38 research outputs found

    Viability of European ground squirrel Spermophilus citellus (L., 1766) populations in Serbia

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    Evropska tekunica (Spermophilus citellus, L. 1766) je endemična vrsta za područje Centralne i Jugoistočne Evrope. Recentni areal je karpatskim masivom podeljen na dva dela. Severni deo se karakteriše uniformnim stepskim staništima koja se javljaju na malim nadmorskim visinama, dok se južni deo areala nalazi na Balkanu, gde su prisutni različiti tipovi staništa sa različitim ekološkim uslovima i na različitim nadmorskim visinama. Najveći broj populacija na području Srbije nalazi se u njenom severnom delu, tj. Vojvodini, dok je svega nekoliko malih i izolovanih planinskih populacija prisutno u istočnom i jugoistočnom delu zemlje Tekunice naseljavaju isključivo stepska staništa, livade i pašnjake koji su obrasli niskom travom. Međutim, usled intenzivnog pretvaranja stepskih predela u poljoprivredno zemljište tokom proteklih nekoliko decenija, nestala su široka prostranstva na kojima je tekunica bila kontinuirano rasprostranjena. Danas vrsta opstaje samo na jako izolovanim stepsko-livadskim fragmentima koji su sačuvani unutar dominantnog poljoprivrednog matriksa. S obzirom da broj populacija konstantno opada na celom arealu i da je budući opstanak vrste doveden u opasnost, tekunica je od 2008. godine na IUCN Crvenoj listi ugroženih vrsta svrstana u kategoriji ranjiva (VU). Zakonski status tekunice u Evropi regulišu EU Direktiva o staništima (Aneks II i IV) i Konvencija o očuvanju evropske divlje flore i faune i prirodnih staništa, poznatija kao Bernska konvencija (Aneks II). Unutar mreže Natura 2000 do sada je u režim zaštite uključeno 414 staništa koja naseljava tekunica. Na nacionalnom nivou tekunica je zaštićena zakonom kao strogo zaštićena vrsta. U cilju analize genetičkog diverziteta i strukture populacija tekunice na teritoriji Srbije, u periodu 2007-2009. godine, prikupljeno je ukupno 180 uzoraka tkiva sa 11 lokaliteta (Krušedol, Neradin, Mala Remeta, Sremska Mitrovica, Banatska Palanka, Šušara, Mokrin, Lok i Tomislavci sa teritorije Vojvodine i po jedan lokalitet sa Vlasine i Stare planine). Procena gustine i brojnosti populacija tekunice vršena je u periodu 2004- 2014. godine na lokalitetima Krušedol i Neradin koji su smešteni na obodu fruškogorskog masiva, kao i lokalitetu Banatska Palanka koji se nalazi na obodu Deliblatske peščare...The European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus, L. 1766) is endemic species to the Central and Southeastern Europe. Its recent range is divided in two main parts by the Carpathian Mountains. The northern part of the range is characterized by uniform steppe habitats at low altitudes, while the southern part is situated on the Balkan Peninsula, where different types of habitats, with different environmental conditions and at different altitudes are present. The majority of Serbian populations is located in the northern part of the country, i.e. in Vojvodina, while only a few small and isolated mountain populations are present in the east and southeastern part of the country. The European ground squirrel inhabits steppes, meadows and pastures covered with short grass. These once widely distributed habitats, which were commonly inhabited by European ground squirrels, had disappeared due to their intensive transformation into agricultural land during the past few decades. Today, species survives only in very isolated steppe-meadow fragments which are preserved within the dominant agricultural matrix. Given that a number of populations is continually declining throughout the range and that the future survival of the species is put in danger, the European ground squirrel has been protected since 2008 under the IUCN Red List of threatened species as a vulnerable species (VU). Its status in Europe is governed by the EU Habitats and Species Directive (Annexes II and IV) and the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, known as the Bern Convention (Annex II). Also, 414 of its habitats are under protection regime within the Natura 2000 network. At the national level, European ground squirrel is protected by law as a strictly protected species. In order to analyze the genetic diversity and the structure of the European ground squirrel in Serbia, a total of 180 tissue samples from 11 localities (Krušedol, Neradin, Mala Remeta, Sremska Mitrovica, Banatska Palanka, Šušara, Mokrin, Lok and Tomislavci from area of Vojvodina, one locality from Vlasina and one from Stara Planina Mountain were collected during the 2007-2009. Density and abundance of the European ground squirrel populations were estimated during the period 2004-2014 on the localities Krušedol and Neradin, which are located on the periphery of Fruška Gora Mountain, as well as on the locality Banatska Palanka, which is located on the periphery of the Deliblato Sands..

    Trichinella spp. In wild mesocarnivores in an endemic setting

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    Human trichinellosis and Trichinella infection in pigs are both still endemic in the Balkans, including Serbia. Because of the flow between the sylvatic and the domestic cycle of Trichinella spp., monitoring wildlife has been recommended for the risk assessment of Trichinella spp. infection in swine. We have previously shown the presence of Trichinella infection in wild carnivores including the wolf and the golden jackal, and here we report on Trichinella infection in several other mesocarnivore species. From a total of 469 animals collected between 1994 and 2013, Trichinella larvae were detected in 29 (6.2%, 95% CI = 4.0-8.4) animals, including 14 red foxes (4.7%), 7 wild cats (35%), 5 beech martens (4.8%), 2 pine martens (16.7%), and 1 European badger (6.25%). No Trichinella larvae were detected in the examined specimens of European polecats, steppe polecats and European otters. Species identification of the Trichinella larvae performed for 18 positive samples revealed T. spiralis in 77.8% and T. britovi in 22.2% of the isolates. Both species were detected in red foxes and wild cats. The predominance of T. spiralis in wildlife in Serbia indicates the (past or present) spillover of this pathogen from domestic to wild animals

    First records of Dirofilaria repens in wild canids from the region of Central Balkan

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    Dirofilaria repens causes an emerging zoonotic disease in Europe, particularly in its southern part, the Mediterranean region. Many reports on human dirofilariosis have been published recently, but little is known about the wildlife hosts and reservoirs of this parasite in nature. This paper presents the first records of adult D. repens specimens from free-ranging carnivores in Central Balkan countries (Serbia and Macedonia). During the period 2009–2013, a total of 145 regularly shot canids were examined for the presence of D. repens adults. In order to investigate their role as hosts and potential wild reservoirs of this zoonosis, 71 wolves (Canis lupus), 48 foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and 26 jackals (Canis aureus) were examined. Under the skin of two wolves (one from Serbia and one from Macedonia) and of a red fox from Serbia D. repens adults were found. In all three cases only one parasite was present. Further research on wild canids is needed, particularly on species widening their range (such as jackals) and those living near human settlements (foxes and jackals), which facilitates the transmission of the parasites to dogs and humans

    An in vitro Morphological Investigation of the Endodontic Spaces of Third Molars

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    Aim of this paper was to investigate the particular anatomic features of the endodontic space of third molars in the general population of Croatia. A total of 106 fully developed third molars (56 maxillar and 50 mandibular) has been analyzed. The respective number of roots and of root canals, the structure of the roots, and the curvature and absolute length of the root-canals were analyzed. In most cases, upper third molars had three roots (83.9%), while most of the lower molars were single rooted (56.0%). Upper third molars had mostly three root canals (75.1%), lower third molars two (90.0%). In both jaws, most third molars had curved canals (60.7% in the upper and 84.0% in the lower jaw). 12.5% of upper third molars had lateral and accessory canals, whereas only 4.0% of the lower third molars were found to have them. The Student t-test showed statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in the length of the root-canals, mesiobuccal and distobuccal canals being significantly shorter than palatinal canals. The same test showed that in the lower third molars the mesial root canals were significantly longer that the distal ones, although slightly. The results obtained are in compliance with similar results by other authors; however, they tend to show some specific population-related features

    Pesticide residues in food – legislation

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    Prekomjerna i nepravilna uporaba pesticida može predstavljati ozbiljan rizik za zdravlje ljudi i životinja te izazvati onečišćenje okoliša. Europska unija zbog zaštite zdravlja svojih potrošača ima stroga pravila vezana uz ostatke pesticida kojih se moraju pridržavati sve zemlje članice. Područje sredstava za zaštitu bilja i ostataka pesticida u hrani je na razini Europske unije u najvećoj mjeri uređeno Uredbom (EZ) br. 1107/2009 i Uredbom (EZ) br. 396/2005. Kako se znanstvene spoznaje mijenjaju i nadograđuju tako se i za ove uredbe donose izmjene i dopune na razini Europske unije, kao i propisi za njihovo sprovođenje u svim zemljama članicama. Republika Hrvatska, kao stalna članica Europske unije, poštuje i dosljedno provodi sve propise Europske unije. U radu su navedeni najnoviji propisi vezani uz ostatke pesticida u hrani i važnost njihove kontrole za sigurnost hrane.Excessive and improper use of pesticides can pose a serious risk to human and animal health and cause environmental pollution. In order to protect the health of its consumers, the European Union has strict rules on pesticide residues, which must be complied with by all member states. The field of plant protection products and pesticide residues in food is at the level of the European Union, to the greatest extent, regulated by Regulation (EC) no. 1107/2009 and Regulation (EC) no. 396/2005. As scientific knowledge changes and upgrades, amendments to these regulations are adopted at the level of the European Union, as well as regulations for their implementation in all Member States. The Republic of Croatia, as a permanent member of the European Union, respects and consistently implements all regulations of the European Union. The paper presents the latest regulations related to pesticide residues in food and the importance of their control for food safety


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    Zbog sve veće osviještenosti potrošača o vlastitom zdravlju kontaminiranost hrane mikotoksinima postala je važna tema, kako za potrošače, tako i za subjekte u poslovanju s hranom te za akademsku i stručnu javnost. Osim štetnog učinka na zdravlje ljudi i životinja, mikotoksini mogu imati i značajan negativan ekonomski utjecaj. To su sekundarni metaboliti toksikogenih gljiva, najčešće roda Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus i Alternaria. Vrlo su stabilni spojevi koji dugo ostaju u sirovinama i životinjskim proizvodima i kao takvi velik su problem za prehrambenu industriju. Europska unija, u svrhu zaštite zdravlja potrošača i zdravlja životinja, ima jedan od najviših standarda za sigurnost hrane u svijetu. Radi sprječavanja stavljanja hrane kontaminirane mikotoksinima na tržište Europske unije važno je i nužno obavještavanje javnosti o opasnostima i rizicima povezanima s prisutnošću mikotoksina u hrani i hrani za životinje. Na razini EU-a organiziran je Sustav brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu i hranu za životinje (RASFF) kojim zemlje članice razmjenjuju informacije o rizicima povezanima s hranom i hranom za životinje, među ostalim i o kontaminaciji mikotoksinima. RASFF sustav omogućuje svim članicama EU-a da istovremeno poduzmu koordinirane mjere s ciljem zaštite zdravlja potrošača. Subjekti u poslovanju s hranom obvezni su provoditi interne kontrole prema procjeni opasnosti, kao i omogućiti nadležnim tijelima nesmetan nadzor i uzorkovanje hrane u svrhu službenih kontrola. Kvalitetna i zdravstveno ispravna sirovina najkraći je i ekonomski najisplativiji put za prehrambenu industriju da bi se zadovoljili svi relevantni zakonski propisi i tako očuvalo zdravlje potrošača. Kako bi se izbjegli mogući negativni učinci mikotoksina na zdravlje, nužno je uz organiziranu kontrolu hrane provoditi i preventivne mjere u proizvodnji i skladištenju proizvoda biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla.Due to the growing awareness of consumers for their health, the food contamination with mycotoxins has become an important topic for both consumers and subjects in the food business and academic and Professional public. Apart from the adverse effects to the health of people and animals, it can also have a significant negative economic effect. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of toxicogenic fungi, most often Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Alternaria. They are very stable compounds which remain in raw Materials and animal products and as such present a major issue for the food industry. In order to protect the health of consumers and animals, the European Union has one of the most stringent food safety standards system in the world. In order to prevent placing the food contaminated with mycotoxins on the market of the European Union, it is essential and necessary to keep the public informed on the dangers and risks connected to the presence of mycotoxins in food and feed. A rapid response system for food and feed (RASFF) has been set up at the European Union level, which is used by member states to Exchange information on mycotoxins, as well as any other information on food and feed related risks. The RASFF system enables all EU member states to take coordinated measures in order to protect the consumers’ health. Subjects in the food business are obligated to perform internal controls regarding the assessment of hazard as well as allow competent authorities to continuously monitor and sample food for the purpose of official control. Quality and healthy raw materials is the quickest and economically the most viable path for the food industry to fulfil all relevant legislation and thus safeguard the consumers’ health. In order to avoid possible negative effects of mycotoxins on health, it is essential to perform organized food control and take preventive measures in production and warehousing of plant and animal products

    Effect of different preparations for prolonged vase life of rose flower

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    Istraživanje trajanja rezanog cvijeta ruže u vazi provedeno je 2011. u laboratoriju Zavoda za bilinogojstvo na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Osijeku. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja korištene su ruže mirisne sorte Red Naomi nizozemskog proizvođača Schreurs uzgojene na OPG Maltar u Valpovu. Kao medij u pokusu korištena je obična voda iz slavine, Chrysal clear i gel Crystal soil. Srednja temperatura tijekom pokusa iznosila je 24,3ºC. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđena je značajna razlika u trajanju rezanog cvijeta u vazi (vase life) u ovisnosti o mediju čuvanja rezanog cvijeta. Rezani cvijet ruže čuvan u Chrysal clear prosječno je trajao 11 dana, dok je rezani cvijet ruže čuvane u vodi trajao prosječno osam dana. Najmanje se dana očuvao rezani cvijet u gelu koji je propao nakon pet dana. Intenzitet transpiracije i gubitak tekućine u posudama u ovisnosti su jedan o drugome, kao i o mediju u kojem su biljke bile čuvane. Najveći intenzitet transpiracije utvrđen je kod rezane ruže čuvane u mediju Chrysal, a najmanji u gelu. Nakon petog dana pokusa na nekoliko stabljika ruža u gelu uočena je siva pahuljasta prevlaka te je izolacijom patogena utvrđeno da se radi o uzročniku sive plijesni Botrytis cinerea. Istraživanje ukazuje da primjena preparata Chrysal, koji sadrži glukozu, biocide i acidifere, utječe na trajnost cvijeta ruže i produžava život cvijeta u vazi (vase life), isto tako gel nepovoljno utječe na čuvanje rezanog cvijeta ruže.The research of cut rose flower vase life was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. For the needs of this research there were used roses of fragrant cultivar Red Naomi of the Dutch producer Schreurs cultivated at the family farm Maltar in Valpovo, Croatia. As the medium in the experiment there was used regular tap water, Chrysal clear and Crystal soil gel. Mean temperature during the experiment was 24.35°C. Statistical data analysis determined a significant difference in cut flower vase life depending on the medium for keeping a cut flower. Cut rose flower kept in Chrysal clear was fresh for 11 days on average, whereas cut rose flower kept in water was fresh for 8 days on average. Cut rose flower kept in gel had the shortest vase life of 5 days. Transpiration intensity and loss of fluid in pots were interdependent and also depend on the medium for keeping flowers. The highest transpiration intensity was determined with cut rose flower kept in Chrysal medium, and the lowest in gel. After the 5th day of the experiment there was noticed a gray flaky coating on few rose stalks, so pathogen isolation determined that it was the causative agent of gray mold, Botrytis cinerea. The research indicates that the application of the preparation Chrysal, which contains glucose, biocides and acidifiers, affects the viability of rose flower and prolongs the vase life. Also, gel influences unfavorably the keeping of cut rose flower


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    Zbog sve veće osviještenosti potrošača o vlastitom zdravlju kontaminiranost hrane mikotoksinima postala je važna tema, kako za potrošače, tako i za subjekte u poslovanju s hranom te za akademsku i stručnu javnost. Osim štetnog učinka na zdravlje ljudi i životinja, mikotoksini mogu imati i značajan negativan ekonomski utjecaj. To su sekundarni metaboliti toksikogenih gljiva, najčešće roda Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus i Alternaria. Vrlo su stabilni spojevi koji dugo ostaju u sirovinama i životinjskim proizvodima i kao takvi velik su problem za prehrambenu industriju. Europska unija, u svrhu zaštite zdravlja potrošača i zdravlja životinja, ima jedan od najviših standarda za sigurnost hrane u svijetu. Radi sprječavanja stavljanja hrane kontaminirane mikotoksinima na tržište Europske unije važno je i nužno obavještavanje javnosti o opasnostima i rizicima povezanima s prisutnošću mikotoksina u hrani i hrani za životinje. Na razini EU-a organiziran je Sustav brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu i hranu za životinje (RASFF) kojim zemlje članice razmjenjuju informacije o rizicima povezanima s hranom i hranom za životinje, među ostalim i o kontaminaciji mikotoksinima. RASFF sustav omogućuje svim članicama EU-a da istovremeno poduzmu koordinirane mjere s ciljem zaštite zdravlja potrošača. Subjekti u poslovanju s hranom obvezni su provoditi interne kontrole prema procjeni opasnosti, kao i omogućiti nadležnim tijelima nesmetan nadzor i uzorkovanje hrane u svrhu službenih kontrola. Kvalitetna i zdravstveno ispravna sirovina najkraći je i ekonomski najisplativiji put za prehrambenu industriju da bi se zadovoljili svi relevantni zakonski propisi i tako očuvalo zdravlje potrošača. Kako bi se izbjegli mogući negativni učinci mikotoksina na zdravlje, nužno je uz organiziranu kontrolu hrane provoditi i preventivne mjere u proizvodnji i skladištenju proizvoda biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla.Due to the growing awareness of consumers for their health, the food contamination with mycotoxins has become an important topic for both consumers and subjects in the food business and academic and Professional public. Apart from the adverse effects to the health of people and animals, it can also have a significant negative economic effect. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of toxicogenic fungi, most often Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Alternaria. They are very stable compounds which remain in raw Materials and animal products and as such present a major issue for the food industry. In order to protect the health of consumers and animals, the European Union has one of the most stringent food safety standards system in the world. In order to prevent placing the food contaminated with mycotoxins on the market of the European Union, it is essential and necessary to keep the public informed on the dangers and risks connected to the presence of mycotoxins in food and feed. A rapid response system for food and feed (RASFF) has been set up at the European Union level, which is used by member states to Exchange information on mycotoxins, as well as any other information on food and feed related risks. The RASFF system enables all EU member states to take coordinated measures in order to protect the consumers’ health. Subjects in the food business are obligated to perform internal controls regarding the assessment of hazard as well as allow competent authorities to continuously monitor and sample food for the purpose of official control. Quality and healthy raw materials is the quickest and economically the most viable path for the food industry to fulfil all relevant legislation and thus safeguard the consumers’ health. In order to avoid possible negative effects of mycotoxins on health, it is essential to perform organized food control and take preventive measures in production and warehousing of plant and animal products

    Mitochondrial genetic diversity and structuring of northernwhite-breasted hedgehogs from the Central Balkans

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    Even though the phylogeography of hedgehogs has been well studied, information on the genetic variability of the northern white-breasted hedgehog Erinaceus roumanicus from the Balkans is lacking, since the previous studies were based on very limited sampling across the Balkans. The aim of this study is to estimate the genetic diversity and population structuring of E. roumanicus from the Central Balkans and to complement an already proposed phylogeographic scenario of this species. Tissue samples of 108 road-killed northern white-breasted hedgehogs were collected across the Central Balkan countries of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia. A partial fragment of the mtDNA control region (CR) was amplified and sequenced. Nine of 13 haplotypes detected in this study have not been previously published. The results indicate a moderate level of haplotype diversity of E. roumanicus from the Central Balkans and differentiation into four spatial groups, which are named after the approximate sampling localities as northwestern-central, northeastern, southwestern, and southeastern groups. The observed population structure in the Central Balkans remains less pronounced in further phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses of the dataset comprising E. roumanicus and E. concolor mtDNA CR sequences. The central position of Balkan haplotypes in a median-joining network indicated its role as a primary source population for postglacial northward expansion.Turkish Journal of Zoology (2017), 41(5): 774-78