6 research outputs found

    Thromboembolic complications after portal hypertension surgery

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    Department 2 of Surgery, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemiteanu" Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction. Surgical management of patients with portal hypertension (PHT) should take into account the associated thromboembolic risk. Purpose. Analysis of the incidence and management of thromboembolic complications. Material and methods. The retrospectively analyzed case study refers to 336 cirrhotic patients (Child A/B/C = 21/298/47) operated for PHT, severe hypersplenism: azygo-portal devascularization (340 cases), selective shunt operations (9 cases) and splenectomy with gastric disconnection (17 cases). Results In this group of patients we registered 22 patients with portal vein thrombosis (PVT): 14 cases located in the trunk, 5 extended in the oval and 3 upstream. The clinical presentation had 3 types: asymptomatic, slow onset, insidious and active onset associated with ascites (8), gastrointestinal bleeding (3) and pulmonary thromboembolism (1 case). We identified a significant positive correlation of PVT with the Child C score, splenomegaly > 20cm and portal flow < 15cm / s. Patients adhered to anticoagulant / antiplatelet therapy, with individual regimen and duration of administration. We recorded: PVT recanalization (19), portal cavernoma (4); retrombosis (5 cases). Conclusions. Our observations note a different clinical, evolutionary, and prognostic diversity of PVT that argues for the treatment and monitoring of operated patients

    Determinarea toxicităţii cronice a unui nou compus medicamentos combinat.

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    În cadrul studiului desfăşurat a fost determinată toxicitatea cronică pentru compusul medicamentos combinat ce conţine glicină, lecitină şi dihidroquercetină (CAF-01). Rezultatul investigaţiilor efectuate, conform recomandărilor internaţionale ICH M3(R2), care a inclus analiza parametrilor fi ziologici (masă, comportament), hematologici, biochimici şi morfologici, indică nivele reduse de toxicitate. Datele obţinute în urma cercetării pot servi ca premiză pentru continuarea experienţelor preclinice și inițierea studiilor clinice de stabilire a efi cacităţii și inofensivității produsului CAF-01

    Определение хронической токсичности нового комбинированного лекарственного средства

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    Centrul Ştiinţific al Medicamentului (CŞM), Laboratorul Biochimie, Laboratorul Inginerie tisulară şi culturi celulare al IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, SC ,,CSK Grup Plus” SRLRezumat În cadrul studiului desfăşurat a fost determinată toxicitatea cronică pentru compusul medicamentos combinat ce conţine glicină, lecitină şi dihidroquercetină (CAF-01). Rezultatul investigaţiilor efectuate, conform recomandărilor internaţionale ICH M3(R2), care a inclus analiza parametrilor fi ziologici (masă, comportament), hematologici, biochimici şi morfologici, indică nivele reduse de toxicitate. Datele obţinute în urma cercetării pot servi ca premiză pentru continuarea experienţelor preclinice și inițierea studiilor clinice de stabilire a efi cacităţii și inofensivității produsului CAF-01. Determination of chronic toxicity of new combined drug In the conducted study was determined to combine chronic toxicity of the drug compound which contains glycine, lecithin and dihidroquercetin (CAF-01). The results of investigations, according to international recommendations ICH M3 (R2), which included analysis of physiological (mass, behavior), hematological, biochemical and morphological parameters, indicate low levels of toxicity. Data from this research can serve as a premise for further preclinical experiments and initialization of clinical trials for establishing the effi cacy and safety of CAF-01. Определение хронической токсичности нового комбинированного лекарственного средства В проведенном исследовании, была определена хроническая токсичность комбинированного лекарственного средства содержащего глицин, лецитин и дигидрокверцетин (CAF-01). Результаты проведенных исследований, в соответствии с международными рекомендациями ICH M3 (R2), которые включают анализ физиологических (масса, поведение), гематологических, биохимических и морфологических параметров, указывают на низкий уровень токсичности. Данные этого исследования могут служить в качестве предпосылки для дальнейших доклинических экспериментов и инициации клинических исследований для определения эффективности и безопасности препаратa CAF-01

    Using brain cell-type-specific protein interactomes to interpret neurodevelopmental genetic signals in schizophrenia

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    Genetics have nominated many schizophrenia risk genes and identified convergent signals between schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders. However, functional interpretation of the nominated genes in the relevant brain cell types is often lacking. We executed interaction proteomics for six schizophrenia risk genes that have also been implicated in neurodevelopment in human induced cortical neurons. The resulting protein network is enriched for common variant risk of schizophrenia in Europeans and East Asians, is down-regulated in layer 5/6 cortical neurons of individuals affected by schizophrenia, and can complement fine-mapping and eQTL data to prioritize additional genes in GWAS loci. A sub-network centered on HCN1 is enriched for common variant risk and contains proteins (HCN4 and AKAP11) enriched for rare protein-truncating mutations in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Our findings showcase brain cell-type-specific interactomes as an organizing framework to facilitate interpretation of genetic and transcriptomic data in schizophrenia and its related disorders.</p

    Using brain cell-type-specific protein interactomes to interpret neurodevelopmental genetic signals in schizophrenia

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    Summary: Genetics have nominated many schizophrenia risk genes and identified convergent signals between schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders. However, functional interpretation of the nominated genes in the relevant brain cell types is often lacking. We executed interaction proteomics for six schizophrenia risk genes that have also been implicated in neurodevelopment in human induced cortical neurons. The resulting protein network is enriched for common variant risk of schizophrenia in Europeans and East Asians, is down-regulated in layer 5/6 cortical neurons of individuals affected by schizophrenia, and can complement fine-mapping and eQTL data to prioritize additional genes in GWAS loci. A sub-network centered on HCN1 is enriched for common variant risk and contains proteins (HCN4 and AKAP11) enriched for rare protein-truncating mutations in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Our findings showcase brain cell-type-specific interactomes as an organizing framework to facilitate interpretation of genetic and transcriptomic data in schizophrenia and its related disorders