451 research outputs found

    Investigation of Sports Educated University Student’s Empathy Level

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    Empathy is one of the cases which is necessary for people to live together. Because the first rule of establishing good relations with the close environment, it requires to understand what they're feeling in their good or bad moments and it needs to act accordingly.The aim of this study is to investigate the empathy level of university students in terms of different variables and to understand if there are significant differences between them.The scope of this research, test group is 150 university students from Fırat University Faculty of Sports Sciences in different departments in 2015-2016 academic years.To determining empathic tendency level of Faculty of Sports Sciences students, a survey was applied which is consisting two parts. In the first part of the survey, there are five questions to the demographics of the Faculty of Sport Sciences students participating in the research. In the second part of the survey “Empathic Education Scale” “EES” by (Dökmen) 1988 was used. Obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 17.0 package program, significant level was accepted as 0.05.As a result; It was determined that the empathic tendencies of university students receiving sports education are high. However, the empathic tendencies of the research group also resulted in the absence of any effects of gender, age, department, parental education levels

    Corrigendum to “Exploring Preschool Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The Effect of Professional Experience” [Journal of Science Learning 4(2) (2021) 160-172]

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    The authors regret that The co-author Semanur Nacar is not included in the author list. Please add the name as co-author of this paper since this manuscript contained data collected with my graduate student (Semanur Nacar). In the original manuscript, the author name is Ali Yigit Kutluca. In the corrected version, the authors contain Ali Yigit Kutluca, Semanur Nacar. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. This manuscript was produced from the second author's master's thesis "Examination of pedagogical content knowledge towards science teaching of preschool teachers continuing master's education"

    From 1994 to 2011: Are San Francisco Commissions More Representative?

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     COVID-19 pandemic posed various challenges and issues in the education system in the country. The pandemic forced the schools to temporarily close to contain the spread of the virus. Thus, the School Year 2020-2021 became the “new normal” of education where traditional in-person learning shifted into distance learning which threatened not only the parents and learners but most especially the Department of Education. The pandemic created challenges to the Department of Education on what they can do to ensure that though the delivery of learning changes, the quality of the education remains the same. The study is qualitative research with a phenomenology research design. It was conducted to explain the lived experiences of Teachers in Implementing Modular Distance Learning. Specifically, this aims in discussing the experiences and challenges encountered by the teachers in implementing the MDL as part of the “New Normal”. Purposive sampling was used in selecting 5 teachers that participated in the study. The researcher used online interviews through Google forms and Messenger calls to seek in-depth information that revealed the lived experiences of the teachers in implementing modular distance learning modality. Colaizzi’s 1978 method of data analysis was utilized to analyze and interpret the results of this study. Findings from the study showed themes based on the experience of teachers in implementing MDL. Through the result of this study, SDO- Alaminos City may utilize the results in designing various Professional Development Programs/training that would enhance the capability of teachers and provide a support system to teachers during modular distance learningA pandemia COVID-19 trouxe vários desafios e questões ao sistema educacional do país. A pandemia obrigou as escolas a fecharem temporariamente para conter a propagação do vírus. Assim, o Ano Escolar 2020-2021 tornou-se o “novo normal” da educação, onde a aprendizagem presencial tradicional mudou para o ensino à distância, o que ameaçou não apenas os pais e alunos, mas principalmente o Departamento de Educação. A pandemia criou desafios para o Departamento de Educação sobre o que eles podem fazer para garantir que, embora a oferta de aprendizagem mude, a qualidade da educação permaneça a mesma. O estudo é uma pesquisa qualitativa com um desenho de pesquisa fenomenológica. Foi conduzido para explicar as experiências vividas por Professores na Implementação do Ensino à Distância Modular. Especificamente, pretende-se discutir as experiências e desafios encontrados pelos professores na implementação do MDL como parte do “Novo Normal”. A amostragem intencional foi usada na seleção de 5 professores que participaram do estudo. A pesquisadora utilizou entrevistas online por meio de Google forms e Messenger calls para buscar informações aprofundadas que revelassem as experiências vividas pelos professores na implantação da modalidade modular de ensino a distância. O método de análise de dados de Colaizzi de 1978 foi utilizado para analisar e interpretar os resultados deste estudo. Os resultados do estudo mostraram temas baseados na experiência dos professores na implementação do MDL. Por meio do resultado deste estudo, SDO-Alaminos City pode utilizar os resultados na concepção de vários Programas / treinamento de desenvolvimento profissional que aumentariam a capacidade dos professores e forneceriam um sistema de apoio aos professores durante o ensino à distância modula

    Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde çalışan hemşirelerin algıladıkları iş yükünün aile merkezli bakıma ilişkin tutumlarına etkisi

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    Bu araştırma, yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde çalışan hemşirelerin algıladıkları iş yükünün aile merkezli bakıma ilişkin tutumlarına etkisini belirlemek amacı ile tanımlayıcı olarak planlandı. Araştırma verileri gerekli izinler alındıktan sonra araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Hemşire Bilgi Formu, Ebeveyn Katılımı Tutum Ölçeği (EKTÖ), Bireysel İş Yükü Algı Ölçeği (BİYAÖ) ile Kasım- Aralık 2018 tarihleri arasında toplandı. Araştırma Kahramanmaraş il merkezinde bulunan Sağlık Bakanlığı’na bağlı çocuk hastanesindeki yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde çalışan 55 hemşire ile gerçekleştirildi. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS 22 programı kullanıldı. Çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerin tamamına yakınını kadınlar oluştururken, %47.3’ü 30-39 yaş ve 40 yaş ve üzeri gruplarında yoğunlaştı. Mesleki çalışma sürelerini %32.7 oranında 21 yıl ve üzeri, ünitenin iş yükünü %76.4’ü fazla ya da çok fazla olarak ifade etmiştir. YYBÜ’de çalışan hemşirelerin BİYAÖ puan ortalaması 102.30±13.93 ve EKTÖ puan ortalaması 74.70±4.10 olarak saptandı. Her iki ölçekten alınan toplam puan ortalamaları karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki bulunmadı (p>0.05). Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesi hemşirelerinin bireysel iş yükü algı ölçeği alt boyutlardan alınan puan ortalamasına göre hemşirelerin iş yükü algıları en olumludan daha az olumluya doğru sırası ile; “meslektaş desteği” “yönetici desteği” “birim desteği” “çalışma ortamı” şeklindedir. Ölçeğin belirtilen bu dört alt boyut puan ortalamasının sonucuna göre hemşirelerin iş yükü algıları ortalamanın üzerinde olduğu saptanmıştır


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    By determining the current situation of Sports facilities located in the units providing sports education in secondary education institutions in terms of quality and quantity, the aim is to be investigated the use of physical education and sports training facilities of sports facilities in terms of physical education teachers by using their fields of study and competence and capacity levels in line with the curriculum. Research; A total of 169 schools including 62 primary schools, 59 secondary schools and 48 high schools in the province of Elazığ, and for this research 353 physical education teachers working in these schools have been participated. In the data obtained, SPSS 17.0 package program is used and the percentage, frequency test are applied and the results are presented with tables. As a result, It has been determined that the existing sports facilities in the primary and secondary schools in Elazığ city center are insufficient in terms of quality and quantity

    Analysis of the Levels of Organizational Culture of Academicians in Terms of Some Variables

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    The main purpose of this research is to examine the level of organizational culture of academicians in terms of some variables. The research universe is formed by academicians at Fırat University in the 2018-2019 academic year. The sample of the study is 96 randomly selected academicians from Fırat University Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Faculty of Sports Sciences in the 2018-2019 academic year. The Personal Information Form was used in order to determine the demographic information of the subjects participating in the study, in addition, "Organizational Culture Scale" was used that prepared by Ogbonna and Harris (2000) and translated into Turkish by Karadeniz (2010) and developed in the master's study. The data of the research were determined to be parametric. Therefore, t test and variance analysis (Anova) test was used. Tukey test and LSD test results were used to determine which groups the difference was among the results with significant differences. The error level in the study was taken as p<0.05. As a result of the research, academicians' organizational culture scale is based on the findings; it was found that there was no statistically significant difference in all sub-dimensions of the title and gender variable. There was a statistically significant difference in faculty, age group and academic study year variables

    Sex hormone binding globulin gene polymorphisms and metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal Turkish women

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    Background: Insulin resistance is associated with obesity, glucose intolerance or diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular disease. Constellation of these risk factors iscalled metabolic syndrome (MetS). MetS is common among postmenopausal women. Low sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels associate with an increased risk of MetS in postmenopausal women. Variations in SHBG gene associate with low levels of circulating SHBG levels. We aim to study the association between SHBG gene polymorphisms — rs1799941 (A/G) and rs6257 (T/C) — with MetS among postmenopausal women.Methods: The study population consisted of 182 postmenopausal women with MetS and119 control subjects. We analyzed the allele frequencies of SHBG gene polymorphisms in relationto the risk components of MetS.Results: MetS patients displayed significantly lower SHBG levels compared to the lean controlsubjects (p = 0.036). rs1799941 A allele was associated with high SHBG levels (p = 0.031), low blood pressure, body mass index and waist circumference. The number of ‘high risk’ alleles (G allele of the rs1799941 and T allele of rs6257) correlated positively with waist circumference (r = 0.203, p = 0.006) and negatively with SHBG levels (r = –0.291, p = 0.024).Conclusions: SHBG gene polymorphisms associate with SHBG levels and MetS risk components among postmenopausal women. Hence, A allele (rs1799941) may have a protectiveeffect for MetS through its association with high SHBG levels among postmenopausal women

    Stepwise Design and Evaluation of a Values-Oriented Ambient Intelligence Healthcare Monitoring Platform

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    Contains fulltext : 251562.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)OBJECTIVES: The majority of all developed digital health technologies do not reach successful implementation. A discrepancy among technology design, the context of use, and user needs and values is identified as the main reason for this failure. Value-sensitive design (VSD) is a design method enabling to align design with user values by embedding values in technology, yet the method is lacking clear heuristics for practical application. To improve the successful design and implementation of digital health, we propose and evaluate a stepwise approach to VSD. METHODS: The approach consists of the phases: experiment, demonstrate, and validate. Experiment takes place in an office to create makeshift solutions. Demonstrate takes place in a mock-up environment and aims to optimize design requirements through user feedback. The validate phase takes place in an authentic care situation and studies how the novel technology affects current workflows. RESULTS: We applied the stepwise VSD approach to the design of a hospital-based ambient intelligence solution for remotely and continuously monitoring quality and safety of patient care. We particularly focused on embodiment of the values of safety, privacy, and inclusiveness in the design. Design activities of the experiment and demonstrate phase are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: A stepwise approach to VSD enables a design to optimally meet the values of all users involved, while aligning the design process with the practical limitations of healthcare institutions. We discuss some benefits and challenges related to VSD and the potential for transfer of this approach to other digital health solutions

    Investigation of Prospective Kickboxing Coaches’ Self-Esteem in Decision Making and Decision Making Styles

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    Decision refers to the act of choosing the most appropriate type of action possible according to present possibilities and conditions in order to achieve an aim. Decision making covers all cognitive and behavioral effort for choosing and preferring in the face of various situations and events. Starting from this point of view, in our study, it was aimed to investigate prospective kickboxing students’ self-esteem in decision making and decision making styles.The study included 62 voluntary prospective coaches, who participated in a kickboxing coaching in the city center of Elazığ in 2017. In order to obtain personal information from the participant prospective coaches in the study, a personal information form (age, gender, years of doing sports) was formed. In order to investigate the self-esteem in decision making and decision making styles of prospective kickboxing coaches, the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire, which was originally developed by Mann et al., (1998) and adapted into Turkish by Deniz (2004), was utilized. The obtained data were evaluated by using SPSS statistics package software and the level of significance was regarded as p<0.05.As a result of the study, according to participants’ variables of age, gender and years of doing sports, the comparison of prospective teachers’ decision making and decision making style mean scores did not constitute a statistically significant difference. The self-esteem levels of coaches in decision making were observed to be significantly high