikacija je zahtevala pozicioniranje u širi kontekst igre odraslih. U čemu su i kakve su njene obrazovne mogućnosti i specifičnosti kao aktivnosti slobodnog vremena? Odgovor je nametnuo potrebu povezivanja obrazovne dimenzije ove igre sa savremenim teorijama slobodnog vremena odraslih. Šta obuhvata širi okvir značaja kompjuterske igre u životu odraslih? Naši nalazi proizilaze iz promišljanja kompjuterske igre kao jedne od osobenih aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu odraslih, ali i kao specifične vrste igre. Pokazalo se da prema mnogim karakteristikama koje poseduje, kompjuterska igra ne samo da ima motivaciono obrazovno dejstvo nego, između ostalog, može da predstavlja pravo obrazovno okruženje za odraslog čoveka. Stoga, kao deo moderne kulture, zaslužuje andragošku pažnju, a naučno pozicioniranje nalazimo u izuzetno aktuelnom pokretu tzv. edutainment-a.Since its appearance at the middle of the last century, computer games are characterized by constant growth, both in quantity and in quality. Today, we talk about a separate industry with large economic consequences above all. The primary goal of this article is to shed a light on educational dimension of computer games as part of the activities during leisure time for the adults. What are its educational possibilities and specificities as part of leisure? The answer to this question imposed the need to connect educational dimension of these games with contemporary theories of adult leisure. What is the wider significance of computer games in the life of adults? Our findings are derived from the perspective of a computer game as one of the special activities in adult leisure, but also as a specific kind of a game. The result show that based on many characteristics it has, a computer game can also be motivational, and among other things can represent the real educational environment for an adult person. Therefore, as part of the modern culture, it deserves attention of andragogists, while scientific position is found in exceptionally attractive movement of the so called edutainment